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Stupid Kathrine.

She was a slippery thing. My question was why she'd returned to Mystic Falls of all places. I hadn't been here in over a century.

It was different, but stayed much the same.

I tipped my head back against the sun, sitting on some bench in the middle of the square. It was a glorious feeling, one I didn't know I'd come to enjoy so much.

"You're new."

Fucking hell. Couldn't I enjoy one minute? "Go away."

It was a male voice. "I was just trying to be welcoming."

I scoffed, and opened my eyes. He had to be the same age Stefan was when he died. "Cute, but I'm uninterested. Go find someone else to bother."

He blinked, as if shocked I'd have such audacity. "Tyler Lockwood, my mom is the mayor."

Ah. "A Lockwood?" Didn't know the founding families still existed. Some psycho went on a killing spree and almost wiped out the town shortly after I left.

"Yeah. It's kind of stupid, but everyone lives and dies here. So founding families have some sort of status." Tyler shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"I know. My ancestors helped settle this place." I lazily held out a hand. "Morgan Salvatore."

"Oh you're related to Damon and Stefan?"

The way he said it felt odd, like he was familiar. "Distantly."

Tyler shrugged. "They've been in town for about two years. Damon's a dick, but Stefan's alright. He's in a couple of my classes."

No, that couldn't be right. Damon and Stefan were dead. "Are you certain?"

He nodded, with a chuckle. "Pretty sure."

"Where are they?" I tried not to sound too curious. "I just haven't seen them in a while and I'd like to catch up."

"They're in the old boarding school. I can drive you there, it's kind of far."

"And why would you go out of your way to help?"

"Because you're a pretty girl, and I was hoping to get your number?"

"Smooth." I did need a ride to this mysterious boarding school. It hadn't existed while I was alive and I didn't exactly keep tabs on this place. "Alright." He was actually kind of cute. "Give me your phone, and I'll put it in on the way to the car."

A deal was a deal, was it not? Elijah drilled that into my head enough.

Tyler grinned, digging his phone out and handing it to me. "Cool."

I snorted. "That what you say to every girl?"

He rubbed the back of his neck, blush coloring his cheeks. "I'm usually better at this."

"It's sweet."

Tyler gestured toward the street, clearly flustered. "My car is that way."

"Lead the way."

And he did. He even rushed forward to open my car door. "After you, m'lady."

Wasn't something one saw every day. "Thank you, good sir." I ducked inside. Though I did catch the hesitation, the unfamiliarity. He seemed nervous.

Once he'd gotten in himself, he paused, then shook his head, turning the ignition over. "Where did you say you were from again?"

"I didn't." Doing what I did, required the ability to move around constantly. "I emancipated myself a long time ago, so it's just me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to pry."

"It's alright. I'm pretty open about that stuff. Everyone has a story." I glanced at him, as he pulled into the road. "What's yours?"

"Dad's dead. Mom doesn't really care what I do so long as it's nothing major."

"So you're what? Mystic Falls' favorite son?"

Tyler laughed. "No, it's a weird thing here. Everyone's in everyone else's business and at the same time not."

"Isn't that what small town life is?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"Okay, okay, let me see if I've got this right. Being in a founding family has given you status, you're the mayor's son, and you're telling me that people aren't lined up, dying to get your attention."

If we were back in my time, he probably would've already been betrothed at the very least.

Ironically I'd been set to marry a Lockwood, and I still had a soft spot for the family. The boy, Issac, was sweet, I would've been alright. It was better than other matches I could've been forced into.

Then I ran, so that ended rather quickly.

"Here we go." Tyler threw his car into park and I handed him his phone back.

A mansion stood before us. "Thanks for the ride, and the chat. It was unexpectedly nice."

He nodded. "Any time."

"I might take you up on that if I stay in the area."

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