The Grand Tour with Ando

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The Grand Tour with Ando

I. Introduction

Ando stands in front of the boat he took from Yokohama to Nakhodka, Russia in 1965. Ando stands in front of the boat he took from Yokohama to Nakhodka, Russia in 1965.

Q. Why did you decide to set out on this journey in 1965 when you were twenty-four years old? Q. Why did you decide to set out on this journey in 1965 when you were twenty-four years old?

A. It all started from my desire to see first-hand European architecture, which seemed so different from the buildings of the world I lived in. A. It all started from my desire to see first-hand European architecture, which seemed so different from the buildings of the world I lived in. And more than anything else, I greatly admired the works of Le Corbusier. Just at that time, the restrictions on traveling to different parts of the world had finally been lifted. And more than anything else, I greatly admired the works of Le Corbusier. Just at that time, the restrictions on traveling to different parts of the world had finally been lifted. Also, since I had no other choice but to study architecture on my own in Japan, I could only get a hold of a very limited amount of information. So you can say that I took this trip because I wanted to learn much more about architecture. Also, since I had no other choice but to study architecture on my own in Japan, I could only get a hold of a very limited amount of information. So you can say that I took this trip because I wanted to learn much more about architecture . That time, I was fortunate enough to come across a book of Le Corbusier's collected works in a used bookstore in Osaka. That time, I was fortunate enough to come across a book of Le Corbusier's collected works in a used bookstore in Osaka. I would find the time to look through this book again and again and to trace over the careful use of space in his blueprints and drawings. I would find the time to look through this book again and again and to trace over the careful use of space in his blueprints and drawings. At the same time, I became very interested in Le Corbusier as a person, and I was truly impressed by the fact that he taught himself ways to create a new world. As I became able to copy every drawing in the Le Corbusier book by heart, I could not help thinking, "I want to see these works with my own eyes. I want to meet Le Corbusier in person." At the same time, I became very interested in Le Corbusier as a person, and I was truly impressed by the fact that he taught himself ways to create a new world. As I became able to copy every drawing in the Le Corbusier book by heart , I could not help thinking, "I want to see these works with my own eyes. I want to meet Le Corbusier in person." So then, I set off on my grand tour. So then, I set off on my grand tour.

Q. What did you see during your one-year journey? Q. What did you see during your one-year journey?

A. First, I stood on the deck of the boat I took from Yokohama to Nakhodka, Russia and looked out at the horizon of the Pacific Ocean, and then, while traveling to Moscow on the Siberian Railway, I looked out the train window at the flat plains that seemed to stretch endlessly into the distance. A. First, I stood on the deck of the boat I took from Yokohama to Nakhodka, Russia and looked out at the horizon of the Pacific Ocean, and then, while traveling to Moscow on the Siberian Railway, I looked out the train window at the flat plains that seemed to stretch endlessly into the distance. These sights had a great impact on me. These sights had a great impact on me. They helped me to gain a true sense of the world's vastness and the smallness of my own existence. In this respect, I must say it is a bit of a shame that these days travel has gotten so convenient that you can just get on an airplane and move from city to city in half a day. They helped me to gain a true sense of the world's vastness and the smallness of my own existence. In this respect, I must say it is a bit of a shame that these days travel has gotten so convenient that you can just get on an airplane and move from city to city in half a day. I began my walking tours of European architecture in Scandinavia. I began my walking tours of European architecture in Scandinavia. In Finland, I saw the works of Alvar Aalto. In Finland, I saw the works of Alvar Aalto. In France, I looked at the works of Le Corbusier, and in Spain, I saw the architecture of Antonio Gaudi. In France, I looked at the works of Le Corbusier, and in Spain, I saw the architecture of Antonio Gaudi. And then, I had the chance to see classical Italian buildings --- the source of Western architecture. And then, I had the chance to see classical Italian buildings --- the source of Western architecture. Seeing Aalto works first-hand left an especially strong impression on me. Seeing Aalto works first-hand left an especially strong impression on me. I will never forget the excitement I felt standing in the large spaces of Rautatalo (iron house). I will never forget the excitement I felt standing in the large spaces of Rautatalo (iron house). Yet this trip was a very difficult time in my life. Yet this trip was a very difficult time in my life.

Q. Why was it a difficult time for you? Q. Why was it a difficult time for you?

A. I went on this trip to learn more about architecture, not to sight see. A. I went on this trip to learn more about architecture, not to sight see. Because I set off on this journey without knowing very much about architecture, it took much physical strength for me to continue to walk around and concentrate on seeing different things. Because I set off on this journey without knowing very much about architecture, it took much physical strength for me to continue to walk around and concentrate on seeing different things. I also had to make sure I understood what I saw. I also had to make sure I understood what I saw. At any rate, I needed to find the answer to the question, "What is so attractive about the architecture I see here?" At any rate, I needed to find the answer to the question, "What is so attractive about the architecture I see here?" before I could return home to Japan. before I could return home to Japan. Of course, I had neither teachers to guide me nor friends to talk to about this. Of course, I had neither teachers to guide me nor friends to talk to about this. I was left to continually ponder this architecture on my own. I was left to continually ponder this architecture on my own. Since I never had the chance to attend university, even from the time I opened my own firm and to the present, this situation has not changed. Since I never had the chance to attend university, even from the time I opened my own firm and to the present, this situation has not changed.

Q. And so has this spiritual journey continued? Q. And so has this spiritual journey continued?

A. Indeed, traveling to me is a spiritual journey because whenever I visit a place, I always take time to contemplate its history and culture. A. Indeed, traveling to me is a spiritual journey because whenever I visit a place, I always take time to contemplate its history and culture. When I come across a new world, I ponder its meaning and look for answers to things I do not understand, I am always thinking about the next new things I will see. When I come across a new world, I ponder its meaning and look for answers to things I do not understand, I am always thinking about the next new things I will see. To me, traveling is like going to school. To me, traveling is like going to school. For example, when I look at architecture, I constantly have conversations with myself and ask myself, "If I were the architect, how would I make these structures?" For example, when I look at architecture, I constantly have conversations with myself and ask myself, "If I were the architect, how would I make these structures?" In this way, I began my career as an architect, and, even in my work now, I continue to search for answers to questions like these. In this way, I began my career as an architect, and, even in my work now, I continue to search for answers to questions like these. Thinking of architecture by myself can be a journey for me. Thinking of architecture by myself can be a journey for me. I guess you can say that architecture is a journey. I guess you can say that architecture is a journey. I say this because the things an architect sees inspire him to constantly think, and his search to understand what he sees takes him far and wide. I say this because the things an architect sees inspire him to constantly think, and his search to understand what he sees takes him far and wide. In the process, he creates. In the process, he creates.

• photo_Tadao Ando • photo_Tadao Ando

• translation_Alisa Freedman, Junko Kawakami • translation_Alisa Freedman, Junko Kawakami

II. Paris

Ando viewing Île Seguin in the Seine, where the Fondation d'Art Contemporain François Pinault will be located. Ando viewing Île Seguin in the Seine, where the Fondation d'Art Contemporain François Pinault will be located.

Q. How was Paris on this trip? Q. How was Paris on this trip?

A. Once again, the atmosphere in Paris was agitated. A. Once again, the atmosphere in Paris was agitated. This time it was because of a march to protest the gains made by the radical right at the recent primary election for the French presidency. This time it was because of a march to protest the gains made by the radical right at the recent primary election for the French presidency. In Japan nowadays, there is a general sense of resignation about social issues, whereas in Paris, people are still passionate about their society. In Japan nowadays, there is a general sense of resignation about social issues, whereas in Paris, people are still passionate about their society. There was a boy marching along holding a placard with tears streaming down his face --- it was a striking image. There was a boy marching along holding a placard with tears streaming down his face --- it was a striking image.

It was all very orderly, and yet for me, the crowds marching in the streets and chanting slogans called to mind scenes from 34 years ago. It was all very orderly, and yet for me, the crowds marching in the streets and chanting slogans called to mind scenes from 34 years ago. I was remembering Paris during the May Revolution, which I stumbled into during my second trip to Europe in 1968. Needless to say, there is no comparison between the passionate demonstrations of 1968, which completely consumed the population, and this modest demonstration today. I was remembering Paris during the May Revolution, which I stumbled into during my second trip to Europe in 1968. Needless to say, there is no comparison between the passionate demonstrations of 1968, which completely consumed the population, and this modest demonstration today. For me, having been caught up in the strange excitement and agitation of those days, and having thrown cobblestones without understanding what I was doing, Paris evokes images of the city as it was 34 years ago, occupied by angry citizens. For me, having been caught up in the strange excitement and agitation of those days, and having thrown cobblestones without understanding what I was doing, Paris evokes images of the city as it was 34 years ago, occupied by angry citizens.

Q. You're working on a big museum project in Paris, aren't you? Q. You 're working on a big museum project in Paris, aren't you?

A. There's a place where Jean-Paul Sartre delivered an important speech to the striking workers during the May Revolution. A. There 's a place where Jean-Paul Sartre delivered an important speech to the striking workers during the May Revolution. It was on Île Seguin in the Seine, where Renault, one of the three major automobile companies in France, operated a factory until 1992. It was on Île Seguin in the Seine, where Renault, one of the three major automobile companies in France, operated a factory until 1992. For the French people, the district of Boulogne-Billancourt, where the island is located, is a stronghold of industry and a place symbolizing the labor movement. For the French people, the district of Boulogne-Billancourt, where the island is located, is a stronghold of industry and a place symbolizing the labor movement. Accordingly, people have strong feelings about the area and redevelopment plans have been caught up in a circuitous process extending over more than a decade. Accordingly, people have strong feelings about the area and redevelopment plans have been caught up in a circuitous process extending over more than a decade. In his anger against "poorly conceived redevelopment projects", Jean Nouvel once growled that it was "the storming of the castle of the workers". In his anger against "poorly conceived redevelopment projects", Jean Nouvel once growled that it was "the storming of the castle of the workers". At any rate, the places' history remains a part of it. At any rate, the places' history remains a part of it.

Then, in October 2001, there was an international competition for the Fondation d'Art Contemporain Françis Pinault, which was planned as one of the new redevelopment projects for the island, and my proposal was selected for construction. Then, in October 2001, there was an international competition for the Fondation d'Art Contemporain Françis Pinault, which was planned as one of the new redevelopment projects for the island, and my proposal was selected for construction. One of the purposes of this trip to France is to visit the site and take part in meetings. One of the purposes of this trip to France is to visit the site and take part in meetings.

Q. This will be your second building in Paris, after the UNESCO Meditation Space completed in 1995, won't it? Q. This will be your second building in Paris, after the UNESCO Meditation Space completed in 1995, won't it?

A. Yes, it's the second project to be realized, but I have designed a number of buildings in Paris for competitions. A. Yes, it's the second project to be realized, but I have designed a number of buildings in Paris for competitions. Because these competitions ended in a series of defeats, no one pays any attention to these projects... Because these competitions ended in a series of defeats, no one pays any attention to these projects ... For example, I participated in the competition for the Musée du Quai Branly, which is now under construction --- following Jean Nouvel's design --- next to the Eiffel Tower. For example, I participated in the competition for the Musée du Quai Branly, which is now under construction --- following Jean Nouvel's design --- next to the Eiffel Tower. Also, I recently designed a pedestrian bridge over the Seine between Dominique Perrault's Bibliothèque Nationale de France and Parc de Bercy. Also, I recently designed a pedestrian bridge over the Seine between Dominique Perrault's Bibliothèque Nationale de France and Parc de Bercy. Although defeated in the end, I've learned a lot from this losing streak. For one thing, I realized that at the root of architecture and urban space in Paris is an aesthetic of symmetry... Although defeated in the end, I've learned a lot from this losing streak. For one thing, I realized that at the root of architecture and urban space in Paris is an aesthetic of symmetry ...

Q. What do you mean by "symmetry"? Q. What do you mean by "symmetry"?

A. I don't mean symmetry solely in formal terms, but also in more conceptual ways, such as artificial versus natural, or a static versus a dynamic spatial sensibility. In Paris, this aesthetic permeates the entire city, from individual buildings through to the urban structure. A. I don't mean symmetry solely in formal terms, but also in more conceptual ways, such as artificial versus natural, or a static versus a dynamic spatial sensibility. In Paris, this aesthetic permeates the entire city, from individual buildings through to the urban structure. Maybe Paris' symmetry seems all the more evident to me because I am Japanese, and grew up in the fundamentally asymmetrical Japanese cityscape, with an affinity for the natural environment... Maybe Paris' symmetry seems all the more evident to me because I am Japanese, and grew up in the fundamentally asymmetrical Japanese cityscape, with an affinity for the natural environment ...

When I first visited Paris in 1965, I was immediately shocked by the dynamic configuration of the streets. When I first visited Paris in 1965, I was immediately shocked by the dynamic configuration of the streets. The Avenue des Champs-Élysées runs straight from the Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe, from which a number of avenues extend radially. The Avenue des Champs-Élysées runs straight from the Place de la Concorde to the Arc de Triomphe, from which a number of avenues extend radially. This magnificent aesthetic of symmetry is consistently reflected in the details of rows of ordinary buildings, and also in monumental buildings such as the Opéra completed in the nineteenth century by Charles Garnier. This magnificent aesthetic of symmetry is consistently reflected in the details of rows of ordinary buildings, and also in monumental buildings such as the Opéra completed in the nineteenth century by Charles Garnier.

What I realized through doing the competitions is that in Paris, the aesthetic of symmetry persists even in Modern and contemporary architecture, which should have denied the classical conventions and moved on to new, rational ideas. What I realized through doing the competitions is that in Paris, the aesthetic of symmetry persists even in Modern and contemporary architecture, which should have denied the classical conventions and moved on to new, rational ideas. However fresh the conception of the building, the aesthetic of symmetry always emerges in the process of defining its form. However fresh the conception of the building, the aesthetic of symmetry always emerges in the process of defining its form. This is the case with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France completed in 1995 by Dominique Perrault --- while it is very minimal and contemporary in its design and concept, its layout is perfectly symmetrical. This is the case with the Bibliothèque Nationale de France completed in 1995 by Dominique Perrault --- while it is very minimal and contemporary in its design and concept, its layout is perfectly symmetrical.

Original Korean text:

A. It all started from my desire to see first-hand European architecture, which seemed so different from the buildings of the world I lived in.

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Ando viewing the skyscrapers of Manhattan from the rooftop of a building in Chelsea. Ando viewing the skyscrapers of Manhattan from the rooftop of a building in Chelsea.

Q. What are your thoughts on New York after the events of September 11th, 2001? Q. What are your thoughts on New York after the events of September 11th, 2001?

A. From the rooftop of a building on 27th Street in Chelsea, I looked out over the skyscrapers of Manhattan for the first time in a long while. A. From the rooftop of a building on 27th Street in Chelsea, I looked out over the skyscrapers of Manhattan for the first time in a long while. Spread before me was the same view as always, but it looked somehow desolate. Spread before me was the same view as always, but it looked somehow desolate. Unfortunately, it was cloudy and drizzle was obscuring my view, but I don't think it was just because of this. Unfortunately, it was cloudy and drizzle was obscuring my view, but I don't think it was just because of this. The city of New York certainly seems to have changed since that day... The city of New York certainly seems to have changed since that day ...

Q. Can you tell us about your first visit to Manhattan, and your impressions of the city at that time? Q. Can you tell us about your first visit to Manhattan, and your impressions of the city at that time?

A. My first visit was in the summer of 1967. A. My first visit was in the summer of 1967. I'd spent a few months traveling by Greyhound bus from Los Angeles on the West Coast. I'd spent a few months traveling by Greyhound bus from Los Angeles on the West Coast. It was a dollar-a-day trip, so I'd sometimes take a short nap at a bus stop. It was a dollar-a-day trip, so I'd sometimes take a short nap at a bus stop. In this way, I got to see everyday life for Americans living in Smalltown, USA. In this way, I got to see everyday life for Americans living in Smalltown, USA. Just as I was changing from being surprised to being bewildered by the vastness of the country, I finally arrived in New York. Just as I was changing from being surprised to being bewildered by the vastness of the country, I finally arrived in New York.

The first things that caught my eye were the glittering Brooklyn Bridge with the setting sun in the background, and the powerful silhouette of the skyscrapers soaring behind the bridge. There before me was the city of New York, which I'd dreamed of and which had been burnt into my consciousness through the media. In my excitement, the first thing I did was to go up to the observatory in the Empire State Building to view the skyscrapers. The first things that caught my eye were the glittering Brooklyn Bridge with the setting sun in the background, and the powerful silhouette of the skyscrapers soaring behind the bridge. There before me was the city of New York, which I'd dreamed of and which had been burnt into my consciousness through the media. In my excitement, the first thing I did was to go up to the observatory in the Empire State Building to view the skyscrapers. At that moment, I was totally convinced that what lay before me was the masterpiece of the twentieth century. At that moment, I was totally convinced that what lay before me was the masterpiece of the twentieth century.

Q. The masterpiece of the twentieth century? Q. The masterpiece of the twentieth century?

A. Yes. A. Yes. Those skyscrapers were realized with high-rise building technology --- the elevator and fireproof steel construction --- which was developed in Chicago at the end of the nineteenth century and became universal during the twentieth century. Those skyscrapers were realized with high-rise building technology --- the elevator and fireproof steel construction --- which was developed in Chicago at the end of the nineteenth century and became universal during the twentieth century. In New York we can see skyscrapers ranging from such historic buildings as the pioneering Woolworth Building, to the Chrysler Building --- which, like the Empire State Building, entered the battle for the title of the world's tallest building --- and the Rockefeller Center, the forerunner of the multi-use urban complex. In New York we can see skyscrapers ranging from such historic buildings as the pioneering Woolworth Building, to the Chrysler Building --- which, like the Empire State Building, entered the battle for the title of the world's tallest building --- and the Rockefeller Center, the forerunner of the multi-use urban complex. Among those crowded together behind them are the Seagram Building by Mies van der Rohe, Lever House by SOM, and the Pan American Building by Walter Gropius. Among those crowded together behind them are the Seagram Building by Mies van der Rohe, Lever House by SOM, and the Pan American Building by Walter Gropius. From the feast of brilliant Art Deco architecture to the masterpieces of post-war Modernism that flourished in America in the 1950s, the city's distinctive high-rise buildings thrust upwards into the sky as if asserting their presence or competing with each other. From the feast of brilliant Art Deco architecture to the masterpieces of post-war Modernism that flourished in America in the 1950s, the city's distinctive high-rise buildings thrust upwards into the sky as if asserting their presence or competing with each other. I saw in them the inexhaustible energy of human desire. I saw in them the inexhaustible energy of human desire. I was moved by the freedom of expression and its possibilities, and I kept thinking to myself, "How different each of us is at heart." I was moved by the freedom of expression and its possibilities, and I kept thinking to myself, "How different each of us is at heart."

Q. Speaking of Manhattan, the grid of city blocks is impressive. Q. Speaking of Manhattan, the grid of city blocks is impressive.

A. When looking at Manhattan, there isn't any need for academic knowledge of urbanism. A. When looking at Manhattan, there isn't any need for academic knowledge of urbanism. The essence of the city can be understood at a glance. The essence of the city can be understood at a glance. On a lump of bedrock caught between the Hudson and the East Rivers, the city's 2028 blocks are marked out by streets on a regular north-south east-west grid, with Broadway cutting diagonally through this simple, abstract composition. On a lump of bedrock caught between the Hudson and the East Rivers, the city's 2028 blocks are marked out by streets on a regular north-south east-west grid, with Broadway cutting diagonally through this simple, abstract composition. The incongruence generated by this single diagonal line brings a human quality to this artificial layout. The incongruence generated by this single diagonal line brings a human quality to this artificial layout.

This unique urban structure was created at the beginning of the nineteenth century. This unique urban structure was created at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Another example of a similarly gridded city is San Francisco. Another example of a similarly gridded city is San Francisco. In San Francisco, the complexity of the hilly topography results in the formation of contingent urban spaces like Market Street here and there around the city, which help to make the city more attractive. In San Francisco, the complexity of the hilly topography results in the formation of contingent urban spaces like Market Street here and there around the city, which help to make the city more attractive. Because of the overwhelming density of Manhattan, the incongruity of Broadway slicing through the simplicity of the grid has a powerful impact. Because of the overwhelming density of Manhattan, the incongruity of Broadway slicing through the simplicity of the grid has a powerful impact.

Q. In Manhattan, what is your favorite place? Q. In Manhattan, what is your favorite place?

A. Rather than a favorite place, a place I find somehow energizing is Central Park. A. Rather than a favorite place, a place I find somehow energizing is Central Park. Central Park is a void boldly cut out of the middle of Manhattan, which is a microcosm of wealth and power. Central Park is a void boldly cut out of the middle of Manhattan, which is a microcosm of wealth and power. The park's designer was Frederick Olmsted. The park's designer was Frederick Olmsted. This extensive landscape stretches four kilometers north-south, from 59th to 110th Streets, and 800 meters east-west, from Fifth to Eighth Avenues. This extensive landscape stretches four kilometers north-south, from 59th to 110th Streets, and 800 meters east-west, from Fifth to Eighth Avenues. It includes luxuriant forests and lakes, and also serves as a cultural oasis, with a zoo, a skating rink, an open-air theater, and so on. It includes luxuriant forests and lakes, and also serves as a cultural oasis, with a zoo, a skating rink, an open-air theater, and so on.

Central Park was deliberately planned in the mid-nineteenth century in recognition of the grave future ahead of the steadily urbanizing island. Central Park was deliberately planned in the mid-nineteenth century in recognition of the grave future ahead of the steadily urbanizing island. Looking at the history of cities around the world, this was a fascinating period when particularly important reforms were effected. Looking at the history of cities around the world, this was a fascinating period when particularly important reforms were effected. At about the same time that Central Park was being constructed, the urban reorganization around the Ringstrasse in Vienna and the transformation of Paris by Baron Haussmann were also underway. At about the same time that Central Park was being constructed, the urban reorganization around the Ringstrasse in Vienna and the transformation of Paris by Baron Haussmann were also underway. These projects had important consequences in forming the basic frameworks of today's cities. These projects had important consequences in forming the basic frameworks of today's cities. Japan missed the opportunity to build such urban frameworks, and the ineffectiveness of post-war urban planning has allowed Japanese cities to expand chaotically. These factors have certainly resulted in the current disorder of Japan's cities. Japan missed the opportunity to build such urban frameworks, and the ineffectiveness of post-war urban planning has allowed Japanese cities to expand chaotically. These factors have certainly resulted in the current disorder of Japan's cities.

Anyway, this vast green space still exists in New York, which stands out internationally as a hyper-modern city. Anyway, this vast green space still exists in New York, which stands out internationally as a hyper-modern city. Thanks to this, which I think is almost a miracle, people can really live in Manhattan. Thanks to this, which I think is almost a miracle, people can really live in Manhattan.

IV. Rome

Ando standing in front of the Pantheon, which is bustling with tourists. Ando standing in front of the Pantheon, which is bustling with tourists. Thirty-seven years ago, here in Rome, the young Ando decided to become an architect. Since then, he has visited the Pantheon many times. Thirty-seven years ago, here in Rome, the young Ando decided to become an architect. Since then, he has visited the Pantheon many times.

Q. What were your thoughts on visiting the Pantheon in Rome? Q. What were your thoughts on visiting the Pantheon in Rome?

A. Almost every time I visit Rome, I come to see the Pantheon. A. Almost every time I visit Rome, I come to see the Pantheon. How many times have I stood beneath that incredible light? How many times have I stood beneath that incredible light? As always, a few workers were continuing with restoration work at a relaxed pace. As always, a few workers were continuing with restoration work at a relaxed pace. This building, constructed around the beginning of the second century, has passed down through history, speaking unceasingly to the human heart. This building, constructed around the beginning of the second century, has passed down through history, speaking unceasingly to the human heart. Anyone who has studied architecture will probably experience this. Anyone who has studied architecture will probably experience this. Whenever I visit this space --- on this occasion too --- I recall the raw passion of my early years, when I had just entered the field of architecture. Whenever I visit this space --- on this occasion too --- I recall the raw passion of my early years, when I had just entered the field of architecture.

When I thought about making my first trip to Europe, I made a list of buildings to visit, noting everything that caught my attention from classical Western architecture to Modern and contemporary buildings. When I thought about making my first trip to Europe, I made a list of buildings to visit, noting everything that caught my attention from classical Western architecture to Modern and contemporary buildings. The Pantheon was at the top of the list. The Pantheon was at the top of the list. Even a young man with no knowledge --- such as I was at that time --- thought that way. Even a young man with no knowledge --- such as I was at that time --- thought that way. This indicates the special place that the Pantheon occupies in the domain of architecture. This indicates the special place that the Pantheon occupies in the domain of architecture.

Q. What is it about the Pantheon that makes it so appealing? Q. What is it about the Pantheon that makes it so appealing?

A. The first thing that everyone remarks on about the Pantheon, which contains a complete sphere of space 43 meters in diameter, is its simplicity. A. The first thing that everyone remarks on about the Pantheon, which contains a complete sphere of space 43 meters in diameter, is its simplicity. In other words, in the entire history of architecture it's the building with the most perfect proportions, that is, the most perfect architectural form. In other words, in the entire history of architecture it's the building with the most perfect proportions, that is, the most perfect architectural form. Also, what is appealing is the dramatic light. Also, what is appealing is the dramatic light. It pours in from the round skylight nine meters across, cut out of the top of the dome. It pours in from the round skylight nine meters across, cut out of the top of the dome.

The history of Western architecture in masonry can be seen as the history of the challenge to create volume in interior space, and to create large openings in walls to introduce light effectively. In this respect, I think of the Pantheon as the starting point and, at the same time, as the high point of the history of the creation of space. The history of Western architecture in masonry can be seen as the history of the challenge to create volume in interior space, and to create large openings in walls to introduce light effectively. In this respect, I think of the Pantheon as the starting point and, at the same time, as the high point of the history of the creation of space. However, apart from its architectural form and the dynamic power of the light that enters it, there is something about the Pantheon that could never be grasped through visual media such as photographs or videos, but only by visiting the place; the sublime quality of sound reverberating across the space. During one of my visits, when I was standing under that light in rapt amazement, a procession of believers came in following a priest --- probably for a mass --- and started to sing a hymn. I'll never forget the emotional power of hearing those strong, vibrant voices reverberating around the space. However, apart from its architectural form and the dynamic power of the light that enters it, there is something about the Pantheon that could never be grasped through visual media such as photographs or videos, but only by visiting the place; the sublime quality of sound reverberating across the space. During one of my visits, when I was standing under that light in rapt amazement, a procession of believers came in following a priest --- probably for a mass --- and started to sing a hymn. I ' ll never forget the emotional power of hearing those strong, vibrant voices reverberating around the space. Through this experience, something beyond that which is visible to the eye was deeply etched into my mind. Through this experience, something beyond that which is visible to the eye was deeply etched into my mind. Architectural space is a phenomenon we take in not only visually but through all our senses, that is, through our whole bodies. Architectural space is a phenomenon we take in not only visually but through all our senses, that is, through our whole bodies. The Pantheon made me recognize this truth, and for me, this fact alone makes the building worth visiting. The Pantheon made me recognize this truth, and for me, this fact alone makes the building worth visiting.

Q. Why do architects go to Italy? Q. Why do architects go to Italy?

A. In seventeenth and eighteenth century England, there was a custom known as the "Grand Tour," in which young aristocrats would travel around Europe for several years to cultivate themselves. A. In seventeenth and eighteenth century England, there was a custom known as the "Grand Tour," in which young aristocrats would travel around Europe for several years to cultivate themselves. This custom seems to have become an established part of the culture, not just in England but throughout European society at that time. This custom seems to have become an established part of the culture, not just in England but throughout European society at that time. Also, a literary genre developed around the subject of these journeys. Also, a literary genre developed around the subject of these journeys. In particular, a number of writings on traveling in Italy were produced. In particular, a number of writings on traveling in Italy were produced. My favorite is Italienische Reise , written by Goethe in eighteenth-century Germany. My favorite is Italienische Reise, written by Goethe in eighteenth-century Germany. It seems fresh every time I read it. It seems fresh every time I read it. Having been impressed by Goethe's writing, Chuji Hirayama, a Japanese photographer, followed the same route. Having been impressed by Goethe's writing, Chuji Hirayama, a Japanese photographer, followed the same route.

Naturally, architects of every era have traveled to Italy --- from Le Corbusier's " Le Voyage d'Orient " to the Grand Tour Louis Kahn took in his later years. Naturally, architects of every era have traveled to Italy --- from Le Corbusier's "Le Voyage d'Orient" to the Grand Tour Louis Kahn took in his later years. Why Italy? Why Italy? Regarding this, consider Kahn's words on Rome: "I firmly realize that the architecture in Italy will remain as the inspirational source of the works of the future." Regarding this, consider Kahn's words on Rome: "I firmly realize that the architecture in Italy will remain as the inspirational source of the works of the future." In addition to the sheer geographical expanse of the Etruscan, Roman, and Renaissance civilizations, the respective historic periods of the various city-states have been folded over each other to form densely layered urban environments. I think people go to Italy to search for a key to that which is universal and eternal. In addition to the sheer geographical expanse of the Etruscan, Roman, and Renaissance civilizations, the respective historic periods of the various city-states have been folded over each other to form densely layered urban environments. I think people go to Italy to search for a key to that which is universal and eternal.


In the atelier in Oyodo, Osaka, 26 people are pursuing their architectural dreams. In the atelier in Oyodo, Osaka, 26 people are pursuing their architectural dreams.

Q. Why are you engaged in architecture? Q. Why are you engaged in architecture?

A. Architecture involves working with other people, so an architect can't simply become absorbed in his own world like other types of artist. A. Architecture involves working with other people, so an architect can't simply become absorbed in his own world like other types of artist. However, if he's swamped by everyday demands and forgets his own drive for personal expression, he will lose his raison d'être . However, if he's swamped by everyday demands and forgets his own drive for personal expression, he will lose his raison d'être. Even if he enters a design competition, the probability of losing is overwhelmingly high. Thinking about it, there's no other profession like architecture, in which the rewards don't always correspond to effort. Even if he enters a design competition, the probability of losing is overwhelmingly high. Thinking about it, there's no other profession like architecture, in which the rewards don't always correspond to effort. Nonetheless, I've been pursuing this career for over thirty years. Nonetheless, I've been pursuing this career for over thirty years. This is because I love architecture. This is because I love architecture. This profession has been irresistibly fascinating for me. This profession has been irresistibly fascinating for me.

Q. What is it about architecture that's so fascinating? Q. What is it about architecture that's so fascinating?

A. It always provides opportunities for new encounters and discoveries. A. It always provides opportunities for new encounters and discoveries. Take the project of the Fondation d'Art Contemporain François Pinault, for example. Take the project of the Fondation d'Art Contemporain François Pinault, for example. For that project, I studied the history of Paris' transformation since the nineteenth century, and considered the construction of the Eiffel Tower and the consequent raising of the curtain on the age of iron. For that project, I studied the history of Paris' transformation since the nineteenth century, and considered the construction of the Eiffel Tower and the consequent raising of the curtain on the age of iron. I also reviewed the development of the "Grands Projets" along the Seine, reflecting on the significance of the river, and analyzing current social conditions. I also reviewed the development of the "Grands Projets" along the Seine, reflecting on the significance of the river, and analyzing current social conditions. In this way, I make myself aware of every issue I can think of around the problem at hand. In this way, I make myself aware of every issue I can think of around the problem at hand. This is how I begin my architectural studies, pursuing discoveries, seeking the answers to questions, and engaging in ongoing, abstract dialogues with the histories, cultures, and societies of various places. This is how I begin my architectural studies, pursuing discoveries, seeking the answers to questions, and engaging in ongoing, abstract dialogues with the histories, cultures, and societies of various places.

In the process of realizing a building, there also needs to be down-to-earth discussions with many people. In the process of realizing a building, there also needs to be down-to-earth discussions with many people. Clients, consultants, construction companies, workers on the site, and all kinds of technicians contribute to the project. Clients, consultants, construction companies, workers on the site, and all kinds of technicians contribute to the project. In architecture, unless we communicate effectively with others, we can't get the project done. In architecture, unless we communicate effectively with others, we can't get the project done. With overseas projects in particular, I get quite exhausted just from the effort involved in coordinating the views of the different teams and unifying them into one. With overseas projects in particular, I get quite exhausted just from the effort involved in coordinating the views of the different teams and unifying them into one. Nonetheless, I learn a lot from these discussions, and they sometimes produce unexpected ideas. Nonetheless, I learn a lot from these discussions, and they sometimes produce unexpected ideas.

Q. What does Osaka, or the Kansai region, mean to you? Q. What does Osaka, or the Kansai region, mean to you?

A. Perhaps because it's where I was born and spent my impressionable twenties, you could say this place is my origin. A. Perhaps because it's where I was born and spent my impressionable twenties, you could say this place is my origin. For instance, in the 1960s, there was a space called Gutai Pinacotheca in Nakanoshima, Osaka. It was a base for the Gutai art movement --- a group of avant-garde artists led by Jiro Yoshihara, and which included such people as Kazuo Shiraga and Sadamasa Motonaga as members. For instance, in the 1960s, there was a space called Gutai Pinacotheca in Nakanoshima, Osaka. It was a base for the Gutai art movement --- a group of avant-garde artists led by Jiro Yoshihara, and which included such people as Kazuo Shiraga and Sadamasa Motonaga as members. They pioneered what we now call performance art --- one running around on the banks of the river in Ashiya, with another releasing balloons into the air... They pioneered what we now call performance art --- one running around on the banks of the river in Ashiya, with another releasing balloons into the air ... Anyway, it presented me with a series of stimulating experiences, and made me wonder if what they were doing was really art. Anyway, it presented me with a series of stimulating experiences, and made me wonder if what they were doing was really art. Another memorable place was a café called G-Sen --- or G-string --- on Center Street in Sannomiya, Kobe. Its interior was designed by Yoshio Hayakawa, and it was another of the Kansai region's cultural hotspots, frequented by such people as the graphic designers Ikko Tanaka, Tsunehisa Kimura, and Tadanori Yokoo. Its interior was designed by Yoshio Hayakawa, and it was another of the Kansai region's cultural hotspots, frequented by such people as the graphic designers Ikko Tanaka, Tsunehisa Kimura, and Tadanori Yokoo. Looking from a distance at these people working so energetically, I also tried to find a path for myself. Looking from a distance at these people working so energetically, I also tried to find a path for myself. The time I spent in Osaka was the most fascinating and stimulating. The time I spent in Osaka was the most fascinating and stimulating.

Also, it was the people of Kansai who, after I started my own architectural office, gave me opportunities to design. Also, it was the people of Kansai who, after I started my own architectural office, gave me opportunities to design. Many courageous people put their energy behind my bold endeavors and shared my dreams. Many courageous people put their energy behind my bold endeavors and shared my dreams. The climate of Kansai has made me what I am now. The climate of Kansai has made me what I am now.

Q. Why do you continue to stay in the Kansai region? Q. Why do you continue to stay in the Kansai region?

A. One reason is that there are things one can never grasp unless you keep working in a particular place and a particular context. A. One reason is that there are things one can never grasp unless you keep working in a particular place and a particular context. In my case, most of the projects I've been involved with are located around Osaka. In my case, most of the projects I've been involved with are located around Osaka. They're concentrated in the region that stretches along the old Yamato River, where the Sayamaike Historical Museum and the Chikatsu-Asuka Historical Museum are located, to Osaka Bay and the Inland Sea. They're concentrated in the region that stretches along the old Yamato River, where the Sayamaike Historical Museum and the Chikatsu-Asuka Historical Museum are located, to Osaka Bay and the Inland Sea. Their proximity was not intended, but in pouring my energy into each project, I've developed my own ideas about the relationship between the city and architecture, or between place and architecture. Their proximity was not intended, but in pouring my energy into each project, I've developed my own ideas about the relationship between the city and architecture, or between place and architecture.

Also, it's the city of Osaka which is the subject of my proposals for urban spaces. Also, it's the city of Osaka which is the subject of my proposals for urban spaces. For example, my project for the Osaka Station area involves arranging freely-accessible roof gardens on the high-rise buildings around the station, and our project for Nakanoshima, which should be regarded as a key area in Osaka, is to renovate the island as a bastion of culture. For example, my project for the Osaka Station area involves arranging freely-accessible roof gardens on the high-rise buildings around the station, and our project for Nakanoshima, which should be regarded as a key area in Osaka, is to renovate the island as a bastion of culture. I am currently planning such things as a floral exposition on the banks of the Okawa River, where Osaka is still remembered as a city of waterways. These proposals were generated of my own accord without any particular clients, so I don't know if they'll be realized or not. I am currently planning such things as a floral exposition on the banks of the Okawa River, where Osaka is still remembered as a city of waterways. These proposals were generated of my own accord without any particular clients, so I don't know if they 'll be realized or not. Nonetheless, I want to tackle these projects with the same passion I give to everything else. Nonetheless, I want to tackle these projects with the same passion I give to everything else. After all, the city of Osaka is the place where I live as an architect. After all, the city of Osaka is the place where I live as an architect.

• photo_Daichi Ano • photo_Daichi Ano

• translation_Shoko Yamashita, Andrew Barrie • translation_Shoko Yamashita, Andrew Barrie

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