The second visit of Envy

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"Arbiter we have reports of Prometheans attempting to advance and eliminate us" said an Elite,
"Faradel call in some wraiths, ghosts and more troops so we can survive a promethean crusade" said Vladorus,
"Yes Arbiter" said Faradel as he did what Vlad ordered,
"What about the Spartans" said an Elite,
"They won't interfere, they most likely would have better thing to accomplish than being involved in this fight" said Vladorus,
"Arbiter I contacted the reinforcements they'll be here soon" said Faradel,
"Good now keep an eye out for any Prometheans lurking around to catch us off guard before they start their full attack" said Vladorus,
"Yes Arbiter" said Faradel as he did what he was ordered,
"If we plan this right we won't be defeated" said the Elite,
"Don't be so sure, one mistake could be the end of us" said Vladorus,
Phantoms start flying down with reinforcements, wraiths and ghosts,
A\N: This is what the ghosts look like,

Some Elites and Grunt got in the ghosts to pilot them,
"Arbiter we got an ultra ghost for you" said an Elite as the phantom drops the ultra ghost,
A\N: This is what the ultra ghost lookslike,

Vlad got in the ultra ghost to pilot it,
"This will do" said Vladorus,
"Arbiter the Prometheans are heading this way" said Faradel,
"Warriors the Prometheans have started they're attack, we must fight them off, defeat is not an option" said Vladorus,
All the Elites, Jackals, Grunts and Hunters got into attack position as the Prometheans headed their way,
"Now attack" said Vladorus as he commanded everyone to attack,
Vlad lead the ghost squad to attack while the rest of the covenant squad were firing at the Prometheans as support,
Vlad and the ghost squad ran over some promethean soldiers and crawlers while firing their main cannons,
The wraiths started firing as support to prevent any Prometheans getting closer,
Vlad took down some knights and soldiers but was launched by one of the knights,
Vlad jumps out as the ultra ghost explodes,
"Arbiter is everything alright" said Faradel,
"Yes I'm fine just focus on the Prometheans" said Vladorus,
Suddenly Neo jumps out of the bushes towards Vlad,
"You again" said Vladorus,
Neo signals Vlad to follow her,
Vlad follows Neo to the promethean bunker,
"So you were aware of this place too" said Vladorus,
Neo nods her head,
"What are we looking for?" said Vladorus,
Neo opens a door revealing a control panel,
"You want me to activate the control panel?" said Vladorus,
Neo nods her head,
Vlad activates the control panel and a hologram of the halo in full activation appeared,
"The sacred ring" said Vladorus,
Neo grabs a sign that says 'Those rings are super weapons there's no salvation your prophet has been lying to you' then deactivates the control panel,
"No that can not be, we have been promised salvation" said Vladorus,
"Yes do not believe this silent human" said Envy as he enters the room,
Neo makes an escape,
"Holy prophet I was not notified of another vist to the planet" said Vladorus,
"That isn't important right now, come with me" said Envy as he left the bunker,
"Holy prophet is it true, will we really get salvation" said Vladorus,
"Are you questioning me and the great journey?" said Envy,
"No but I just want to express my concern" said Vladorus,
"Take care in what you say for these word are heresy, we will have salvation" said Envy,
"Yes holy prophet" said Vladorus,
"Good, well would you look at that some innocent creature is being attacked" said Envy,
Vlad rushes to protect the small creature from the Grimm,
"Honourably as always..... but" said Envy,
"What is it" said Vlad,
"The innocent creature.... I want you to kill it" said Envy,
"But holy prophet I can't" said Vladorus,
"I know but it is my orders so kill it" said Envy,
"It isn't right!" Vlad yelled,
"This was exactly the reason you were judged by the council and sent to execution, if it wasn't for me making you an Arbiter you would have been executed by orders of the council long ago and the fact of you defying my orders and talking back at me!..... Look I'm just a little on edge, you can spare the creature but next time I will not be so merciful" said Envy as he left,
Vlad returned to the fight and fought off some Prometheans,
The battle raged on for a long time with several casualties being suffered,
The battle was finally over and Vladorus was victorious,
"We did it we won" said Faradel,
"Yes but many lives were lost in this fight" said Vladorus,
"Indeed but lets hope no humans heard the battle" said Faradel,
"I hate to say it but there's a high chance that they did" said Vladorus.

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