Chapter 1 - Two paths cross

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Point of views will shift, but most times it's 3rd person.

*Lilycove City, Hoenn region*

The summer sun graced the Newly finished Pokemon acadamy's campus. 2,000 students from Hoenn, and 3,000 more from across the world were enrolled there. When enrolled, You began at age 11 and Graduated at age 15.

14 year old Emily Hawkins walked alone, going from the main academic building to her dorm, holding tears back the whole way. The Confrontation she had experienced was still fresh... only a few hours ago, she had another traumatic moment ti add to the sequence of misfortune that she called her life. She could almost still hear the conversation as if it happened five minutes ago...

*6 hours earlier...*

Emma Sat in her last class of the day, "Advanced Battle Strategies" She couldn't seem to focus on the Class that day. The reason? Top ranked student, Jordan Gold.

Jordan, a tall, blonde haired boy, had been the talk of the class. He had crushed some of the upperclassmen with relative ease. His lack of Professionalism made teachers dislike him, but he was more popular than anyone... which is why Emma, being the Shy and Insecure girl she was, knew he'd never notice her. She found herself writing in her diary after the 4th and final Period of the day. What was she writing about? The last few entries included things like:

"The more I think about The boy in my second period, the more I see why everyone likes him. He's a natural-born trainer, but he's a total comedian. He sleeps in class sometimes, he Doesn't score highly on tests... but he Beats everyone the teachers put him up against. Not to mention he's Crazy athletic. I've seen him training by sparing with his own pokemon before! Everything about him just seems like something out of my dreams, but he's definatly real. The reality hits me every time that he won't ever notice me, because I'm barely even staying eligible for enrollment because of my lack of battling consistency..."

She was still writing when a voice came from over her shoulder. "Whatcha writin' there?" A boy with a Medium build and light brown hair stood over her.

"Brain, leave me alone." She muttered loud enough for him to hear.

"What's the matter? You wanna battle? Or are you too big of a loser to even try to fight the Calster?" Brain smugly taunted.

Emma felt tears forming. "S-Stop...". But Brian had no intention of stopping. "You know you're only here because of your sister. If it were you alone, you'd be outta here in a wink and no one would care."

She began to cry now, doing her best to hide her face. This only fueled The bully's Fire. "What do we have here?" Brian pulled A Pokeball marked with a Heart on it from Emma's bag and released the pokemon. A Gible popped out. "Gib?" He looked around, confused and hungry.

"How does a loser like you have a Dragon type pokemon? I guess I'll be a nice guy and take this off your hands to raise him right..." Brian put the ball in his pocket.

Emma could only just cry more, knowing Brian was to strong for her to even try and fight.

Another voice was heard. "Hey, Hey, Hey! What're you doing, Callahan?!"

Brian grunted as he smirked at the boy who ran over. "Back off, Goldie. This is MY buisness, not yours."

"How about you give her the Gible back? Or else..." The Blonde boy reached for a pokeball in his pocket.

"Oh? I'm not scared of you. I have some of the strongest pokemon that the acadamy lets the students use!" Brian Threw out a Gravelar.

Emma stopped crying in time to get a look at the blonde boy who stuck up for her. "W-Wait... Aren't you..." She stuttered.

The boy smiled as he released a Shiny Riolu from his Pokeball. "Jordan Gold, at your service." He smiled at her. "You need me to take this guy for you?" He asked.

Emma responded with a nod, not sure of what to say... the guy she thought would never even care to look her way was standing up for her... She was definatly not used to someone being this nice to her.

Brian grumbled. "Tomorrow, 1 O'clock, Arena one, 3 on 3, No funny business. I'll put you in your place." He stormed off.

Jordan offered a hand to her. "Emily, was it? I think you know this already, but my name's..."

"Jordan, Right?" She cut him off. "Yeah, like i don't hear enough about you in ABS..." she avoided Eye contact, letting her gaze focus on some people walking by.

Jordan looked at the same group of students and waited for a moment. "What're ya looking at them for?" He said with a laugh. "Y'know I'm in front of you, right?"

"Y-yeah... Sorry, I'm... just not good around new people..." Emma mentally kicked herself. Come on, Emily! Don't screw this up... It might be your last chance to talk to this guy!

"Anyways, I'll see ya around i guess." Jordan saluted before beginning to walk away.

"W-Wait up!" Emma hurried after him. "How'd I know you'd follow me?" Jordan said with a grin.

"You....... What?" Emma seemed lost. "Oh, right. I heard Brian McJerkface talking smack about you and how bad you were, so I figured you were lonely..." He paused and had an idea. "hey, If you don't have any friends, I'll be your friend!" He suggested.

In her mind, Emma was shellshocked... in a good way at least. OH MY ARCEUS WHAT IS HAPPENING?! She thought with a rush of emotion.

She managed to get her thoughts in line and respond. "That sounds nice." She said sheepishly.

"Cool. I'm going to train for a while. If you want, I'll give ya my phone number when we're done. Meet outside the Dorms at about... eh, 7 Or so." He smiled and began to run toward the Training area, his Riolu keeping pace. He quickly turned around, causing the riolu to look back, but not stop running, and he knocked over a trash can.

Jordan ran back to where Emma stood. "And one more thing. If you want, you don't need to be so shy. It's just me." He said with his signature "golden boy" smile before running back to the training hall, picking up the trash can and his Riolu, who was unharmed, but mad and kicking the trash can, before entering the hall.

*Current time*

Emma waited outside her dorm building. "Almost 7..." she said under her breath, looking down at her feet. Her long, blonde hair blocked most of her peripheral vision, but she didn't need to look up, nor did she want to.

Suddenly, a pokeball burst open from her bag and her Gible came out. "Gib, Gible, Gib!" He says before sniffing around for food. Emma sighed, brushing her hair out of her face. "Braxton, I've told you a hundred times, you're not allowed outside your pokeball past 6. Acadamy rules, Brax!" She knelt by her Gible.

"Nice pokemon, Em." Jordan, who exited the guy's dorm building, commented. Emma stood upright, holding Braxton in her arms. "Thanks... His name's Braxton. He's not Acadamy owned..." she smiled with a hint of pride.

"So you own a pokemon too? Sweet! I think you already Know Rico." He nodded at the Shiny Riolu who was trying to jump up to the counter of a Street vendor to get food.

Emma laughed. "He seems like quite the hungry little guy. Brax's the same way." Jordan smiled as he paid for 3 hot dogs. Rico quickly ate 2 of them, but Brax jumped down and gave Rico the cute sharkpuppy eyes. Rico tilted his head and offered Brax the hot dog. The Gible sniffed it for a few seconds before eating it in one bite, nearly taking Rico's paw off in the process. Braxton jumped up and down with delight as Rico made a plan to get more food.

"They're already Bonding over food... so Why not take after them?" Jordan shrugged.

"I'm not that hungry..." Emma giggled. "Oh, I mean just getting to know each other. Let's start simple; How'd you get Braxton?" Jordan asks.

"Oh..." Emma's face turned pale. She looked at her phone and looked around. "I-I gotta go..." she turned her attention to Brax and Rico, only to smile at the antics the two were pulling. Rico was using Brax as a stool to get high enough to take a number of hot dogs, getting about 12 in total, splitting the "plunder" with his new friend.

Emma scooped up Brax and began heading inside when she felt a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey, at least have this..." Jordan slipped her a notecard that was folded in half. When Emma used her free hand to unfold it, a phone number was on the notecard. She turned to thank him, but he had already gone inside his dorm.

"Thank you..." she said to no one in particular as she went to her dorm room for the night.

The moon shone on the Hoenn Academy, signifying the end of yet another day of academic and Exciting Battle filled day. What will become of Jordan in his match with school bigshot. Brian Callahan? Find out in chapter 2 of "Golden"!

*Holy Crap guys! 1500+ words?!?! This is no joke my longest chapter ever... I'll try to not make it drag, but hey, FIRST BATTLE COMING NEXT CHAPTER! Plus the Naming of Braxon and Rico IS indeed a reference to the RP's i have included them in. Those two will be causing trouble all story long, and especially when... Nah I'll let you guys see for yourselves. #NoSpoilers

1. Please Vote if you liked it, or don't, up to you.

2.Feel free to ship any characters in my stories.

3. Please comment your thoughts and pm me if you want to see a pokemon or trainer in this story, or if you just have an idea for the plot!


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