Chapter 4: Family Reunion

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I'm sorry for leaving chapter 3 with a cliffhanger like that, but I had to do it for the drama, plus I thought you would like it. Now sit back and enjoy chapter 4.

Laval was shocked when this stranger knew his name. Timothy, on the other hand, knew who he was instantly, "Is that really you?" Timothy asked Laval, who was still shocked on who he is. "Who are you?" Laval asked, not knowing it was his brother. "It's me, your brother, Timothy!" Timothy announced himself to Laval. "TIMOTHY?" Laval gasped, not believing on what he just heard. Timothy gave a nod to his brother, meaning it was really him. They both yelled in excitement, and looked at each other while rambling to one another on how they got here. Darel was somewhat confused, "Excuse me, but what's going on here?" Darel said the two brothers, stopping them from their rambling. "Oh, sorry." Timothy said as he cleared his throat, "Darel, this is Prince Laval, he's my brother." Timothy announced his brother while looking at him with a smile. "Brother?" Darel asked, seeing a huge difference between the two. "It's a long story." Laval said smiling back at Timothy. "And Laval, this is Darel, Leader of this place called, "Nova Australis." Timothy announced his Frog friend to his brother. Both Laval and Darel shook hands and greeted each other.

"So, your a prince?" Darel asked Laval with a smile. "Not anymore!" Laval said with a sad look. Timothy was confused on what his brother just said, "What do you mean, 'not anymore?'" Timothy asked with a curious look, "Are you in Exile again?" Timothy asked with a giggle. "Timothy, this is serious, and I need you and Darel to listen." Laval said in a serious tone. Timothy saw the serious look on his brother's face and nodded. Laval gave a long sigh and explained everything, "I'm not in Exile, I'm not a prince anymore, because I'm the new King of Chima!" Laval said with a groan. Timothy gasped on what his brother just said, "What about Lagravis? What happened to him?" Timothy asked concerned about his father. Laval looked at Timothy with a sad look, "Timothy... our father... is.... dead!" Laval said as a tear dropped from his eye. Timothy could not believe on what his brother just said, "DEAD!... How?... When?" Timothy said and asked his brother on how and when Lagravis died. "A few weeks ago, our father was murdered by an assassin, and captured all of our friends, Timothy." Laval said trying to hold back tears. Timothy just bursted into tears as he heard what Laval was saying.

"What did the assassin look like?" Darel asked Laval. "It had a mask on, so it was hard to tell if it was a guy or a girl, but it had dark green armor on, along with a cape, the outside of the cape was black, but the inside of the cape, was dark green, but the mask, armor, and cape had a strange pattern, almost in a web like pattern." Laval explained, trying to remember what the assassin looked like. Timothy and Darel looked at each other when Laval said, "Web like pattern." "This, 'web like pattern,' was it more like a Spider's web, or a different kind of web?" Darel asked Laval with a serious tone. Laval thought about it and answered, "It was more like a Spider's web." Laval answered Darel. Timothy and Darel looked at each other again, but with worried expressions on their faces. "What does that mean?" Laval asked as he saw the worried expressions on their faces. "It means, the assassin is working with Queen Fahlga." Darel said with a groan. "Who's she." Laval asked with a curious look. "Someone you don't want to work with." Timothy answered as he face-palmed. "She is the new Spider Queen of the Spider tribe, if she has an assassin out there capturing and killing animals, we need to act fast." Darel added with a serious look in his eye.

"Agreed, but she couldn't have acted alone, there has to be someone else that's involved in this." Laval added. "But who?" Darel asked. "We'll find out, after we rescue our friends from the Spider Queen's Castle." Timothy said while standing up. "That's suicide Timothy, we can't do it." Darel said with a worried look. "Not without a plan." Timothy said with a smirk, "First, we need to find out where the Spider Queen's Castle is." Timothy said looking at his friends. "I think I might know where it is." Darel said with a smirk. Timothy smirked back at Darel, "Good, we will get inside using a secret entrance." Timothy said formulating his plan. "Secret entrance?" Darel asked with a confused look. "Me and Laval will make one." Timothy said looking at Darel, "Once we're inside, Darel, you distract the Queen while, Laval, you rescue our friends, and I will take care of the assassin." Timothy said as he had a plan in place, "So, what do you think?" Timothy said while looking at Laval and Darel. "It sounds crazy." Laval said, looking at Darel. "Yeah, but it just might work." Darel said with a smile.

"But, what if it doesn't work?" Laval said with a worried look. Timothy looked at his brother with a serious look, "It has to, otherwise, all that we fought for meant for nothing." Timothy said to Laval as he placed his hands on his brother's shoulders, "If you won't do it for me, then at least do for our friends, for Chima." Timothy asked Laval, trying to get his brother to try. Laval gave Timothy a smile and hugged him, "Just be careful, I don't want to lose you, like back at the Forever Rock." Laval whispered into Timothy's ear. Timothy giggled at Laval's comment and broke the hug to look at him, "I'll be fine, just get our friends back." Timothy said to his brother with a smile. Laval smiled back at his brother, "I will." Laval said with a confident look on his face. "And I'll distract the Queen for you guys." Darel said with the same look as Laval's. "And I'll take care of the assassin." Timothy said with the same look as his friends, "Bring it in." Timothy said as he stuck out his right arm. Laval stuck out his right arm and placed his paw on top of Timothy's. Darel did the same and placed his hand on top of Laval's. "For our homes." Laval said with a smile. "For our friends and family." Darel added smiling back at Laval. "For doing the next right thing." Timothy added smiling at Laval and Darel, "and, BREAK!" Timothy shouted as they launched their hands into the air as they made their plan crystal clear.

Next time on the Golden Guardian: Timothy, Laval, and Darel formulated a plan to sneek into the Spider Queen's Castle to rescue their friends. What they did not know is that Queen Fahlga already knows that they're planning to sneak into her castle, because of her night-casting magic! Will Timothy, Laval, and Darel rescue their friends? Will they walk into a trap? Who and what is the assassin? Who else is working for the Spider Queen? Find out inn the next installment of the Golden Guardian

Just gonna let you guys know that the next chapter is gonna end in a cliffhanger, so stay tuned.

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