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"A dead girl, with dead friends." Ah, there was Rebekah. "What else do you see?"

Stefan and I glanced at each other as we entered Gloria's bar. The question was, why was she angry?

Gloria sat at an empty table, well empty in the sense that there was no one here. She had all kinds of witchy shit out. "I'm working on it. A little patience would be nice."

Rebekah was still in her bloody flapper dress, presumably what she was daggered in. "Do it faster."

"Bekah!" I stopped at the top of the stairs, a grin stretching my lips.

"Morgana." Her expression mirrored mine, her previous anger melting away. "So good to finally see my favorite little rebel."

"Not so little anymore. Nik could take notes."

He rolled his eyes. Something he seemed to do often lately. "You missed your last check in."

"Stefano and I were chatting." That and my phone kept buzzing. Tyler was quite the texter. It was actually kind of endearing, though it did get a smidge annoying from time to time. "And we're only two minutes overdue. I think we can make an exception, no?"

"Do it again and I'll make good on my threat." He shot back with a sickly sweet smile.

"Aren't I already shadowing you?" I crossed my arms as I descended the stairs.

"If that were true, you never would've done to see those lights you love so much." Nik leaned back against the bar, his elbows on the bar top. 

"How did you-"

He nodded at Stefan. "My star minion."

Had he been reporting on anything I'd said? "The stupid updates are useless if you already know exactly where I am."

"No, dear." His brow furrowed, expression mocking. "They're a test to see if you'll follow instructions and be honest of your whereabouts."

"Devious," Bastard. A word that perfectly describes him, and yet I'd never be ballsy enough to say it to his face. "But now I know about your little trick."

He shrugged half heartedly. "True, and yet I know you'll still do it to the letter. You value your freedom too much."

Fucking hell. He was right.

Rebekah moved behind the bar. "Shadowing. Now that's a word I haven't heard in a while. Why pray tell is Morgan on the very verge of that particularly harsh punishment?"

"I still don't know what it is." Stefan leaned against the table.

"She made a poor decision." Nik stole a bottle and poured himself a shot. "One that she's still working through paying for."

Poor decision. Right. "Anyway, what's going on?"

"Gloria's attempting to find the necklace Rebekah lost."

"I did not lose it. I wore it for a thousand years. I wouldn't just take it off." She slammed a bottle down and it shattered.

And then it clicked.

That's why Elena's necklace had been so familiar. I could feel Stefan's eyes practically burning a hole in the back of my head. I kept my expression carefully blank. "Isn't that the necklace your mom gave you?"

"Yes. Which is why I never took it off." She shot a venomous glare at Nik. "Perhaps it fell off in the time you lugged my coffin around."

"Enough." Gloria stood up. "I can't concentrate with all this arguing. Take it outside Mikaelson."

"We can go get some blood." I suggested hopefully. "Get out of the witch's way."

"Great idea." Even if she wrinkled her nose. "The less I have to deal with you vampires, the better."

"I'm wounded." Nik placed a hand on his chest. "I thought we were friends, Gloria."

"You don't have any friends." Rebekah grabbed a bottle by the neck.

"We'll go visit one of Stefan's old haunts to pass the time." He stood up straight. "Time to relive the glory days."

"That's weird, I don't recall any glory in that particular time. Lot of blood, lot of booze, lot of death. I'm not proud of it."

Had Stefan and Nik met when he was on a binge? That'd explain why they were all buddy buddy. If Stefan was out of his mind, high on blood, I could see where Nik would find friendship in that.

"Are you ever going to lift the compulsion so I can know what the hell you're talking about?"

"Where would be the fun in that?" Nik smirked.

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