✈ Make your custom cover request(s) here [Last updated: 19/12/2016]

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So in order to get an idea of what kind of cover you want for your book, I need to know a few things:


≈ Means: If you don't state this, I'll just assume you're letting me do whatever the hell I want.


Author's name:


Summary of your story: Because a promotion comes along with a cover, I'm going to share your summary too so those who are browsing can maybe find a story they're interested in. But if no summary is given, then too bad. *shrugs*

An idea of how you want it to be: Whatever you imagine your cover to be or just anything you want to see on the cover or any other details, just anything would help. I don't care if you have "no idea" because I wouldn't have any idea either, so just give me something to start with. Anything, even if you just say a leaf, it'll still be better than nothing. If you're still going to say you have no idea, I'm going to burn your butt.

≈ Main colour/background:  

≈ Mood/feel of the cover:

Any subtitle/sentence you want to add along:  This is optional.

Characters you want on the cover: Tell me if you want a person on the cover or not. If yes, give the names of the people you want on the cover. If you don't have anyone in particular, give me something to work with: hair colour/hair length/type of people or just anything. If not I'm just going to use some random person, so don't come back crying if you don't like the person on the cover because you didn't specify anything.

  P/S: A copy of this form will be available in the comments section for your convenience. 

*I'll assume that you've read and understood the rules stated in this chapter when you make a request* 

(Gosh, that sounded so much like the terms and condition's checkbox. xD) 

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Time for the boring (but important) rules

 • Don't expect any mature themes or anything too graphical for the cover. I just feel uncomfortable with it especially when I have to stare at it for a long time while making a cover, so it'll be super awkward. Plus, I don't think Wattpad allows it too.


Please be noted that I'll add a "Cover by Hayleyautumns" somewhere on your cover. If you're wondering why there are four covers that didn't have that on them, it's because I made them a while ago when I totally forgot about adding that. >.< Please do not crop it out. I need a bit of credit for doing it too, okay? Plus, it's rude. 

And this isn't the so call "credit" I said you have to give, you still need to credit me through dedication and/or mention. 


As this is a request for a cover, use it as an ACTUAL COVER, not something you add in the chapters. If that's the case, you should be requesting for a graphic, not a cover.


I know some of you might be thinking that cover making is easy, but no, it's not. Even a simple cover, the kind that doesn't seem like a lot is going on, might take up to an hour of editing and that's just the simple kind. For most of the covers I have in this book took up hours. From searching relevant usable pictures to deciding which font matches the whole thing and editing/cropping and whatever goes on for the whole process.

I have had people just walking away with their cover without any credit given (no, my name on the cover that I put myself doesn't count as a credit given by you) and some even cropped out my name on the cover, the only existence I have left for all that hard work. And it hurts, a lot. So I just wanted to say, I took the time to make you a cover + give you a promotion at the same time + dedicate the chapter to you, you might as well just use 1 minute of your life to give me the appropriate credit. I mean, how hard is it? (Oh, this is getting depressing. *hands out potato chips to ease away any tension*)


Be sure to use the cover for at least one month(the time period will start counting once you use the cover) before you can choose to change your cover again or take down the book itself. Like I said, I took the time and energy to make that cover, so please show some respect and appreciation. Changing a cover for less than a month is really rude—not just to me— but to anyone who makes covers. Plus, I would rather use the time and energy to make a cover for the ones who are actually going to use the cover for at least a month. So if you're not sure whether the book is going to last for at least a month, wait until you do before you make a request.

If you're not using the cover anymore, please tell me so I can transfer it to the "up for grabs" section with a clean version(as in no title or whatsoever) for others to choose from. Any covers that are not in used for more than two weeks will be moved to the "up for grabs section" starting from the day I know about it. (Unless you temporarily take the book down because you're planning on editing it then it's okay, but please tell me so I know.)


If you're not satisfied with the first creation(after you see your requested cover), feel free to tell me what adjustments you want and I'll see what I can do. :)

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Now that we're done with the boring (but important rules) *wipes sweat away* Let's talk about the payment. :P

An appropriate credit. As in either a dedication and/or a mention from you anywhere in that relevant book for each request you make. This means if you requested for two covers, you still have to credit me in both books. If you are already using a cover from me and you request for another brand new(that has nothing to do with the old one) cover, a new credit for it is still needed even if it's the same book.


• I know I can't really force you to vote on anything or else those votes would not be genuine anymore, so please vote on your five(more if you want to, but it's optional. Anyway, I'll be really grateful for those extras too <3)  favourite covers/graphics + the chapter of your very own cover. Pretty please? :P 

*Payment applies to each individual cover. This means if you're requesting for two covers at the same time, you still have to make two separate payments.*

*Please make your payment once you accepted the cover's style. Any votes made before the cover is accepted is assumed to be your act of kindness instead of payment*

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And that's it, we're done! Yeah!

Oh, not quite. Opps...


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Anyway, that's it! Yup, this is everything you need to know. 

*Wipes away sweat* Phew, acting like a really really serious person is tiring.

So uh, just go on and make a request! I won't bite, I promise. :D *hands out cookies and cakes*

If there's anything else you need to know, just ask. :)

Also, no matter if you're requesting or not, if you like the other covers/graphics, please give them a vote too? I mean, if you want to. If this book ever gets popular enough, those browsing might get to know about your book too and fall in love with your story. <3  

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