Chapter 6: Tough Start and Feelings

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Nothing to report about this chapter. Please, tell me in the comments if you guys are enjoying this story, and if you want me to keep going.

In the Throne Room of the Spider Queen's Castle, Darel, Laval, and their friends were getting worried about Timothy, and if he's been captured yet. Queen Fahlga, on the other hand, was doing some night-casting spells, until she suddenly stopped. "It would appear that I have lost Timothy and my best warrior, I can't see them anywhere in the castle." Fahlga said in a surprised tone. Darel, Laval, and their friends all sighed in relief, "Just you wait, Timothy will return and free us and stop you and your evil schemes." Laval said in an angry tone, while his friends agreed with him. Fahlga just laughed at the cute insult Laval just gave her, "No he wont, because first of all, he hasn't escaped, second, I'm letting you all go, and third, I'm not evil!" Fahlga said with a smile as she used her powers to uncuff Darel, Laval, and their friends. Darel, Laval, and their friends didn't buy it until Fahlga continued speaking, "You see, I need help." Fahlga said with a serious look, "Marmoo, the resurrected Scorpion Lord, is planning to attack a piece of land, using his new army, made from his new Poison Scroll powers!" Fahlga continued as Darel, Laval, and their friends sat down. "If you needed Darel's help, then why are we dragged into this?" Laval said with a serious look on his face. Fahlga looked at the young lion prince, "Because Laval, I believe the piece of land, Marmoo will be attacking, is going to be Chima!" Fahlga said to Laval and his friends, which gave a sudden gasp.

In an unknown place, Timothy was waking up from being knocked out, and can see he was in a room with a bed, a dresser, and the assassin. "Good morning sleepy head." Lucy said in a sing-song voice, "How'd you sleep?" Lucy said, trying to sound innocent. Timothy, on the other hand, was just angry with Lucy, not just because she knocked him out and captured him, but she also murdered Lagravis. Lucy saw that Timothy was angry at him and can see why, "Oh C'mon Timothy, It wasn't my fault, Fahlga made me... " Lucy was just about to say, but Timothy cut her off. "Made you do what? Kill my father, capture my friends, and knock me out? I find that very hard to believe." Timothy interrupted while looking away from her.

Lucy sat in front of him, "Ok, first of all, I was just capturing your friends, there wasn't going to be a murder, but in the process of capturing you friends, Lagravis, your father, tried to attack me when I was going to capture your brother. We fought and eventually, he died, but I didn't kill him, he killed himself, but not before saying, 'For Chima, and Timothy.' Lagravis said his last words and exhaled his last breath, and died." Lucy explained what happened to Lagravis. Timothy wasn't going to believe it at first, but he saw a tear fall from her eye, and that convinced him that it was true, "So, he didn't just die for Chima, but he also died, for me?" Timothy asked with a sad look. Lucy saw Timothy's look and felt his pain, which made her tear up more, "I'm afraid so." Lucy said wiping away her tears.

Timothy saw Lucy's tears and saw that they were real and in the process, Timothy had no choice but to tear up as well. Lucy looked at Timothy with tears streaming down from her eyes, "I'm so sorry Timothy, I could have done something to prevent him from dying, but it's too late." Lucy said as she was crying. Timothy saw her and remembered what Lagravis taught him a while back. "If Lagravis were here, he would say, 'Leave the past in the past, don't look back only ahead.'" Timothy said while Lucy was looking at him, "Lucy, there was nothing you could have done, Lagravis sacrificed himself for Chima and for his sons, I would've done the same. Would you do the same?" Timothy asked while looking back at Lucy. "Yeah, I guess I would." Lucy said while looking at Timothy with a slight smirk. Timothy looked down then looked up at Lucy again, "Also, I forgive you, but can you forgive me for being angry earlier? I didn't know what happened, at first I didn't want to believe you, but when I saw your tear, it convinced me so much." Timothy said with a tear falling from his eye. Lucy walked up to him and untied him and shook his hand, "Thanks and I forgive you too." Lucy said with a smile. Timothy smiled back at Lucy.

Timothy suddenly realized his friends and paused. Lucy noticed and was worried, "What's wrong Timothy?" Lucy asked. Timothy looked at her with a worried look, "It's my friends, they've probably been captured again,  I have to rescue them." Timothy said in a worried tone. Lucy stopped Timothy and looked at him, "Listen, your friends aren't captured." Lucy said with a worried look. Timothy was confused, "What do you mean, 'not captured?'" Timothy asked while looking at Lucy.

Some time passed and Timothy and Lucy entered the Throne Room and saw his friends talking with Queen Fahlga. They talked a little bit and Timothy walked up to Queen Fahlga with a confused look, "What is this that I'm hearing?" Timothy asked with a confused look, "Marmoo is going to attack Chima! Why?" Timothy asked again to the Spider Queen. Fahlga looked at Timothy with a serious look, "It's because of Chi." Fahlga said as she used her powers to bring up an image of Marmoo holding an orb of Chi, while still talking, "If Marmoo takes an orb of Chi and activates it, he'll have enough power to, not only destroy all of Chima, but Nova Australis as well!" Queen Fahlga said as she swiped away the image and looked at the group.

The group of friends looked confused, Timothy walked up to the Spider Queen again, but with a serious look, "Uh... How do we stop Marmoo, if he's powered by a Poison Scroll?" Timothy asked in a serious tone. "Your Sword Timothy." Fahlga said, "Your Sword has a power that I've never seen before. Which means, I don't know much about your sword." Fahlga said with a normal look on her face. Timothy was just about to turn around and leave, but was stopped when Fahlga started speaking again, "But I do know where you might find where it came from!" Fahlga said stopping Timothy from leaving. Timothy was surprised by what Fahlga said, "What do you mean?" Timothy asked waiting for an answer. "Not far from here is an old cabin, inside it there's a secret door with a symbol, and that symbol has the same Golden Sword that your holding Timothy!" Fahlga said while pointing at the sword. "Then I need to get to that cabin to learn more about the sword and the power within it." Timothy said while looking at his friends, "But I can't do it alone." Timothy added with a smile. "I'll go with you." Lucy said smiling while walking up. "Me too." Laval said also walking up. "I'll take the rest of your friends back to Nova Australis, you'll meet us there." Darel said to Laval and Timothy. "Will do." Timothy said as Darel and their friends left the Spider Queen's Castle, heading back to Darel's home.

Laval walked up to Timothy's right to say something, "Just for the record, I'm only coming along with you because I don't trust Nightshade with you." Laval whispered into Timothy's ear. Timothy looked at his brother, "Laval, her real name is Lucy, and I trust her, and I appreciate your concern, but if you trust me, then I need you to try to trust her too." Timothy said with a reassuring smile. Laval looked at Lucy, ready to leave, then looked back at Timothy with a smile, "Alright Timothy, I'll try." Laval said as he gave his brother a hug. Timothy hugged Laval back, "What happened to, 'brother?'" Timothy whispered into Laval's ear. Laval laughed a little then broke off the hug then left to get ready to leave. Timothy turned to the Spider Queen, "What are you going to do?" Timothy asked. Queen Fahlga looked at Timothy, "Me and my men will stay here to train for the battle ahead of us." Fahlga said as she looked at Lucy, getting ready to leave. Fahlga noticed that Timothy was watching her as well, "Protect her Timothy, she's the only child I've ever had." Fahlga said with a worried look. Timothy looked at Fahlga with a smile, "I promise, nothing will happen to her." Timothy said in a reassuring tone. Fahlga smiled back at Timothy, "Thank you Timothy." Fahlga said as she entered her lair, leaving the throne room.

Lucy walked up to Timothy, ready to leave, "Where's Laval?" Lucy asked with a confused look. Timothy turned to look at her, "He's still getting ready." Timothy answered with a nervous chuckle, "I promised Queen Fahlga to look after you." Timothy said with a long sigh, "I know that you look like you can look after yourself, but... " Timothy was just about to say, but Lucy placed her finger on his lips to make him stop talking so she can say something, "Thanks, also I didn't want you to be alone when you're on your way to the cabin, so I'm gonna look after you." Lucy said with a smile as she released Timothy's lips. Timothy smiled back at Lucy, "Let's look after each other." Timothy said which made Lucy giggle a bit. Timothy and Lucy were about to do something when Laval came running in the room, "I'm ready to go." Laval said as he saw Timothy and Lucy looking awkward, "What did I miss?" Laval asked as he noticed the awkward look on Timothy and Lucy's faces. "Nothing!" Timothy and Lucy said at the same time. "Okay?" Laval said unsurely, "Well I'm ready to go." Laval said as he walked out the room. "So are we." Lucy said while looking and smiling at Timothy. Timothy did the same as they followed Laval outside the castle.

Next time on the Golden Guardian: Timothy, Laval, and Lucy are on their way to a Cabin, somewhere in the desert, to find out what the Energy Sword can do. Darel and the rest of their friends are waiting for them at Nova Australis while Darel and Queen Fahlga get ready for a battle with the Resurrected Scorpion Lord, Marmoo! Will Timothy, Laval, and Lucy find the Cabin? Will they find the Sword's secrets? Will Marmoo win this war? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian.

Incase you're wondering what Timothy and Lucy were about to do, that's their business. If you know what they were about to do, say so in the comments below. See you guys later.

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