Chapter 11: the Duel

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Nothing to report in this chapter, except a cliffhanger, so look out for that. Also, enjoy this chapter.


Heroes: Timothy, Lucy, Laval, Darel, Stinger, Queen Fahlga, Eris, Cragger, Gorzan, Rogon, Bladvic, Worriz, Razar, Lavertus

Villains: Marmoo

What happened last time: Marmoo challenged Timothy to a duel, to the death. If Marmoo wins, he gets to conquer Chima and any other lands he wishes. But, if Timothy wins, Marmoos'  army retreats into the desert, never to be seen again. Who will win this duel?

A few hours went by and Timothy and his group met Marmoo and his group at a valley. Timothy and his group was on one side of the valley and Marmoo and his group was on the other. Timothy and Marmoo walked down the valley and towards each other until they were face to face. Timothy pulled out his sword while Marmoo raised his tail-blade. While on the edge, Laval, Cragger, and Eris have hope that Timothy will win, and Darel and Stinger know that Timothy will win, but Lucy was worried to death about Timothy.

In the valley, Timothy and Marmoo stood in battle stances, both of them glaring at each other while moving slowly to the right in a circle. "What makes you think you can kill me?" Marmoo teased with an evil grin. "I maybe small, but I'm faster." Timothy said with a grin as he ran and slid between Marmoo's legs then got up and strikes his back with his sword. Marmoo turns around to try to lay a hit on him with his tail, but Timothy jumps and does a backflip then lands on the ground on his feet. "You are brave, but the brave are often the first to DIE!" Marmoo said then shouted as the runes on his armor glowed a bright red then he charged at him. Timothy dodged Marmoo's charge, but Marmoo stopped and grabbed Timothy then threw him into a rock.

On the valley's edge, Lucy was about to jump in to help Timothy, but Laval and Eris stopped her. "Let me go, he needs help." Lucy said trying to get into the valley. "This is Timothy's fight, his challenge, not ours, we have to hope he will make it out alive." Laval said trying to stay calm. Lucy looked down at the valley and saw Timothy getting up after being thrown. Lucy knew Laval was right so she stood down and continued watching the fight.

Back in the Valley, Timothy got up while groaning in pain, then glared at Marmoo while holding his sword. Marmoo started charging at Timothy again, but as Marmoo was about to hit him, Timothy jumped over Marmoo then turned around and saw that Marmoo turned around as well, about to stab him with his tail-blade. Timothy blocked his tail-blade with his sword and they were clashing their weapons against each other. Timothy remembered what happened the last time he clashed his sword with another weapon, the other weapon shattered to pieces. So Timothy pushed his sword against Marmoo's tail-blade with all his strength, then Marmoo's tail-blade shattered to pieces. "AHHHHHH!" Marmoo shouted in pain then fell on the ground.

Back on the valley's edge, Lucy, Laval, Eris, Darel, and all the other friends cheered for Timothy's move. "How did he do that?" Darel said while confused. Laval and Lucy looked at each other then looked at Darel, "Timothy did the same thing with my weapon when you guys snuck into Queen Fahlga's castle." Lucy stated. "And, it's a long story, but we'll tell you later." Laval added. Darel was still confused, but just shrugged it off and ignored it.

Back in the valley, Timothy pointed his sword at Marmoo's throat, "Give up, Marmoo?" Timothy asked while panting. Marmoo closed his eyes while took his left claw then grabbed some sand then opened his eyes to glare at Timothy, "NEVER!" Marmoo shouted as he splashed the sand into Timothy's eyes. Timothy stepped back and grunted while rubbing his eyes, until he can see again. When he can see again, Marmoo smacked him with his tail and Timothy was knocked to the ground.

Back on the valley's edge, Cragger was steamed after what he just saw, "Hey, he fought dirty." Cragger said with an angry tone. Laval walked up to Cragger with a smile, "Didn't you use to do that to me whenever we fight each other?" Laval asked remembering him and Cragger as kids. Cragger looked back at Laval and smiled back, "Yeah, I guess I did." Cragger said with a giggle. Eris stepped up to Laval and Cragger, "Sometimes, many fighters fight dirty, even if it's not in the rules." Eris stated while looking at Laval and Cragger. Laval and Cragger understood what Eris said then they bothe nodded at her, then they looked back in the valley as the duel continues. 

Back in the valley, Marmoo used his poison-scroll powers to regenerate his tail-blade and walked right up to Timothy, and saw him standing ready to fight again. Marmoo let out a groan and glared at Timothy, "Why do you keep on fighting? Why not give up already?" Marmoo questioned while walking forward to Timothy. Timothy glared back at Marmoo, "I stand and fight for my home, friends, and family." Timothy said while moving to the right. Marmoo moved to right as well with an evil grin, "Aww, that's adorable. Fighting for Chima and Nova Australis. Fighting for Darel, Stinger, your lion friend, and... your girl friend." Marmoo said with an evil chuckle. As soon as Marmoo said that, Timothy came to a sudden stop and looked up at the edge and looked at her and he saw her looking back at him. Marmoo continued grinning evilly while walking towards Timothy, "Oh, I see what it is." Marmoo said which caused Timothy to look back at him, "You love her, don't you?" Marmoo questioned. After Marmoo asked that, Timothy was slowly filling up with rage and glared at Marmoo. 

Back on the valley's edge, everyone was looking at Lucy with worried looks then back down in the valley. Lucy saw Timothy was getting angrier by the minute, "He's trying to fuel him up." Lucy said realizing what Marmoo is doing. Laval looked at her with confusion, "With anger?" Laval asked while looking at Lucy. Lucy looked back at Laval with a worried look on her face, "Yes! Marmoo is trying to get Timothy angry. If he get's too angry, that will be an opportunity for Marmoo to finish him off." Lucy revealed. Laval looked down and saw Timothy getting more angry, "Even if it's true, we can't do anything about it. We have to hope that Timothy can control it." Laval trying to calm her down. Lucy stood down as she watched continued watching the fight.

Back in the valley, Timothy was getting angry and kept on glaring at Marmoo, "LEAVE HER AND MY FRIENDS OUT OF THIS!" Timothy shouted in an angry tone while still glaring at Marmoo. Marmoo stopped walking and kept on grinning evilly, "After I finish you, I'll kill your friends, even your girl friend, and it will fill me with joy when I feed your friends to my pets." Marmoo said while laughing maniacally. Timothy was just about to lose it, but the Energy Sword glowed and it started whispering again, "Control your anger." the Sword whispered. Timothy listened and took a deep breath in and out then looked at Marmoo.

Marmoo realized that Timothy knew what he was doing so Marmoo jumped high in the sky and landed in front of Timothy, which knocked him down, then pinned him with his left foot and was about to stab him with his tail-blade. Timothy blocked his tail-blade with his sword using two hands, one hand on the handle while the other was on the blade part of the sword. Timothy couldn't hold it for much longer, because Marmoo was much stronger then him and the tail-blade was getting nearer to Timothy's heart. Timothy kept on pushing using all his strength, until the Energy Sword glowed again and whispering again, "Timothy, your father and I will always be with you." the voice whispered.

Timothy widened his eyes, not just because he figured out who's been whispering to him the whole time, but he knows what he must do. So Timothy looked at the valley's edge to take one last look at his friends and Lucy, "I'm sorry." Timothy whispered as a tear dropped from his eye. After Timothy said that, he removed his sword from Marmoo's tail-blade and it stabbed Timothy in the heart. "AHHHH!" Timothy shouted in pain. "NOOOOOO!" Lucy shouted as tears began to stream down her face. Marmoo began laughing evilly, but then he felt a stab going through his heart. Marmoo looked and saw that Timothy shoved his sword through his armor and into his heart.

Marmoo's runes on his armor started glowing a bright red, except they started glowing even more then before and Marmoo looked at Timothy, who was standing up, "Who are you?" Marmoo said with a gasp. Timothy looked at Marmoo with a grin, "I am the Golden Guardian!" Timothy answered. After Timothy said that, Marmoo screamed at the top of his lungs in pain, then his poison-scroll powers became unstable and it caused him to explode into pieces. All that was left of Marmoo was his tail-blade, which was still sticking into Timothy's chest. Timothy stood up looking at Marmoo's army, who were running away with their lives, then he turned to look at his friends, who had tears streaming down their eyes. As he looked at them for the last time, he fell on the ground unconscious. Even though his vision was blurry, he saw Lucy and Laval looking down at him, then Timothy blacked out.

Next time on the Golden Guardian: Timothy defeated Marmoo, but got stabbed through the heart in the process. Timothy knew the consequences, because of the Energy Sword. Is Timothy going to survive? Will Lucy ever see Timothy again? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian.

So tell me, what are your thoughts about this chapter. Do you have questions? Ask them in the comments down below and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Also I hope you're enjoying this story.

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