Raw, Smackdown, & NXT Are In Chaos. One Man Will Restore Order.

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'So this is where the big boys play, huh? We're not here to play.' Kevin Nash. First appearance of the Outsiders.

Words to live by. And when I make my return in 16 years. Nobody will like what I'm gonna do. Especially a TKO board member who had no business bogarting a main event of Wrestlemania 40 because he believed it needed to be saved.
I completely forgot to introduce myself. My name is Daniel Robert Boyce. I got into wrestling towards the tail end of the Ruthless Aggression Era. I am not a rules guy by any means. But the entitled, rude, spoiled, etc. Has been extremely rampant as of late.
Especially a board member who this past Friday decided to cut to the front of the line and steal a title match from this year's men's Royal Rumble winner.
And the funny part is. He's going to learn his place in the shuffle as he's not a board member anymore until after Wrestlemania.
And tonight, I'm going to make some people angry, and some people happy.
I reviewed the list of troublemakers, put it in my briefcase, and made my way to the arena for tonight's Raw.

When I arrived, I headed to Adam Pierce's office.
"Hey, Daniel." Adam greeted me as he shook my hand and hugged me.
"Adam. Heard you've had some problems with a few superstars." I asked as I placed my briefcase on the desk, opened it, took out the list, and handed it to him before closing the case. "Look that over and tell me if that's correct."
He looked over the list and nodded, "Everything's accurate." He told me. I grinned as I took the list, left his office, and headed to the gorilla and the ring.

When the show started, I was in the ring with the list and a mic in hand. "I'd like everyone to come out onto the stage and ramp, please." Every superstar came out along with the referees. When everyone was out where I could see them. I started, "Thank you. Now my name for those of you who don't know is Daniel Robert Boyce. I am the new Commissioner of  WWE. I have been tasked to restore order to the brands." I said, which surprised a lot of the superstars. "And I called in my cousin. She was supposed to make her debut in the Women's Royal Rumble. But a board member called, and she was bumped from the match, now before I reveal who ruined her debut. Ladies and gentlemen. I present my enforcer, Titan."
'Beginning of The End Is The Beginning' by Smashing Pumpkins started playing over the speakers as Kriss made her way to the ring and stood on the apron facing the legion of superstars and referees. Kriss stared at one person in the crowd of superstars.
"Now the person who caused Titan to be bumped from the Women's Royal Rumble is none other than Nia Jax. Apparently, she couldn't take the possibility of having three women stronger than her in the Rumble, so she called cousin Dwayne, and then Titan was bumped from the match. So, next week, it will be Nia Jax vs. Titan in a cage match. And Nia. You call Dwayne. Or any of your cousins. You will be put on a three-month suspension. The last two months of which will be without pay. But as of right now. You owe the WWE 20 thousand dollars. You refuse to pay. The fine will be doubled, and the suspension as well. But all of it will be without pay. If I were you. I'd concentrate on your matches and not on calling in favors. It happens again. You won't have to worry about the suspension or fine. Because you will be given your release. Permanently. Do I make myself clear?" I could see Nia sweating and nodding. "To make sure you do. I expect the 20 thousand by next week or else." I looked at the camera. "To any entitled superstars that think they deserve a title match or what have you without earning it. Will be given their notice. I'll meet with the rest of the troublemakers on this list in time. Starting with Gunther. Report to Adam's office immediately. Now I've held up the show long enough. Enjoy the show, ladies and gentlemen." I smiled and waved as me and Kriss made our way to Adam's office.

When we arrived at Adam's office, I sent for Gunther and Imperium, Kriss came back with Imperium in tow. Without Gunther, "Where's Gunther?" I asked.
"He doesn't need to be here." Ludwig Kaiser replied.
"Unfortunately for him, he is required to be here. That is if he wishes to keep the Intercontinental Championship around his waist." I told them. "Now get him in here in the next three minutes. Or he risks losing the championship and his job." Kaiser called Gunther, and two minutes later, an irate Intercontinental Champion. "So nice of you to join us. Records show that you've held the Intercontinental Championship for over a year, impressive. But every time you defend it. You always have either Vicci or Kaiser or both at ringside. So, from now on, any singles Championship will be defended in one-on-one matches. Your Imperium brothers will be confined to the locker room. Any breaking of this rule will result in heavy penalties."
"Such as?" Gunther asked.
"Such as loss of pay, heavy fines, and if it continues, you will be stripped of the championship and given your outright release. All three of you. So next week, it will be Gunther against Kofi. One on one. So I better not see Kaiser or Vicci anywhere near the ring or gorilla or Auf Wiedersehen." I said, angering Gunther, who stood up and left the office. "Thank you for coming."
"Who's next on your hit list?" Adam asked.
"Judgment Day," I replied. "Kriss, would you?" She was way ahead of me as she already left.

After a moment or two, all of Judgment Day came in with black eyes and bruised jaws as Kriss walked around them and stood by me. "Let me guess, they resisted?" I asked as Kriss nodded.
"What do you want?" Priest asked forcefully.
"Mind your tone," I said calmly as I stood up. "One more outburst. You and Balor will be stripped of the Tag Team Championships. And you won't get another chance at them until hell freezes over or Judgment Day disbands. Either way, it'll be a long time." Priest kept quiet. "Now, I have a major problem with Dominik." Rhea, Dom, Priest, and McDonough looked angrily at me. "It shouldn't be that much of a surprise," I said, sitting back down. "According to records. You Dominik haven't been in a match in a long time. But you always like picking fights with other superstars and when they try to do anything to you. You hide behind Mami's skirt or the other members of Judgment Day."
"Yeah, so." He said rather rudely.
"Start another fight with anyone else. You will be suspended for, oh, I'd say four months at half pay." I told him as he glared at me. "Is that supposed to scare me? Huh?" He rolled his eyes, "That's what I thought. And anyone who defends you will get put on suspension for three weeks at half pay."
"WHAT?!!!" They all screamed. I snapped my fingers, and Kriss held McDonough' left shoulder and bent his right arm behind his back until his wrist and elbow were lined up between his shoulder blades. They all fell silent except for JD, who was in excruciating pain.
"Would someone like to add something? Because if you do? Because I think JD would like to go back to not being medically cleared to compete. Wouldn't you JD?" He shook his head. "See, he loves the idea." I smiled. "Now. If anyone comes to Dominik's defense a second time." I looked at Rhea. "Will be stripped of their Championships and suspended for six months. Three of which will be without pay." I looked around at Judgment Day. "Do we understand each other?" They nodded. "Was there anything unclear?" They shook their heads. "Good. And by the way, next week, Dom. You'll be facing Drew MacIntyre. And if I see Mami or Priest or Balor or McDonough anywhere near the ring, gorilla or in the crowd. I'm going to take great pleasure in dismantling Judgment Day. This means some of you will be sent to NXT, and some will be sent to Smackdown. Leaving little Dom Dom alone to fend for himself. So, if anyone even sneezes in the direction of the ring. There will most certainly be hell to pay. You can let McDonough go Kriss." The moment she released him. I looked down at my list. "Now get out of my sight." They left in a hurry.
"That's the first time I've seen them legitimately afraid of someone," Adam said. "I'll say this, you ou sure get results."
"Well, the key is. To make sure they know you're in charge and it doesn't hurt to have a little backup as well." I said, making Kriss smile.
We heard loud arguing in the hall, I got up to investigate and went barely a few yards into the hall when I saw a pair of shades tossed at me and something wrapped around my legs, I caught the sunglasses and looked down and found Roux hugging my legs for dear life.
"Hey. What's wrong?" I asked her, knowing the answer already.
"Daddy and Mommy are arguing." She said, trying not to cry. I put the glasses on her.
"These shades are very special, sweetie. They make you very strong and very tough. And what Uncle Daniel needs you to do is go into David's office and stay there, okay? Keep the shades on, sweetie." Kriss took her and introduced herself as I went barely fifty yards and just walked into the locker room belonging to Seth Rollins and Becky Lynch, who while I was comforting their daughter decided to take their argument inside the room. I walked in and yelled, "What in the hell is going on?!" Becky and Seth were surprised by the volume and anger in my voice. "I'm waiting!" When nobody replied. "You never argue in front of children, especially one as impressionable as Roux."
"Daniel, I can explain..." Becky started.
"Did I say you could talk?" She shook her head. I looked to see Seth smiling. "And what are you smiling about Joker Junior?"
"Nothing." He said.
"Right. Now listen up! I guess that Seth hasn't been defending his family. Which is understandably aggravating. But you can't fight in front of Roux. And I will say one thing. At least Becky defends her family." Becky grinned, and Seth scowled. "Now, Rollins, you are on your own tonight. Becky, you'll be staying in my two-bedroom suite with Roux. I'll be sleeping on the couch." I said, mapping out the logistics for the night. "And until you two are on the same page and not fighting in front of Roux. That's how it's gonna be from now on. Capisce?!" They both nodded. "Good. Now I'm going back to David's office and telling Roux the planned logistics for tonight. Becky, be ready to go in five minutes before Raw is off the air. I'll look after Roux until the end of the show." I left the room and headed back to Adam's office, where I found Roux having fun with Kriss. I told Roux that she and her mom were going to stay with me, and she was so happy that she ran up and hugged my legs, I rubbed her back.

When Raw went off the air, I put the list in my briefcase and left the office with Kriss in tow and Roux on my back, I said goodnight to Kriss as she got in her rental and headed to the hotel. I sat Roux on the hood of my rental car, and we waited for Becky. Then I heard arguing. I looked at Roux. "Want to come with me? Or want to sit in the car while Uncle Dan straightens out a few things?" I asked her.
"Wait in the car." She replied.
"Okay." I unlocked and opened the door, and she got in. "I want you to put on your shades and lock the door. Only open it for mommy or me. Okay?" She nodded. "Okay." I closed the door, and she locked it as I knew the argument was between Becky and Seth. But this one sounded different than the one they had earlier.
"Why are you going through with this? Roux's our daughter." Becky was getting frustrated. "Now you're gonna stay with the new Commissioner..."
"Better me than a wrestler that you wouldn't even trust. The reason she's staying with me is because Roux would be calmer with her mom near her. And I would never do anything to hurt, injure, or overall harm Becky or Roux. But you two's constant arguing is doing more harm than good. So if the logistics bother you and you have a problem with it?" I rubbed my index finger with my thumb, "You know what this is?" Seth shook his head. "This is the world's smallest violin playing 'My Heart Bleeds For You'." I said making Becky chuckle. I seriously don't care what you say or what you do. Roux doesn't need continuously warring parents. She deserves a mother and father who aren't at each other's throats. Either work this shit out. Or I'll file for temporary guardianship of Roux." That set Rollins off as he punched me with a barely-felt left hook. "Nice try. But one thing." I  said as I rubbed my jaw, I slugged him with a right cross knocking him out. "You take a shot at the king, be sure it's a kill shot. Let's go, Becky." I walked away with Becky in tow. "I'll take care of the bags. I think Roux could use some reassurance from mommy." I told her making her smile as Roux unlocked the door when Becky got in the passenger seat Roux crawled into her lap as I put her bags into the trunk and got in myself. I took a moment and looked at Roux and Becky. Saw Roux laying her head on Becky's shoulder.
"Thinking about possible futures?" Becky asked.
"As much as I'd like to. There are no futures that have me with a wife and children. I'm too stubborn, bull-headed, and I'm not all that patient anymore." I replied
"I don't think that's true." Becky grinned. "I think you're sweet, kind, loving, and patient enough. I think you would be a good husband and an amazing father." She said making me grin. "And I think Roux would agree." Becky looked down at Roux who was smiling at me.
"It seems she does." I smiled. I started the car and headed to the hotel.

When we arrived at the hotel, I escorted them to my suite, Becky carried my briefcase, and Roux, I carried her two bags. After she settled in, I called for room service for dinner, and after we ate. I started setting up shop on the sofa as my bed for the night. Halfway through, Roux came up with Becky. "What's up, guys?" I asked.
"Mommy can sleep with me and you can have your bed." Roux said.
"Thank you, sweetie. But I think I should sleep out here. That way, both of you have a bed to yourselves." I said. Which disappointed her a little. "But if anytime during the night. You can come out here and sleep next to me." She grinned as she hugged me before following Becky into her room. I made some Earl Gray tea with lemon and read past reports on NXT talent that were causing trouble. The top of the list was Schism.

About thirty minutes later, Becky came up and sat down next to me, "She's so  happy, Dan." She grinned. "Happier than I've ever seen her. Thanks to you."
"I didn't do anything too special," I replied. "I just did what any concerned person would do."
"Dan, you kept her safe while me and Seth argued. Twice." She said smiling.
"Speaking of which why did someone throw sunglasses at me?" I asked.
"Seth was really angry and threw his sunglasses. And you put them to use as Roux hasn't let them out of her sight. Why is that?" She asked curiously.
"When you guys first argued, the shades I caught,  I told Roux that they would make her very strong and very tough. So maybe she wants to make sure she has them handy in case she needs them." I explained.
"Which only proves that you'd be a good father. You protected her from seeing her mom and dad argue even more." She grinned. "If the chance ever came up. Would you want to be Roux's stepdad?"
I thought for a moment, "I would actually. But for now, I'd be more worried about being the cause of a failed marriage." I said making her grin.
"Understandable." She yawned. "I better get to bed. See you in the morning."
"Sleep well." I said as she headed to her room. I spent another few minutes looking over the reports from NXT and after a while, I just put the reports back in my briefcase, turned down the lights, and just laid down and fell asleep.

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