New interests

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"Blake should be around here somewhere" said Yang,
"Are the others here?" said Vladorus,
"Yep" said Yang,
"More humans" said the Zealot,
"Don't worry they are friends not enemies" said Vladorus,
"It still feels like heresy" said the Zealot,
"I saved one of them twice it's honour" said Vladorus,
Blake jumped down from a tree to Vlad,
"So you saw those metal things teleporting around" said Blake,
"Yes they are called Prometheans and they are not an easy enemy to fight" said Vladorus,
Blake saw the Elite zealot reading a book,
"That book is a good one" said Blake,
"It is quite interesting" said the Zealot,
Blake walks up to the Elite zealot,
"I'm Blake" said Blake,
"I'm Faradel" said Faradel,
A\N: this is what Faradel looks like,

"Cool name" said Blake,
"Thanks" said Faradel,
"Sounds like Blake has a new love interest" said Yang,
"Yeah it looks like they were made for each other" said Velvet,
Promethean crawlers start surrounding Vlad and the others,
A\N: this what the crawlers look like,

"More Prometheans" said Faradel,
Vlad shot some with his carbine rifle while Faradel was shooting more with his storm rifle,
"Don't leave us out of the fun" said Yang as she got her Ember Celica's,
A\N: This is Yang's weapon the ember celiac,

"Yeah we want to kill some as well" said Blake as she got out her Gambol shroud,
A\N: this is Blake's weapon the Gambol shroud,

"Aim for the head it's their weakest spot" said Vlad as he kept shooting the crawlers,
Blake put her Gambol shroud in gun mode and started shooting the crawlers while Yang shot some also,
Velvet summons the hologram looking energy sword she was using before the attack incoming crawlers,
"They just don't know when to stop" said Velvet,
"Just keep fighting" said Blake,
The crawlers were all dead after lots of fighting,
"Finally their all dead" said Yang as everyone puts their weapons away,
"More Prometheans could be in the area" said Vladorus,
"We need to get back to beacon anyway so see you later Vlad" said Yang,
"Bye Faradel" said Blake,
"Bye" said Velvet,
After Yang, Blake and Velvet left while Vlad and Faradel returned to the covenant outpost and the grunts and jackals were dead and some Elites where left,
"We managed to fight off the prometheans but we suffered lots of casualties" said an Elite,
"I shall call in more troops Arbiter" said Faradel,
"How many were there" said Vladorus,
"Too many to count we were almost done for until they just retreated" said an Elite,
"They must have found what they were looking for" said another Elite,
"If they did then they should be guarding it" said Vladorus,
"But how could there be any forerunner artifacts here" said an Elite,
Vlad remains silent,
"We are trying figure it out ourselves" said Faradel as he reads the book he has,
"Those spartans were around but they were more focused on the prometheans" said an Elite,
"Intriguing" said Vladorus,
"How are we going to stop the prometheans if they are guarding some forerunner artifact that shouldn't even be here" said Faradel,
"We shall find out" said Vladorus,
"There's too many to fight alone" said Faradel
"True so we will find another way around" said Vladorus,
"They'll see us coming" said Faradel as he closes his book,
"That's why those Spartans will be a distraction" said Vladorus,
"What if we cross paths with them when we enter the artifact room" said Faradel,
"Then a battle against them will likely occur" said Vladorus,
"What about Blake and the others" said Faradel,
"They'll be fine on their own they are trained on extreme combat" said Vladorus,
"They were good when we fought those crawlers" said Faradel,
"Exactly so the soldiers and knights shouldn't be a problem for them to handle" said Vladorus,
"But what about warden eternal" said Faradel,
"It's highly unlikely that they will face against warden eternal" said Vladorus.

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