Chapter 1

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Who ever said life was easy must have been of there heads!

The basics I get - that is easy. If I remember my biology lessons rightly (which I don't). We, as in humans; are born, eat, drink, breath, mate, excrete, then die, ya know, like I said before, the basics - common sense. That is easy. To a degree. Its the complex craic that confuses me and I assume you fine folk as well. 

Feelings. Making decisions. Your conscience. 

It is all in your mind.

Taking all that into account.

Life is anything but easy, man. Its fricking rollercoaster. One minute your up high the next minute your down low. 

Then you have bi-polar. Damn the swings those soldiers go through.  

Life is but a mystery would you not agree. One day we are here the next we might be ancient history. 

Or will we? 

So why bother reading this story?


Go climb Everest; I mean it literally and metaphorically.

If you go down the methoporic route you have endless possibilities.

If you opt to go down the literal route, you will get fit and do something few have not.

Its a win - win situation. 

You only get one chance in life unless you believe in reincarnation.

 Reincarnation is an intresting theory, if you believe in the Saṃsara doctrine of cyclic existence. I have no idea what I just typed. I merely googled and copy and pasted. Sue me for copywrite. Wiki. I could have delved into it a little deeper, I suppose. But that would require my full attention. Perhaps if you have read thus far you might tell me what the Samsara doctrine of cyclic existence means?

 Some relgions believe in reincarnation.

The question is.

 Do I?

Do you? 

Reincarnation sounds liberating. The thought that you never truly die is gratifying for some. And I agree. I never aim to knock someone beliefs. There is good morals in every Good Book out there. Hence why they are called Good Books.  

 I flirt with the idea of reincarnation. its nice if you are naieve enough to believe you were once Napolean or Einstein or Gallieo, or. . . Jesus. Speak of the devil. In the words of Gunnery sergeant Hartman; "Jesus H Christ" I thought I was dumb. What happened to all the pesants and starving children, the homeless and all the soliders of mistfotune. throughout the world. 

Those who believe in reincarnation surely have to admit that someone had to be Hitler? Someone had to be Vlad the implaer. Someone even had to be King Henry's tailer and tell him his tunic was to small for him. Whispers, dont tell the executioner.

Well? Have I not raised a valid point?

Its not all Roses in the garden of Eden. 

So in theory reincarnation is a beautiful theory if you are a dreamer.

A dreamer, is just what I happened to be.  

But my mind can so easily be blown away.

Warning to you, my honourable reader.  

You must forgive your humble narrator. He has never completed high school. He is, and he would happily admit, as thick as a brick.  Thus, speeling mistakes might appear. Grammar. poor. Might be? He is a mere dreamer of ideas. Defiantly not a competent writer. But he will have you know. He will always do his best.  He will try to deliver a story as epic as any already published. And let us be honest there is a lot of crap already lining the shelves of bookswtors and libraries in every state I or you visit.I cant say too much nor can I mention names. I for one enjoy living.

  The author in question is Paddy Ptah.  . . 

 He has written several books already. All of which can be found on a fantastic platform called Wattpad.

 You see what I did there? 

A Subtle form of advertisement. 

They are everywhere. 

Even in books. 

Turn around. 

There is an oil spill and a solicitor. 

The perfect combination.

Another add. 

Due. . .soon.

Despite being a brick, our humble author is not a gullibale fool. He realises this tale might never see the shelf. Or end up in the warm hands of a reader. But he prays daily and praises you for reading this tale. 

What is the story in a nut shell? 

It's all to simple. 

Follow the lives of several characters all of whom take the wrong road in life. Then at some point, these people meet the Gravedigger.

Do second chances exist? 

Read on if you think they do.  

So, if you have read this far. May I take this moment to thank you. Go on, give yourself a tap on  the back. You deserve it. 

In the words of a Targaryen Princess. 

"Shall we begin?" 


Are you a gardener or a planner?

Think abooot it.

Please let me know what you think of this opening chapter.

I am always looking to improve as a writer and I always say I want my work to be different all the time. 

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