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" This is so beautiful. " Myra said as soon as she got down from the bike.
The sky is reflecting with moon and stars. The wind was gushing from the deep valley. The whole town can be seen from here. Everything is looking so tiny. Adi came from behind and joined her. They both smiled at each other.

" Come Sit.." Adi said and Myra joined him. After their dinner at a restaurant Adi suggested that they should go to his favorite place and here they are enjoying the night view of the valley together.

" This place is so peaceful..I didn't know that this place exist even after staying here for so long.." Myra said enjoying the view.

" You liked it..? "

" I loved it.." Myra replied.

" Myra.." Adi slowly called out when she is looking at the night lights of the town shining bright.

" Actually I brought you here because.. I wanted to talk something with you. " He was feeling nervous.

" So you are creating the right atmosphere for the topic..? " She asked smiling.

" Umm..something like that.."
He replied still nervous.

" So tell me what it is..? "

" Umm..Myra..actually..I think..I think that I am in love with you. " Finally the words came out of his mouth.
She holded her breath and then smiled softly.

" Adi actually..I was too going to say that but I wanted you to say it first. "
She said looking at the ground feeling shy.

" That means you too.." Adi's asked and she nodded a yes. Adi pulled her closer. She rested her head on his shoulder and he hugged her. They cherish the feeling of being together.The feeling of being loved. Adi wanted time to stop as finally he found someone that he really loved and wanted to spend rest of his life with her like this but is that really possible..? What if she left after finding truth about him. But he cannot start any relationship based on lies. He cannot do this to Myra. Telling her everything can ruin his whole plan but he wanted to take that risk for her. All the insecurities came rushing to his mind.

" Adi..what happened..? " Myra notice his nervousness.

" Myra..now that we have mutual feelings for each other, I wanted to confess few things before you. " Adi said silently.

" What..? " Myra looked at him confused.

" For that you have to come with me to the right place. " Adi said taking a long breath looking at her.


Adi holded her hand and guided her to the stairs of his small so called home that he were living. They entered the one room kitchen. Jeet was not there as Adi have told him not to wait for dinner so maybe he left for his place tonight.

" Where did you take me Adi..? What is this place..? " Myra asked and Adi slowly gesture her to sit on the bed shutting the door behind. She sat waiting for his answer. Adi was standing silently back facing her. The room has filled with silence.

" Adi..you didn't answer..What is this place..? "

" My Reality.." Adi finally answered. He slowly came close to her and sat on the bed besides her.

" Myra whatever you have been thinking about me till now..I am not that person. The clubbing..horse race betting, parties, lavish lifestyle, rich spoiled habits..I am not that person. Myra..All of that is not my reality. This is what you are seeing right now..this is the real life of Adiraj Sinha.." Adi was explaining silently.

" Adi..I really don't understand what are you saying.." Myra was confused.

" Yes Myra..Adiraj Sinha is never a rich spoiled brat..he was just a kid who lived on the streets with his helpless mother and survived his cruel life. " His voice was breaking.

" What you mean to say.." She asked silently. Adiraj took a deep breath and started narrating his past.

"  It all started 20 years ago..Your Dad Dhiraj Thapar and my dad Abhinav Sinha were business partners. Both of them started shipping business together and in only two to three years the business started growing well. After day and nights hard work finally the business started getting profitable. Everyone was happy and everything was good until your dad made a deal with a drug dealer. Dhiraj Thapar become blind in the greed of money. He started shipping drugs out of the country and making more and more profit without knowing this deal to my dad. When Dad get to know about this illegal business deal he fought for it and explain Dhiraj not do this illegal thing but Dhiraj Thapar didn't agree. Dad told him that if he continued doing this he will exit from the business and will told everything to cops. Your dad was terrified but for money he is ready to do anything so he betrayed my dad. Dhriraj Thapar take all of our money, property, our home and take out my dad's name from business by taking his fraud signature on papers. My dad didn't take his betrayal and he had a heart attack. My mom was forced to leave her own house with six year old me without a single penny. " Adi wipe the tear coming out of his eyes.

" Days passed by..my mother raised me by taking all hardships. From childhood I have done every work that will get me paid so I can have meal twice a day. I wanted all Happiness for my mother but the cruel world taught me every time that only money can buy happiness. Everything went to vain when I realized that I cannot collect enough money for my mothers treatment and she left me. My whole world crashed in front of me. " Her eyes formed tears.

" Meanwhile Dhiraj Thapar continued making money illegally in the name of business. Betting, racing, gambling and many other things joined in and he become what he is now.." The Dhiraj Thapar.."  Few day's pass blurry after my mother's death. But one day I made a decision and came here with the aim of destroying Dhiraj Thapar. All the things that he take from me..my beautiful childhood, my dreams, my family, my aims..he has to paid everything with interest I promise. " His voice has filled with rage.

" Yes Myra I promise that I will destroy Dhiraj Thapar from the very core and with that aim I came to this city, met you..so that I can carry out my plan but.." He stopped.

" But.." Myra slowly asked. Adi got up from the bed and slowly sit in front of her kneeling down. He looked straight into her eyes.

" But I fallen for you..I fall very hard Myra. " His eyes has intensity and voice still heavy.

" I promise you that in any case I will not back down from my plan but I don't want to hide anything from you..This is what Adiraj Sinha is..This is what he is here for..Everything is crystal clear..The decision is yours now..Take me or leave me.." He finished his talk. She was sitting there stunned not knowing what to say. Her eyes has filled with tears. All these things were so hard for her to take.

" Myra.." After some time he slowly called out.

" Is there anything more that I need to know..? " She asked slowly.

Adiraj thought for a while and nodded a yes.

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