Never ✘ Hayley Ryan

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Life hasn't been simple for Lois in a long time - little did she know she was born complicated - her whole family were. Sometimes things happen for a reason, I mean if she didn't have Jessie inside of her (a reincarnated ghost) she'd probably never meet her soul mate Aiden or be able to help out Cameron the ruler of the dark part to the Afterlife; then again neither he or Aiden are the true rulers no that title belongs to someone else. The true leader manipulated Cameron, so now he basically has an army of ghosts willing, to destroy Earth and the whole of Afterlife so he can reshape it to his liking. As usual those who can see the dead seem to get sucked into the havoc, Lois and her friends are about to embark on a journey to save Earth, the Afterlife and possibly free Cameron...who knows you'll have to read it to find out. Oh and add soul mates into the mix and family - lovely recipe this.

And here's your cover, wofie! I tried making the redhead inside Lois but then Jessie and Lois looks like only one person, so I separated them into half instead. Well, hope the final product is fine with you. :) Oh, and you didn't give me the summary of this book, so I just copied the one you have from your profile. If you want, just update me with the anything you want change. 

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