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"My, my, you've grown up, Little Salvatore." Kathrine leaned against the rocky wall, dragging her eyes up my body in a way that made me uncomfortable. Was it wrong I felt a little vindictive that she was trapped in the tomb?

"Don't make me sick." I crossed my arms. "Congratulations, you're my ticket to freedom."

"What have you gotten yourself in to?"

"Doesn't matter. Just know that I've got my own witches working on a way to trap you."

Her eyes narrowed. "Over my hot, dead body."

"I wasn't aware you needed to be conscious in order to be used in a bargain."

She paled, and it was the only sign she was worried. "You really have grown."

"Or there's option B."


"Hand me the moonstone."

Kathrine tutted. "Wish I could. It's not here."

"What the hell do you mean it's not there?"

Stefan emerged from the shadows, his brow furrowed. "Morgan?"


"Uh oh. Someone was doing something she shouldn't." Kathrine grinned.

"Shut up." I ran a hand down my face. "Where's the moonstone?"

"Damon has it." Stefan answered.

And I'd just broken his neck. Fantastic.

"Why do you want Kathrine?"

"The only person who she'd be able to trade me to is Klaus. My question is how she got wrapped up with him. The little girl I knew was scared of her own shadow."

"Is that true?

"Ask her, apparently she's the one with all the answers." I gestured toward Kathrine. "You forget, oh Miss Kath-a-rine, that you've used and manipulated thousands of people in your lifetime. Any would jump at the chance to kill you themselves."

Myself included.

Something relieved flooded Stefan's expression. He would believe what he wanted.

I mean... how could his baby sister be involved with the very vampires trying to kill his girlfriend?

Original ones at that.

"Still, your situation isn't entirely a waste." I could use this. Leverage the information. Though I would have to stop Elijah from releasing her.

Easier said than done.

"How far you've fallen."

"Kathrine, I was ten when you last saw me, still clinging to my elder brothers' coattails. They disappeared and I had to figure out how to survive." Excuse me for having a little determination. "I apologize that the death of my childhood innocence is such an inconvenience to you."

Stefan's gaze was far more analyzing than I remember it being. His used to be soft and reassuring when it landed on me. It was like he was searching for something that wasn't there.

Something that I should possess.

"Why did you want to be turned?" He finally asked.

I swallowed. "What?"

"You said you found someone who would turn you."

"Now that's a personal question. One I won't be answering." I crossed my arms.

"Why the mystery?"

"Some people don't lay out their life stories at the drop of a hat." If the Mikaelsons taught me anything, it was to always keep one's cards close to the chest.

"So what you've told us so far...."

I shrugged. "Could be a lie, could be the truth. Know this though, I'm fucking happy to see you and Damon alive."

Stefan blinked. "Why are you here then?"

That made me laugh. "Well you weren't supposed to know I was in town. I only meant to catch Kathrine. I did think it was odd, that she was returning to Mystic Falls after all this time, and when I saw you... I couldn't believe my eyes."

"How did you find me?"

"You're not entirely difficult to track."

Her expression soured in offense. "I've run from Klaus successfully for five hundred years and you found me just like that?" She snapped her fingers.

He probably wasn't actually looking, or he would've had her trapped and tortured. No, it was better for Kathrine to be afraid, he had an image to maintain. "I mean, all I had to do was follow the trail of designer clothes and bad perfume. Not exactly what I'd call subtle."

"All this time, all the damage Damon and I have done over decades, you never caught wind of us?" Stefan was so clearly hurt. "Damon made lots of enemies while he was trying to open the tomb."

"A waste of time. If he'd actually encountered any of Kathrine's friends, he would've known she wasn't trapped down here. As for the so called 'damage' I knew there were rumors and I had no means to investigate them, nor did I want to. A reliable source had told me of your death and nothing of your miraculous revival." After all, why would Elijah lie to me?

I wasn't bitter. Not one bit.

As much fun as this was... "I have things to do, pieces to put into place. Don't go anywhere." I grinned.

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