Chapter 6: Eris' Death

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Now, this is gonna be a sad chapter, because of the title. Also, no song in this chapter so I hope you all enjoy it. If you didn't cry, leave a comment down below, if you did than leave a vote.



Chima: Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Laval

Nova Australis: Darel

Beacontown: Jesse

Ninjago: Lloyd

The Valley: Stinky, Claudette, Runt

Equestria: Twilight Sparkle

The Snowy Mountain: Aleu

The Archipelago: Hiccup and Toothless

Mossflower Woods: Matthias

Skylands: Spyro (Missing)


Unknown: Morgana


At the Eagle Spire, Timothy, Laval and the rest of their friends were outside, waiting for news on Eris. Darel, Twilight and Aleu were running tests over her to see if there's a possible way to save her. Darel was mixing some herbs to make medicine, Twilight was using her magic to keep Eris breathing and Aleu was checking her pulse.

Meanwhile outside, mostly Timothy, Laval and Rogon were the ones pacing back and forth. After a while, Darel, Twilight and Aleu exited the room with sad looks on their faces. "Well?" Timothy asked with a worrying look on his face. "We did the best we could, but... " Darel said but stopped, not wanting to say it. "But she did ask to see Rogon first, Laval second and you third Timothy." Twilight said as she and the healers sat down while Rogon entered the room, to say goodbye to his love.

A few minutes went by and Rogon exited the room, which meant it was Laval's turn to see Eris, so he went in after Rogon sat down.

A few more minutes went by and Laval exited the room, which meant it was now Timothy's turn to see Eris, before she passes. Timothy entered after Laval sat down and saw her laying in bed, weakly opening her eyes to see a blurry figure. "He... Hello... Tim... othy." Eris said in a weak tone with a weak smile. Timothy sat down next to her with tears rolling down his cheeks, "I really don't know what to say." Timothy said with a shaky breath, "Except that it's all my fault that you're like this, if I said the incantation sooner, you wouldn't have gotten stabbed and... " Timothy couldn't bare to finish what he was going to say, "It's all my fault." Timothy could only say as he placed his head on Eris' lap while crying.

She placed her right claw on Timothy's left shoulder which caused him to look at her with teary eyes. "You... didn't know what... was going... to happen." Eris said while breathing in and out, "Don't... blame yourself... for something... you... didn't do" Eris advised while dropping her right claw, "As for... The Voice... you've been... hearing... you must follow it." Eris said than coughed. "I can't... not now." Timothy said as more tears rolled down his cheek, "Plus, I don't understand what it says." Timothy added while looking down.

Eris placed her left claw on her chest and removed one of her bracelets with her right claw and dropped it in front of Timothy, who noticed the bracelet. "What's this?" Timothy asked as he picked up the bracelet. "This bracelet... will help you... understand... The Voice." Eris said, "It has... helped me... and now... it will help you." Eris added as she helped Timothy put the bracelet on his left wrist. "But... I can't leave you." Timothy said as he began crying again. "There is nowhere you could go that I won't be with you." Eris said as she placed her fore-head on Timothy's fore-head. After their fore-heads separated, Eris started coughing again. Realizing it was time, Timothy gave Eris one last hug. "I'll miss you." Timothy whispered while tears rolled down his cheeks. "I love you, as if you were my brother." Eris whispered back as she hugged Timothy back.

After that, Eris breathed out her last breath and her arms on Timothy's back rolled off and dropped down. Timothy felt that and stopped hugging Eris and looked at her. "Goodbye... sister." Timothy said as a small smile formed on his face than gave Eris a kiss on the fore-head. After he said goodbye, he went outside and looked at everyone of his friends, "It's done." Timothy said in a sad tone, who earned a soft gasp from most of them. Timothy sat down and started to cry softly. Lucy sat next to him and placed her right hand on his right shoulder, "I'm so sorry." Lucy said, who earned a hug from Timothy. "Thank you Lucy." Timothy said in a mournful tone and continued crying on Lucy's shoulder, who was mourning for Eris' death as well and forming tears.


A few hours went by and Timothy was starring at the Tree of Light all by himself. "I thought you hate being alone." Someone said. Timothy turned his head around and saw Lucy and Samuel walking down to him. "Oh, hey guys." Timothy said with a sigh as he turned his head back to look at the Tree. Both Samuel and Lucy sat next to Timothy on each side of him. "There was nothing you could've done to prevent Eris' death, you know that." Samuel said trying to make his brother feel better. "I know that in my head, but in my heart... " Timothy was about to say. "You still blame yourself." Lucy guessed, who earned a nod in response from Timothy. "I know that feeling all too well." Samuel said while looking at the Tree of Light as well. "How do I make it go away?" Timothy asked while looking at both Lucy and Samuel. "You don't." Samuel said, "You remember it so you'll do whatever it takes to never feel that feeling again." Lucy added while both she and Samuel smiled at Timothy.

"Thanks guys." Timothy said as he got up and started to walk towards the Tree. "What is it?" Samuel asked while he and Lucy followed Timothy to the inside of the Tree. "Eris told me to follow The Voice wherever it goes, and that's exactly what I'm going to do." Timothy said with a confident look on his face. After Timothy said that, wind blew strongly through the chasm and Timothy and Samuel heard The Voice again.

Thanks to the bracelet Eris gave to Timothy, he can now understand what The Voice is saying. "I now what The Voice is saying." Timothy said, who earned a confused look from Samuel. "How?" Samuel asked while looking at Timothy with a confusing look on his face. "Eris gave me this bracelet, to help me understand what The Voice is saying." Timothy explained as he listened to what The Voice was saying. "What does it say?" Lucy asked while looking at Timothy. "The Voice wants us to find the Tree of Life." Timothy replied, who earned a gasp from both Samuel and Lucy, "And to find it... we need to go back to the Pride Lands." Timothy added, who earned another gasp from Samuel and Lucy.

Next time on The Golden Guardian 4: Eris has died, due to the battle against Morgana, Timothy and Samuel's aunt and wife to Strykore! After saying goodbye to Eris for the last time, Timothy, Lucy and Samuel reassure Timothy about the loss of Eris. After that, Timothy and Samuel heard The Voice again and thanks to the bracelet Eris gave to Timothy, he can understand The Voice, which said to them to find the Tree of Life, but for them to do that they are gonna have to go back to the Pride Lands! What sort of problems will Timothy and his two friends face during their journey? What will happen once they go back to the Pride Lands? Find out in the next installment of The Golden Guardian 4.

I have mixed emotions right now. I'm sad that Eris died, but happy about what the last few chapters are gonna be about. Before you ask, guess to see what it's about. Again, if you're a LEGO Chima fan, please don't hate me for this, it's actually how my story is suppose to go. Have a great day and a Merry Christmas.

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