You are mine

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Author's view

It is  bright Sunday morning of August which is rare in Delhi as it's time of Monsoon in its peak. After a week sun is clearly visible in the sky . Black clouds which usually hides beautiful blue sky isn't present in the sky. Bright sun in the background of blue sky is in itself a sight to see but two young women has no chills.

"Sometimes I hate to be a girl"Karuna scoffs.

"Common it's not a big deal."Aamna try to pacify her friend who wants to look the best but failing in doing so.

"Hair style and make up is essential to look presentable."

"I think we should try one more time as we still have 8 hours to go."

The suggestion work in last attempt and after satisfying with final look both of them have lunch happily.
Its 6 in the evening which is time given to everyone to be present at vanue . Karuna and Aamna , dressed elegantly in gowns,enters the said place with lots of excitement combined with a pinch of nervousness. Entry gate has decoration of Lilly flowers with small illuminating bulbs in between the flower bunch.A red carpet leads them in a huge ground .Stage is set up in the middle of ground ,a man is testing sound quality and lights near the stage.Hundreds of chairs placed in ground,facing the stage. Sofa chairs placed in first two rows  indicating place to be occupy by judges. At far left there is arrangement for refreshments and dinner.A flower wall is present in  right side with  multiple selfi points. Artificial windows,two statue and several other props is present to click a perfect picture. While exploring the place Aamna 's eyes catch Aamir who is entering in the venue. He is dressed in  black jodhpuri suit. He is walking like he owns the place. He start coming towards them  she notices the fine embroidery on his suit. A peacock shape glittery broach at  right side of his suite is eye-catching. His appearance is enough to tell about his wealthy background. His eyes meets with her and he smiles . Aamna immediately look behind and there is no one behind her.It means he is smiling towards her but why he do that ,she is unable to understand. She feels he is noticing her appearance and it doesn't settle well with her.
"He is definitely planning something nasty ." her subconscious voice suggests and she feels the same. She moves away from there. She can feel his gaze while moving around.

"What is his  problem ? "

"Why he behaves  like supermassive jerk?"

She often thinks these questions but doesn't gets answer.Fortunately event started which let her forget about him. First round start with introduction and it goes smooth with most of them as they have done it multiple times in college corridors.

Second round is traditional her name start with first alphabet so she leave the sitting area and move towards changing room.

"Aamna" Aamir call from  behind to stop her  but she run away in full speed.

"I won't be your prey Aamir ,not today"she decides and without looking back entered in girl's room. Her heart is beating fast due to adrenaline rush.She feels she nearly escaped from death trap.

"What's wrong with this woman ? I am not ghost ,am I?"he muttered and move towards boys changing room.

Aamna choose light pink sharara which has katha work on the border and chiffon same coloured dupatta.S he wears big sphere silver earings ,applies lip gloss on lips. Hairs fixing a side braid and she is ready to go.This event also running smoothly,her turn is over and now Karuna is on the stage.She is dressed in Orange green Rajasthani dress and if her name was not announced earlier,she is hard to recognise.All those heavy jewellery gave her completely different look.After finishing their  part on stage  both of them can't stop themselves in complimenting each other.

Last round is personality round and each candidate has to speak about various topics which will be given on the stage.Aamir is first one on the stage and his topic is love.Aamna excuse herself and purposely ignore his speech.

"How to insult others?,this is right topic for him"she utters while filling her plate with snacks.

"Next is Aamna Rahman Ali"she ran towards stage after hearing announcement from loudspeaker.She reach stage and pick a chit from glass bowl.

"Couple goals is your topic"anchor announce.

Its not easy topic for her to discuss  right now,was in past.A happy married life ,she imagined it countless times in past but her reality is otherwise. She wants to run away from the stage but stop herself and hold mike in her hand.

"A widow ,older  but financially strong woman"she starts and confusion is visible in the audience.

"A young man with lots of potential but financially not so strong." after her second line Aamir get where it is heading.

"What you think about this kind of marital alliance?"she looks towards the audience.

"Doomed from the beginning ,right?"she voices audience's mind.

"No"came out from his mouth.He know about this couple but eager to listen from her.

"I'll answer no for this. Our prophet Mohammad (P.U.B.H.) and Khadijah (R.A.) "smile appears on her face by recalling her ideal ,the best people in the world ."They have same kind of marriage setting. she was financially strong but never looked down on him.He never judged her on the criteria of being a widow or elder than him. She is one of the most respected woman in Muslim world today and I'll be short of word in describing love Muslim have for Prophet Mohammad (P.U.B.H.). They are my couple goals.Rich ,tall ,dark handsome,gorgeous,fair skinned,docile, all this criteria is  set up by society. I believe, when your heart is filled with love and respect , nothing can stop the marriage to be fruitful. " She concludes and received a big round of applause from the crowd. In the crowd a pair of eyes staring her each and every moves closely.She knows who is the one but doesn't want to focus on him. He will come any moment and mock her,taunt her or worse humiliate her like he did yesterday.

It was 9:45 in the clock and  she has only fifteen minutes from the reporting time.She ran towards college ,it's just 20 meters ahead ,in the jiffy she didn't noticed a small wire hanging from the door and fall flat on the floor. At this moment all she wish is empty corridor.

"Tchh tchh,princess fell on the ground"Aamir chuckled and she feels really bad but he continued his insult"you know what you belongs to that place "he proclaimed and left .

"Allah ,make him pay for his deed.I wish he never ever get what his heart desire" Although it's not in her nature to wish ill for anyone but this guy never leave a chance to exploit her vulnerability. "Spoilt rich brat,moron,jerk"she cursed for the first time. She somehow managed to attend the class and things are good at the moment.At the lunch time she tries to sneak as her  sandal strap is torn in the morning event.She fix it with a safety pin.She almost successful in doing so..

"Nice footwear Aamna"he shouts loudly from the sideways and everyone's focus is on her feet. Their pitiful looks bother her the most.She can tolerate mocking,laughing or taunting but becoming subject of pity,she can't tolerate. She feel someone is  ripping her dignity. She runs towards the hostel and lock herself in a bathroom.Tears doesn't stop flowing from her eyes.

"I don't deserve it Aamir, I'll not let you insult me from now on."she decided.

Aamna is a misguided girl, in his perspective until it change by her recent speech.The shine in her eyes while speaking about  Prophet Mohammad(P.U.BH.) ,that content smile while discussing his first marriage. Her utmost respect separate her from the one who are misguided.She might have her reason but apart from all this he has an unknown feeling which he never felt before. The urge to indulge in a conversation with her is really strong this time.She confused him he doesn't know how to proceed with her.He wants her to be fit in certain criteria which she repeatedly defy. He is unable to refrain himself from taunting her and feel bad later. He feel someone is passing by ,soft chuckles is audible and

"Someone steal the show by faking love towards Prophet Mohammad (P.U.B.H.)" he blurted  and shock is visible on her face.

"I am bad Muslim ,no no I am not even Muslim, my hijab is not there,my upbringing is not right .,my Iman is not right ..stop your bullshit Aamir. You are not a religious scholar. I am not suppose to marry you so you keep commenting on my life. Infact if you will be last man on the earth still I won't marry you."her last lines hit hard. She can't dispose him as per her whim .He is most eligible bachelor in whole Lucknow.

"I'll marry you."he said and she laughed on his face.

"In your dreams"she replied in the tone he always used towards her.

"Don't provoke me Aamna"

"I am sorry Jahan panah , please spare me and never ever talk to me."she replied with same fire.

"Enough Aamna"

"Yes,its enough. Enough of your taunt insult and mocking. I am nobody to you so please stop all this nonsense and never ever talk to me."her last words hurts the most. She left without looking back.He doesn't know why but he always feels a claim over her.

"am nobody to you"  her words keep ringing in his ears. "I won't endorse your words Aamna. I'll come back and this time officially."

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