Chapter eight.

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"The very first thing you will have to learn is growing a bond with the camera." George explained and Skylar nodded earnestly. "As an entertainer, it's the biggest part of your life since it becomes a medium where you reach out to the world."

"You will have to face it like you are facing a vast number of audience and not a moment capturing electronic device."

"And learning how to be comfortable with it is the very best start. Which helps when you are dealing with a filmed scene, both consciously and unconsciously." George ended his beautiful speech with serous expression. Switching on his video camera. 

"Our today's lessons will be merely a simple introduction and basic facts on what to do, what to not do, and the perfect postures to use to bring out one's beauty when facing a camera."

"Huh——okay." Skylar nodded sheepishly.

"Good. All you have to do is, stand in front of the camera and give a brief introduction of yourself, your favorite hobbies and other things you think the audience should know." George stated patiently.

'That doesn't sounds so hard.' Skylar encouraged herself. 'i can do it.'

She walked to the front of the camera, a funny feeling rising in her stomach as she shifted from one feet to another.

"You should always stand in the middle, Skylar." George advised. And Skylar moved a little.

"A little to the left." George said and Skylar moved two steps, completely missing the middle spot."

"A little to the right." 

"A tiny bit to the left." He rasped again.

"To the left."

"To the right."

"TO THE LEFT." Starting to feel the frustration creep up his spine, George sucked in a calming breath then smiled. Regaining his over cheery composure. "Just——never mind. Go on with the introduction."

"O––okay." Eyes drooping to her clasped fingers. Skylar started. "My—My n–name is——Skyla—i me–an Marta—Sky—lar. I–i am."

"Breath Sky." George demonstrated. Drawing a breath himself. "Take a deep breath, and keep your eyes on the camera. Let it flow Sky, you can take your time."

"Oh—O–kay." Skylar pursed her lips. Reciting in her headn

'i can do this. I can do this.'

A blinding light hit her the moment she fixed her eyes on the camera. It was an identical feeling to staring at a hot afternoon sun.

Pushing back the uncomfortable feeling, she recited. "My nam—e is Mart–a Skylar——ehmm...ehmmm——I—i am twenty four years old. I——i——"

"Good. But can you make it a little bit more fluent. And can you stop—." George motioned at his own face. "Your eyes from twitching?"

"I can—i can do that." Skylar nodded slowly. "I guess."

Looking at her sad expression, George felt his heart string tighten. "Don't worry. Let's just do something else. It's my fault for rushing you to do the advance stuff first."

'uhmm...that's the very simplest practice for beginners.' A voice nagged from the back of his head which he quickly shook off.

"Let's do this.....let's do this." George paced back and forth in long strides. Then a bulb lighted in his head. "You have been to an interview before right?"

"Mmmm...." Skylar affirmed.

"Get us a comfortable sofa will you nanny?" He turned to Natasha who was watching from the side.

"I am here to watch over miss and not to work for you." Natasha scowled in distaste.

"Well your miss needs it." George deadpanned. They both did a staring contest for some seconds before Natasha finally admitted defeat.

Calling two huge bodyguards dressed in black to toll it over for her.

"Okay. Now we are set." George took a seat on one edge of the sofa, offering Skylar the other side. "I am just going to ask you some simple questions and all you have to do is answer them to the best of you ability. Understand?"

Skylar nodded with a little too much force.

"So. What's you name miss?" George asked professionally. A friendly/ polite smile etched on his lips.

And Skylar nodded again.

"You are supposed to answer the question." George stated weakly.

"Oh...." Her lips curved into a 'o' then spread into a sheepish smile. "My name is Skylar Marta. I mean Marta Skylar."

"Don't look at the camera." George exhaled loudly. "Look at me, your interviewer, and not the camera."

"I got it." Skylar advert her eyes to the 'said' person.

"Why does your eyes keep twitching." George sighed.

"Am——am not used to—staring openly at people—. Sorry." Skylar apologized weakly.

'This is....this is so....' 

"You know what." George stood up abruptly. "Let's just call it a day. You did very well today."

"But—" Skylar paused eyes fixed on his retreating form.

While running he shouted. "See you tomorrow.

Commenting in his head. 'she is hopeless. Completely hopeless.'

He had just arrived home when he received a call from his 'so' called 'friend.'

"What gives me the opportunity to receive a call from his highness, today?" 

"How did she do?" Grayson asked. Ignoring his chantings.

"And here I was wondering why you called." George rolled his eyes. "Don't you really, really ever think of calling me, just because you think of me and want to hear my beautiful voice."

"Did she do well?" Grayson ignored him once more.

Already used to the cold shoulder. George switched to his serious mode.

"Terrible Grayson. I really haven't seen anyone as terrible as her in my entire years of existence. She's just urgh..All I see is darkness Grayson, no light."

"I knew it." Grayson sighed.

"Grayson I am really sorry to say this, but she is just not made for the camera. Believe me, I am not exaggerating but, I don't think she can make a change before the 'ROYAL PROGRAMME' begins. Four months is too little, not even a year will be able to cover all she needs to learn."

"You are just saying some depreciating stuffs so that you can boost yourself up, like aways, aren't you?"

"No." The culprit denied immediately, then admittedd. "Okay, yes."

"Even tho she is terrible. Like out of the world terrible, but since you guys have already put your trust on me, I will definitely not let you down. I will make sure to make her the perfect celebrity before.....hello....hello Grayson. Are you still there. Grayson..... Hey..Grayson..."

"Damn it. That ungrateful bastard." George gritted.

"But not to worry. Let's see what I can do to cure her anxiety first." He reasoned. "Then her stage fright, She definitely doesn't have a low esteem. So what's the cause of all the intimidation?"

"Huh...." George wiped all the things out of his head, then decided to take a bath. Shuddering as he climbed up the stairs. "Been a tutor is really a very frightening job."

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