Team SOS

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Author note - Thank you so much for 100k reads and thanks for the love you people showered on this story.


February is ending and a new month about to start tomorrow.  First covid patient arrived in India though its far away from Delhi that's only relief as of now. Uncertainty start looming around. Our cafeteria meet also

"You know covid is spreading like wild fire in China " Karuna said.

"and there is complete lockdown in Wuhan " Aamir said

"Visuals are really scary"Karuna said ,a video js playing in her mobile.I take her mobile to have a closer look.  Streets are empty, shopping malls,market, playground, schools, hotels ,restaurants everything is closed. Public transportation is completely shut down and private vehicles isn't allowed  people are locked in their homes struggling for end meets.

"Allah raham (mercy)" words automatically came out from my mouth.

"I just wish it doesn't spread in India, we live in very close settlement, it would be very difficult to contain it."Aamir said

"Focus on your studies, government and administration is there to think about all this." Familiar voice gives opinion from side table.

"Seniors, always tries to stop our conversation "karuna whispered while folding her hand on table and hide her face in disappointment

"Its for your own good" retreating figure said .

March has arrive so does spring in India. Boganvelia is blooming with pink and white flowers. It felt someone has paints the surrounding with pink and white. There is lane of Palash trees side by side of roads. Trees are blossoming with red orange flowers sometimes it gave illusion of red carpet. I recharged myself with this natural beauty.

Its lunch break and we are heading towards hostel mess for having lunch.

" aaj phir daal khani padegi " (Lentils  again for lunch )  I sigh putting my head on Karuna's shoulder

" ab doctor banane ke liye ye kurbani to deni padegi meri jaan  " (  Tor achieving goals like getting medical degree you have to sacrifice your taste bud sweet heart) she laughed.

We took our plates, put cucumber & tomato salad,lentils and roti (bread) in plate and sat on a table.News channel is running on television .

"First covid case in Delhi " news anchor shared the news and morsel fall from my hand.That news caught our full attention. Where that patient is shifted,his condition, travel history everything is part of panel discussion.

"What will happen now? Karuna asked.

"I dont know "

We are little worried but we can't do anything on this. Everything is dependent on authorities and public.  How serious people will take it. We resumed our classes after lunch. Next few days were spent in researching about this disease thorough books present in library ,information  shared by experts.

As the day passing cases start increasing and spread isn't limited to metropolitan cities.  Tier two and tier three cities start reporting covid cases. Covid is becoming part of our lunch and dinner discussions.

"People are still taking this disease lightly. "Aamir said while sipping coffee.

"Unfortunately "Karuna sighed

"Educated people are behaving like illiterates , people are willing to breach protocols. "I continued

"Its not rocket science in wearing a mask " Sajid

"And you too wear it wrong "

"No " he refused and look around and we all nodded our head in unison hiding our smile.

"Happens sometimes "

"Mere pass Idea hai  (I have an idea) " karuna exclaimed.

"Aur hamare  pass jio,airtel ,bsnl hai (we have Jio,Airtel,and BSNL, this are networkprovidersin India) " we laughed

"Just shut up I am not talking about mobile sim card , I want to discuss something. "

"Hmm carry on" Aamir said.

"What you think about awaring masses?"

" How will you do it ?" I asked.

"Social media "she said and there is absolute silence which surprise me. I liked the idea and ready to try this option.

"I am on board " Sajid said

"Me too" I said

Aamir joined at last as all of us are ready to do it without him.

"Elaborate Karuna"

"I am thinking to create social accounts primarily for this purpose.As its very new disease there are many who are spreading rumours and misinformation .We shall discuss, research and then spread information on social media."

"Are we making videos " Sajid asked

"Yes,people are lazy to read government guidelines, Medical bulletins . Our work is to simplify everything so that masses can understand and take care of themselves. " Karuna said.

"I am ready to do research, I'll read IMA(Indian medical association) bulletin ,government guidelines and administration's suggestions for general public" I said

"I'll do script writing than "Sajid said

"Who will face the camera ?" Karuna asked and we all looked towards her.

"I ,..I can't do this "I am not used to, in facing camera "she suttered.

"Aamir ,what you say ,are you interested ?"I asked

"Okay ,I'll bring Mushtaq with me ,he is good in shooting ."

After several discussions we are able to gain user name "Team SOS India" . We opened accounts on Twitter,Facebook, YouTube, Instagram and Tictock. Karuna is our manager who will manage everything. We decided to shoot first video in campus itself on Monday. It gives me some time to read government guidelines ,IMA (Indian medical association) bulletin and administration's guidelines. I handover briefs to Sajid and he is scripting it.

"Should I post first tweet " Karuna asked  Its late night and sleep is far away from our eyes. Today's scene was heartbreaking. We had our evening snacks in and went to the terrace of hostel. Activities increased in our campus. Our eyes caught glimpse of a family crying in the ground near baniyan trees. Their eyes were fixate on one direction, we move towards that direction. Medical staff carrying something in a bag. Its fully covered with plastic bag ,staff is wearing PPE kit. Now we realized they lost someone and lost to perform last rights of deceased.What world we have reached. Our eyes were moist and heart is heavy. I wasn't feeling good after that incident. I knew I had to be strong but I am struggling.

"Ask others " I said to her

"How ?"

"I don't know "

After few minutes "Karuna added you in the whatsapp group "Team SOS "

"We'll stay connected to each other through this, my gut feeling is saying, its not going to end soon"


Karuna added

9867***** ~ Aamir
99089*** ~ Sajid

I checked the numbers unlike me they had their name with numbers. Despite of being classmates we never shared numbers with each other.         I opened the profile of Aamir.

"Indeed we belongs to Allah ,and Indeed to him we will return " this is written on his bio.I read to it again and again. I recalled today's incident,disease, death crying eyes.
and I recalled lines I learned in childhood

"Wherever you may be, death will overtake you, even if you should be within towers of lofty construction"

"Every soul will taste death"

Lines of holy  Quran ringing in my mind .we focused so much on today's suffering and pleasures that we forget, one day this mortal body will die and we will return to our creator.

"Night is to sleep "beeping massage broke my trance.Aamir wrote it.

"Its urgent " Karuna sent

"What happened? Someone is dying right now  so you can't wait for morning "Sajid this time.

"I wanted to post first tweet "

Aamir added someone and that someone is Mushtaq.

"Cameraman is here "

"I am helping just because its a novel cause, I am not serving you people "Mushtaq.

Mindless bickering keep going.

"This group is made to stay in touch with everyone. Misinformation is spreading like jungle fire. People start dying in Delhi ,in our campus. She sent and still typing.

"It would be good if you type all this on social media "

"Why so rude Aamir"

"You are disturbing my sleep "

I am an observer just like all other times.

"Mask and sanitizer is your weapon against Covid 19. Please wear mask , use sanitizer and beat this monster "she Tweeted and soon guys pore in ,they start liking, tagging retweeting her tweet.

"Men will be men " I moves my head in disappointment.

Again opened whatsapp and opened his profile picture. His dad was feeding him sweet. It must be 2 years old when he cracked NEET. It doesn't gives full view only one side of their face is visible but I can feel the joy  euphoria and happiness of that moment. It aches my heart when I recalled my time. There was no celebration, joy or happiness for me. My biggest win wasn't celebrated or even acknowledged. Tears fallen from my eyes.

I again see his picture and took screenshot of it. Move my hand on screen on their faces with faint smile.

"Allah protect them from evil eyes." I murmured and soon his profile picture changed. There is poetry written in the picture

"Mat pooch mujhse ki mai kya chahta hun
Bana ke tujhe mahram
Tawaf karna chahta hun
(Don't ask me what I want
I want to  marry you and perform pilgrimage and prayers with you )

I know it is for me but how ?

How he knows what's going with me

How he find out I was checking his whatsapp id.

A massage beeped from his number. Its a picture

"Allah what should I do ?"

"Should I opened it if he sent something..

What's wrong in opening
I'll say I haven't downloaded the picture

I download the image and its me checking his profile

"Karuna ,I will not leave you today.

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