Chapter six

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Skylar felt a sharp pain in her head the moment she opened her eyes. It felt like she was dipped in a bowl of salty water, with sharp pins been drilled into her head in different directions. 

Coupled with the intense light rays that attacked her vision, she found herself groaning irritattingly on the bed.

"Miss, are you awake?"  A familiar voice called softly from her side.

"Huh––my head." Skylar muttered. Supporting her body with her knee, she leaned on the head board.

'why does my head hurts so bad?'

Slowing prying her eyes open, she looked towards the direction of the voice. "Natasha."

"Here. Water." The said 'lady' handed her a glass

With small gulps, Skylar emptied the whole content. Felling a little bit better.

"Tha––nk. You." She breathed heavily. Throwing her legs out of the bed, so she was sitting upright at the edge.

"Are you okay miss?" Natasha asked worriedly.

"I am fine." She shielded her eyes with the back of her palm. "My head––just hu—rts."

"Do you want some more water?" 

"No. No more." Skylar shook her head. Wincing at the waves of pain that followed. "It's okay."

Her head was just starting to refunction when she realized something 'off' "Why––why are you in my room?" 

"Mr Grayson said I should check up on you." Nathasha replied almost immediately.

"Grayson." Skylar head blared in rememberance.

'what—what happened?'

She had bought alcohol on her way back home, to drown her sorrows. Her memory stopping immediately after she unlocked the security at the door.

"What did I do?" Her voice was small, almost unnoticeable.

"Mr Grayson looks normal and doesn't seems any different from yesyerday. So I doubt you went out of line, miss." Natasha stated confidently.

She knew her boss for sure. If he was even a tiny bit angry you could tell from a glance.

'his stone made face was too out of place to miss.' Natasha thought.

"Hu...h.." Although she hadn't expected the other girl's reply. Skylar nodded then asked. "Is he still at home?"

"Mr Grayson is currently having breakfast."

"I will take a bath first." Without waiting for a reply, she dragged her feets to the bathroom.

Soaking her 'tomstoes' red face in a bowl of water.

Her facade broke the moment her eyes caught her reflection.

'stupid, stupid, stupid.' She cursed under her breath.

How could she not have gone out of line. Even the heavens knows how bad of a drunk, she was.

She definitely must had said something out of line.

'what did I do?' She racked her brain for an answer, only to intensify the ache in her head.

'why? why? why God?' 

'i surely must have done something wrong. But why can't I remember?' Skylar cried desperately.

'it's okay. I can just apologize. After all I was drunk. I didn't mean to.' Skylar calmed her fear. 

Besides she was sure, whether drunk or not. She won't have done something 'that bad'. 

With a master plan to apologize, Skylar walked into the dinning room.

Looking all small and innocent in her big, baggy, trouser and oversize t-shirt.

And as always, Grayson sat on his chair. A sales magazine one hand, and a mug of cofee in another.

"Good morning Grayson."

"You are awake."

"Hmm..." Skylar bit on her bottom lip nervously, swallowing back the uncomfortable pain in her head.  With eyes fixed on her lap.

"About last night" They both paused, eyes locked on the other. 

"Go first." They said. Again in unison.

And as if on target, Natasha walked into the room. Heels clicking sharply and hips swaying vigorously. With careful hands, she placed a file in front of Skylar. Settling a white laptop next to it.

Clearing his throat, Grayson took the lead. "Do you remember what you said last night?" Watching the guilty/ confused expression on her face, he could take a guess. Saying with a loud sigh. "You don't."

"Take a look." He motioned at the laptop.

Eyes drifting to the four cornered, electronic device in front of her, Skylar swallowed a gulp. Unpausing the video on the screen with shaky hands.

Her face turned from green to blue, then white towards the end of the video. She did knew she must have said something 'out of line' but never could she had guess it to be this. "I didn't––i didn't mean to say all that."

She shrinked into her chair, eyes glued on her shaky finger that lied on her lap. "I am sorry."

"Are you sure?" Grayson popped a brow. Then glanced at Natasha who turned the pages of the file on the table, pushing it towards Skylar.

With one glance, Skylar felt her lungs contract. Mouth running dry until her throat screamed of pain.

"Cause I don't think so." Grayson leaned into his chair, watching her with hawk eyes. "They say 99% of human beings are most honest when drunk. Don't you think so too?"

"I—I—" Skylar choked.

"Be honest with yourself Skylar. It's been a year since you graduated from college, and a year since you have been applying for a job, which have been futile. And to be honest I don't see the result changing anytime soon." Grayson stated plainly. "Business isn't really for you. So why not take this opportunity?"

"Whether it's to take revenge, to prove to the world, or to just make a change. This could be an opportunity."

"Why are you so insistent in helping me?" Skylar stared wearily at Grayson.

The words Nathan had said the night before resounding in her ears.

'is Grayson really using her as a tool to get to Nathan.'

But Grayson's next word cleared her doubts. "Since I decided to help you, I can't just withdraw without completing the task."

Then he grinned, eyes fixed on Skylar with unconcealed interest. "Besides, I really want to see how far you can go."

'The business world have been too boring lately. How fun will it be to take a look at entertainment production.' Grayson thought to himself.

"I can't––do it." Skylar stared at the application form in doubt.

It wasn't just any application form.

It was something nerds like her could only dream of. No. She had never ever tried to dream of it since it seemed way too impossible to come true in reality.

An application form to 'THE ROYAL'S' Programme.

Just like the name, it was expensive.

A platform for new and upcoming models, idols and actors to get exposure. More than enough exposures to turn them into a star overnight.

There was only three ways to get in.

One. Getting picked by the programme itself, based on ones talent.

Two. Getting recommended by a well known producer. Also based on one's talent.

Three. Paying. The fee varying every year depending on the public's respond.

The last 'THE ROYAL' programme which was four years before cost 'four billion dollars.'

She didn't dare think how much it had cost Grayson to obtain one for her.

Still buried deep in thoughts, Skylar asked. "What if I don't want to do it?"

"Then I won't push you." Grayson replied, voice laced with sincerity. "I will return the form back even if the money won't be refunded."

"And what if I do want to do it?" Skylar bit hard on her lips. Swallowing her fears.

When she wanted to become a successful business woman, it wasn't just for herself. She had her family to prove to too.

And now with Nathan on the list. She really has to be successful.

Even if she didn't want to admit she knew a part of her wanted revenge..she wanted to make him feel exactly how she felt.

No ten folds..or maybe more....a thousand.

A smile bloomed on Grayson lips, taking a sip from his mug he said. "Then will you trust me?"

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