Chapter 1: Discovery Part 1

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This story contains songs from different movies/TV shows and I hope you guys enjoy this story that you are about to read. Now get ready and prepare yourself for The Golden Guardian!

It was early morning and the sun was rising in the distance, meaning a new day in Chima has begun. And it was a special day as well, because it was the day that the Lion Tribe, even Lagravis, King of the Lion Tribe, celebrates the coronation of his two sons, Laval and Timothy.

Coming from the Eagle Spire was a Daddy Eagle with his daughter who were heading for the Lion City.

"C'mon daughter, we don't want to be late for the coronation." the Daddy eagle said to his daughter. "Daddy, Why must we go to this cora... oh, whatever it's called?" The Young eagle said in annoyance. The Father looked at his daughter with a smile and kneeled so they were at eye level. "My dear, sweet Eris, this is the day that two sons of a King, shall become princes, and who knows, maybe you might become friends with them." the Father said to his daughter with a smile. Young Eris smiled back at her father while they continue heading for the Lion City.

While the Daddy Eagle and young Eris were walking, an upbeat tone started and the Father eagle started singing.

(The song I chose is called "The Circle of Life" from The Lion King)

The Daddy Eagle: From the day we arrive on the planet,

And blinking, step into the sun,

There's more to be seen than can ever be seen,

More to do than can ever be done.

There's far too much to take in here,

More to find then can ever be found,

But the sun rolling high through the sapphire sky,

Keeps great and small on the endless round

In the circle of life,

It's the wheel of fortune,

It's the leap of faith,

It's the band of hope,

'Till we find our place,

On the path unwinding, (yeah)

In the circle, the circle of life.

As young Lagravis was on the balcony, along with his wife, who was holding their two sons, a young man, who was human, came from behind and bowed to the King and Queen. After he bowed, he looked at the two babies with a smile on his face, than the young man took out some red paint, dipped his thumb into it and smeared the paint on the baby Lion's forehead. The young man then looked at the other baby, who was a human as well, and smiled at him. The young man used his magic on the baby human and a symbol appeared glowing where the baby's heart was then disappeared.

Lagravis turned to look at the young man and gave a nod. The young man smiled at Lagravis then turned to the Queen and picked up the two babies. Lagravis and his mate looked at each other and smiled for their sons. The young man stood on the balcony, looking at everyone that showed up, including the Daddy eagle and young Eris. After he looked at everyone, the young man lifted the two babies into the sky for everyone to see. Everyone cheered for the two sons and bowed their heads in respect. The sky opened up and the sun's rays were shining down on the two babies.

The Daddy Eagle: It's the circle of life,

It's the wheel of fortune, (yeah)

It's the leap of faith,

It's the band of hope,

'Till we find our place,

On the path unwinding, (yeah)

In the circle, the circle of life"  

The upbeat came to a sudden stop with a loud bang and the Father Eagle stopped singing.

12 Years Later

An Ice Hunter attack was spotted near the Forever Rock and an army of Lions, Eagles, Crocodiles, and Rhinos were lead by Laval, the Lion and the Prince, Timothy, the Human and Laval's "brother," Eris, the Eagle, Cragger, the Crocodile, and Rogon, the Rhino. The battle was on between the two teams.

The five friends fought together side by side against the Hunters. Laval looked at Timothy fighting off some Ice Mammoths, "Just like old times. Right brother?" Laval suggested as he asked his brother while he fought off some Ice Sabretooth Tigers. "Took the words right out of my mouth, brother." Timothy said with a chuckle while still fighting the Ice Mammoths. Eris let out a grunt, "Uh guys, can we talk about flashbacks, after the battle?" Eris said as she fought off some Ice Vultures.

"Right." Laval said as he spotted a boulder to his left than looked at his four friends, "Guys, regroup behind that boulder." Laval called as he got behind the boulder, along with his four friends. "Alright, you guys know what to do?" Laval asked with a wink and a smile toward his four friends. Cragger and Eris smiled back at Laval, knowing what he meant. Timothy, on the other hand, had a worried look on his face while Rogon looked confused. "Uh, What do we do?" Rogon said confused looking at his friends. Cragger let out a groan of annoyance, "We activate our Fire Chi!" Cragger said to his rhino friend with an angry look. "Oh, so that's what that look meant!" Rogon said surprised, which made Cragger put his right claw in his face and shook his head.

"But Laval, you know Fire Chi and regular Chi doesn't work for me, I've already tried it like a thousand times already but it just doesn't work for me." Timothy said with a worried look on his face. Laval looked concerned and turned to his brother, "I know, but it's the only way. Can you at least try, for us, for me, and for Chima?" Laval begged trying to get his brother to try. Timothy's worried look transformed into a positive look and gave his brother a smile, "Okay, I'll try." Timothy said as he and his four friends took out their Fire Chi and turned to face the Ice Hunters in front of them. "FOR CHIMA!" Laval shouted holding the Fire Chi in the air, along with his four friends than placed their Fire Chi into their harness, letting out their fire power and attacking the Hunters .

As for Timothy, he waited a few more seconds, "Focus, harness the fire within you Tim, you got this." Timothy muttered to himself trying to focus on the Fire Chi in his hands, "Do it for my father, my friends, my brother, AND FOR ALL OF CHIMA!" Timothy said then shouted as he placed his Fire Chi into his harness. Once he did, he felt the fire power inside him, but it didn't just work, but it also unleashed a shockwave, which knocked down the Ice Hunters, his allies, and his four friends. The Hunters got up to their feet and were terrified after what they saw and they turned tail and ran away, while the Lion, Eagle, Crocodile, and Rhino army got up to their feet and chased after them.

As for the four friends, they got up to their feet and turned to see if Timothy is alright, but they had a shock expression on their faces after what they were seeing. "Why is it still going off?" Cragger shouted in shock, worried about his friend. "I don't know, but he needs to get that Fire Chi out of his harness." Eris said as she tried to fly near Timothy, "Eris, get.... out of... the way." Timothy shouted to his eagle friend as another shockwave came out of him, knocking Eris out of the sky and crash landing on the boulder and landing on the ground. After Eris crashed, Rogon ran to her making sure she was alright.

"I.... can't..... control it!" Timothy shouted, warning his friends to stay back. Laval walked toward is brother carefully without getting knocked down. "Take the Fire Chi out of your Harness, it's the only way!" Laval shouted to his brother, telling him what to do. Timothy shouted in pain, but understood what Laval wanted him to do, "Alright, but..... take... cover first!" Timothy shouted back at his brother. Laval nodded and took his three friends and took cover behind the same boulder Eris crashed on.

Timothy did what his brother told him to do, he placed his right hand on the Fire Chi, which was still in his Harness, and yanked it out of his chest. The Fire Chi became unstable and exploded while knocking Timothy back against the Forever Rock. The ground, underneath Timothy, became unstable due to the explosion and caused a hole, which Timothy fell into and hit the ground. "Ouch." Timothy grunted while getting up. While Timothy looked around the room he fell into for a few seconds, he noticed something strange sitting on a pedestal, "What... the... heck!" Timothy said after what he was seeing. "No, I must be having a vision, like the visions Eris has been seeing." Timothy said to himself rubbing his eyes and shaking his head to make sure this isn't a vision.

"TIMOTHY, WHERE ARE YOU?" Laval shouted calling his brother. At the same time, Timothy popped his head out of the whole and saw his friends alright, well except Eris. "Brother, guys!" Timothy said while getting out of the hole and running to hug is brother and Crocodile friend, "I'm so glad you're alright, I thought I lost you." Laval said hugging his brother a few more seconds. "I'm alright Laval, sunburned, but fine." Timothy said with a chuckle and a smile, but Tim's smile dropped to a sad look as he looked at his Eagle friend with her left arm and right wing broken. Timothy kneeled down so he and Eris were at eye level, "Eris, I'm so sorry, I... I tried to control it, but..... but I couldn't and..... it's all my fault." Timothy said as a tear dropped from his eye, thinking it was his fault that his eagle friend got hurt.

Eris put her right claw on Timothy's left shoulder, "You didn't know what was going to happen, you can't blame yourself." Eris said with a smile as leaned on Rogon's shoulder. "Eris is right Timothy, and besides, I urged you to try the Fire Chi, so it's my fault." Laval said to his brother with a sad look appeared on his face as well. Timothy turned to look at his brother and smiled, "Why don't we share the blame, 50/50, Deal?" Timothy said offering his hand to Laval, who looked at his brother's hand then back at him with a smile. "Deal." Laval said as he shacked his brother's hand. 

"Now, let's get Eris back to the Eagle Spire so she can get well." Laval said to his friends and brother. "Agreed, because those Hunters are still out their and we need to stop them," Timothy said standing next to his brother, "So let's get to it." Timothy added as he and his friends got Eris back up on her talons and walked her back to the Eagle Spire. "Timothy." a whisper said into Timothy's ear in a sing-song voice. Timothy instantly turned around only to find nothing. Timothy looked at the hole near the Forever Rock and was thinking about looking at that strange object in that hole again.

"TIMOTHY!" Laval called his brother, who snapped out of it as he heard his brother call his name. "Yeah?" Timothy said looking behind him. "Are you coming or what?" Laval said looking at his brother confused. Timothy looked back at the hole then back at his brother. "Yeah, I'm coming." Timothy said as he ran towards his brother. As for the hole near the Forever Rock, the strange object that Timothy found turned out to be a Golden Sword sitting on a pedestal, "Timothy." the sword whispered in the same voice from earlier.

Next time on the Golden Guardian: After finding that Golden Sword, Timothy is hearing whispers calling out his name. A few months had passed and peace is all throughout Chima, or is it. Will Timothy find out the truth? Why is the Golden Sword whispering Timothy's name? Find out on the next installment of the Golden Guardian.

Thank you all for reading my very first story on Wattpad, I promise to continue this story as long as you enjoy it, see you then. For Chima.

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