7, 8, and 9 and SORRY!

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Day Seven:

Waking up early as usual ;-;
Anyway today we went to see my Aunts and Uncles from I forget the name but I have a lot of family there and they are the BEST! We all talked and ate and then played Dominoes (Idk why but us Puerto Ricans just love playing dominoes at least in my family.) Then at night we went my moms friends from when she lived here. I also met the ultimate Otaku. I say that because she has watched over 40 animes and spent one whole summer watching ALL of Naruto.

Day Eight:

I really need to start writing more chapters for the next level. Maybe I'll just post these to distract my readers which will give me time to write more chapters! Wait did I just type that?

Today we just hanged out with my Abuela and Abuelo before going to my cousins again to go eat out. If you ever go to Puerto Rico then lose ten pounds beforehand because in Puerto Rico we eat a lot and it is known as disrespectful if you refuse to eat at another persons house when they offer something to you since they've prepared and made food for you and that took them time and money. It's weird but it makes sense.

After we ate, me and my cousins went to their house while the adults went to a bar or pub or something... Yeah. We all just sat down and talked. I learned that my cousin Cameron (I'm still calling her that) is also an Otaku and she makes the most beautiful art. I wish I token a picture '~' I also got 4 more mosquito bites ;-;

We just spent the rest of the night watching Dexter which they now have me hooked on watching and they all fell asleep while I kept watching cause I never sleep :)


Day Nine:

Today is one of my relatives birthday and they are having a HUGE party to celebrate it (he's 76!). So we got ready and went to see all of my cousins and relatives. After talking with everyone I got on the Wifi and went on Wattpad (sorry I didn't update), Skype, and started to catch up on the 46 videos I had on my watch later on YouTube. I think I got it to 33 now but it'll increase again. When we get back I need to take some time to catch up.

Anyway I hanged out with my cousins, talked with relatives, danced (which I probably sucked at doing even though my relatives said I did good), and singed all together with my family. It was awesome.

It really isn't eventful for the last two days and I just got a lot of headaches and stomach pain so yeah. Also I owe you all a serious apology for being so lazy I started feeling better two days ago, but stuff and procrastination and laziness yeah you get the idea. I'll try to update tomorrow and I hope you guys can forgive me.

BAI ^_^

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