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Just some quick rules so we can start RPing. Welcome to The Great Five RP! I'm happy to say that this is my first RP group that I've done with this kind of backstory. Anyway, the rules below must be followed, if I see any of the rules being broken then I'll give a warning to that person. Three warnings are given to one person before I kick them from the RP. If I see anything that violates certain rules like the bigger ones then you will be kicked out from this RP immediately. Report anything that offends you or breaking the rules to me, but PM me about it.


-No godmodding

-No swearing with the exception of the Warriors words such as fox-heart, mouse-brain, etc.

-Keep the RP the PG thing. Meaning I don't want to see comments of mating and such. Although the blood and gore stuff is allowed to a certain extent

-Be fair!

-Hate the character, not the person!

-If you've read the rules, put Naruto For Life somewhere in your application

-Please keep track of your characters, you can have as many as you want but you must keep track of them

-Please be active! I know it's hard to be active but because of this, I'm extending the expiration date for three months. Meaning if you're not active without a reason for three months, then I will remove you from the RP and you'll have to reapply

-Have fun!

-I will not tolerate rude activity out of the RP, if I see this or is told of this then I will see who it is and kick them out immediately without hesitation

-Please do not start rping until I accept you. I have a life too outside of this too so don't expect me to reply to your application the second you post it

-Please keep your pelts realistic, I don't want neon colors, rainbow or anything like that. This goes for eye colors too. I will put a list below of certain numbers of other things such as being deaf in ears, being crippled, being blind, etc. I will only do a certain amount and if they're full, then I will not accept anymore

-Keep your backstory realistic, please don't do the as a kit, he was abandoned by his parents and fought off a fox, thing. Like I said, be realistic and you can't just encounter a fox out of random. There must be events leading up to this

-Only two deaths per person when they first join. I'm doing this so we don't have a cat who their entire family of five or something is dead. In order to earn more deaths, you must RP their deaths and they must be reasonable. Don't just start out with your brother dying the first comment you put

-No cat is perfect, you must put at least two negative personality traits and two positive, neutral traits are optional

-Not really a rule but just want to mention that the Clans have not been made so you just start out as a loner, rogue or kittypet. You may apply for the Clans once they have been created. There is no BloodClan and no cat knows of StarClan or the Dark Forest yet except for the cats who have been alive at the time when the Clans dispersed and there are only a few, but no one rp's as them except me and with the exception of others

-No cat is related to the original Clan cats as most of them died off. Therefore, no one can be related to Squirrelstar, Firestar, Scourge, Rowanstar, etc.

-Please refrain from having an event in a cat's life that will change cats lives such as dogs attacking cats through the land, this is only allowed if you PM me or ask whoever the leader of that Clan

-No cat can be named the same thing, but once the Clans have been created, I will consider a few. No names can be Star, Moon, Thunder, Shadow, Wind, River and Sky. Also, about the names, please don't put the typical names such as Blood or Death. On the application, you must give a reason why your cat's name is what it is. No cat's name can be Ice, Fire, Leaf, Torrent, or Hurricane as well as these names will be the Clan names

-I will accept a few albino cats but no cats can have red eyes unless they are albino, if it's a amber-red then that's different, but if it's a plain red then I will not accept your application and will ask for you to change it

-No cat can create Clans and Tribes, maybe just groups but the listed are not allowed

-The Five Clans that will be created will be IceClan as ThunderClan, FireClan as ShadowClan, LeafClan as WindClan, TorrentClan as RiverClan and HurricaneClan as SkyClan

-Some of the new leaders have been decided. Masky has been declared as FireClan's new leader. Quail has been declared as IceClan's new leader. Ripple has been declared as TorrentClan's new leader. Malevolent has been declared as LeafClan's new leader. And no news for HurricaneClan's new leader.

Sorry that there are so many rules but I don't want to have a RP that everyone turns down because so many cats have those kind of names, pelts, eyes, etc. so just please follow these rules and you should be fine. Thanks!

-Listed below are the people who are in the RP-

Script-18 mooned old short-furred, sand colored tom with pale hazel eyes. He's kind, generous, wise, smart, fearful sometimes of other cats, and stubborn. He likes traveling, meeting new cats and living lift to the fullest and dislikes having to stay in one place for very long periods of time, fight, and unreasonable hate towards other. (MilleniumWriter)-Traveling Loner-

Quail-20 mooned old pretty medium tortoiseshell-furred she-cat with green eyes, she has white on her chest, belly, and paws. She's motherly, kind, gentle, fierce, slightly insecure, and quiet. She likes caring for kits, caring for other cats, and peace but she dislikes fighting, Twolegs, and mean cats. (MilleniumWriter)-Loner-(Soon to be IceClan's new leader)

Wren-12 mooned old short-furred gray tom with longer fur on his chest and tail. He has a dark gray 'butterfly wing' mark under his left eye and his ear tips are a darker gray, his tail tip is also this darker shade. His belly his pale gray, and his toes are darker gray. His eyes are a light-lime-green color and he has a small scar on his right shoulder. He's rather timid, a warm-hearted cat who is very apologetic. He loves nature and is very pitiful for other animals, which makes him a horrible hunter and fighter. He lives off his mother who helps hunt for him, even though he feels bad that he can't help himself. He's a crybaby and often breaks into upset wails if something happens, and is an excellent tracker. He likes watching the clouds/sky, taking walks throughout the land, stalking creatures to watch them, and other things but dislikes hurting anything that lives, being called a crybaby, rude cats, and other things. (sleepykittystudios)-Loner-

Masky-23 mooned old broad shouldered, dark brown tom with a white patch on his face, making it look like a mask. He's quiet, brave, a little strange, a little hard headed, and caring. He likes the night, running, and quiet places but dislikes sudden noises, thunderstorms, and childish cats. (Yandere4MyOTP)-Loner-(Soon to be FireClan's new leader)

Ember-20 mooned old black-and-orange tortoiseshell she-cat with amber eyes, a scar running along her belly. She's serious, coldhearted, rather rude to others and challenges anything that dares get in her way. She has no heart and doesn't believe in the superstitions that she hears about. She only cares about getting her prey at the end of the day. She likes power, quiet spaces, training, hunting and she enjoys a little battle from time to time, she wants to form a group of cats and rule the forest but she hasn't found the right cats yet, she dislikes superstitions, scaredy cats, swimming or anything wet like rain, and Twolegs. (MelissaTheOne)-Loner-

Ash-17 mooned old dark gray tom with lighter gray flecks along his flanks and has light blue eyes with a couple of scars across his muzzle, flank, and belly. He's outgoing and enjoys the company of others. He doesn't like being alone so he just tags along with whoever he meets. He doesn't know a lot about the Clans but his parents used to talk about StarClan and he respected it dearly. He's also curious and brave. He likes StarClan, he enjoys the day and loves swimming and tries to see the bright side of things. He doesn't dislike much but he doesn't like negativity and tries to see the bright side. (MelissaTheOne)-Loner-

Ripple-23 mooned old long-haired, fluffy white she-cat with dark brown ears, paws, and a dark brown tail and very dark brown stripes, a scar on her left eye with two white spots in her left eye with yellowish-green eyes and a dull, whitish left eye. She's helpful, kind, soft, and rude when someone annoys her and a bit stubborn. She likes swimming, nighttime, leaf-fall, water, and running. She dislikes monsters and dogs. (shirimatsu)-Loner-(Soon to be TorrentClan's new leader)

Twitch-18 mooned old small light brown tabby tom with amber eyes and a scar on his muzzle. He's playful, childish, kind, emotional, hot-headed, loyal, and smart. He likes the smell of pine needles, fish, climbing, the moon, and crows. He dislikes being made fun of because of his twitching, being bossed around, and being alone. (Yandere4MyOTP)-Loner-

Storm-14 mooned old black-and-white-and-ginger tortoiseshell she-cat with blazing blue eyes, a scar on her right hind leg. She's fierce, independent, brave, loyal, hot-headed, stubborn, sarcastic, and competitive. She likes being alone, hunting, and winning. She dislikes losing, being bossed around, being made a fool of, being told she's wrong, and annoying cats. (Dawnflower101)-Rogue-

Breeze-12 mooned old short-furred gray tabby she-cat with long legs and big blue eyes. She's gentle, curious, very intelligent, shy, skittish, independent, quiet, and imaginative. She likes running, the wind, silence, and the stars. She dislikes loud noises, being yelled at, and small spaces. (Dawnflower101)-Loner-

Reed-10 mooned old black she-cat with brown splotches throughout his pelt and green eyes. She's sarcastic, easily annoyed, grumpy, caring, silly at times, and confident. She likes the reeds, water, fishing and swimming. She dislikes failure, mud, and open spaces. (cats_with_books)-Loner-

Kara-24 mooned old white tom with dark brown ear tips and black lines beneath his eyes, dark gray stripes on his cheeks and shiny dark blue eyes. He's kind, helpful, soft, romantic, grows tired and stubborn when nobody talks to him, gets very annoyed when his brothers insult him, flirty, acts cool and has a heart of gold (very pure and kind). He likes flowers, roses, his brothers and cats around him. He dislikes monsters, badgers and dogs. (shirimatsu)-Loner/Former Kittypet-

-Listed below are my cats and cats I'm doing in the RP-

Malevolent-15 mooned old sleek, black she-cat with three white dashes across her chest, dark black stripes along the edges of her face, a white tail tip and dark amber-red eyes with broad shoulders and powerful muscles with unusually long, dark black, talon-looking claws and a scar across the right side of her face just to the side of her right eye. She's determined, confident, selfless, aggressive, clueless, and short-tempered. She likes fighting, exploring, and adventuring anywhere her paws take her. She dislikes doing nothing, having to wait, seeing her friends get hurt or killed, and fighting or arguing with other cats for no good reason. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Rogue-Younger sister to Shiver-(Soon to be LeafClan's new leader)

Shiver-16 mooned old silver-black tabby tom with one white dash across his chest, a scar across his chest and icy blue eyes. He's kind, intelligent, calm, one-sided, overly protective, and sharp-tongued when he's mad. He likes sunbathing, listening to the quiet sounds of the life around him, and hunting. He dislikes fighting, Twolegs, and aggressive cats who are arrogant. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Rogue-Older brother to Malevolent-

Aura-38 mooned old large black tom with dark black stripes along his legs, a white tail tip and amber eyes. He's confident, loving, determined, aggressive, short-tempered, and battle-hungry. He like exploring, fighting, and running. He dislikes not fighting, sitting put, and being talked bad about. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Rogue-Father to Malevolent and Shiver-

Nicky-34 mooned old silver-gray tabby she-cat with faded black stripes along her tail and forehead, pale blue eyes and a deep scar across her left eye, another deep scar across her right eye which is now blind. She's confident, calm, motherly, persistent, awkward, and selfish. She likes being a mother, staying in one place, and being in charge. She dislikes being in small spaces, not being listened to, and being ignored. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former Kittypet-Mother to Malevolent and Shiver-

Squirrelstar-dark ginger she-cat with one white paw and brilliant green eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Leader-

Tawnystar-tortoiseshell she-cat with unusual green eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ShadowClan Leader-

Slightstar-black tom with a flash of white across his chest with amber eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former WindClan Leader-

Foxstar-russet tabby tom with dark blue eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former RiverClan Leader-

Firestar-long-legged ginger she-cat with green eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former SkyClan Leader-

Brightheart-white she-cat with ginger tabby splotches and a huge scar across the right side of her face over her right eye which is missing, she has a missing right ear while the other is shredded and one blue eye. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Warrior-

Cloudtail-long-haired fluffy white tom with blue eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Warrior-

Brackenfur-golden-brown tabby tom with amber eyes and a graying muzzle, a scar on his flank. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Warrior-

Thornclaw-golden-brown tabby tom with green eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Warrior-

Jayfeather-gray tabby tom with blind blue eyes and a scar along his flank. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Medicine Cat-

Berrynose-cream-colored tom with amber eyes and a stump for a tail. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Warrior-

Cinderheart-gray tabby she-cat with blue eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Warrior-

Lionblaze-golden tabby tom with amber eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Warrior-

Briarlight-dark brown she-cat with yellow eyes and paralyzed in her hindquarters. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Warrior-

Ivypool-silver-and-white tabby she-cat with dark blue eyes and shredded ears. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Warrior-

Dovewing-pale gray she-cat with green eyes. (NarutoUzumakiKyuubi)-Loner/Former ThunderClan Warrior-

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