Chapter 4: The Tree of Light

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Nothing to report in this chapter, so I hope you all enjoy it.



Chima: Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Laval

Nova Australis: Darel

Beacontown: Jesse

Ninjago: Lloyd

The Valley: Stinky, Claudette, Runt

Equestria: Twilight Sparkle

The Snowy Mountains: Aleu

The Archipelago: Hiccup and Toothless

Mossflower Woods: Matthias

Skylands: Spyro (Missing)


Morning came in Chima and Timothy was in the Golden Guardian Lair along with Lucy, Samuel, Laval, Liella and the rest of the warriors of Chima. In the Lair, Timothy told them everything he had witnessed last night and it shocked them greatly. "YOU'RE THE WHAT?!" Samuel yelled who could hardly believe what his brother just said. "I'm the Energy Stone." Timothy replied a little shocked himself, "It all makes sense." Timothy added while thinking for a minute. "How so?" Lucy asked looking a Timothy with a confused look, who looked back at her. "The Energy Sword couldn't be wielded by any other creature but me and Agmar and Rose created it using the powers of the Energy Stone." Timothy explained, "Plus, if the Symbol on my chest resembles Energy than it means that the Energy Stone is in my heart." Timothy added.

"Is there something else you need to say?" Eris asked while looking at Timothy with a confused look on her face. "There is actually." Timothy replied as he stood up facing everyone. "I've been hearing a Voice ever since yesterday." Timothy said which confused everyone except Samuel. "So that's why you told us to be quiet yesterday." Laval said, "Wait a minute." Lucy interrupted, "If you heard it than why didn't we hear it?" Lucy asked while standing in front of Timothy, who didn't know how to answer her question. Timothy took a deep breath in than out as he looked at Lucy, "Yesterday morning, Eon's spirit visited me in a dream." Timothy started to explain, which earned a gasp from everyone, "He said only five creatures throughout this entire land hear that Voice." Timothy finished.

"What does The Voice sound like?" Eris asked while looking at Timothy, who walked outside, which made everyone else follow him. "Be quiet, I'm gonna call it to see if it will respond." Timothy said, earning a nod from everyone. Timothy looked at the horizon as he took a deep breath in and about to call The Voice. "AHHH AHH AHH AHHHH!" Timothy called, which amazed Samuel. At first there was silence but when the wind blew past Timothy and his friends, Timothy heard The Voice again. "There, I just heard it." Timothy said with excitement. "To be honest, I didn't hear anything." Laval said with a disappointed look on his face. "Sorry Tim, but I didn't hear it either." Lucy said matching her face with Laval's. "What are you talking about?" Samuel asked rhetorically, "It was clearly heard." Samuel said.

Timothy was surprised at Samuel after he said that, "Wait, you heard it!?" Timothy asked while looking at Samuel with a surprise look on his face. "Yeah, I guess I did." Samuel replied with a smile and a chuckle, "But what does this mean?" Samuel asked with a confused look on his face. All of a sudden, The Voice was heard again but the wind was blowing into the Lion Temple. "We have to follow it." Timothy replied as he followed where the wind was blowing. After they saw Timothy running into the Temple, everyone else followed him.

Timothy didn't stop until he can find where The Voice is leading him. Unfortunately, Timothy stopped in front of a wall behind one of the Chi waterfalls of Mount Cavora. Meanwhile, Lucy, Samuel and everyone else followed Timothy at the wall. "The Voice continues through this wall, but there's no entrance." Timothy said as he inspects the wall. Laval looked at the wall for a second than remembered something. "Hey, I recognize that wall." Laval said, "There used to be a tunnel here that the Ice Hunters used when they captured my Dad." Laval explained. "If there used to be a tunnel here, The Voice really wants us to follow it through it." Timothy said as he heard it again. While Timothy was thinking of a solution, Lucy saw something was happening on him. "Timothy, your scar!" Lucy said as she saw Timothy's scar glowing yellow. When Timothy noticed it, he also noticed the Energy Symbol glowing yellow.

After noticing the Energy Symbol and his scar glowed yellow, Timothy looked at the wall in front of him and placed his right hand on it. Once he did, the wall tore itself to pieces, which really surprised everyone. "How did you do that?" Lucy asked while looking at Timothy with complete shock in her eyes. Timothy looked back at her with the same shocking face as hers, "I have no idea." Timothy replied as he looked back at the rest of his friends. "You guys should probably head back, watch over Chima while me, Lucy and Samuel find where The Voice is leading us." Timothy suggested while looking at Laval with a smile, who smiled back. "Be back soon." Laval said as he gave Timothy a hug. After they broke the hug, Timothy looked at Eris, "Don't do anything stupid while we're gone." Timothy joked, who earned a chuckle from Eris. "How can I if you're taking all the stupid with you." Eris said back which made Timothy laugh then they hugged each other. 

After that, Timothy and Laval's group separated. Timothy, Lucy and Samuel went into the tunnel, following The Voice which was still calling Timothy and Samuel, while Laval, Liella and the rest of their friends went back to do their own thing.


While walking in the tunnel, Lucy walked up to Timothy's left and looked at him. "Can I ask you a question?" Lucy asked. Timothy looked at her with a smile, "Of course." Timothy replied while looking straight ahead. "How long have you known Eris?" Lucy asked while looking ahead as well. "Ever since I can remember." Timothy replied, "She's like a sister to me, really." Timothy added, "Whenever me or Laval or another one of our friends get into trouble, Eris was always there to get us out." Timothy explained. Lucy looked down for a minute than looked back up, "So, you love her." Lucy guessed while looking at Timothy. "As a sister, yes." Timothy replied, "But I don't love her the same way I love you." Timothy added while looking back at her with a smile, which caused her to smile back.

"Plus, Eris already has a boyfriend." Timothy added with a chuckle, which caused Lucy to chuckle as well. After that, Timothy and Samuel heard The Voice again while the wind blew past them and Lucy. They watched where the wind blew and it blew into a huge chasm to their left. When they reached into the huge chasm, all they saw was darkness. Timothy was gonna call The Voice again, but saw his chest glowing yellow. "Timothy." Lucy called as she saw Timothy's scar glowing yellow as well, but Timothy already knew that. "I know, just stick together." Timothy said as he looked around to see if he can see anything in the dark, but he can't.

A few minutes went by than all of a sudden, something in front of them glowed a bright yellow, which lit up the whole chasm. The source of that bright yellow light was a huge tree but it's leaves were gold instead of green. "What is that?!" Samuel asked with a surprise look on his face while looking at the huge tree. Lucy looked at Timothy with amazement in her eyes, "Timothy, you don't think this could be... you know." Lucy said as she looked back at the huge tree. Timothy walked forward a bit while looking at the tree than realized what it was. "It's the Tree of Light!" Timothy said as a smile appeared on his face while still looking at the Tree of Light.


Meanwhile in the clouds outside of Chima, thunder clouds were coming with strange lightning. Than, out of the thunder clouds was a woman wearing golden armor and a helmet that looked like a huge crown along with a green cape, a light green left hand and a scar on her left eye which was glowing dark-yellow. As she popped her head out of the clouds, she over looked Chima than chuckled evilly. "Finally, I have found you nephew." Said the woman as she disappeared into the clouds and they started fast towards Chima.

Next time on The Golden Guardian 4: Timothy, Lucy and Samuel have followed The Voice, which only Timothy and Samuel can hear, and led them to the Tree of Light, the very tree that was grown by Agmar and Rose using the Energy Stone. While Timothy and his group found the Tree of Light, a magical woman in the thunder clouds is coming for Chima, looking for her nephew! Who is the nephew of this woman? What secret is the Tree of Light holding? Where will The Voice lead Timothy next? Who else hears The Voice? Find out in the next installment of The Golden Guardian 4.

Wow, that's really interesting. I hope you all enjoy the rest of this story because it doesn't end here. Have a good day and a Merry Christmas.

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