Chapter 8: Triumph of the Roar

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Nothing new to report for this chapter. All I can say is that I hope you all enjoy it.



The Lion Guard: Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Samuel, Fuli, Bunga, Beshte, Ono, Anga, Makini, Cassandra

The Night Pride: Queen Rani, Baliyo, Nirmala, Surak, Ullu


Unknown: Morgana

The Backlands: Makucha

The Snowy Mountain: Chuluun

Dragon Island: Ora

The Black-rock Forest: Mama Binturong


It was sunrise at the Tree of Life as everything was peaceful at first, but it wasn't so peaceful anymore as the predators started chasing after some Mountain Goats as Makucha and Chuluun were growling and Ora was hissing as they were getting closer to the Mountain Goats. "Now we gotcha." Chuluun said with an evil smile as Mama Binturong was watching this from a nearby tree.

However, the predators' disruptions caused the Night Pride to show up as they watched the predators chasing the Mountain Goats. "How did they get here without us knowing?" Rani asked the Night Pride as Ullu showed up. "Ullu, what happened?" Rani asked Ullu. "I dozed off. Sorry." Ullu replied with an apologetic expression. "Dozing sounds nice." Baliyo said with a yawn and a smile. "It's the fourth day in a row they've attacked us at sunrise." Surak said with an angry expression.

"That's why we're here." Kion said as he and the Lion Guard ran passed the Night Pride to fight the predators. "One side, Night Pride. The Lion Guard will handle 'em." Bunga said to the Night Pride while running with the Lion Guard. "Beshte, take Ora." Kion said to Beshte. "You got it, Kion." Beshte replied as he ran to attack Ora. "Sam, go with Beshte." Timothy said to his brother. "Okay." Samuel replied as he followed Beshte. "Fuli, Chuluun." Kion said to Fuli. "Got it. Huwezi!" Fuli replied as she sped up. "Lucy, you too." Timothy said to Lucy. "Alright." Lucy replied as she followed Fuli.

"And Mama's all mine. Zuka Zama." Bunga said with a smile as he went to attack Mama Binturong. "Cass?" Timothy asked Cassandra, who let out a groan of annoyance. "Ugh. Fine." Cassandra replied as she followed Bunga. "Anga, Ono, you know what to do." Kion said to them. "Yep." Anga replied as she flew off. "Affirmative." Ono replied as he followed Anga. "That just leaves Makucha to us, Kion." Timothy said to him with a challenging expression. "I guess it does." Kion replied, also with a challenging expression.

As Chuluun kept chasing after one of the Mountain Goats, Fuli and Lucy managed to knock her down before she could get to the Mountain Goat. "Anga Lenga!" Anga shouted as she flew above Ora, who got distracted by her, which gave Beshte and Samuel the opportunity to knock him down. "Hey, Mama. I got something for you." Bunga called out to Mama Binturong as Cassandra through him up into the same tree she was in. "Oh no! No." Mama Binturong cried as Bunga passed gas in the tree, getting her real good.

As for Makucha, he was just about to reach one of the Mountain Goats, until Kion got him in midair as he knocked Makucha down to the ground. Makucha was just about to lunge at Kion to attack him, but he couldn't move, which caused him to look and see that his legs were bound in vines, which was because of Timothy as he used his powers to strangle Makucha in those vines, to keep him from attacking Kion. The Night Pride watched this as they had smiles. When Rani and Nirmala looked at each other, Nirmala gave Rani a nod as they continued to watch.

"Retreat. Retreat." Mama Binturong cried with a cough of disgust as she ran away, while the rest of the predators followed her as they retreated as well. After that, the Lion Guard regrouped with the Night Pride up on the hill. "Nice moves, Kion." Rani said to Kion with a compliment. "That's right. The Lion Guard's Fiercest is back." Bunga said to the Night Pride as he put his fist up in the air. "Bunga." Kion said to him with an embarrassing expression. "Actually, I think Bunga is right." Nirmala said to Kion with a smile. "This battle proved that you can be calm and focused. Your healing is complete." Nirmala added, which excited Kion.

"Poa!" Beshte said, excited. "Yes!" Samuel said with a smile. "About time." Fuli said with a nod. "Yep." Anga said, agreeing with them. "Feels great being healed, doesn't it?" Ono asked Kion. "Hey, that's what I was gonna ask." Timothy said to Ono with a smirk and a chuckle. "And now that you're healed, we can go home." Fuli said to Kion. "Back to the Pride Lands." Beshte added with a big smile. "Does this mean you're leaving? Right now?" Rani asked Kion with a sad expression. Before Kion could answer, he, Timothy and Samuel heard the Voice going off again, which Kion knew what it said.

"No. We agreed to help patrol the Tree of Life during the day. So right now, that's what we'll do." Kion replied to Rani. "Thank you, Kion. Lion Guard." Rani thanked them with a smile. "Night Pride, time for us to rest." Rani said to the Night Pride as they left to rest during the day. "So, now that you're all better, you can use the Roar again, right?" Bunga asked Kion with a smile. "Not yet." Kion replied with a frown. "Right. So now we... " Bunga was just about to say, until he realized what Kion said as he looked at him with a confused expression. "Say what?" Bunga asked Kion.

"Fuli, Timothy and I need you to take charge today. There's something we need to do." Kion said to Fuli, earning a nod of agreement from Timothy as they walked off to go somewhere. "Not yet. What do you mean not yet? You're healed. Nirmala said so!" Bunga called out to Kion as he and Timothy ran off. "Bunga, we're on patrol, remember?" Fuli asked Bunga with a slight glare. "Yeah, and I'm sure Kion and Timothy will be alright. Come on." Samuel said to Bunga as he and the Lion Guard started to go on their patrol. "Yeah. Okay." Bunga said as he tagged along. However, while they were walking, Lucy also looked in the same direction Kion and Timothy took as she had a skeptical expression.


Back at the place called Cikha Escarpment, Kion and Timothy went to the same place they met Askari, who has been teaching them everything the Roar and the Energy Stone can do. When Kion and Timothy made it to that same ledge while they looked up into the sky. "Askari. We're back." Kion called out. This caused the clouds to open up again as the spirit of Askari appeared in the clouds, looking at them with a smile. "GREETINGS, KION AND TIMOTHY." Askari said to them. "We'd like to continue our training." Timothy said to Askari, earning a nod of agreement from Kion.

"OF COURSE. YOU TWO HAVE ALREADY MADE GREAT PROGRESS." Askari replied with a smile. "BUT REMEMBER THIS, KION. ONLY ONE WHO IS WILLING TO LET GO OF THE ROAR COMPLETELY CAN TRULY MASTER IT." Askari said to Kion. "I understand, and I'm willing to let the Roar go. I know I don't need it to lead the Lion Guard." Kion said to Askari. "VERY WELL. AND AS FOR YOU, TIMOTHY. YOU MUST ALWAYS REMEMBER THAT JUST BECAUSE YOU ARE THE ONE, DOESN'T MEAN YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE." Askari said to Timothy, who had a confused expression.

"I think I understand what you mean, Askari, but I'm not entirely sure." Timothy replied to Askari with a confused expression. "YOU WILL IN DUE TIME." Askari said with a chuckle. "SOON, KION AND TIMOTHY, YOU WILL LEARN EVERYTHING THE ROAR AND THE VOICE CAN DO." Askari said to them as they smiled brightly at the spirit of Askari.


At a different part of the Tree of Life, it was now midday as the Lion Guard were in the desert habitat, trying to get a Camel out of the sand while Bunga was digging. "I don't get it. What's up with Kion? Why doesn't he want to use the Roar yet? And where does go?" Bunga asked as he kept digging the Camel out of the sand. "I don't know, Bunga. Maybe to the Valley of None of our Business, or the Field of Be Quiet." Fuli replied to Bunga with a glare as she dodged the sand he was digging. "Those sound like nice places." Beshte said with a smile. "Indeed." Ono said, agreeing with Beshte. "I wouldn't mind visiting one of them." Cassandra said with a relaxing sigh. "Yep." Anga said, agreeing with Cassandra.

"Come on, you can do it. Start walking." Bunga said to the Camel as he tried to push him out of the sand, which caused the Camel to spit some kind of liquid on Bunga, which made him fell down. "Hey! He spit on me." Bunga said with a disgusting expression. "Actually, Camel's don't spit. It's more like they throw up a little. Just when they're worried." Ono said, describing the Camel as Bunga wiped off the rest of the Camel's throw up off his face while shrugging his arms. "You okay now, Camel?" Bunga asked the Camel, who grunted with a smile, which meant that he was alright as he got out of the sand and walked away.

"See ya, Camelly-amel!" Bunga waved the Camel goodbye, then faced the rest of the Guard with a confused expression. "And why did Kion say he's not ready to use the Roar? And why does Timothy always go with him to wherever they're going? What's that about?" Bunga asked. "Bunga, I don't know. But I trust Kion to know when he's ready." Fuli replied to Bunga with a slight glare. "And I can trust Timothy to help Kion whenever he needs it." Samuel said to Bunga. "But, right now, let's keep our mind on our patrol." Samuel added as the Lion Guard began to walk to continue their patrol.

"But what if both Kion and Timothy are in trouble and they're afraid to tell us?" Bunga asked with a worried expression. "I'm sure Kion and Timothy would tell us if they were in trouble." Beshte reassured Bunga. "Maybe. Maybe not." Bunga said as he stopped walking as his head was filled with so many questions. "You know what? I want answers. I'm gonna ask Rani Maybe she knows." Bunga said with a smile as he ran off towards the Tree of Life. "Want me to bring him back?" Anga asked Fuli. "Nah, let's continue the patrol. And enjoy the peace and quiet." Fuli replied to Anga with a smile.

While walking, Lucy had a thought as she went up to Fuli. "Hey, Fuli. I'm actually gonna go with Bunga. Just to make sure he doesn't try and do anything stupid." Lucy said to Fuli as she then started to run off and follow Bunga. "Oh! Uh... okay." Fuli replied with a confused expression, but then brushed it off as the Lion Guard continued on with their patrol.


At the Tree of Life, Bunga and Lucy managed to make it as they were standing outside the entrance. "Let's go." Bunga said as he was about to enter the Tree, until Lucy stopped him. "Wait, Bunga. Remember, the Queen is resting. We can't just... " Lucy was just about to tell Bunga, but he slipped past her and ran into the Tree of Life. "Hello? Rani, you down here?" Bunga asked with a loud voice, which caused Lucy to face-palm herself. "Barge inside, yelling." Lucy finished on what she was going to say as she also ran inside to go after Bunga.

"Anybody home?" Bunga asked, still with a loud voice as Lucy caught up to him and covered his mouth while glaring at him. However, they were approached by Makini with a frown. "Bunga. Be quiet. Queen Rani is resting and she needs her rest." Makini said to Bunga as she tried to be quiet herself. "If you keep talking, you might wake her up. So please don't wake her up. If you just... " Makini was just about to say to Bunga. "Makini." Rani called out with a sigh, which caused Makini to cover her mouth with a slight gasp.

They saw that Rani was now awake as she rubbed her eye with a tiring expression. "It's okay. I'm awake." Rani said to Makini. "Oh, I'm so sorry, Your Majesty." Makini apologized to Rani with an apologetic expression. "Hey, Rani. You haven't seen Kion anywhere, have you?" Bunga asked Rani with a smile. "Not since we split up at the Mountain Pass. Why?" Rani asked Bunga with a confused expression. "Well, just between us, your Queenliness. I'm suspicious." Bunga replied with a suspicious expression. "Suspicious of what?" Rani asked Bunga, who was just about to reply, but Lucy covered his mouth before he could answer.

"It's just that he always goes off somewhere, and Timothy always goes with him. So, Bunga and I want to know is that where do they go?" Lucy asked Rani with a confused expression. "And why does he say that he's not ready to use the Roar yet? Nirmala said Kion was healed." Bunga said, still with a suspicious expression as he managed to break free from Lucy's hold. "Maybe Kion's still working on the Roar. And maybe Timothy goes with him to work on his new powers." Makini replied with a smile while carrying a baobab bowl.

"Still working on it?" Bunga asked Makini with a confused expression. "What do you mean, Makini?" Rani asked Makini. "Queen Janna showed me and Timothy a painting from a long time ago." Makini replied as she went over to some vines and pushed them away to reveal a painting of a Lion standing on a rock. "That's Askari. Legend has it, that Askari would go to Cikha Escarpment to practice the Roar. Until he learned everything that the Roar could do." Makini added as she tapped her staff on the painting, which came to life as it showed Askari using the Roar on a giant boulder, which broke into pieces.

"But what about the Roar itself? How did Askari get it?" Lucy asked with a confused expression. "Rafiki told me that it was the Tree of Life itself that gave Askari the power of the Roar." Makini replied with a smile. Lucy then had a thought as she had wide eyes. "And the Tree of Life was created by the powers of the Energy Stone. Maybe the Roar was created by the Energy Stone too!" Lucy said with a surprised expression. This made Makini gasp with excitement. "That must've been why Timothy would do his Power Bursts at the same time Kion would use the Roar out of anger." Makini said with a smile. "Makini, I think you're right. This proves that Kion and Timothy aren't just connected physically, but they're also connected spiritually." Lucy said with a smile.

"So if Kion were to learn everything the Roar can do with Timothy's help, and if the Roar were to stay here... " Rani said with a smile as a thought came to her mind. "I need to talk to Kion. In private." Rani said to them with a frown. "Great. Let's go." Bunga said to Rani with a smile. "Bunga, I don't think you know what private means." Lucy said to Bunga with a glare. "Lucy's right, Bunga. I need to go alone." Rani said to Bunga, agreeing with Lucy. "Right, and I'll go alone with you." Bunga said to Rani with a smile. "Fine." Rani said with an eye-roll. "And Lucy, you can come along as well. Come on." Rani added as she, Lucy and Bunga followed Rani out of the Tree of Life. "Bye, Your Majesty. Hope you find Kion and Timothy. Sorry I woke you up." Makini called out to Rani with an apology.


Back at Cikha Escarpment, Kion and Timothy were still standing on the ledge as they looked up at the spirit of Askari. "THE ROAR HAS GREAT POWER. AS WELL AS THE ENERGY STONE. IF YOU CAN CONTROL YOUR EMOTIONS, IT CAN BE PRECISE AS WELL." Askari said to them with a smile, as he then looked at Kion. "NOW, KION. STAY CALM, FOCUS, AND ROAR." Askari said as Kion stayed calm and focused as he let out the Roar. When he did, he used it to lift a boulder in the air and smash it into pieces.

"Wow." Kion said with amazement. "WELL DONE, KION. YOU'VE MASTERED THAT SKILL QUICKLY." Askari said to Kion with a smile, then he looked at Timothy. "NOW, TIMOTHY. DO WHAT I JUST SAID TO KION, AND STRIKE OUT YOUR ARM." Askari told Timothy what to do. Timothy did exactly what Kion did as he remained calm and focused and then he reached out his arm and hand, which caused a huge gust of wind to come out of Timothy's hand as it hit another boulder as it also smashed into pieces when the gust of wind hit it.

"Amazing." Timothy said with a smile as he lowered his arm. "VERY GOOD, TIMOTHY. YOU AND KION ARE DOING WELL." Askari said to him and Kion. "Thank you. We've had some help learning how to stay calm." Kion said to the spirit of Askari as some music started to play. "Yes, but if we need to learn more about ourselves, Askari, we want to learn more." Timothy said to the spirit of Askari, agreeing with Kion. "VERY WELL." Askari replied with a smile.

Askari: Here you stand on the edge
Of earth and sky
You can command them both
If you try

Look within
You may find even more
As you learn
The power of the Roar

The power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
It dwells inside you
And all around you
In ways
You've never seen before

The power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
Once you think
You've found it all
You'll find
There's still so much more

Free yourself
From anger and from fear
The control that you seek
Will be clear

Although the Roar goes far
Beyond wind and sound
It can impact
Everything all around

The power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
It dwells inside you
And all around you
In ways
You've never seen before

The power of the Roar
The power of the Roar
Once you think
You've found it all
You find
There's still much more

The power of the Roar!

Throughout the song, Kion and Timothy have been using not only the Roar, but the powers of the Energy Stone together as they were able to make rock pillars, make boulders go flying, as well as make a ditch in the ground. And as the song ended, Kion and Timothy were smiling up at the spirit of Askari while the wind blew past their mane and hair.


Near the entrance of Cikha Escarpment, Rani, Lucy and Bunga were walking up the trail. "This way. Cikha Escarpment is up there." Rani said to Lucy and Bunga as they were making their way up there. "Wow. This place was where Askari used to train the Roar of the Elders? Amazing." Lucy said with a huge, fascinated smile. "Hey. You think I could get the Roar? And if I did, would Honey Badgers appear in the sky?" Bunga asked Rani and Lucy as he stood in front of them with an imaginary expression. "Honestly, Bunga, I don't know." Lucy replied with an annoying expression as she and Rani continued walking.

"Is Bunga really that annoying?" Rani asked Lucy with a confused expression. "If only you knew." Lucy replied with a scoff and a smile. "What're you two talking about?" Bunga asked with a confused expression as he caught up to them. "And why are you two making a Fuli face?" Bunga also asked. However, their walking came to a stop as they heard a roar from a distance which made them smile. "That's Kion. And he's using the Roar." Bunga said to Lucy and Rani after he laughed. They then heard Kion roaring again. "And it's a big one." Bunga added as they heard Kion's roar again.

"It's coming from the top of that cliff." Lucy said, pointing at where she heard all that roaring. "Come on." Rani said as she started running up the trail as Lucy followed her, also running. "Wait for me." Bunga said as he followed while running as well. When they were running, they came to a sudden stop as the Roar went off again as they had shocked expressions after what they were seeing. "Un-Bunga-lievable." Bunga said, still with a shocked expression.


At a different part of the Tree of Life, the Lion Guard were marching through a forest as Samuel had a puzzled expression as he walked. "Something wrong, Sam?" Cassandra asked, noticing his expression. "I just can't shake the feeling that something wrong is about to happen." Samuel replied as he changed his puzzled expression to a worried one. "It's probably because of all the predator attacks we've been getting lately." Ono replied as he and Anga flew above the Guard. "Yeah. Their attacks have actually got me on edge too." Beshte said with a worried expression, agreeing with Ono.

"No. I'm not talking about the predator attacks." Samuel replied as he shook his head. "Then what else are you talking about?" Cassandra asked with a confused expression. Samuel let out a sigh then looked at the Lion Guard. "Well... think about it. The Voice has called us all here to the Tree of Life, but we don't know why." Samuel replied with a serious expression. "And not only that, but my brother has been getting these weird visions about that shrine and... well... you-know-who." Samuel added, referring to his and Timothy's aunt.

"Don't worry, Sam. I'm sure if your aunt decides to show up, we could take her out." Fuli said with a confident expression. "Except A, my aunt is a spirit. 2, she killed one of my brother's best friends. And D, you guys have no idea what she has done from when she was still alive." Samuel replied, pointing out some things with his fingers. "And besides, don't you think it's kinda strange how Timothy has been getting visions about Morgana and that shrine at the same time?" Samuel asked them with a skeptical expression.

"What are you saying, Samuel?" Anga asked with a confused expression while still flying. "I'm saying what if Timothy was right about Morgana getting involved with the shrine, and her planning to use it to kill him?" Samuel replied with a question. "This could not only put Tim and us in danger, but it could also put the whole Tree of Life in danger." Samuel added with a surprised expression. "It's okay, Samuel. I'm sure nothing bad will happen to the Tree of Life." Beshte reassures Samuel as he and the Guard continued to walk through the forest. "That's what worries me." Samuel whispered to himself with a worried expression until he followed them.

However, as the Lion Guard continued walking, Ono heard a rumbling sound which caused him to stop moving. "Anyone else hear that?" Ono asked them with a confused expression. "I do. It almost sounds like a stampede." Cassandra replied as she felt the ground with her hand. "I'll take a look." Anga said as she flew up into the sky, to see what was causing the rumbling sound. "It's a stampede, all right. A stampede of bad guys. And they've already made it through the Mountain Pass." Anga reported as she flew down to the Lion Guard.

"They must be heading to the Tree of Life." Fuli said with a worried expression. "Why didn't Ullu warn us?" Beshte asked with a confused expression. They then heard a hooting as Ullu showed up while flying. "That's what I'm here to do." Ullu replied as she showed up. "I saw the Night Pride first. They're already on their way." Ullu added. "Okay, Lion Guard. Let's go." Fuli said to them as they started running towards the Tree of Life. "Let's just hope the Night Pride can hold the predators off until we get there." Samuel said as he ran along with the Lion Guard.


The Lion Guard eventually made it to the Tree of Life, but when they did, they could see the predators chasing after the Tree of Life's inhabitants. However, it looked like there're a lot more predators than there were before! "Please don't tell me they just expanded their numbers." Cassandra said with a groan. "I'm afraid so. It looks like Ora and Makucha's friends are here." Anga replied to Cassandra. "Mama Binturong's porcupines, too." Ono added with a frown. "How did they all find their way here?" Beshte asked with a confused expression.

"Well, it doesn't matter now, since they're already here." Samuel replied as he glared down at the battlefield. "Sam's right. We got to get rid of them." Fuli said, agreeing with Samuel. "Ullu? Where's the Night Pride?" Fuli asked Ullu, who was flying above them. "They should be here. They went to the Tree of Life to get Queen Rani." Ullu replied with a serious expression. "Uh-oh. If they're in the Tree, they're trapped." Anga said as she saw a giant boulder blocking the entrance to the Tree of Life.

"Anga. Find Kion, Timothy and Lucy. And Bunga. Get them here as fast as you can." Fuli ordered Anga. "Yep." Anga replied as she flew off to find Kion, Timothy, Lucy and Bunga. "What'll we do 'til then?" Ono asked Fuli as he flew down to her. "We'll do the best we can. Come on!" Fuli replied as she and the Lion Guard charged into the battlefield, ready to fight some bad guys.


Back at Cikha Escarpment, Kion was using the Roar to make three big rocks spin in a circle for a few seconds, and then he stopped Roaring which caused the rocks to drop and fall to the ground. As for Timothy, he used his new powers to make some nearby water float around him and then he used the water to splash it against a rock, which looked fine for a second before the top half of the rock slid off of the bottom half as it hit the ground. After Kion and Timothy did that, they soon heard clapping and sounds of cheering, which surprised them as they looked and saw the sounds were coming from Bunga while Lucy and Rani were with him.

"Oh, the Roar and Energy Stone are back!" Bunga said with an excited smile. "Hi, Bunga. Rani." Kion said as he and Timothy still had surprised expressions. "Hi, Lucy." Timothy said to Lucy. "That was amazing." Lucy said to them with a smile. "Yeah. How did you do that?" Rani asked them while agreeing with Lucy. "Kinda hard to explain." Timothy replied with a small smile while rubbing the back of his head. "Ohh! Ohh! I know. I know. I know. You two have been practicing." Bunga said while pointing at Kion and Timothy, who both smiled at him. "How could you tell?" Kion asked Bunga. 

"Kion! Timothy! Lucy! Bunga! Queen Rani!" Anga called out as she flew towards them as they  saw her. "Anga? What's going on?" Timothy asked Anga with a confused expression. "Bad guys. They've brought friends. And captured the Tree of Life." Anga replied while reporting what she saw earlier. "What?" Kion asked in disbelief. "Impossible!" Timothy said with a worried expression. "How?" Lucy asked, also with a worried expression. "No way!" Bunga said, also in disbelief. "What about the Night Pride?" Rani asked Anga with a confused expression. "I think they're trapped inside the Tree. Makini, too." Anga replied with a worried expression.

"We need to go." Rani said to Kion and Timothy with a surprised expression. "Like, right now!" Lucy added. "Go on. We'll be right behind you." Kion replied while Timothy nodded in agreement with Kion. Rani and Lucy nodded as they already ran off ahead. "Oh yeah! Look out, bad guys. Here's comes the Roar and Energy Stone like you've never seen them before." Bunga said, still excited as he ran off as well, following Rani and Lucy. As Kion and Timothy watched Bunga go off, they looked into the clouds and saw the spirit of Askari appear as he looked down at them with a smile.

"Thank you for training us, Askari." Timothy thanked the spirit with a bow in respect. "Yes. We're ready." Kion added, agreeing with Timothy. Askari nodded in response as Kion and Timothy then decided to run off as well, catching up with the others that ran off ahead.


Back at the Tree of Life, the predators were still chasing after the animals as Makucha was chasing after a Mountain Goat. "Come back here. I just wanna eat ya." Makucha said with an evil smile and a laugh as he kept chasing the Mountain Goat. "Oh, no you don't, Makucha." Fuli said to Makucha with a glare as she then knocked him down. However, when Fuli knocked Makucha down, the Mountain Goat was then being chased by one of Makucha's Leopard friends, which made her let out a groan. Fuli was just about to chase after Makucha's Leopard friend, when another one of his friends pounced onto Fuli out of nowhere.

While that was going on, Ono dropped some pebbles onto some of Mama Binturong's Porcupines, which caused them to run away while screaming. "There are more bad guys than rocks." Ono said with a worried expression as he watched the battle while he was flying. "That's right. For once, we outnumber you." Mama Binturong said from the branches of the Tree of Life as she let out an evil laugh. This caused Ullu to sneak up behind Mama Binturong and peck her in the head, which made her angry. "How dare you peck Mama on the head?" Mama Binturong shouted at Ullu with an angry expression.

Near the entrance of the Tree of Life, the sun was beginning to set as the entrance was still blocked by a giant boulder as Samuel and Cassandra did their best to keep the bad guys away from it. "Beshte. Free the Night Pride and Makini. We'll hold them back." Samuel called out to Beshte as he and Cassandra kept pushing back the bad guys. "You got it, Sam." Beshte replied as he went over to the boulder and then started to push it out of the way. "Twenda... Kiboko!" Beshte said while straining as he kept trying to push the boulder out of the way and free the Night Pride and Makini, but it was too heavy for him to push.

"Hippo. Leave that boulder alone." Mama Binturong told Beshte, and then looked out at the battlefield. "Ora! Stop that Hippo." Mama Binturong called out to Ora, who stopped chasing two Gentle Lemurs and then looked at Beshte pushing the boulder out of the way, and then looked at Samuel and Cassandra doing their best to guard him while he did that. "Dragons. With me." Ora called out to his Komodo Dragon friends as they headed towards the Tree of Life entrance. "Careful, Cass. I see Ora and his friends approaching." Samuel said to Cassandra as Ora and his friends were running straight towards them.

"Out of the way, Humans." Ora said to Samuel and Cassandra with a hiss. "How about, no." Cassandra replied to Ora with a glare. "Oh yeah. We're not going down without a fight." Samuel added, glaring at him as well. "Very well." Ora said as he and his friends started charging at Samuel and Cassandra, who charged back to attack them. However, Samuel and Cassandra ended up getting bit and knocked to the ground. "That should hold them." Ora said to his friends as they then went after Beshte, who was almost there to push the boulder out of the way.

"Back off, Hippo." Ora said as he and his friends knocked Beshte away from the boulder as he looked at them with a glare. "Let us see how you like three bites at once." Ora said to Beshte with a menacing smile as he and his friends hissed at him. They were just about to attck him, until... "Anga Lenga!" Anga shouted as she attacked the three Komodo Dragons, who immediately stood back from her attack. "Anga! You're back. Oh, thanks." Beshte thanked Anga with a smile. "Yep. And I've brought help." Anga replied to Beshte with a smile. "Help?" Mama Binturong asked with a shocked expression.

Over at the distance, Kion, Timothy, Lucy, Queen Rani and Bunga were running towards the battle as they were still running, which Mama Binturong saw and made her angry. "I knew this was too easy." Mama Binturong said to herself. "Makucha! Chuluun! Ora! Forget about catching your lunch. Get them. Especially that Bunga!" Mama Binturong said to them with a very angry expression, as Makucha, Chuluun and Ora were doing what she told them to do. "Hey... Mama Binturong remembered my name." Bunga said to his friends with a smile as he kept running. They then stopped at a hillside, except for Bunga as he slid down the hillside as he joined in the fight. "Hi, Mama. Sorry we're late." Bunga said to Mama Binturong with a wave, which made her snarl at him.

Even though Samuel was on the ground, paralyzed with Cassandra, he looked at the hillside and saw his brother, as well as Kion and Rani as he let out an exhale. "About time he showed up." Samuel said with a smirk, referring to Timothy. That was when one of Makucha's friends was about to attack him and Cassandra, until Fuli pounced on him in midair, preventing him to attack them.

From the hillside, Kion, Rani, Timothy and Lucy could see the battle going on around the Tree of Life as the animals kept on running from the predators. "We can handle this. If that's okay." Kion said to Rani with a smile while asking for permission. "I trust you." Rani replied to Kion while smiling back. Kion looked at Timothy, who looked back at him with a smile. "You go." Timothy said to Kion, who nodded in response. Kion then stood forward with a serious expression as thundering clouds started to build up behind him in the sky, which the Lion Guard noticed.

"He's gonna use the Roar? With all these animals around?" Fuli asked with a worried expression. "It's okay. You'll see." Bunga replied to Fuli with reassurance as more thundering clouds were building up behind Kion on the hillside.

"Stay calm. Focus. And... " Kion said to himself, doing what Askari instructed him to do, and then he let out the Roar as it was aiming towards the incoming predators, which was Ora as Chuluun and Makucha kept running. However, Kion managed to use the Roar to also knock down Makucha and Chuluun. After that, Kion used the Roar to summon a dust devil, which picked up Mama Binturong's Porcupines, who were chasing the Gentle Lemurs.

"See what I mean?" Bunga asked the Lion Guard with a smile as they watched Kion using the Roar they've never seen before. "Poa!" Beshte said in disbelief as he and the Lion Guard saw the dust devil, controlled by the Roar, go near Makucha's two Leopard friends, who were about to eat a Fox, until the dust devil threw Mama Binturong'a Porcupines onto them as it then disappeared.

Ora's Komodo Dragon friends were about to attack Kion on the hillside, which Timothy noticed as he looked at Kion, who gave him a nod. Timothy smiled at Kion then looked back at the charging Dragons with a confidence expression. "My turn." Timothy said as he stomped his foot onto the ground then punched his fist into the air, which caused a boulder to grow out of the ground in front of the charging Dragons as they ran right into that boulder.

"They're not gonna get me." Mama Binturong said with a scared expression as she was beginning to run away, which Rani noticed. "There goes Mama Binturong." Rani said with a glare. "Bunga. Get ready." Kion said to Bunga as he used the Roar again so that a dust devil was underneath Bunga, which allowed him to fly with it, which shocked the Lion Guard. "Un-Bunga-lievable!" Bunga said in disbelief as the dust devil brought him over to Mama Binturong, who was still running. "Zuka Zama!" Bunga shouted, which caught Mama Binturong's attention as she had an even more scared expression.

"Oh, no. Not Bunga." Mama Binturong said as she kept running. "That's right, Mama. And here's something else you won't forget." Bunga said to Mama Binturong with a smirk as he passed gas on her, which made her stop running and cough in disgust, while the dust devil disappeared as Bunga was down on the ground again. "That was great. Let's do it again." Bunga shouted at Kion with a smile.

"Beshte. Get ready for this." Timothy called out to Beshte as he started to swirl his hands and arms around in a circle, which caused another dust devil to appear under Beshte as he began to fly with it too. "Poa. I've never flown before." Beshte said to Timothy, who was still swirling his hands and arms in a circle while controlling the dust devil where to go, which went over Makcucha, who recovered from Kion's Roar earlier as Timothy then stopped swirling his hands and arms, which caused the dust devil to disappear as Beshte dropped onto Makucha. "Twende Kiboko." Beshte said to Makucha with a smirk.

"The Night Pride. And Makini. They're still trapped in the Tree of Life." Lucy said to Kion and Timothy with a surprised expression. "Kion. I'm sure you can do this one." Timothy said to Kion with a smirk. "Right." Kion replied with a nod as he got in position, and then he let out another Roar, which caused a lightning bolt to strike the boulder, blocking the entrance of the Tree of Life, three times, until it broke into pieces. "Oh. Glad I got my sight back. I wouldn't have believed that if I hadn't seen it." Ono said to Anga with a smile. "Yep." Anga replied with a nod.

After the boulder was destroyed, the Night Pride and Makini came out of the Tree of Life to see what has happened. "What just happened?" Baliyo asked Surak with a surprised expression. "I'm not sure. But I think we've won." Surak replied to Baliyo as they saw all the predators on the ground while groaning in pain.

"I've never seen anything like that in my life." Rani said to Kion with a surprised expression. "Me neither." Kion replied to Rani, also with a surprised expression. They both then shared a laugh as they then looked at each other with a smile. After that, Kion, Rani, Timothy and Lucy regrouped with the others as Samuel and Cassandra were starting to walk again. "Everything okay, Fuli?" Kion asked Fuli with a smile. "You tell me." Fuli said with a smile. "Yeah. I think I'm okay." Kion replied to Fuli, smiling back. "We're both okay, actually. I didn't do a single Power Burst when you Roared, Kion." Timothy said with a realization expression. "That's amazing." Lucy said with a smile as she gave Timothy a hug.

"So, what should we do with them?" Fuli asked Kion, referring to the defeated predators. "I'd like to convince them to never attack the Tree of Life again." Kion replied with a frown. "Be my guest." Rani said to Kion as she gave him permission to. "Ready, Timothy?" Kion asked as Timothy had a determined expression. "As I'll ever be." Timothy replied with a nod as both he and Kion stepped forward as Timothy put his left hand on Kion's back while thundering clouds were building up again behind them as they had their eyes closed.

When they opened their eyes again, their scars started to glow green as Kion let out his Roar while Timothy reached out his arm and hand as they were combining their powers together. When they did, another dust devil showed up as it picked up all of the predators on the battlefield, including Ora, Chuluun and Makucha. "This is all a mistake. I'm just a harmless old Binturong. I want to go home!" Mama Binturong said with a scared expression as she tried to escape the dust devil, but she couldn't as she got sucked into it like all of the other predators.

Kion and Timothy then caused to dust devil to send to bad guys very far away from the Tree of Life. After they did that, their scars stopped glowing as they stopped using their powers as they looked at the distance with determined expressions. "So, where did you two send 'em?" Bunga asked Kion and Timothy with a smile. "Far, far away." Kion replied, also smiling. "Where they will never find the Tree of Life again." Timothy added, smiling as well.

"Everyone all right?" Rani asked the Night Pride and Makini, who were regrouping with the Lion Guard. "Totally fine Just sorry we didn't get to see more of Kion's Roar." Baliyo replied with a smile. "Or of Timothy's new powers." Surak added, also smiling. "I was right. I knew it. You were working on your Roar, Kion." Makini said to Kion with an excited expression. "Now you really are healed." Nirmala said to Kion with a smile. "Yeah." Kion said, agreeing with what Makini and Nirmala said.

"I guess this means our scars are no longer connected, Kion." Timothy said to Kion with a smile. "Yes. I guess it does." Kion said, agreeing with Timothy while smiling back. "I don't know what to say, Kion. Thanks for getting rid of them?" Rani asked Kion while thanking him with a smile. "It was the least I could do. After all, I was the one who led them here." Kion replied with a frown, which actually gave Timothy a thought as he had a thinking expression. "Now I know why Queen Janna was so happy to have the Roar return to the Tree of Life." Rani said to Kion. "And now that it's here, you should stick around." Rani added as a small blush appeared on her cheeks.

"Oh." Kion said with a surprised expression as a small blush also appeared on his cheeks as he looked at his friends, who looked at him back with concerned expressions as Kion looked back at Rani with a puzzled expression, not knowing what to say.


It was now nighttime as the Lion Guard were sleeping at their usual spot in the meadow as Kion was still up and a few steps away from the Guard, while thinking about what Rani said to him earlier. "You still thinking about what Rani said to you?" Timothy asked Kion as he approached him and sat down next to him. "Yeah." Kion replied with a frown. "It's funny. She wanted us gone from the Tree of Life, now she's actually asking us to stay." Timothy said to Kion with a chuckle.

"That's just it. We came to the Tree of Life to get healed, and figure out why the Voice brought us here." Kion said to Timothy with a serious tone. "And besides, if the Pride Lands are in danger, how will we, the Lion Guard, the protectors of the Pride Lands, protect it from the Tree of Life?" Kion asked and then looked down at the ground. Timothy went silent for a minute before speaking again.

"You do have a good point, Kion. However, what if that was the reason the Voice brought you and the Lion Guard here, Kion?" Timothy asked Kion, who looked back at him with a confused expression. "What do you mean?" Kion asked as he looked at Timothy. "Think about it, Kion. You and the Lion Guard each have found something special at the Tree of Life. Especially on our way to the Tree of Life" Timothy replied to Kion with a smile. Kion looked back at the Lion Guard and realized Timothy was right.

"So, you're saying that the Lion Guard and I should stay here at the Tree of Life?" Kion asked Timothy with a confused expression. "I'm saying, talk to Rani that you're thinking about it. I mean... she does enjoy your company." Timothy said with a smirk and a chuckle. This caused Kion to blush a little again, until he decided to brush off the blush and look at Timothy with a smile. "Yeah. Maybe I'll try that." Kion said to Timothy, who nodded at him in response.

There's been silence between the two for a few seconds when Kion saw Timothy with a thinking expression. "What are you thinking about?" Kion asked Timothy with a concerned expression. "Honestly, what you said to Rani earlier about how you led the predators here in the first place." Timothy replied, still with a thinking expression. "Why?" Kion asked Timothy with a confused expression. Timothy was silent for a second as he let out a sigh, then he looked at Kion with a serious expression. "Because what if we weren't the ones that led the predators here to the Tree of Life in the first place, but something else did?" Timothy asked Kion as he looked into the distance.

Kion knew who Timothy was talking about as he put his left fore-paw on Timothy's shoulder. "It's gonna be okay, Timothy. Now that we've working on our powers, I think we can face Morgana." Kion said to Timothy with a reassuring smile. Timothy thought about it for a few seconds then smiled at Kion back. "Yeah. You're right. Thanks, Kion." Timothy thanked Kion. "Anytime." Kion replied to Timothy while smiling back. "However, can you do me one favor?" Timothy asked Kion.

"Of course." Kion replied with a nod. "Can you and the Guard not mention her name, or even talk about her when I'm around?" Timothy asked Kion with a pleading expression. Kion was confused at first, but then decided to brush it off as he smiled at Timothy. "Okay, Timothy. The Lion Guard and I won't talk about Mor... uh, I mean, her or even say her name." Kion replied as he almost messed up his wording. "Thanks again, Kion." Timothy thanked Kion with a smile. "You're welcome." Kion replied, smiling back at Timothy, and then letting out a yawn.

"Well, time for us to go to sleep." Kion said in a tiring tone as he walked back to the sleeping Lion Guard. "Goodnight, Timothy." Kion said to Timothy. "Goodnight, Kion." Timothy replied as he watched Kion go to the Lion Guard, lay on the grass and sleep. Timothy looked at the moon as it was full again as he saw it rising over the horizon. "Goodnight, Eris." Timothy said with a sad expression and a smile.


In the Forbidden Regions of the Tree of Life, there was an empty, silent and dark forest. Until a flash of dark-yellow could be seen within the trees. Within the trees was something truly terrifying. It was, in fact, the shrine Timothy has been seeing, not only with his Power Bursts, but also in his visions. And out from the tip of the shrine was a dark-yellow orb as it flew from the tip to the ground, and once it touched the ground, the spirit of Morgana appeared into thin air as she had a glare.

"Silly, nephew. You and your friends are not powerful enough to defeat me." Morgana said as she let out a maniacal laugh. "If you and your friends want to stop me, you all are gonna have to kill me first. Especially if I'm different." Morgana added as she disappeared into the shrine. "Get ready to meet your demise... tomorrow." Morgana said from within the shrine as it kept glowing dark-yellow. This meant that the final battle was about to come!

Next time on the Golden Guardian 5: The Tree of Life is safe once again! Kion and Timothy have worked together to practice using the Roar and the Energy Stone. And they used that power to get rid of the predators once and for all. However, a new danger rises within the Tree of Life's borders as Morgana begins to set her plan into place. Will Timothy and the Lion Guard be able to defeat Morgana? Or, will Morgana's plan really be what Timothy wasn't expecting? Find out in the next installment of the Golden Guardian 5.

Woo-hoo-hoo! I'm honestly really excited to right the next installment, because the next two installments are gonna be a two-part chapter. I will tell you everything that will happen once I upload the first part. Please comment what you think will happen in the next chapter. Also, as of this point, I am closing the the requests of your OCs to be added to my stories. I will open that up again, but don't ask me when, because I don't know, but I will. Anyway, stay tuned for the next two-part chapter: The Lion Guard: Morgana's Reign.

'Til the Pride Lands End...

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