Mirror of Erised

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The next morning, in the great hall. The gang is sitting, eating. Harry is twirling his food on a fork, along with (Y/N). "Take a bit of toast, mates, go on." Ron encouraged. "Ron's right, guys. You're gonna need your strength today." Hermione said. "I'm not hungry." Harry said. "Me either." (Y/N) said. Snape appears at the table. "Good luck today, Potter and (L/N). Then again, now that you've proven yourself against a troll, a little game of Quidditch should be easy work for you... even if it is against Slytherin." Snape walks off, limping. Harry notices this. "That explains the blood." Harry said. "Blood?" (Y/N) asked. "Listen, last night, I'm guessing Snape let the troll in as a diversion so he could try and get past that 3 headed dog. But, he got himself bitten, that's why he's limping." Harry explained. "But why would anyone go near that dog?" (Y/N) asked. "The day I was at Gringotts, Hagrid took something out of one of the vaults. He said it was Hogwarts' business, very secret." Harry said. "So you're saying..." (Y/N) began. "That's what the dog's guarding. That's what Snape wants." Hedwig screeches as she enters the Great Hall. She is carrying a very large, long parcel. She drops it off at the table.

"Bit early for mail, isn't it?" Hermione asked. "But I-I never get mail." Harry pointed out. "Let's open it." Ron said. The four open it to reveal a broomstick. "It's a broomstick!" Harry said. "Thats not just any broomstick, Harry. It's a Nimbus 2000!" (Y/N) said with excitement. "But who...?" He notices Professor McGonagall up at the head table, stroking Hedwig. She smiles and Harry nods. Later on, inside a Quidditch tower. The Gryffindor team is marching towards the starting gate. They reach it and stop, behind a closed double door. "Scared, Harry? (Y/N)?" Wood asked. "A little." (Y/N) said. "That's all right. I felt the same way before my first game." Wood said. "What happened?" Harry asked. "Er, I don't really remember. I took a bludger to the head 2 minutes in. Woke up in the hospital a week later." Harry gulps and looks straight ahead as the doors open. They mount their brooms and zoom out onto the enormous pitch. There is cheering. Lee Jordan, the Quidditch commentator is announcing from a tower. "Hello, and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season! Today's game Slytherin versus Gryffindor!!!" Lee Jordan said. The players take their positions in the air in a circle. Harry weaves in, highest amongst. He looks down. "The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game." Lee said.

"Now, I want a nice clean game...from all of you." She looks at Slytherin. She kicks the trunk, and the bludgers zoom out. "The bludgers are up...followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker who catches the Snitch ends the game." The snitch zooms around each Seeker's head, then disappears. Hooch grabs the Quaffle. "The Quaffle is released...and the game begins!" Lee announced. (Y/N) takes possession of the ball and a chaser, Angelia Johnson, zooms past the Slytherins towards their goal, and throws the ball, and scores! There is a ding. "(Y/N) (L/N) scores! 10 points for Gryffindor!" He presses a button and a 10 shows up beside a plaque with Gryffindor's name. Harry, in the air, claps. "Yes!" A bludger suddenly zooms by him. "Whoa!" In the stands, Gryffindor cheers. "Well done!" Hagrid said. Slytherin takes possession of the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint. Flint dodges people and throws for the Gryffindor hoops. Oliver appears and whacks the ball away with his broom. He smirks at Flint, who glares. Johnson and Katie Bell pass the Quaffle back and forth as they strategize to score. Johnson takes it, throws, and once again scores.

"Another 10 points to Gryffindor!" He adds another 10 to the score with a ding. The Slytherins decide to get messy. They dodge, kick, and try to score. Once again, Oliver blocks. "Give me that!" Flint grabs a beaters bat from one and whacks a bludger right at Oliver. It hits Oliver directly in the stomach and he plummets to the ground, knocked out. This causes the entire audience to boo; Harry is visibly upset as the Slytherins laugh. The Slytherin members head off. One jumps over George (or Fred) and scores. Lee adds 10 points in the plaque with Slytherin's name. "Take that side! "They box Johnson in and sent her into the capes covering one of the towers. She falls down in and is out. The crowd boos. Slytherin scores once again. Suddenly, Harry sees the Snitch. He starts to head off after it and then suddenly his broom starts bucking and turning. "Whoa! Whooa!" "Harry!" (Y/N) shouted. "What's going on with Harry's broomstick?" Hagrid asked. Hermione looks through binoculars at Harry, then at Snape, who is visibly muttering. "It's Snape! He's jinxing the broom!" She said. "Jinxing the broom? What do we do?" Ron asked. "Leave it to me." She hands Ron her binoculars and leaves the stands. Harry is knocked and thrown around, then falls, dangling by one arm from the broom.

"Come on, Hermione!" Ron said. Hermione is hurrying up in the tower structures. She appears underneath Snape and touches his cloak with her wand. "Lacarnum Inflamarae." A spark ignites and Snape's cloak catches fire. Hermione quickly leaves. "Fire! You're on fire!" A man shouted. "What? Oh!" Snaps knocks the man back, who falls into Quirrell, who then also falls. Snape bats out the fire and acts as though nothing happened. The broom stop bucking, and Harry climbs back on. The Slytherin seeker is after the Snitch. Harry takes off. "Go!" Ron shouted. "Go! Go! Go!" Hagrid said. Harry rams the Slytherin Seeker, then is butted out. He returns, smashing the Seeker again as the Snitch dives. The boys follow, but they approach the ground quickly. The Slytherin Seeker backs out, and Harry pulls up his broom as he follows the Snitch, feet above the ground. Harry stands up, and steps forward, trying to grab the ball. He goes too far, and topples off the broom with a yelp, tumbling on the ground. He gets up and lurches. The crowd gasps. Hermione appears beside a tower to see. "Looks like he's gonna be sick!" Hagrid said. Harry lurches and the Snitch pops out of his mouth. It lands in his hands. "He's got the Snitch! Harry Potter receives 150 points for catching the Snitch!" Lee said. Hooch blows her whistle whilst riding on her broomstick. "Gryffindor wins!" The crowd cheers in joy including Gryffindor. "Yes!" Hagrid cheered. "Whoo-hoo!" Hermione cheered. McGonagall giggles happily. Harry raises the Snitch into the air and the crowd, and his team, cheers. "Go go Gryffindor! Go go Gryffindor! Go go Gryffindor! Go go Gryffindor!"

Time Skip

(Y/N), Harry, Hermione and Ron are walking along a path with Hagrid, talking. "Nonsense! Why would Snape put a curse on Harry's broom?" Hagrid asked. "Who knows? Why was he trying to get past that three-headed dog on Halloween?" (Y/N) asked. Hagrid turns to them, suspiciously. "Who told you 'bout Fluffy?" He asked. "Fluffy?" Ron asked in disbelief. "That thing has a name?" Hermione asked. "Well, of course he's got a name. He's mine. I bought him off an Irish feller I met down at the pub last year. Then I lent him to Dumbledore to guard the.." Hagrid went on. "Yes?" Harry asked. "Shouldn't have said that. No more questions! Don't ask any more questions. That's top secret, that is." Hagrid said. "But, Hagrid, whatever Fluffy's guarding, Snape's trying to steal it." Harry said. "Codswallop. Professor Snape is a Hogwarts teacher." Hagrid said. "Hogwarts teacher or not, I know a spell when I see one. I've read all about them. You've got to keep eye contact and Snape wasn't blinking." Hermione said. "Exactly." (Y/N) said. Hagrid sighs. "Now, you listen to me, all four of you. You're meddling in things that ought not to be meddled in. It's dangerous. What that dog is guarding is strictly between Dumbledore and Nicholas Flamel." Hagrid said. "Nicholas Flamel?" (Y/N) asked. "I shouldn't said that. I should not have said that." He then leaves, mumbling to himself. "Nicholas Flamel." Harry turns to Hermione. "Who's Nicholas Flamel?" He asked. "I don't know." She shakes her head. "(Y/N)?" Harry asked hopefully. "Sorry, I don't know either." She said.

Time Skip

It is now Christmas at Hogwarts, with snow falling. Hagrid is dragging a massive Christmas tree to the castle. Hermione walks to the Great Hall entrance with her luggage and wearing a scarf as the ghosts are singing Christmas songs. Hermione looks from the massive Christmas tree as Flitwick uses his wand to put another ornament on the tree to (Y/N), Harry and Ron as the boys play Chess and (Y/N) watches and walks towards them. "Knight to E5." Harry said. The Knight moves to its destination. Hermione walks up behind Harry. "Queen to E5." Ron said. Hermione watches as Ron's queen goes over to Harry's knight and whacks the knight with her chair. Ron grins. "That's totally barbaric!" Hermione said. "That's wizard's chess." Ron said. He looks over to Hermione. "I see you've packed." He said. "See you haven't." She replied. "Change of plans, my parents decided to go to Romania to visit my brother Charlie. He's studying dragons there." Ron explained. "What about you, (Y/N)? I thought you were also going home for Christmas." Hermione said. "I was, but then I asked my aunt if I could spend Christmas at Hogworts this year and she agreed." The girl replied. Hermione nodded. She couldn't help but feel a ping of jealousy at the thought of Harry and Ron spending Christmas with (Y/N) without her, but she quickly pushed the feeling away. "Good, you can help Harry, then. He's going to go and look in the library for information on Nicholas Flamel." She said. "We've looked a hundred times." Ron complained. She over on the table closer to (Y/N), Ron and Harry. "Not in the restricted section. Happy Christmas." Hermione leaves. "I think we've had a bad influence on her." Ron said. (Y/N) giggled.

Time Skip

(Y/N) heard shouting coming from Ron. "(Y/N) wake up! Come on (Y/N), wake up!" The girl slowly opens her eyes. Then pulls the covers off her bed and walks down the stairs to see Harry and Ron. "Happy Christmas, (Y/N)." They both said. She smiles at them. "Happy Christmas, you two." She said. (Y/N) notices their sweaters. "What are you two wearing?" She asked curiously. "Oh. My mum made it. It looks like you've got one too." Ron said. "Really?" (Y/N) asked. Harry smiles and nods. "Yeah!" Ron said. (Y/N) quickly runs down the stairs to her friends. (Y/N) sees a note on a present. "Hey Harry, I think this one's for you." The girl said as she gave Harry a present. "Your father left this in my possession before he died. It is time it was returned to you. Use it well." Harry looks over to Ron and (Y/N), who both shrug their shoulders. Harry then proceeds to open the remaining of his present. He pulls out a blanket-like object. "Whoa." (Y/N) said. "What is it?" Ron asked. "It's some kind of cloak." Harry said. "It's an invisibility cloak, Harry." (Y/N) said. Both boys look shocked. "Really?" Harry asked. (Y/N) nods. "Yeah." She said. "Well, let's see then, put it on." Ron said. Harry then wraps the cloak around his shoulders, making his body invisible. "Wicked." Ron said. "You're right, (Y/N)! My body's gone!" Harry said in amazement and (Y/N) smiles. "They're really rare." (Y/N) looks down at the note. "I wonder who gave it to you?" She asked. "There was no name. It just said use it well." Harry said.

Late at night. A lantern and hand appear, but nothing else. The ensemble walk through the dark library and into the Restricted Section. The lamp is put down, and the cloak removed, revealing to be Harry who searches the bookshelves. "Famous fire eaters...15th Century Fiends...Flamel...Nicholas Flamel...where are you?" Harry picks up a book and opens it. A man's face appears from between the pages, which screams madly and loudly. Harry immediately slams the book shuts and puts it back. "Who's there?!" Harry whips around, and quickly grabs his cloak, causing the lamp to fall and shatter. "I know you're in there. You can't hide." Harry puts on his cloak and creeps around Filch. "Who is it? Show yourself!" Harry runs from the room, breathing heavily. He exits into the hall, where Mrs. Norris, who meows and begins to follow him. Harry runs around a corner, just as Snape and Quirrell appear. Snape pushes Quirrell into the wall. "Severus...I-I thought..." Quirrell stutters. "You don't want me as your enemy, Quirrell." Snape said. "W-what do you m-mean?" He asked. "You know perfectly well what I mean.":Snape senses something who causes Harry to stop breathing. Snape reaches out to grab something, but doesn't. He whips his finger back in front of Quirrell's face. "We'll have another chat soon...when you've had time to decide where your loyalties lie." Filch arrives, carrying the broken lantern.

"Oh, Professors. I found this, in the Restricted Section. It's still hot. That means there's a student out of bed." Upon hearing this, Snape and Quirrell dart off. A door opens, and closes. On the other side, there is a vast, empty room that has a large mirror in the center, known as the Mirror of Erised. Harry appears and walks over to the mirror. In the reflection, he sees two people appear who are Harry's late parents, James and Lily Potter. "Mum?" Lily nods and smiles. "Dad?" James nods and smiles. Harry reaches out to touch them, but only gets the mirror. Then, his mother puts her hand on his shoulder. He puts his own hand on his own shoulders, as if trying to feel her there. Back in the girl's dormitory in Gryffindor tower, Harry comes whipping in, invisible. "(Y/N)! You've really got to see this! (Y/N)! You've got to see this!" Harry pulls back her covers. "(Y/N), (Y/N), come on. Get out of bed!" Harry urged. "Why?" The girl groans. "There's something you've got to see. Now, come on!" After getting Ron next, the trio run into the room with the mirror. "Come on. Come. Come look, it's my parents!" Harry said. "I only see us." Ron said. (Y/N) nods tiredly. "Look in properly. Go on. Stand there." Harry moves Ron closer. "There. You see them, don't you? Thats my dad." Harry said. "That's me! Only, I'm head boy...and I'm holding the Quidditch cup! And bloody hell, I'm Quidditch Captain too! I look good. Harry, do you think this mirror shows the future?" Ron asked curiously. "How can it? Both my parents are dead." Harry said. "I'm so sorry, Harry." (Y/N) said. "Go on, (Y/N). I want to see what you see in the mirror." Ron said. "Oh... okay." (Y/N) stepped closer to the mirror. After staring at her own reflection for a few minutes, she saw something. And it was not what she was expecting. She saw herself with Harry, Ron and Hermione, in their older years. And... (Y/N) began to blush a little, and went quiet. "(Y/N)?" Ron asked curiously. "Are you okay?" Harry asked. (Y/N) only nodded. "So, what do you see...?" Ron asked. "Um... I just saw us, together with Hermione. In our older years." The girl said. Ron raised an eyebrow, along with Harry. "That's it?" Ron asked. "Yea- yeah." (Y/N) said quickly. Ron only shrugged. "Well, I'm going back to bed. Goodnight, Ron, Harry." (Y/N) quickly hurried off.

Time Skip

One day, in the Great Hall where most of the students, particularly the Weasleys are eating, Harry sits in front of the fireplace. "Do you like yours, (Y/N)?" Ron asked. (Y/N) turns to Harry who still sits in front of the fireplace who is very quiet. "(Y/N)?" He asked again. "I'll be right back." She leaves the table and comes up to Harry. "Want to play chess?" She asked. "No." Harry said. "We go and visit Hagrid?" She asked. "No." Ron said. The girl sighs. "Harry, I know what you're thinking, but don't. There's something not quite right about that mirror." She said. Harry nods and (Y/N) leaves to go back to the table as Harry continues to stare at the fireplace. Harry is back in the room where the mirror is, gazing longingly at the reflection where his parents are in. Dumbledore appears far behind him. "Back again, Harry?" Harry turns around and stands up. "I see that you, like so many before you, have discovered the delights of the Mirror of Erised. I trust by now you realize what it does. Let me give you a clue. The happiest man on earth would look into the mirror and see only himself, exactly as he is." Dumbledore said. "So, then it shows us what we want? Whatever we want?" Harry asked. "Yes...and no. It shows us nothing more or less than the deepest, most desperate desires of our hearts. Now you, who have never known your family, you see them standing beside you. But remember this, Harry. This mirror gives us neither knowledge or truth. Men have wasted away in front of it, even gone mad. That is why tomorrow it will be moved to a new home, and I must ask you not to go looking for it again. It does not do to dwell on dreams, Harry, and forget to live." Harry looks back at the mirror, knowing that Dumbledore is right.

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