Summer Skin 2021 - by QuillWeaver

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So summer is here. What does that mean for your skin? Sweat, oil, dirt, and clogged pores. The perfect formula for the dreaded bane… acne!

Acne affects everyone, not just teens and young adults. Sometimes, despite your best efforts to care for your skin, those evil zits just keep right on coming. Sometimes stress or hormonal issues lead to fierce outbreaks. Other times, allergies that contain certain chemicals are the culprit. But although acne is inevitable, it is treatable and, in some cases, preventable. Here are some tips on how to keep a lid on those pesky zits.

Wash your face twice a day with a mild soap. I recommend Dove beauty bars because they're mild but effective. For those who may not know, Dove has a line of products for men. If guys are looking for gentle but effective skincare with a masculine scent, that's the ticket.

Witch hazel is an excellent astringent for facial skin. Moistening a cotton ball or pad with a generous amount of witch hazel after washing your face is not only refreshing, but it's also great to deep-clean your pores. Nix that dirt and oil!

Ladies, makeup plays a huge role in breakouts! Using makeup containing comedogenic substances (ingredients that block pores) can lead to massive acne breakouts. Here's a list of some ingredients to avoid:

   isopropyl palmitate

    isopropyl isostearate

    butyl stearate

    isostearyl neopentanoate

    myristyl myristate

    decyl oleate

    octyl stearate

    octyl palmitate

    isocetyl stearate

propylene glycol-2 (PPG-2) myristyl propionate
lanolins, especially:


    ethoxylated lanolins

That's a lot to remember, right? I know! Keeping it simple, remember to look for cosmetics that read "clean", "natural", or even better: "mineral". Water-based makeup is ideal for a lightweight feel and clearer pores. Try avoiding anything with bismuth, talc and mineral oil. It's not a pretty combo for acne-prone skin.

I know I already mentioned face-washing as a key method of avoiding breakouts, but for the gals who use cosmetics, here's an extra tip: use makeup remover/ cloths to take off excess makeup before washing your face. Especially for those who do the whole work-up of highlighting/strobing and eyeshadow/eyeliner, a lot of pigments and other ingredients get mixed up with the sweat, oils, and environmental pollutants. A lot of that gunk gets trapped in the pores, and that's something you don't want. Lifting away the excess means you have less to wash away before bedtime. 

Last, but definitely not least, don't forget a moisturizer before going to bed. No; this isn't just for women or aging people. Keeping your skin clean and hydrated is key to having clear, smooth skin. And here's an extra tip: the sooner you begin your moisturization regimen, the better your skin will look as you age. Just be sure to use quality moisturizers that indicate "non-comedogenic" or "non pore-clogging".

Of course, there's no such thing as fail-proof. Breakouts are bound to happen for several reasons. If you're doing your best to keep a clean, healthy face but you break out anyway, it's time to see a professional. So, stay clean, stay clear, and happy summer! 🌞

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