Chapter 10

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Rain is the wolf above. 

The gray she-wolf sighed playfully. She looked at Storm kindly. "You'll be made a Soft fang soon," She promised.

"You'll be the next one to be up-ranked," She continued. "If you aren't, that means everyone's dead." The she wolf-smiled, and Storm smiled back. "I guess you're right." He murmured, laying down and resting his head on his paws.
"Hey, Ember!" Ember turned to where her name was called, and she saw Adder. Storm stood up, flanking her and growling lightly. "Storm, stop it," She whispered, padding towards Adder.

Although Ember told Storm to stop growling at the annoying he-wolf, she didn't necessarily like him, she just wasn't rude.
"What?" She asked, hoping he would suddenly apologize for being a constant thorn in her pelt, but knowing it wouldn't happen.

"Crow is taking us on patrol." He informed glumly. Ember had stopped smiling. "Now?"
"Yes." Adder murmured, the dusk sunrays glowing on his soft brown and gray pelt. He's grown a lot stronger. Ember looked around for Crow, distracting herself.
"She's just telling Sun she's going out," Adder said, and she nodded awkwardly.
"Why are you going? Haven't you had enough of patrols for today?" She asked, mentioning the previous fox attack.
"I'm fine." He somewhat growled back, "Berry said I was fine. My leg just needs to be stretched a little, nothing bad." Adder's voice was rough now, in a defensive mood.

Ember wanted to bark back something along the lines of "I'm not trying to make you feel bad, you rock head." But she knew that would only cause more issues.
Especially when Fox and Berry are always breathing down our necks. Speaking of which, where were they? Ember looked around, and she saw that Fox had his eyes trained straight at her.

She rolled her eyes as she waited for the black she wolf. Crow came padding gleefully towards them with a smile. "Alright, let's go." Adder and she shared a bit of a glance with curiosity at Crow's behavior. 

All three wolves padded away from the camp and the cave. "So, how many patrols have you been on before?" Crow turned her gaze at the she wolf. "Oh, uh-" 

"I've been on one before but-" Adder was saying proudly, but Crow had ignored him.

"Two." She said, noticing Adder glare at her, without Crow seeing, for stealing his glory. His green eyes were gazing steadily into her own light green eyes. For a moment, Ember thought she hadn't seen a trace of hatred in it, but he snapped his head away before she could be certain.

"Well, Ember, if you've been on patrol before, what side of the border are we heading to?" Ember racked her brain and sniffed the air. "The lake, by MoorPack." She answered, glancing at Adder for reassurance, but the he-wolf was looking the other way. 
"Good!" Crow barked excitedly, turning to look over at a muscular Adder whose strides were just as long as possibly Ember herself. How in the moon did he grow so much? By stealing your food, rabbit brain! Stop admiring him!

"Has your wound healed?" Crow asked, glancing at Adder's leg. 

"It's fine." He bared his teeth slightly, showing his dislike of being questioned. 
Crow turned away and gave Ember a glance that she read as, "How do you put up with him?"

Ember honestly didn't think she did put up with him. She didn't think that even counted, all she did was ignore him as much as possible. 
Fox and Berry. Why do we have to be nice to each other again? Oh yeah, cause they had a dream that I was standing on a rock with an arrogant furball. 

 The wolves padded together in silence for a bit until they reached the lake. Ember immediately went to take a drink along with the other two. Adder had come up beside her, but he awkwardly moved away with a gruff grunt. 
I don't have fleas!

How can we possibly be "great together" and "save the packs" let alone our own pack when we can't even drink in the same area? 

Ember stopped her drinking as some birds flew over and called out loudly. "Must be coming back from snow fall." Crow murmured, licking her own wet lips. 
"At least they had a warm season," Adder added, all three of them gazing up at the flock of birds in the blue sky. 

Ember and the patrol padded on and continued until they reached a familiar border. She noticed Adder look at her with a half menacing half amused look in his green eyes. ember was going to ask why he was looking at her like that, until she realized the reason was right in front- no, under her. "Oof!" She had tripped over a log, and Crow had gone ahead to scout for foxes; it had been in this area Adder and Cave had been attacked.

Adder looked back and laughed for the first time Ember had ever heard that wasn't entirely out of hatred.
 Ember frowned at him as he raced forward and she lost his trial. She growled slightly before realizing she knew the forest better than he did. She had gone on more patrols than he had, and the one he had been on was attacked.

"Stupid furball." She heard a low and light growl. It was Adder, she knew. 

Apparently, the amusement had faded.

Ember also got grumpy with the he-wolf once more; if he was going to be obnoxious, then she would bite right back. "You should have warned me. If you hadn't distracted me, I wouldn't have-"
"Don't blame your lack of smarts on me!" Ember wanted to bite his head off, but Crow came into view with her cheeriness disappearing in an instant. She quickly muttered before Crow was in ear shot, "At least I know how to fend off a fox," and as soon as she had said it, she knew it would make the wolf want to murder her. 

The glare she received was of pure hatred. "I did what I could to help Cave! If he dies, it won't be because of me!" And before she knew what happened, once more, she was on the ground, but this time she was pinned by the stronger he-wolf. 

Crow barked, but Adder ignored her. "You! You've caused everything to go wrong in my life!" Ember pushed the wolf off with quite a bit of effort, but still managed. He snapped his jaws towards her, and she did it back. 

"Mountain dirt!" He growled.

"Fish breath!"

"Rock brain!"

"Mange pelted-" Crow interrupted them by snapping her own black jaws between them, snarling.

"Why are you arguing like this? That isn't what you guys are, you aren't supposed to be like this." Ember looked at the black she-wolf. "What do you mean?" 

Adder glared at Crow, as if expecting a fox to come out and bite him. 

"Fox and Berry told me that-" Crow started, but impatient Adder had to interrupt.
"They told you what?" He barked.

Crow glared at him for a moment before continuing. "That you two were, well, supposed to be getting close, and..." Crow's voice trailed off as Adder and Ember stared at the she-wolf who had just spoken words that she was sure neither of them believed.

"And you two aren't getting close at all, unless you count snapping at each others' necks."

Ember couldn't say anything. She thought everyone in the pack had known their hatred for each other. Everyone had seemed accustomed to it. 

"What do you mean by getting close?" Adder asked her own question.

"Well," Crow didn't say anything else; as Ember had feared. She meant really getting close. "Fox and Berry told me that you two were special, and were supposed to be getting along, and that they wanted you two together," Ember's jaw dropped open, and Adder looked like he was going to cough up a cat. "But clearly, not 'together' in the way I imagined." She sighed.

"Never," Ember whispered.
"Those two are going to get..." Adder was muttering under his breath sharply. Ember sighed. "Let's just finish this patrol." She muttered, and they padded on.

Ember wriggled with excitement. Storm looked at her and smiled from his place with his siblings. She noticed Oak and Sand looking at Adder, who sat beside Snow, and Misty was talking animatedly with Yowl. Ember sat alone, besides Speckle, the Pack omega, who had started a conversation with her not too long before Alpha had started the Pack meeting.

The meeting had ended, and everyone was waiting for Alpha to call to a few long growls to take the new Soft Fangs around the territory for their first time. Alpha Pine jumped off of the speaking stump and swished his tail near Sun, and which the beta responded and the two began speaking quietly.

"Is it just me, or have Alpha and Sun been talking a lot more secretively?" Speckle murmured quietly as Storm and his siblings awaited instructions. Ember swerved her ear. "Look at Cave. He's been stirring trouble for a while," She looked at the black wolf, who's yellow eyes seemed secretive and untrusting as he walked into the cave den. 
Speckle narrowed her eyes. "He's just upset. He's always been overdramatic, from what I've heard." Ember hoped what Speckle said was true. 

But the more she thought about it, she realized Cave might attempt to take over again soon. But how bad of a leader could the long growl be? He had good experience; Ember was aware of that. 

She stood up and swished her tail for Speckle to follow. "Come on, I want to see if we can beg Seed to take us out for a little walk or something." She murmured. Speckle nodded and fluffed out her pelt, spraying a bit of water that had probably been on Speckle's pelt from the morning dew, as rain fall was just around around the corner, and the snow had almost completely melted. 
Ember looked around for Seed, and saw Adder's green eyes directed towards her. She sighed, knowing it couldn't be something she'd enjoy as he started to walk towards her after murmuring something into Oak's ear.

Part of her wanted to talk about what Crow had said about them earlier, just to figure some things out. 
"Come on." Adder brushed past her, flicking his gaze away as he strolled into the forest. 
Ember flinched away a bit, but Speckle's eyes flashed with concern and excitement, urging Ember to follow the other soft fang.

So she followed him into the woods, where old leaves stuck to her paws and the ground, the sun feeling a bit warmer than the last few days.

Here's a picture of the territories! I finished it like a week ago! Took forever!

(In the tiny print in the empty space it says: Unused Territory (formerly/seasonally HillPack's territory). 

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