Twenty six

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"I trust your day is going well." Elijah handed me a blood bag.

"It'd be better if you let Damon go."


I followed the instructions, but I didn't have to be happy about it. "Really, it's not necessary to keep him. I can follow the rules."

"Your actions have spoken for you." He stared out the windshield, almost zoned out, eyes narrowed. "I don't hear your meditation."

I swallowed, turning my head so he wouldn't see the eye roll. "I still feel the itch to feed, but it isn't as strong as when I first woke. The extra blood is helping." Surprisingly. "And I don't want to down it immediately, I can take my time, though I'm definitely not where I was before..."

Stefan stood not too far from us. How hadn't I noticed him before?

He waved at me mockingly.

"Something wrong?"

"What's going on?"

"I found it so curious that your hair was wet last night when it hasn't rained in the last several days." Elijah's head tilted, eyes narrowing. "Then Stefan came to us with some interesting news."

I grasped at the door hands but was stopped by the lock clicking into place. "Elijah?" Why couldn't I breathe?

"If you would look to your right, you'll find the classroom you were just in."

Had they been watching me?! Had they heard what we were talking about?! "Please don't do this."

Nik was inside. He had Bonnie with him, why was Bonnie with him? He made eye contact with me through the window and shut the classroom door.

Bonnie, Tyler, and Caroline backed up, all in different directions.

"They're my friends."

"You were especially evasive about your exact whereabouts. I would appreciate your honesty. One call and Niklaus will stop."

"We stashed Stefan in the Lockwood cellar, okay?! We got covered in dirt and I took a shower at his place." I could tear the car door off its hinges, but Nik was far too close and I didn't want to risk getting them hurt.

"Is there anything else you'd like to admit?"

"Stefan caught us kissing," Oh god. "But it was just a kiss. That's all that happened. I knew you would overreact. He doesn't deserve to die over it." My stomach was in knots. I wanted to puke, the blood threatening to make a reappearance. "Elijah, please."

"Yes well, unfortunately he is the wolf Niklaus has chosen to test a theory."

Fuck. "He's going to try and turn him. Elijah you have to let me out of this car right now, it's a cruel, drawn out death."

"You had better pray Miss Bennett has the answers he's looking for, while your brother gave us an admittedly successful distraction, Niklaus is quite determined to make his hybrid army."

Screw it. I pushed the door outward, not waiting to see it hit the ground before I was up and moving toward the school.

Stefan intercepted me and I had to watch as Tyler was grabbed by the throat. "No! Let me go!"

"You're drawing too much attention to yourself."

I struggled against Stefan's grip. I didn't care if I got the whole damn school out here and looking.

Nik bit his wrist and shoved it against Tyler's mouth. He fought it but inevitably met the same fate as the wolves we'd encountered on the road.


As soon as Tyler's body hit the floor, Stefan let go.

I rushed inside, crashing to my knees next to an already crying Caroline.

No, no, no, no.

He still had Nik's blood coating his chin and mouth. I hooked my sleeve over my thumb and tried to clean him up as best as I could.

My vision began to blur and the red stained his skin.

Please. Wake up. Wake up.

"Do you have my answer, Bonnie Bennett?" Nik strolled toward her.

She was staring at Tyler in shock.

Nik forced her to sit in a desk, looming over her. "Tyler will wake momentarily and a time limit will begin. If I do not have my answer, he will die a horrible death. You have my undivided attention."

Bonnie's eyes flicked toward him with a visceral hatred. "I don't know anything. The ancestors cut me off." I'm sure if she could vaporize him on the spot, she would. 

"Channel me." I stood, wiping my tears, and swallowing the sadness that coiled in my chest.

Nik turned and caught my arm. "What are you doing?"

"Witches need something to ground them if they want to boost their power, it could give you the answer you want. Use me." I hated how my voice trembled.

"I don't like the idea of her having such access to you."

"And yet I'm the only one here that's had any kind of training with witchcraft. I know how far to go. Kol made sure of it." I tore away from his grip, and he let me. "You're the one who started this. I'm fucking finishing it."

I brushed past him and settled in the chair directly in front of Bonnie. I had to be calm for this part. Deep breaths, Morgan. "Alright sweetheart, take my hand."


"Don't be difficult. We both care about Tyler, if you refuse to do this, he will die. I've seen what happens to wolves who drink his blood. You don't want that for him." I held out my hand, palm up. "Take it now so we can have a chat with the dead."

"Why should I trust you?"

"This kind of magic gives you access to my memories. Now, I'm going to ask you not to take a peek but I'm also not going to be able to stop you. I'm trusting you."

Bonnie's brow furrowed, but she did tentatively put her hand in mine.

"I'd like to apologize in advance. It's not a very happy place up here." She nodded. "You'll have to concentrate, bind your strength to mine. Whatever you do, never let go of my hand, not for anything. Not until the spell is complete. Once you're inside my mind, you'll see the spell, and you will need to say it word for word."

I placed my other hand on top of hers. "Whenever you're ready."

Bonnie closed her eyes tightly, and began to chant. She was doing remarkably well for a newbie witch, things around us started lifting in the air, pencils, papers, books.

A trail of blood dripped from her nose.

That was... concerning.

There was a tickle at the back of my mind. "Focus." Viewing memories wouldn't help the current situation. "You're looking for a blonde woman who appears like Klaus and Elijah do. She's maybe in a tunic, getting her to talk is a task on it's own if she's anything like-"

"I got her." Bonnie paused and then abruptly stood, eyeing Nik in horror.

The connection was lost the moment she stopped touching me. I felt the all too familiar drag of magic clawing at my soul, trying to eat at it, but as the connection fades, so does that feeling. "What did she say?"

Nik surged forward, but I caught his wrist, only just stopping him in time.

"She- she said he has to kill Elena."

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