El Cucuy

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El Cucuy (CUH-KOO-E) lived in closets. He would appear when the sun fell and the moon shone brightest.

He would crawl out the closet in a slow and terrorizing manner and shout, "All shall fear, for El Cucuy is here! Now please tell El Cucuy what is your favorite movie." The children would hop out of bed and run away in absolute fear.

One day, El Cucuy performed his habitual scare tactic but received a new response. The individual he attempted to scare answered his inquiry, instead of the usual running away, screaming in fear response he was so accustomed to receiving.

The individual's name was Kendra, she was not afraid and responded to El Cucuy, "What if I can't choose one?"

El Cucuy was perplexed and caught off guard, for he was not expecting anyone to actually answer him. This was intriguing to El Cucuy, he proceeded,"Well just name one of your favorites."

Kendra said, "Do I need to answer the question immediately or can I have some time to think? I do not like to make choices without fully thinking it through. I wasn't expecting you to spring out of my closet and throw this question at me in the middle of the night. Otherwise I would have been more prepared to give you a prompt answer."

El Cucuy granted her more time, "You can think about it and get back to me in a few days."

Kendra replied with grace, "Okay thanks. Sooooo like what now? Are you heading back into my closet? Is there some sort of Narnia door that you escape to? Or have you just been hiding under my piles of clothes? Wait, how do you eat? How long have you been there? OMG! Have you been watching me change?! You creep!!!" Kendra hurled a pillow at El Cucuy.

El Cucuy was blushing and sweating, he was flustered and embarrassed, he sloppily responded. "No! No! I come from a world down under and only appear in closets when the moon is full...I travel through a vortex. I have not seen you change. This is actually the first time I've ever been in your closet. I swear. I'm not that kind of Cucuy."

Kendra was still wary,"Hmmmm interesting...Well do you pinky swear?"

El Cucuy was slightly offended and scoffed, "Do I look like a little child to you? I will not pinky swear, take my word for it."

Kendra refused to back down, she held her pinky out and stated, "Pinky swear or I don't believe you. How am I supposed to take a word of a stranger that appeared in my closet at 2 in the morning? That is asking too much of me, all I am asking of you is to swear on our pinkies."

El Cucuy acquiesced, but he was irritated, "Fine! But that will be the last compromise! I AM EL CUCUY, I AM THE ONE WHO MAKES THE DEMANDS!"

Kendra replied, "Jeez...Pipe down or you will wake my parents."

El Cucuy was embarrassed once again, "My sincerest apologies." The two then pinky swear.

Afterwards, El Cucuy said, "Okay now that we got that taken care of, I will return on the next full moon night to receive your answer."

Kendra replied, "When is that? I want to be prepared and make sure that I have the answer for you."

El Cucuy was agitated and responded harshly, "You teenagers are always on your phone, Google that shit! Fuck..."

Kendra defensively replied, "Jeez! Sorry for asking a question. Gosh!"

El Cucuy regained his composure, he deeply sighed and said, "I apologize...It just would have taken you less time to look up an answer to that question than to ask me, but I'm sorry. I have been informed in the past that I need to control my temper. It actually cost me my marriage to tell you the truth...I have actually been going to therapy for it though. It hasn't really helped, but it's quite nice to talk to someone you know? Though I do wish it didn't cost so much... Anyways, enough of that. I will see you later. Sleep tight, don't let the bedbugs bite. Really though, try not to let them bite. The persistent itch becomes quite the nuisance."

Kendra warmly smiled and said in a nurturing manner, "Thanks for the tip. Hey not to be rude or anything, but can you hurry up and go. I have to get up for school tomorrow, so I want to get at least a few hours of sleep."

El Cucuy blushed in embarrassment and was apologetic, "Oh yes, sorry! Please forgive me. I beg your pardon.I...I...I will, I will leave at once. Bye!" El Cucuy dashed back into the closet in a clumsy and loud manner.

Kendra waved, "Bye-Bye!" And put her head back on her pillow to fall asleep. 

El Cucuy walked through the vortex and landed in another closet. He crept out the closet as soon as he arrived, and he quietly made his way to the little, sleeping boy. He whispered into the boy's ear,"It's me El Cucuy, now tell me...What is your favorite scary movie?"

The kid was snoring loudly and did not wake up from El Cucuy's voice. El Cucuy palmed his forehead in annoyance. He grabbed the child and shook him violently, "Kid...kid...C'mon...Wake up. Wake up damn it. WAAAKE UP!"

The kid opened his eyes and saw the menacing Cucuy standing over him, he screamed in terror, "AHHHH!!!! STRANGER DANGER!!" He then began to blow his rape whistle loudly in the Cucuy's face, which was conveniently around his neck.

El Cucuy's ears fell off from the intense noise. He shrieked, "My ears!" He tried to scurry back into the closet but stubbed his toe on the boy's toys. He then hopped on one leg, in vexing pain, and eventually found the vortex to escape.

He never returned to Kendra to hear her answer because he wouldn't be capable of hearing it anyway...because of him having no ears to hear of course.

The End

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