Follow the spiders

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(Y/N), Harry and Ron, under the Invisibility Cloak, approach Hagrid's cabin at night. They knock at the door; Fang looks up, Hagrid puts the lid on his teapot and readies his crossbow. "Who's there?" Hagrid walks to his front door and gently kicking it open. "Hello? Hello?" He asked. (Y/N), Harry and Ron remove the cloak, Hagrid lowers it at the sight of them. "What's that for?" Harry asked. "Oh, nothing, I was expecting, uh... it doesn't matter. Come on in, I just made a pot of tea." He pours tea into a cup all the way to the brim. "Hagrid, are you okay?" (Y/N) asked gently. "I'm fine. I'm all right." He puts the teapot down. "Di-did you hear about Hermione?" Harry asked. "Oh yeah. I heard about that all right." Hagrid said. "Look, we have to ask you something. Do you know who's opened the Chamber of Secrets?" (Y/N) asked. "What you have to understand about that is..." there is another knock at the door; (Y/N), Harry and Ron turn towards the door as Fang barks. "Quick. Under the cloak. Don't say a word, be quiet, all of you." (Y/N), Harry and Ron go into a corner, where Ron throws the cloak back over them; Hagrid pushes open the door, to find Dumbledore at the door, accompanied by another older gentleman, Cornelius Fudge.

"Oh, Professor Dumbledore, sir." Hagrid said. "Good evening, Hagrid. I wonder, could we...?" Dumbledore asked. "Of course. Come in, come in." Hagrid said. "That's dad's boss, Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic." Ron said. "Bad business, Hagrid, very bad business. Had to come. Three atracks on Muggle-borns. Things have gone far enough. The Ministry's got to act." Fudge said to Hagrid. "But I know I never, Professor." Hagrid pleaded. "I want it understood, Cornelius...that Hagrid...has my full confidence." Dumbledore defended. "Albus, look, Hagrid's records is against him. I've got to take him." Fudge replied with a tight smile. "Take me? Take me where? Not Azkaban prison!" Hagrid said. "I'm afraid we have no choice, Hagrid." Fudge replied just as the door opens again and in walks Lucius Malfoy. "Already here, Fudge? Good." He said. "What are you doing here? Get out of my house!" Hagrid growled. "Believe me... I take absolutely no pleasure being inside your..." Mr Malfoy said as he walks further into the house. (Y/N) and the boys back up as he walks in but stops inches from the three as he looks around with disgust. "You call this a house?" He asked. "No. I called up the school and was told the headmaster was here." He said as he turns to face the men. "And what exactly is it that you want from me?" Dumbledore asked. "The other governors and I have decided it's time for you to step aside. This is an order of suspension." Mr Malfoy said as he holds up a roll of parchment and hands it over to Dumbledore. "You'll find all twelve signatures on it. I'm afraid we feel you've rather lost your touch. Well, what with all these attacks....there'll be no Muggle-borns left at Hogwarts. I can it imagine what an awful loss that would be to the school." "You can't take Professor Dumbledore away. Take him away and the Muggle-borns won't stand a chance. You mark my words there'll be killings next!" Hagrid shouted. "You think so?" Mr Malfoy asked.

"Calm yourself, Hagrid. If the governors desire my removal.... I will, of course, step aside. However... you will find that help will always be given at Hogwarts to those who ask for it." Dumbledore said and (Y/N) began to think that he was looking right at her and the boys. "Admirable sentiments. Shall we?" Mr Malfoy said and he begins to walk out of the hut as Dumbledore looks right at where (Y/N) and the boys are standing and gives her a look before he turns around and walks away. "Come, Hagrid." Fudge said to Hagrid. "Well, if....if anybody was looking for some stuff then all they have to do would be to follow the spiders. Yep. That would lead them right. That's all I have to say. And someone will need to feed Fang while I'm away." Hagrid said as he walks out of his home. Fang let's out a long growl as Fudge looks at the dog then whispered. "Good boy." Hagrid then left. (Y/N), Harry and Ron exit the cabin and glance to their left at the window, to see the spiders scurrying out the window, down the side of the house, towards the Forbidden Forest. "Come on." Harry said. "What?!" Ron asked. "You heard what Hagrid said: "Follow the spiders." Harry said. "They're heading to the Dark Forest!" Ron protested. "Be brave, Ron." (Y/N) said as she follows Harry. "Why spiders? Why couldn't it be "follow the butterflies"?" Ron asked. (Y/N) and the boys walk deeper and deeper into the woods. Eventually, the trio make it to a clearing in the woods and hear what sounds like tree branch breaking. "Who is it?" A booming raspy voice called out. (Y/N) jumps as Harry takes your hand and looks at her and Ron and said. "Don't panic." "Hagrid? Is that you?" The voice asked. "We're friends of Hagrid's." Harry said as a giant spider slowly walks into the clearing. (Y/N), Harry and Ron stare at the creature in fear until (Y/N) said, "You're Aragog, aren't you?"

"Yes." He said. "He's in trouble. Up at the school, there have been attacks. They think it's Hagrid. They think he opened the Chamber of Secrets. Like before." Harry said. "That's a lie! Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets." Aragog said. "Then you're not the monster?" (Y/N) asked. "No. The monster was born in the castle. I came to Hagrid from a distant land in the pocket of a traveler." Aragog answered. "Harry. (Y/N)." Ron whispered but (Y/N) shushed him as Harry asked. "But if you're not the monster, then what did kill that girl fifty years ago?" "We do not speak of it. It is an ancient creature we spiders fear above all others." Aragog. said. "But have you seen it?" (Y/N) asked. "I never saw any part of the castle but the box in which Hagrid kept me. The girl was discovered in a bathroom. When I was accused, Hagrid brought me here." He said. "Harry. (Y/N)." Ron said a little louder. "What?" They asked. Ron points above them. The two look up and see hundreds of spiders coming down to surround her and the boys. "Well, thank you. We'll just go." Harry said as they start to back away. "Go? I think not. My son's and daughters do not harm Hagrid on my command. But I cannot deny them fresh meat when it wanders so willingly into our midst. Goodbye friends of Hagrid." Aragog said as Ron turns to you two and asked. "Can we panic now?" A spider falls next to Harry, who takes the lantern and swings it at the spider. The trio stand by each other, back to back, as they point their wands at the spiders.

"Know any spells?" Ron asked. "One." Harry replied. "But it's not powerful enough for all of them." (Y/N) said. "Where's Hermione when you need her?" Ron asked, fearfully, as the spiders begin to surround the three until they saw two bright lights coming, the lights making the spiders run away as it stopped in front of them. The lights turned out to be Mr Weasley's car. "Come on." (Y/N) said. Ron runs over to the drivers side and jumps in just as a spider comes at him. Two spiders were coming at you and Harry but the both of you point your wands and said. "Arania Exumai!" And the spiders where blown back as (Y/N) holds the door open for Fang then jumps into the back and Harry jumps into the passengers seat. "Go!" Harry shouted as he backs the car up and away from the spiders. The car goes up in the air, making (Y/N) and the boys scream, and land on the ground. The trio  let out a sigh of relief. "Glad we're out of there." (Y/N) nods as Harry smiles when suddenly a spider comes up and wraps it's pinchers around Ron's neck. (Y/N) points her wand at the spider and said. "Arania Exumai!" And the spider flies backwards into the forest. "Thanks for that." Ron said. "Don't mention it." She said. The spiders appear at the top of the hill, and begin moving towards the car; seeing the spiders, Ron whimpers. "Get us out of here. Now!" Harry shouted. Ron puts the car in reverse. "Come on! Come on, move faster!" (Y/N) and the boys scream as Ron makes a sharp turn. "Come on, go!" Ron puts the car in drive, and steps on the gas; as they drive through the forest, the spiders pursue the car, moving almost as fast as cheetahs. "Get us in the air." Harry said. "The flying gear's jammed!" Ron said. The spiders gather at a tree branch up ahead, intent on intercepting the Ford Anglia. "Come on. Pull!" (Y/N) shouted. "I'm trying!" He shouted.  As they drive into the pack of spiders, knocking them aside, the car takes the air, with one spider managing to grab hold of the car before falling to the ground. Flying over the trees, the car descends and lands a few feet from Hagrid's house before coming to a complete stop in front of the house; (Y/N) opens his car door and lets Fang out. "Follow the spiders". "Follow the spiders"! If Hagrid ever gets out of Azkaban, I'll kill him." Ron declared. The Ford Anglia backs up as Fang reenters Hagrid's house, then drives past (Y/N), Harry and Ron, and back into the forest again. "I mean, what was the point of sending us in there? What have we found out?" Ron asked. "We know one thing: Hagrid never opened the Chamber of Secrets; he was innocent." (Y/N) said.

Time Skip

The next day, (Y/N), Harry and Ron are visiting Hermione in the Hospital Wing again; (Y/N) takes the old dried up flowers out of the vase next to Hermione's bed, puts in some new white flowers (most likely roses), then sits on the bed. "Wish you were here, Hermione. We need you. Now more than ever." (Y/N) said. Hermione just lays there with her glossy facial expression as Ron sighs sadly. (Y/N) rubs Hermione's left hand; feeling something in it, she looks down and removes her hand to discover a crumpled up piece of paper, a library book page, which she carefully removes and straightens out. "What's that?" Ron asked. "Guys, this is why Hermione was in the library the day she was attacked." She glances at the page and then back at Harry and Ron as she gets up. "Come on!" (Y/N), Harry and Ron walk through the corridor as (Y/N) reads from the page. "Of the many fearsome beasts that roam our land, none is more deadly than the Basilisk. Capable of living for hundreds of years, instant death awaits any who meet this giant serpent's eye. Spiders flee before it..." she looks at the boys.

"This is it. The monster in the Chamber of Secrets is a Basilisk. That's why Harry and I can hear it speak. It's a snake." (Y/N) said. "But if it kills by looking people in the eye, why is it no one's dead?" Ron asked. "Because no one did look it in the eye. Not directly, at least." Harry said. They walk along as they go over how each of the victims were petrified. "Colin saw it through his camera. Justin... Justin must've seen the Basilisk through Nearly Headless Nick. Nick got the full blast of it, but he's a ghost. He couldn't die again. And Hermione... had the mirror. I bet you anything she was using it to look around corners in case it came along." Harry said. "And Mrs. Norris? I'm pretty sure she didn't have a camera or a mirror, Harry." Ron pointed out. "The water... There was water on the floor that night. She only saw the Basilisk's reflection." Harry said. Ron nods. (Y/N) takes another look at the page, then walks to a nearby torch to more easily read the page, running her finger along it as she reads. "Spiders flee before it." It all fits." She said. "But how's the Basilisk been getting around? A dirty great snake, someone would've seen it." Ron said. The trio glance at the bottom of the page where the word "Pipes" is written. "Hermione's answered that, too." Harry said.

"Pipes? It's using the plumbing!" Ron said. "Remember what Aragog said about that girl fifty years ago, she died in a bathroom? What if she never left?" (Y/N) asked. "Moaning Myrtle." Ron realized. (Y/N) nods. "All students are to return to their house dormitories at once. [Ron glances at Harry in surprise, wondering what could be going on now] All teachers to the second floor corridor immediately." McGonagall announced. (Y/N), Harry and Ron hurry to the second floor corridor. In the section where the bloody message is, Professors McGonagall, Snape, Flitwick, Madam Pomfrey, and Filch run up to the wall, where Professor McGonagall directs their attention to a newly written message. "As you can see, the Heir of Slytherin has left another message." (Y/N), Harry and Ron walk into the corridor behind them. "Our worst fear has been realized, a student has been taken by the monster, into the Chamber itself." McGonagall said. "The students must be sent home. I'm afraid this is the end of Hogwarts." She said. "So sorry. Dozed off. What have I missed?" Lockhart asked. "A girl has been snatched by the monster, Lockhart. Your moment has come at last." Snape said. "My... moment?" He asked, slightly stunned.

"Weren't you saying just last night you've known all along where the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets is?" Snape asked. "That's settled. We'll leave you to deal with the monster, Gilderoy. Your skills, after all, are legend." Lockhart said. "Very well. I'll just be in my office, getting, uh... getting ready." He turns and walks away; Filch watches him, then glances at Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall. "Who is it that the monster's taken, Minerva?" Madam Pomfrey asked. She glances at her. "Ginny Weasley." (Y/N), Harry and Ron straighten up in shock; Ron quavers slightly, causing (Y/N) to put a hand on his back for comfort. Professor McGonagall sadly walks away, along with the other staff; a second later, Snape follows them, revealing the newly written message, which reads "Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever". "Her skeleton will lie in the Chamber forever." (Y/N) and Harry look at Ron as he's becoming all the more devastated by his sister's abduction. "Ginny..." (Y/N) rubbed his back, trying her best to comfort her friend.  (Y/N), Harry and Ron race into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom and up the stairs to Lockhart's office. "Lockhart may be useless, but he's going to try to get into the Chamber. At least we can tell him what we know!" Harry said. The trio open the door and step inside his office. "Professor, we have some information for you." (Y/N) said. Lockhart stuffs some clothes into his trunk, which he closes as he turns toward them; Ron scowls at him. "Are you going somewhere?" He asked. "Um... well, yes. Urgent call. Unavoidable. Uh, got to go." Lockhart said. "What about my sister?!" Ron asked. "Uh, well, um... As to that, most unfortunate. No one regrets more than I." Lockhart said. "You're the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. You can't go now!" (Y/N) protested. "Well, I must say, when I took the job, there was nothing in the job description about--" Harry blocks his path. "You're running away? After all that stuff you did in your books?!" He asked. "Books can be misleading." Lockhart said. "You wrote them!" Harry shouted.

"My dear boy, do use your common sense! My books wouldn't have sold half as well if people didn't think I'd done all those things!" Lockhart shouted. "You're a fraud. You've just been taking credit for what other wizards have done!" (YN) shouted. "Is there anything you can do?" Ron asked. "Yes. Now you mention it. I'm rather gifted with memory charms. Otherwise, you see, all those wizards would've gone blabbing, and I'd never have sold another book. In fact, uh... I'm uh..." (Y/N) nods at the boys as Lockhart walks toward his suitcase, they all reach into their robes to pull out their wands. "Going to have to do the same to you." He collects his wand from the suitcase, but (Y/N), Harry and Ron already have their wands trained on him. "Don't even think about it." (Y/N) points downward, gesturing for Lockhart to drop his wand; Lockhart reluctantly does so. In her bathroom, Moaning Myrtle is floating around crying as (Y/N), Harry, Ron, and Lockhart enter. "Oh? Who's there?" Seeing (Y/N), she smiles warmly at her. "Oh, hello, (Y/N). What do you want?" She asked. "To ask you how you died." The girl said. She smiles slightly. "Oh." Then it faded.

"It was dreadful. It happened right here in this very cubicle. I'd hidden because Olive Hornby was teasing me about my glasses. I was crying, and then... I heard somebody come in." She said. "Who was it, Myrtle?" Harry asked. "I don't know. I was distraught!" She floats towards the four. "But they said something funny, a kind of made-up language, and I realized it was a boy speaking, so I unlocked the door to tell him to go away, and... I died." She said. "Just like that? How?" Harry asked. "I just remember seeing a pair of great big yellow eyes, over there, by that sink." She points at the circle of sinks in the center of the bathroom. As Myrtle floats off to the stalls, (Y/N) steps forward to examine the sinks. Reaching up to the circular stone above the sinks, she moves her hand downward to the sink in front of her, she turns the tap, but no water comes out. At that second, something else catches her eye; looking more closely at the tap, she sees a snake carved on it. "This is it." She takes a step back. "This is it, guys. I think this is the entrance to the Chamber of Secrets." Lockhart glances at the sink in surprise. "Say something. (Y/N), say something in Parseltongue." Ron said. "Hesha- Hassah." (Y/N) said. The circular stone above the sinks rises, then all the sinks begin to move outwards. (Y/N), Harry, Ron, and Lockhart back away slowly as the sinks move; the sink with the snake carved on its tap descends into the floor, then a grating slides over it. Lockhart steps towards the opening that the sinks concealed and looks down into a very wide black hole.

He inhales then turns to (Y/N) with a grin. "Excellent, beautiful. Ah, good work. Well, then, I'll just be, uh... there's no need for me to stay." He tries to run, but (Y/N), Harry and Ron grab hold of him. "Oh, yes there is!" Harry said. with all their might, they push Lockhart backwards toward the passage before drawing their wands. "You first." Harry said. "Now, guys, what good will it do?" He asked. "Better you than us." (Y/N) said, the boys nod in agreement. "Um, but... obviously, yes." He nervously turns around and grips the sinks as he looks down into the passage before glancing over his shoulder at the boys again. "Sure you don't want to test it first?" He asked. Annoyed, Ron pokes Lockhart with his wand, sending him into the passage, screaming as he disappears into the darkness; a second later, a crash is heard as (Y/N), Harry and Ron walk up to the opening. "It's really quite filthy down here." He said. "All right. Let's go." (Y/N) said. The boys nod "Oh, (Y/N)?" The trio look up at her. "If you die down there, you're welcome to share my toilet." She giggles; and the boys glare at her slightly.  "Uh... thanks, Myrtle." She said. She then turns to the opening, and jumps into it; Harry and Ron immediately jumps in after her. (Y/N), Harry and Ron scream as they go down a slide, which leads to a small pit filled with animal bones, most likely the Basilisk's feeding area, as Lockhart brushes the dirt off his robes when the three land. They immediately get to feet and point their wands at him. "Ugh." Ron said, glancing at the muck around them.

"Now, remember: any sign of movement, close your eyes straight away." Harry and (Y/N) turn and go into the passageway behind them. "Go on." Lockhart reluctantly follows the two into the passage with Ron right behind him. Coming to another passageway to the right, (Y/N) beckons Harry, Ron and Lockhart to follow. "This way." The four walk into a cavern-like room with a massive and lengthy snakeskin on the floor. Harry walks along the snakeskin. "What's this?" Ron asked. "It looks like a... snake." (Y/N) said. "It's a snakeskin." Harry corrected. "Bloody hell. Whatever shed this must be sixty feet long. Or more." Ron said. Lockhart faints, most likely from fear. "Heart of a lion, this one." Ron said sarcastically, causing (Y/N) to chuckle softly. He suddenly grabs Ron's wand and getting to his feet while breathing wickedly and pointing the wand at (Y/N), causing the boys to watch in horror. "The adventure ends here, kids. But don't fret. The world will know our story. How I was too late to save the girl," he points the wand at Ron. "How you three tragically lost your minds at the sight of her mangled body. So.." he points the wand back to (Y/N). "You first, Ms. (L/N). Say good-bye to your memories." He waves the wand wildly as he shouts. "Obliviate!" "(Y/N)!" The boys shouted. However, instead of hitting her, the spell backfired and hit him instead.  Causing Lockhart to fly backwards, slam into the wall, then fall to the floor. A couple seconds later, a rumbling begins, then rocks begin to fall from the ceiling; Harry and (Y/N) take cover as huge rocks go flying over them while Ron backs up against the wall as the rocks form a massive pile.

(Y/N) hears Ron coughing from the dust produced by the rocks. "Ron!" She shouted worriedly. "(Y/N)!" He shouted back. "Harry!" He shouted afterward. (Y/N) and Harry run to a opening in the big pile of rocks separating him from Ron. "Ron!" Harry shouted. "Ron, are you okay?" (Y/N) asked worriedly. "I'm fine!" He shouted back. Lockhart groans and sits up. "Hello. Who are you?" He asked Ron. "Um... Ron Weasley." He replied. "Really? And, uh... who-who am I?" Lockhart asked. Realizing Lockhart has erased his own memory by accident, Ron turns toward (Y/N) and Harry again. "Lockhart's memory charm backfired! He hasn't got a clue who he is!" He shouted. Lockhart picks up a small rock as Harry watches through the opening. "It's an odd sort of place this is, isn't it?" He tosses the rock in his hand then glances at Ron. "Do you live here?" He asked. Ron takes the rock from Lockhart. "No." "Really?" Ron smacks Lockhart on the back of the head with the rock, knocking him out; Harry winks slightly. "What do I do now?" Ron asked. "You wait here, and try and shift some of this rock so we can get back through. (Y/N) and I will go on and find Ginny." Harry said. "Okay." Ron said. Harry draws his wand as he steps onto the floor again and walks forward. Up ahead, the two see a circular door with seven snake-shaped locks on it, and step toward it. "Hesha- Hassah." Harry said. An eighth snake slithers out from the door's mechanical hinge, and slithers along the door's edge, causing the other seven snakes to retract one by one. As the snake slithers back into the hinge, the door slowly opens. Harry and (Y/N) step forward; on the other side is the Chamber of Secrets. They cautiously step through the door, into the Chamber, towards the ladder in the doorway.

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