Chapter 9: Doolittle Raid & Akame's Confession

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American side:

On April 18 1942

American Pacific Fleet have prepared The planes, American Pacific Fleet is about hundred miles away from East of Japan. USS Hornet is loaded with B-25 Mitchell planes to strike Tokyo. But they been sighted by Japanese Pickets about 50 miles out. So They have no choice but to launch the planes immediately.

Miles: Enemy pickets 50 miles out they're gonna blow our cover.
Halsey: Every mile away, is to get the hell out of here, but I'm not gonna risk those carriers.
Miles: What are we gonna tell Doolittle.
Halsey: The truth.

Commander: All Pilots man your planes immediately
Crew: They're ready Sir
Captain: good tell them to takeoff immediately
Crew: Yes Sir, all pilots takeoff!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Pilot 1: We did it man, We did it
Pilot 2: Yah man, That's what I'm talking about, Let's get out of here.

All of American planes are going to the China For victory and for retaliation of the attack on Pearl Harbor, Pacific War has begun.

Meanwhile in China, Army planes are out of fuel as they're about to crash land.

Pilot #1: Everyone bail out
Pilot #2: We're bailing out

John opens the hatch on the bottom of the plane. As they prepared parachutes

Pilot #1: I don't know if the Chinese or Japanese Territory but watch yourselves I'll see you there.

Pilot jump off first

Pilot #1: You're next John.

John jump off then the last pilot jump off

Then they deployed the parachutes.

They Made it to the ground on time and regrouped.

Meanwhile the Second plane

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The second plane crash landed and the third one also crash landed. Until the Japanese soldiers from Imperial Japanese Army ambush them.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Then They are rescue by Chinese soldiers who became allies.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Japanese side:

Meanwhile on Kure, Hiroshima, Japan

Military Police Officer got informed from Japanese Army that American starts firebombing on Tokyo for retaliation. The officer informed them that they firebombed Tokyo and they're in shock & disbelief about the news.
Najenda: They attacked us for Retaliation
Najenda told her comrades about the news

Akame couldn't stand it anymore as she ran off to her room

Tatsumi: Akame wait!

Najenda & Esdeath never seen Akame so emotional.

Tatsumi: this is your fault.

He walked out to the forest, Najenda couldn't forgive herself about Akame's emotions and Tatsumi blamed her, Esdeath did the same as her

Meanwhile in the Forest

8:59 pm

Tatsumi Just sitting there in the hills watching the moon shining in a night

Tatsumi pov

I never seen that Akame so much emotional did I do something wrong, my thoughts were cut as Akame approaches me

Akame: Tatsumi are you okay?
Tatsumi: yeah I'm Fine, why?
Akame: She informed me about you
Tatsumi: yeah.
Akame: you've been worried about me
Tatsumi: Akame what are you-
Akame: I did the same as you, because i have deep feelings on you, i will tell you that I love you, ever since we met, my feelings have been growing for a moment, I love you Tatsumi.

I'm so shocked that my Crush Akame confessed to me so I hugged her as Akame is in shock.

Tatsumi: I love you too, I did the same as you I couldn't stop thinking about you, I love you Akame.

Akame has tears of joy that I finally confessed my feelings to her. As I lean closer to her, Akame did the same, Our lips collide as she wraps her arms around my neck so I wrapped my arms around her waist, the kiss is so amazing than Esdeath. Then we broke the kiss to catch our breath as I looked to her beautiful red eyes shining.

Tatsumi: I love you Akame.
Akame: I love you too Tatsumi.

3rd pov

Two assassins became Lovers and Izuku and Ochako with be next someday.

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