Fifty seven

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Nik caught me before I could get to the stage. The very same that the musicians had been playing on before.

Now Stefan and Damon were forced to kneel upon it, their arms and legs bound.

"Let me go!" I fought against his grip. "Nik, please." No. I couldn't, I wouldn't, let them die. My voice caught in my throat as tears threatened to spill over.

Nik held fast, quietly shushing me under his breath.

Elijah moved further onto the platform. "As I'm certain many of you have discovered, you are not able to leave." He began removing his jacket and my efforts were renewed. "This town has been a hub for the supernatural long before the founders were ever born. A thousand years ago, my father and mother helped settle this land."

An uncomfortable chuckle rippled through the crowd, as if this were all some big joke.

"It is our birthright and something we intend on taking back."

"Elijah, please. Don't do this." I begged, trying and failing to pry Nik's arms from me. "Don't hurt them!"

He ignored me and I made eye contact with Damon. There wasn't anger or hatred. Just pure, unadulterated fear. For all his boldness, there was nothing he could do.

No way he could possibly fight Elijah, even if he wasn't bound as he was.

Wandering glances averted from the scene I was making and it took me a moment to realize how glazed they were.


They'd been compelled not to react.

I kept begging over and over that they be let go and my pleads fell on deaf ears. Why? Why couldn't they just listen?! Why did it have to be Stefan and Damon?

Elijah rolled up his sleeves and I knew what came next.

What always did.

"Let me say goodbye!" It was a last ditch effort. Maybe it'd give them a chance.

Nik paused. Looking to Elijah, who nodded. I was let go, and the instant I was, I was on the stage, kneeling in front of my brothers.

Eyes were on me.

"Hey." I offered a watery smile, false as it was.

"Morgan... don't.. don't watch." Stefan got out. They were in pain and they were going to be executed. "Promise m-me, you'll turn away."

My hands shook. What the hell was I supposed to do?! "I'm so sorry. I tried to stop this." God. Why couldn't I?

I was too weak.

"Say your goodbyes." Elijah did not care.

Stefan and Damon were going to die.

"This isn't for me." Last chance. If I didn't talk him out of it here, it was over. "This is for your fucking ego." I stood, placing myself between him and my brothers. "You're pissed because two younger vampires got the drop on you, again."

"I'll not repeat this conversation." He put his hands on his hips, as if I were being an obstinate child.

"And I'm not begging you for something that you shouldn't be taking from me."

I needed a stake.

It had to be dramatic enough to shake Elijah from this headspace he was in, but I also had to be quick enough that I wouldn't be stopped.

Then I saw it.


An abandoned chair from one of the musicians. The stage hadn't been entirely cleared. I sped to it, shattering the chair and brandished a shard against my heart.

Elijah moved to stop me but I only pressed it further into my skin. "Come any closer and I'll fucking do it."

He froze.

"Then you lose one of the very things in the world you hold most dear." I felt sick throwing that back in his face. "You were the one that taught me to fight for family. They are my family. Just as you are."

Maybe I'd find some fucking peace. Though could I actually go through with it? I'd certainly been suicidal in the past... and there was a time in which I stayed far from things I knew could harm or kill me.

Because say fifty years ago, if I'd had a stake in my hands...

Well, we wouldn't be having this conversation now would we?

"The question you need to be asking yourself, Elijah, is your hatred for my brothers really worth my life?!"

His jaw clenched and unclenched, eyes narrowed, as if he were trying to figure out if I were serious.

I held my breath, silently daring him to call my bluff.

Then I became aware of someone behind me, and before I could stop it, arms wrapped around the front of me, and a dagger took the place of the now gone stake.

I felt it slide through bone, piercing my heart.

"Sorry, sweetheart." Nik kissed my temple as I fell back against him, paralyzed while I watched Elijah advance on Stefan and Damon. I couldn't even utter anything past my own labored breathing. Thick, grey veins crept upwards from my hands.

Darkness swelled in my vision.

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