34 - This is How a Heart Breaks

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Noise from the party drifts all the way to Hartley's house. It's not overbearing or offensive, just a bunch of teenagers having a little fun. When we enter Melanie's backyard, kids are jammed in like sardines. The pool is so full, the underwater lighting peeks between the bodies splashing around, covering them in a shade of deep blue. This is, by far, her biggest turnout since I've been in town.

We spot Nick near the pool house, throwing back a bottle of beer. Hartley lights a cigarette and makes her way toward him while I meander off in the opposite direction, searching for Sully. He's here somewhere. He sent a text about twenty minutes ago. When I nod a quick hello at Melanie, there's a tap on the back of my shoulder.

"You're here."

When I turn, Sully beams as he stares down at me. "I'm here."

"Let's go somewhere a little quieter," he says. "I have something for you."

A wave of surprise rolls through my stomach. "You do?"

Warm hands land on my shoulders and steer me towards a spot beneath the sprawling canopy of a tree, far enough away from the party that we can hear each other properly.

I let out a groan. "You know I don't like surprises. What is it? And why didn't you tell me you were getting me something so I could have gotten you something, too?"

"Because I wanted to get you a surprise and didn't want you to feel like you had to return the gesture. Now stop asking so many questions." He plops down onto the grass and offers me his hand. "Sit with me, please?"

I chew the inside of my cheek and join him.

He breathes a sigh that sounds suspiciously nervous. "This has been one of the best summers I can remember, and I know it's because of you. So, I wanted to give you something to commemorate it." He reaches into a deep pocket on the side of his shorts and hands over a square box about the size of my palm.

I stare at him and he stares back.

"Open it," he says.

"I can't. I'm too nervous."

He laughs. "Would you just open it already?"

I peel off the lid, my breathing shallow. "Sully ..." Very carefully, I lift a thin strand of black leather from the box. "It's beautiful."

"Do you know what it is?"

I shake my head.

He places his hand over mine and turns the bracelet over until a silver charm faces up. "It's called fleur-de-lis. It's French. Fleur meaning flower and lis meaning lily. It's sort of a symbol of New Orleans," he says. "It represents its history, both good and bad. It's even included in some of the architecture."

He's right, I recognize the pattern. It's all over the French Quarters. It even graces the helmets of their major league football team.

Sully looks up and his expression curls around me. "Do you like it?"

My heart contracts. "I love it." I bring it closer to inspect the three-petal design. "I just wish I had something for you, too."

"Gwen," he says, "That night you came over to my house when my parents were gone—it means more to me than you'll ever know. I wish you didn't have to go back to Ohio. I kinda like having you here."

"I wish I didn't have to go back either."

And I mean it. If I could stay in New Orleans forever, I would. With the exception of Henry, there's nothing left for me at home. Mom's got her hands full raising two kids and my dad doesn't care about anything other than his secretary. Maybe life would be easier if I just lived here instead?

"Thank you for this." I slip the leather over my hand and onto my wrist. "I'll wear it every day."

"And I hope you'll think of me when you do." His voice is deeper, huskier than I expect.

Before I can answer, his fingers comb through my hair and everything spins. I close my eyes as our noses brush together. His lips hover for a moment before finding mine, his breath fast and warm. He pulls me closer and my head goes hollow.

"Hey, no PDA at my party," a voice interrupts. It's Melanie. And she's grinning.

Sully and I pull away.

"Hey, Mel," he says. "Great party."

"Right?" She flops down next to us. "I think this is a record number of people. I just hope the neighbors keep quiet. I told my parents I was only having a few people over."

Sully shifts like he's embarrassed. "I'm going to grab a drink. Can I get you ladies anything?"

Melanie holds up a bottle of beer. "Nope, I'm good. Gwen, do you want something?"

I shake my head.

Sully squeezes my hand before getting up. "I'll be right back, okay?"

I can't hide the smile as he walks away but Melanie waves her hand in front of me and blocks my view. "Earth to Gwen."

A giggle escapes my lips. "Sorry."

"So, you and Sully, huh?" She gapes at me. "When did that happen?"

I shrug. I've never had a conversation with Melanie all by myself. It feels a little weird not having Hartley around. My eyes skate toward the pool house where she and Sully are now talking. Nick's nowhere in sight.

"I don't know. A little while, I guess. We've gone out a few times."

"You guys make a cute couple," she says. "But won't it be difficult when you go back home? I mean, no offense. It just seems sort of sad."

"It's really sad. Look what he just gave me." I thrust my wrist toward her, showing off my new bracelet.

"Wow, it's really beautiful." She looks up and smiles. "I think it's great that you're cool with his and Hartley's past. A lot of girls would be weirded out by that—me included. And you two are totally adorbs together."

Her words knock the air out of my lungs. "What do you mean, they're past?"

"You know." She looks confused. "When they hooked up last summer? I didn't think Nick would ever forgive her, but I suppose they were broken up at the time. Not that it matters anyway. Even when they're not a couple, they're still super possessive of each other. It's bizarre if you ask me."

But I've stopped listening. Because I can't get past what she said. "They hooked up?"

"Yes. After his brother died." Melanie's eyes widen. "Oh my God, don't tell me you didn't know. I'm sorry, I just assumed Hartley would have mentioned it since you're her best friend."

Blood rises to my cheeks as a shock wave jolts through me. Sully and Hartley hooked up last summer and neither one of them bothered to mention it? I stand up but the ground shifts beneath my feet and I have to balance myself against the tree.

"Gwen, are you alright?" Melanie's standing now too, her brown eyes filled with panic. "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to upset you. I really thought you knew! Oh, shit."

Hartley and Sully are still in the same spot. Standing close. Too close. Speaking intimately. It's hard to breathe. I'm so stupid—how could I not have seen this coming? I march toward them, Melanie clawing at my elbow the entire way.

Hartley sees me first. "Hey, I heard about the bracelet! Can I see it?"

My eyes bore into hers. "How could you?"

"How could I what?" She glances at Sully before looking back at me.

"You know what," I accuse, the words bitter on my tongue. "Why didn't you tell me? And why did you want me to meet him in the first place? So you guys could both laugh at me behind my back?" I'm shouting now but I don't care. "How could you do this to me? I thought you were my best friend!"

Hartley's face pales. She knows exactly what I'm talking about. Her voice lowers, her eyes darting around. "It wasn't like that. I swear."

"Gwen ..." Sully's hand is on my arm. "Can we go somewhere private to talk? I'll explain everything."

I jerk away from him. "I don't want to talk to you! You lied to me, too. I asked both of you if you were ever involved and you told me no! You both told me no. What kind of friends are you?"

Melanie whimpers next to me. "I'm so sorry, you guys. I didn't mean to"

Hartley cuts her off. "Will you just listen to our side of the story? It's not what you think."

I stare at her, unable to fathom what she means. "You keep saying that! How the hell is it different? You slept with Sully and then lied to my face!"

"It really isn't what you think," Sully insists, his face just as pale as Hartley's. "We were never involved."

My temper flares. "Oh, so you're friends with benefits? How convenient." A few kids are gathered around us when Nick comes into view, his mouth spread in a tight line. And that's when it dawns on me. "Is that why Nick hates you so much? Because you fucked his girlfriend?"

"That's not fair!" Hartley shifts in front of me, blocking Nick's face. But I don't need to see it to know I've struck a nerve. Because it's true. That's exactly why he hates Sully.

I can't believe what I'm saying but I'm unable to stop. My whole body goes tight. "First, my dad and his secretary, and now you."

I turn to leave and find the entire party staring at me, their mouths ajar. Sully grips my arm before I can push my way through the crowd. "It happened after Sawyer died," he says, his voice cracking. "Hartley came over when she found out. It wasn't something we planned. It just happened."

I take a step forward but again, Hartley's in my way. "Gwen, I knew what it was like to lose someone I love," she adds desperately. "We were just two people who were hurting. It didn't mean anything more than that—I swear. It only happened that once. And the reason I wanted you to meet is because I thought you'd hit it off." She wipes a tear from her eye. "I'm sorry if I was selfish and wanted to see my two best friends end up together. Please, tell me you understand!"

My gaze narrows. "I don't understand." And I'm not sure I ever will.

I yank my arm from Sully's grasp, shoulder my way through the crowd, and hit the driveway running, not knowing which way to turn. Part of me wants to get to the airport where I can call my mom and take the first flight out of Louisiana, but the other part is too embarrassed. I don't want her to know. I don't want anyone to know.


By the time I'm out of breath and weak in the knees, I'm staring up at the blinking lights of Lady Bijou's.

There's a scrawny man at the front door checking IDs and taking cover charges. A black, leather biker hat covers his head, white hair jutting out from all sides, and his thin arms are camouflaged under tattoos.

The pocket of my shorts vibrate. I pull out my phone and turn it off.

A line of people are waiting to get in but I push through them, ignoring the very female protests coming from the employee I just assumed was male. I race through the club until I find Bastian near the stage dressed in his trademark blonde wig and white dress. He's entertaining a group of smiling patrons.

His eyes widen when he sees me. "Gwen, are you okay?"

I shake my head, tears spilling down my cheeks. And that's the exact moment the bouncer yanks my arm, forcing me back toward the door.

"It's okay," Bastian calls after him, his practiced Lady Bijou persona abandoned. He walks over to me as the bouncer releases his grip. "What's wrong?"

I'm sobbing so hard I can't speak.

I allow him to guide me away, his arm cradling my shoulder as if I'm a small child. When the door backstage closes behind us, Bastian makes a one-eighty to face me, his hands cupping my tear-stained cheeks. "What in the world has happened?"

I swallow to clear my throat. "Hartley and Sully. They lied to me," I tell him, gasping for air.

"Woah, woah. Calm down." He tucks a curtain of hair behind my ear. "What do you mean, they lied to you?"

A knot of unease twists in my stomach. "They lied! They told me they were never involved with each other but they were! They had a thing last summer."

"Did you ask them why they lied?" he asks, leading me to the table and chairs.

I sniffle as we sit. "Yes."


I stare at the ceiling before meeting his gaze. "They said it's not how it sounds. That it only happened once and didn't mean anything. They said they were comforting each other."

His face softens. "Why were they comforting each other?"

Nausea rolls through my stomach. "Because of Sully's brother. And Hartley's dad ..."

Bastian pulls off his wig and sets it on the table. A net covers his hair and he runs a hand over the top of it. "They've had plenty of opportunities to be together since then, but they said it only happened that once?"

I nod.

"Do you believe them?"

My shoulders lift in a shrug.

Bastian lets out a sigh. "It's not uncommon for people to seek a physical connection after someone they love dies. Finding solace in the aftermath of tragedy makes us feel more alive." He pauses. "That's not to say what they did was okay; they should have told you the truth from the start. But sweetie, they weren't prepared for the depth of loss they faced."

I brush away a tear. "But why didn't they tell me?"

"Maybe they were embarrassed? But I know neither Hartley nor Sullivan would ever want to hurt you. They care about you too much for that."

"But best friends are supposed to share everything ..."

Bastian hands me a tissue as I swallow the rest of my sentence. "Haven't you ever kept a secret?"

I've kept plenty. From Sully and Hartley both. But before I can admit that, the back door of the dressing room swings open and Sully bounds inside. He's out of breath. "I was hoping I'd find you here ..."

I bring the tissue to my nose and blow. "I don't want to talk to you."

Sully pushes a hand through his disheveled waves. "I know and I'm sorry. I am so so sorry. But this isn't about us, or tonight—it's Hartley."

I slam my hand down on the table making both Sully and Bastian jump. "I don't want to talk about her either! Don't you get that? I want to be left alone!"

"Gwen." Sully's eyes are red and swollen, a detail I hadn't noticed until now. He's been crying. "Something happened."

A cold sweat springs to my face.

He takes a ragged breath. "Hartley collapsed. She's on her way to the hospital."

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