Chapter 9: Secrets Revealed Part 2

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This is the second part of the last chapter, hopefully you'll enjoy it. Also, this will be a long chapter, because there will be a backstory, and there will be a song on this chapter from a different movie so look out for that. Also also, there will be objects in this chapter from another movie/TV show, so look out for that as well.

Back at Chima's front door, Marmoo and Fahlga's armies are still fighting each other and Marmoo and Fahlga are still face to face. "Give up Marmoo?" Queen Fahlga said as she used her night-casting magic to conjure a spear. "NEVER!" Marmoo shouted as he created a shockwave using his new power, causing Fahlga and her army to fall to the ground, "And now, you fall as the last Queen of the Spiders." Marmoo said as he was about to use his tail-blade to stab Fahlga, but was halted by a rumbling in the ground. It wasn't an earthquake, and it wasn't snakes, so Marmoo turned around and that's when he saw it. He saw all of Chima's armies marching towards him and his army. "WHO ARE YOU?!" Marmoo shouted at the armies of Chima. One Lion stood in front of the army, looking at Marmoo, "I am Lavertus, and now we are here to stop this once and for all." Lavertus said as he raised his sword in the air, as did everyone else and charged towards Marmoo and his army.

Back with Darel and Stinger's group, they just finished their rest and continued marching towards Chima, hoping they were not too late to stop Marmoo. Cragger looked at his Raven friend, who was behind him, "Razar, can you fly up and see if we're close to Chima?" Cragger asked. Razar nodded and flew up in the sky to see where Chima was and he saw it, the floating island was just a few minutes away and flew back down to Cragger, "Chima is just a few minutes away." Razar said to his Crocodile friend. Cragger smiled when he heard the news and reported it to Darel. "Excellent, we're almost there." Darel said with a smile on his face. Cragger, on the other hand, was still worried that his friends at the Cabin won't make it in time.

Back at the Cabin, Timothy, Laval, and Lucy looked at the book, hovering and glowing as it was about to tell the story itself!

the Energy Sword's History

Once upon a time, there was a man and a woman named, "Agmar & Rose." They felt unhappy in their old home, so they left and made a new one. Together, they defended their new home using a powerful stones called, the Infinity Stones! Some say that they fell from the heavens and were founded by a powerful wizard named, "Merlin." Merlin was also a good friend to Rose and Agmar and showed them what he discovered. "Nine stones fell from the sky, and I've already found six. I need time to find the rest of the three." Merlin said as he left to find the rest of the three. Agmar  and Rose studied the six stones and even named them, the purple stone was called, "Power," the blue stone was called, "Space," the red stone was called, "Reality," the orange stone was called, "Soul," the green stone was called, "Time," and the yellow stone was called, "Mind." As Merlin returned with another stone, Agmar and Rose told him what they did and Merlin was intrigued. Agmar and Rose saw that Merlin found another stone, "You found another one?" Agmar asked. Merlin nodded as he placed the stone down. This stone was different from the others, it was white and four other colors were slightly glowing on the stone, the four colors glowed in a pattern of yellow, green, blue, red, then back to yellow. As Rose was about to pick it up, the White Stone glowed even more and showed four symbols of different elements and each symbol had a different color, but they understood what they meant. Merlin went to the symbol that was yellow, "This symbol means, 'Light.'" Merlin said pointing to the yellow symbol, then went to the green symbol, "This symbol means, 'Life.'" Merlin said as he pointed at the green symbol, then went to the blue symbol, "This symbol means, 'Magic.'" Merlin said as he pointed at the blue symbol, then went to the red symbol, "And this symbol means, 'Darkness.'" Merlin said as he pointed to the red symbol. After Merlin explained the elements, the symbols disappeared into the White Stone, "This stone has four different elements, if they're combined together it has a force I've never seen before." Merlin said as he looked at the White stone. "So, what should we call it?" Rose asked Merlin. Merlin looked at his two friends, "We shall call it, "Energy!" Merlin said with a grin. A few years went by and Agmar and Rose used the seven stones to create their new home, and even used the Energy Stone to four powerful Trees of four different elements. The first Tree they grew was named, "the Tree of Light," the second Tree they grew was named, "the Tree of Life," the third Tree they grew was named, "the Tree of Magic," and the last Tree they grew was named, "the Tree of Darkness." The four Trees' power balanced the world that Agmar and Rose called home, and decided to hide the Infinity stones throughout the universe, because having them close together was too dangerous, but kept the Energy Stone for safe keeping. With Merlin's help, they used the Energy Stone's power and created a sword with the same power called, "the Energy Sword." After creating the sword, Agmar and Rose fell in love and had children, two twin boys and one baby girl. The boys were named, "Eon & Strykore," and the baby girl was named, "Pam." Agmar and Rose passed away when their children were teenagers, so Merlin stepped in and took care of them himself. Merlin still wanted to find the last two Stones, so he sent his first apprentice named, "Demanitus" to find them. Merlin taught magic to Eon, Strykore, and Pam along with three other students named, "Darryl," " Kaossandra," and "Morgana." The six students became inseparable, and eventually Morgana fell for Strykore and had one boy named, "Daxton," and one girl named, "Baylee." Kaossandra fell for Eon and had one boy named, "Kaos." And Pam fell for Darryl and had two boys named, "Samuel & Timothy." But one day, Morgana vanished for an entire day than returned at sunset, appearing with a scar across her right eye, and her left hand chopped off. Time went by and Morgana was slowly turned evil, and asked her husband Strykore to overthrow the others, but he didn't like the idea and refused. Morgana, filled with rage, didn't take the answer well and used a dagger to slash Strykore's left eye. Merlin sensed that Strykore was in trouble and confronted Morgana, along with the other students. Morgana knew she was outnumbered, so she retreated. They took a look at Strykore's injury and cleaned it, but what was left was a scar across his left eye. After the Battle of Killahead, and trapping Morgana in amber for a long time, Merlin rested in his tomb, and Strykore felt a change in him. It wasn't a good change, it was a bad change. That feeling led Strykore to illegal spell books, which was filled with the worst kind of Dark Magic. Eventually, the books and his scar, warped his mind and became evil, just like Morgana. Strykore had only one goal to bring darkness to not only a land called, "Skylands," but to everywhere as well, destroying an object that was created by his parents called, "the Core of Light." The four students faced Strykore in a war called, "the Great War." Eon was about to bring an end to Strykore, but he hesitated. Strykore used that opportunity use his power to destroy his own brother, but Eon dodged his attack and it destroyed Darryl instead. Strykore was about to do it again, but Kaossandra conjured a rift to trap Strykore. He nearly escaped, but Pam used the Energy Sword to shoot a beam at Strykore to push him in, and close the rift. Pam banished her own brother, but she paid the price by sacrificing her life to save Eon and Kaossandra. The two were wondering what they should do to their son, niece, and nephews. They decided to bring Daxton and Baylee to an orphanage in a town that was being built around the Tree of Magic, and bring Samuel and Timothy near the Tree of Light, but separated in different lands. Eon brought Timothy to a land called, "Chima," and Kaossandra brought Samuel to a land East of Chima called, "Ninjago." Then they decided to keep Kaos's identity a secret to protect him, which was the hardest thing to do. After that, they built a Shrine, on Chima, for the Energy Sword to rest until it can be wielded again by someone who is Loyal, Brave, and True. As of today, Strykore still finds a way to escape his prison, but in order to keep the rift closed to keep him there, Kaossandra guards the rift, but in doing so, she gave in to her dark side. As of right now, Eon runs an academy in Skylands and trains heroes to defend Skylands, and Kaossandra plans her evilness in her castle while her son, Kaos plans his evilness in his guest castle. As for the four Trees, the Tree of Light is underground, below Chima, the Tree of Life is surrounded by a wall of mountains with only one way in, a huge town was built around the Tree of Magic called, "Disney Land," and the Tree of Darkness is a tall Tree with a staircase inside it, going up to the world above and near a town called, "Arcadia Oaks." As for the Infinity Stones, they remain hidden, even the Energy Stone, but who ever finds it must face it's challenges. As for Merlin, no one knows where his tomb is, but the only way to find it is with a map hidden in an object he created called, "the Amulet of Daylight." That's how things have remained, until now. Strykore and Morgana will return and it will be up to the next wielder of the Energy Sword to stop them. THE END.

After that, that book stopped glowing and sat down on it's podium. "That was... " Timothy was going to say but he couldn't find the right words to say, "I am literally speechless." Timothy said as he couldn't believe what he just heard. "So the man, woman, and the two babies we saw in that picture, must've been you, your brother, and your parents." Lucy stated. "You're right." Timothy replied. Laval saw a wooden box that said, "Private," on a shelf. He was going to pick it up, but he dropped it and broke it, and inside it was a single letter. Both Timothy and Lucy glared at Laval, "What, I didn't mean to drop it." Laval stated looking at the shattered box then the letter. Laval picked up the letter and saw a name on it, "Huh." Laval said with a surprised look. Timothy saw Laval's look and was curious, "Who's it for?" Timothy asked looking at the letter. Laval looked at Timothy, "It's for you Timothy." Laval said handing the letter to Timothy. Timothy was surprised was well and grabbed the letter and opened it and read the letter.

"Dear Timothy, we were so happy when you and Samuel were born, and the fact that you were our children. Our only regret was we never got to see you two grow up into the men we thought you be. Also if you're confused on what you are, you are a Human. A human is a very rare creature who's mind is so sharp it can also be a weapon. One other thing and this might come as a complete shock to you incase you read the book, Strykore's blood runs in your veins Timothy! And Strykore knows that and if he finds you, he might find a way to turn you evil. That will be a hard thing for us to deal with Timothy, so be careful. We love you and we'll always be with you." Love your Parents

Timothy dropped the note and started crying when he read the last part. Laval wanted to give him privacy, so he left the room. Lucy, on the other hand, felt bad for him and felt the pain he was feeling. So when she saw him on his knees, crying his eyes out, she went to his side and knelt beside and started petting his head and started singing.

Lucy: Come stop your crying

It will be alright

Just take my hand

Hold it tight

I will protect you

From all around you

I will be here

Don't you cry

As Lucy was singing, Timothy was starting to calm down and laid his head on her right shoulder, then he started singing.

Timothy: For one so small,

You seem so strong

Timothy sang as he lift his head to look at Lucy in the eyes.

Lucy: My arms will hold you,

Keep you safe and warm

Lucy sang as she looked at Timothy in the eyes while smiling.

Timothy: This bond between us

Can't be broken

Timothy sang as he smiled back at Lucy.

Lucy: I will be here

Don't you cry

Lucy sang as she and Timothy were smiling and looking at each other then started singing together.

Timothy and Lucy: 'Cause you'll be in my heart

Yes, you'll be in my heart

From this day on

Now and forever more

Timothy and Lucy got up and started dancing while still smiling and singing.

Timothy: You'll be here in my heart

No matter what they say

Lucy: You'll be here in my heart

Timothy and Lucy stopped dancing then smiled at each other for a second then hugged each other while finishing their singing.

Timothy and Lucy: Always

Timothy and Lucy kept hugging each other as the music ended. Lucy broke the hug then kissed Timothy on the cheek, which made him blush a bit and, in the process, caused Lucy to giggle. Then Lucy looked up at Timothy with a smile, "I love you, Timothy." Lucy said looking at Timothy in the eyes. Timothy felt like his heart skipped a beat when Lucy said that, but took in what she said to him then smiled back, "I love you too, Lucy." Timothy replied while looking at Lucy in the eyes as well. They looked at each other for a moment then they put their heads together then kissed each other on the lips. They held the kiss for a second then broke off and hugged each other again.

Their privacy was short lived when they saw Laval standing at the exit with tears streaming down his eyes, "That was beautiful you guys." Laval said as he sniffled. Both Timothy and Lucy looked at each other with awkward faces then back at Laval, "Laval? How long were you standing there?" Timothy asked with a nervous chuckle. "Since the dancing started." Laval answered as he walked towards them and gave them a hug, "I'm so happy for the both of you." Laval said as he broke the hug. Timothy and Lucy looked at each other and smiled then Lucy looked at Laval, "Thanks Laval, but something tells me you're not just down here to see something cute." Lucy said as she walked up to him. "You're right, Eris is outside and has something important to tell us." Laval stated as he rushed upstairs and outside.

Timothy and Lucy followed him outside to see Eris. "Eris, what's going on?" Timothy asked. Eris looked at them with a worried look, "Darel and Stinger's forces have joined together, and are on their way to Chima to fight Marmoo!" Eris warned them. Timothy, Lucy, and Laval were shocked, "WHAT!" Laval shouted. "They were suppose to wait for us." Lucy added. "I understand why Darel and Stinger left without us." Timothy said with a calm voice, which cause his friends to look at him. "Which means we got to catch up to them." Timothy said with a confident look on his face. "Lucy, do you know a shortcut to Chima from here?" Timothy asked while looking at Lucy. "Yes, there is." Lucy replied with a smile. "Good guys, let's save our home." Timothy said with a passionate smile, "Lucy, lead the way." Timothy said smiling at Lucy. "Way ahead of you." Lucy said with a joke and smiling back while taking the lead. The others laughed at Lucy's joke and followed her to Chima.

Next time on the Golden Guardian: Timothy, Lucy, Laval, and Eris are heading back to Chima to catch up with Darel and Stinger's army, and bring an end to Marmoo and his army, while the Spider army, lead by Queen Fahlga, and all the armies of Chima, lead by Lavertus, attack Marmoo and his Scorpion and Lizard army. Will Fahlga and Lavertus stop Marmoo? Will Timothy and his friends catch up to Darel and Stinger's army? Will this war change Timothy and Lucy's life together? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian.

So, how was the two part chapter? Was it good? was it Bad? I know I already did another two part chapter, but what do you think of those? Please tell me your thoughts in the comments down below.

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