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"Elijah." Mayor Lockwood smiled, holding out her hand. "It's so nice to see you again."

He returned it. "Invite Morgan in, if you would, dear."

"Of course." Her glazed eyes found mine. "Won't you come in, there's plenty of people for you to mingle with."

"I appreciate it."

The mayor stepped to the side, allowing us entrance, Elijah offered me his arm, and it was clearly less of an invitation and more of a command.

"You're wearing your necklace again."


"I hope this is not an act of appeasement. That you're not attempting to manipulate me into something."

"Maybe I just wanted to wear it." I couldn't help but search the crowd for my brothers. It would be awful timing if one of them showed up. "I want you to know that I've already established myself here as a Salvatore."

He hummed as he lead me inside. "That's easily amended. Moving forward, you'll be as you should be, a Mikaelson."

"Am I, still?"

"Rebekah's involvement doesn't disintegrate her place in our family, neither does it yours. Might I remind you that you were a Mikaelson far longer than a Salvatore, despite your heritage."

So I wasn't disowned.

There was that, at least.

"What were your intentions with that necklace?"

"You're looking for something that isn't there."

Elijah tutted. "Lying is unbecoming, dear one."

My blood ran cold. "And you're acting like Nik."

"Elijah." Fantastic. Damon stepped into our path. His eyes flashed when he saw me. "Morgan. What are you doing with him?"

"Ah. Mister Salvatore. Lovely to see you again. I see you've met my daughter," If I didn't know any better, I'd say Elijah was downright smug. "Morgan Mikaelson."

There it was. That damning name.

I winced. "I can explain."

"No need. Your life is none of his concern."

"And it's yours?" Damon snapped.

"Why don't we have this conversation somewhere else? Like maybe not in the middle of a fucking event."

Damon rolled his eyes but did jerk his head in the direction of a set of double doors.

Elijah led us there, as soon as they were shut, I rounded on them both. "Stop this. I'm not a piece of property. I am his sister as much as I am your daughter." I set my hands on my hips. "I don't know why you're acting so strange."

"I have a rather low opinion of your brothers." Elijah put his hands in his pockets.

He did?

"Ouch." Damon placed a hand on his chest. "I so wanted your respect."

"You would do well to earn it. Lest I need to hide Elena away, and put Morgan somewhere safe."

"Is that a threat?"

"Very much."

"Elijah-" I started.

He held his hand up. "Tread carefully, Mister Salvatore."

Damon crossed his arms. "How would I earn this respect?"

"Give me the moonstone."

He laughed. "Not happening."

"Just give it to him, Damon. That stupid rock isn't worth anything."

"Only Elena's life. Klaus can't do his ritual if he has no moonstone." Oh, so he knew. "I don't trust Elijah not to hand it over."

"Those are my terms."

"What about the deal?!" Damon threw his arms up in exasperation.

"It's still in effect, however temporary that may be. I want possession of the moonstone. If I do not, then I'll take Elena instead." He seemed almost... amused. "How does that sound?"

Then Damon did something incredibly stupid. He rushed at Elijah.

Elijah had him pinned to the wall by his throat before I could blink.

"Oh my god!" I moved toward them. "Let him go."

"Young vampires, so arrogant." Elijah tutted. "Did you really think attacking me was a good idea?"

Damon struggled against him, even going so far as attempting to choke him back. Elijah merely pried his hand off as if it were nothing. Bones cracked in Damon's wrist and hand.

"Elijah, please." I grabbed his wrist. "I know you're angry with me. Don't kill him, I'm begging you."

Fucking hell. I'd never really been in this position before. Elijah was usually the one getting me to control myself.

He snapped Damon's neck, and let him fall to the floor.


Elijah stepped away, picking invisible lint off his suit. "Niklaus will not have the same restraint."

"Why do you hate them so much? My brothers haven't done anything to you."

"They failed in protecting one of the very things in this world I hold most dear. Though I suppose I should thank them, given their incompetence allowed me the opportunity to raise you."

"It wasn't like that. They did their best." Damon especially took it upon himself. Right up until Kathrine.

He scoffed. "That is precisely why. Their best still lead you to my doorstep."

I twisted my ring. "Your vendetta against them isn't helping anyone. Nik is coming. Provoking the people helping to protect the doppelgänger is a bad idea."

"I have my own methods of dealing with Niklaus, thank you so much."

"And that would be..."

A small smile flashed across his face, too quick for me to decipher weather or not it was genuine. "Don't worry, dear one. I'm going to give him what he's wanted most for a thousand years."

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