Chapter 1: The starting point

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20th of July, 2023. Three days before our graduation ceremony, we found ourselves at our usual hangout spot, The Dock, arguing about our long-planned but never-finalized graduation trip.

"Should we go to Cornwall?" Alex, always the beach lover, suggested, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "It has the most beautiful beach in the UK. We can surf, dive, and feast on seafood. It's paradise."

Jacob, ever the nature enthusiast, rolled his eyes. "Nah, I want to go to the New Forest. There's nothing like connecting with nature, feeling the earth beneath your feet, listening to the whispers of the wind..."

Just as I was getting caught up in Jacob's poetic pitch, Nathan, never one to keep his love for technology hidden, quickly chimed in. "What about Tokyo? It's the tech capital of the world!"

At this, both Alex and Jake turned to Nathan, hitting him lightly on the shoulder. "Danny, we're broke graduates, not millionaires," Alex chided. Jake added, "Yeah, mate. Maybe save Tokyo for when we've all made our first million."

Amid their playful banter, I found myself smiling, absorbed in their debates, yet unsure of what I wanted.

Our conversation was interrupted by the doorbell chiming, and a blonde goddess walked in. The café fell into a hushed silence as all eyes turned to her. Unfazed, she strutted over to our table. Sarah, my best friend, a history major, and the final member of our quintet, had arrived.

"Guys, can it!" Sarah announced, plopping down next to me. "I've got news that's gonna blow your minds."

Alex groaned dramatically, "Sarah, must you always make an entrance? Just spit it out already."

She shot him a withering look that could have singed his eyebrows. I stepped in quickly before another of their infamous spats began.

"Let her speak, Alex," I said, turning to Sarah with an encouraging smile. "You've got my attention, girl. What's the big news?"

Returning my smile, Sarah seemed to glow. "Okay, so I found this amazing deal on," she started, and all eyes focused on her. "It's an ancient castle on a remote island. And it has everything - a stunning beach, beautiful mountains, and historical attractions. Five days, four nights, for only £500. What do you guys think?"

My heart soared with excitement. "That sounds incredible!"

The rest of the gang, even Nathan who'd just had his Tokyo dreams dashed, nodded in agreement. The perfect graduation trip we'd been dreaming of finally seemed to be within reach.

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