The Other Side

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Many days passed and on one in particular, people elated, abuzz with delight, and transformed by the experience, were crowding in front of Barnum's Museum that had merchandise stands parked at the doors.

There was shouts from a seller, calling out, "Peanuts. Get your peanuts here. Hot, salted peanuts. Piping hot!"

"One for me, one for the lady." A man replied as Roman stepped out in his usual suit and top hat.

He looked on with glee as people pulled off the little trinkets of the hooks. Roman then stopped for a moment.

"O'Malley." The man in question put back his pickpocketing hand from a guest's watch.

He then saw at the bottoms of the steps, the same black-wearing man from his pervious shows, "Ah, Mr. Bennett from Herald." Roman greeted the newspaper reporter, Virgil Bennett, "Come to take in another show, huh?"

"Tell me, Mr. Barnum." Virgil said with a point-blank expression, "Does it bother you that everything you're selling, is fake?"

Roman only looked around, "Do these smiles seem fake? It doesn't matter where they come from, the joy is real."

"So, you are a philanthropist?" Virgil snarked back at him.

"Well, hyperbole isn't the worst crime," Roman voice had confidence in it, "Men suffer more from imagining too little than too much."

Virgil made a witty reply, "The creed of a true fraud."

This made Roman walk down the steps and stand face to face with the Emo-nightmare of a man.

"Mr. Bennett, when is the last time you smiled? Or had a good laugh? A real one?"

If Virgil was taken aback by the simplicity of the question, he did a good job of not showing it.

Smiling, Roman decided to slight him again, "A theater critic who can't find joy in the theater. Now who's a fraud?"

As the showman walked around Sunshine, he turned back once more to add, "Oh, Mr. Bennett." Which in turn made Virgil look over his shoulder, "That word you used to described my show? Has a nice ring to it."

Virgil watched Roman' retreating form, who had a smirk, moved his head to see the building sign now reading,

Roman Barnum's Circus


"And right this way." Roman said gently, guiding a blindfolded Valerie off the zebra-pulled carriage.

Their children got off giggling, going to pet the striped animals as Valerie gave off a nervous, yet warm laugh.

She then said jokingly, "Don't you think there is enough blind trust in my life?"

"Well, isn't that what makes it fun?" Roman playfully retorted back.

He continued to push her along, "Keep coming."

Rose looked up from what she was doing and looked in awe. Alex also looked to see a very magnificent sight.

"Okay. Are you ready?" Roman asked, though not waiting for a response, he took off her blindfold and her eyes grew wide.

Stood before was a mansion, but it was regale, and looked as something out of a dream.

"Is it?" Valerie asked, her mouth making a wide smile.

Roman whispered back, "It is."

They looked at each other lovingly. It was their house, the one they ran away to when they were kids. It was where could escape the cruel, outside world.

"Come on, let's go."

"Push!" Roman jokingly growled out as Rose and Alex pushed the big doors open. They all stepped inside and it looked more grand on the inside. The ceiling were high, there was a grand staircase, and everything was head to toe of white marble.

Roman looked further and then reminded himself of something. He sped walk to Alex.

"Oh, Alex, that's for you." Alex looked and gasped to see a small of wooden soliders standing in line at the bottom of the staircase.

Rose was going to over to the toy soliders with her brother, but her father stopped her.

"And Rose, these are for you."

He gotten on one knee and held out a shoe box. Opening it, she found a pair of fresh, clean, pink ballet slippers. That earned the man a hug from his daughter.

"There is a ballet school down the street, just passed your parents house actually." Roman noted to Valerie as he kissed Rose on the cheek.

As the children went to check on the rest of the house, Valerie had a little bit of a relevation.

"Don't tell me you bought this house just to rub my parents noises in your success?" She asked as Roman got up and turned to her.

"Well, that wasn't the only reason." He replied and he kissed his wife, "This is the life I promised you."

He held out his left hand, "Shall we?"

Valerie couldn't help but smiled and take his hand as they started to slow dance, but she sighed, "Roman..."


"It's beautiful, but we don't need all of this to be-OH!"

Roman lifted her into the air, spun her around, and said, "It's been 25 year but, welcome home Valerie Barnum."

While this was happening, Rose decided to try on her slippers. Tying up the same way she seen other dancer done before, she wiggled her feet in them, prefect. Standing up, feet cross, she started to tiptoe, but lost her balance. But she tired again, and again. Then she started to twirl on her toe, and twirl, and twirl, and twirl...


She twirled gracefully on stage with the other students. It wasn't that professional by all means, but for these girls, it was impressive. At the final note, their legs were crossed, arms streched out, one to the side and one towards the ceiling, and they stood there proud of their performance. Their smiles were visible to the audience of parents and family members.


Roman, Valerie, and Alex walked through the main hall of everyone was gathered. All were dressed in their finest, the hall was well decored, and Alex tried to stand on his toes like his sister. He looked around and Roman saw someone standing in the middle of a small crowd. His brown hair was groomed back and he was dressed smartly in a black dress shirt, a light blue tie, and had a pair of Warby Parkers on his face.

Watching him trade out a empty glass for another one of champange, Roman whispered in Valerie's ear, "Excuse me, but who is that young man over there?"

"Oh, that Logan Carlyle, bit of a scandal they say. His last play was a hit in London."


Valerie nodded.

"Pay good money to watch people stand around and talk for two hours and they call me a con man." Roman commented.

He looked around once more to find his daughter walking with some of the other dancers, but the some who already in the hall notice her and one wrinkled her nose,

"Ew, what's that smell? Do you smell that?"

The one next to her said in a mocking tone, "Ew, something does smell."

"Oh, I know what it is, peanuts." Then all of the dancers laughed, leaving Rose behind.

She turned to look at her father and Roman could see the pain in her eyes.


"I can see it now!" Roman said, trying to lift his daughter's spirits when walking out of the theater, "'Youngest prima ballerina in the history of the City ballet.'"

Rose didn't even look up at him when she said, "I'm quitting."

"What? Why would you quit?"

"I started too late. I will never catch up."

This made Roman stop dead in his tracks, "Caroline, you were the best dancer on that stage. What? Do you think I can't spot talent?"

"Ballet takes years of hard work," Rose had gained of look of exasperation as she turned to her father, "It's not like the circus. You can't just fake it."

As she climbed into the carridge, Roman face fell and felt a chord snap inside his heart.


"She can't quit. No." Roman said as he paced around the bedroom with Valerie at her makeup desk brushing her hair, "No, I mean... She doesn't. She just feels out of place with the other girls."

As he sat down, Valerie replied, "Well, I should certainly hope so. I have never seen so many little prima Donnas in my life."

"Yes, but those prima Donnas are the most important thing in the world to her right now." Roman exclaimed tiredly.

He didn't his daughter to quit, his little girl had loved ballet ever since she could walk. But to give up now just because of what the rest of the snob girls said, it was something he couldn't allow to happen to her. He himself was ridiculed for his status as well and he did want his daughter to go through the same thing he did.

"She'll learn to ignore them, just like I did."

"She shouldn't have to."

"New York society will never accept us," Valerie said with a small knowing small, " If they did, they'd have to stop judging... and actually do something with their lives."

"This isn't about me." Roman got up with a grin and kiss his wife on the cheek.

"Oh... So it's different than everything else then?"

"I just want her to be proud of who she is, of her family." The ringmaster said as he picked up his coat.

"She is proud," Valerie waved her hair brush a little, "We don't have to be the Carlyle's."

What she didn't know at that moment was that she had sparked a small flame in her husband's mind.


The night was cool as Mr. Carlyle looked about the audience members leaving the theaters. The show didn't go as smoothly, but it wasn't all that bad. Though as he took a swing from his flask, he didn't notice the famed Roman Barnum coming his way.

"You produced this play?" Roman asked and Logan still didn't look up as he replied back, "Yes I did, indeed. Refunds are available at front box office."

Ignoring the rude mannerisms, Roman held out his hand, " Roman Barnum."

This time, he did look up with a little surprise and confusion, "From the circus?"

"Yes. You've been?"

"God, no," The playwright shook his head as he shook the man's hand, "But I've seen the crowds. People leave your show happier than when they came in. Which is much more than I can say from my play."

"And yet, you have no trouble selling tickets."

"That's because I'm selling virtue."

Roman gave a thought and then a smile, "Can I buy you a drink?"


Some people who in the bar earlier left off laughing, leaving only Roman, Logan, and the bartender.

"I want to go after the carriage straight," Roman started, leaning closer, "Present legitimate acts, expand our appeal... go after the snobs."

Logan gave a look that said, 'really' as Roman tossed a peanut into his mouth, "If you only knew how suffocating they are."

"So come join our circus," The creative man sai back, "You clearly have a flair for show business. Teach me how to appeal to the highbrows."

The two both took a shot of whiskey, "Are you serious?" Roman gave a noise of approval, "Mr. Barnum, I can not just run off enter into circus."

"Why not? Sounds thrilling isn't it?" He tapped the bar to signal for a refill.

Logan put a hand on Roman shoulder, "Lets just say that I find it much more comfortable admiring your show from afar."

"Comfort, the enemy of progress." Roman pointed out, tossing another peanut into the air.

Logan just couldn't wrap his head around it, did this man know what he was saying?

"Do you understand that just associating with you could cost me my inheritance." He asked, pushing the shot glass aside.

Roman looked at him dead the eye, "I thought it'd cost you more than that. You would be risking everything." He pushed the glass back, "But, on the other hand, well, you just might find yourself a free man."

The two once again drained their glasses

Right here, right now

I put the offer out

I don't want to chase you down

I know you see it

Roman pointed his first two fingers at Logan's eyes and then drifted them towards the side, making Logan follow a bit.

You run with me

And I can cut you free

He then made a cutting motion, which startled the smart man.

Out of the drudgery and walls you keep in

Once again, Roman tapped the bar and the bartender slid the bottle to him. He slammed down his pay and filled up the shot glasses as the worker collected it.

So trade that typical for something colorful

And if it's crazy, live a little crazy

As he picked up his own shot glass, the bartender wiped it down and caught the whiskey bottle that was tossed his way.

You can play it sensible, a king of conventional

Or you can risk it all and see

Roman put his on his top hat as Logan down his drink, and soon he followed suit, twisting around on his stool.

Don't you wanna get away from the same old part you gotta play

'Cause I got what you need, so come with me and take the ride

Roman spun Logan around then stood, fiddling a little with the Latter's loose tie emphasize his point. Once taking his hat off and setting it aside, his face broke into a grin and flicked a coin towards his left.

It'll take you to the other side

'Cause you can do like you do

Or you can do like me

Stay in the cage, or you'll finally take the key

Oh, damn! Suddenly you're free to fly

It'll take you to the other side

The bartender the pushed a chair across the floor. Roman stepped on it, then jump on the table, causing Logan to gain a shocked face. Roman had a gave twirl and then kicked up his hat, placing back on his head. Making a sweeping gesture, the worker slid between the two, pulling the chair along. Roman then stepped down, twisted Logan back around with an arm over his shoulder, grabbed the whiskey bottle that was set down, and and poured another shot.

Okay, my friend, you want to cut me in

Well I hate to tell you, but it just won't happen

So thanks, but no

I think I'm good to go

'Cause I quite enjoy the life you say I'm trapped in

Logan had pushed the drink away and and took Roman's arm off his shoulder. He got from the stool, gave the a bar, and headed off the get his coat, scarf, and hat.

Now I admire you, and that whole show you do

You're onto something, really it's something

But I live among the swells, and we don't pick up peanut shells

I'll have to leave that up to you

With all of swift movements, Logan draped the blue scarf over his neck and walked over, placing the same color hat on his head. Crushing up some on the left over peanut shells into his hand, he dropped them in front of the circus man, dusted his hands, patted the latter on the shoulder, and got out of the way for the worker to sweep away the mess.

Don't you know that I'm okay with this uptown part I get to play

'Cause I got what I need and I don't want to take the ride

I don't need to see the other side

So go and do like you do

I'm good to do like me

Ain't in a cage, so I don't need to take the key

Oh, damn! Can't you see I'm doing fine

I don't need to see the other side

Tossing up the coat and scarf on to the piano in the bar, Logan spun around one of the pillars and set his hat to the side. He swiftly pushed from the pillar to the bar and soon latter flipped one of the stools on to it side.

Logan use to climb on of the bar, causing the bartender the gain a look that said, "What the hell man?"

Roman watched in a bit of fascination as Logan did a little tap dance. The smart man then did karaoke across the bar to the other side. As of doing this, the worker pushed the bottle and left over shot glass so they would get broken or get in the way. Logan got off in two jumps and went to retrieve his things. Roman followed his movement as he thanked the bartender for bring out two filled shot glasses from under the bar.

Now is this really how you like to spend your days?

Whiskey and misery, and parties and plays

Roman set the glasses on top of the self playing piano, as sat in front of it as Logan grabbed his coat. As he pretended to play it, he brought up some good points and it was clear he wasn't going down without a fight. Logan paused momentarily to listen, but he still found the whole ridiculous and of what could happen to his reputation if he join made him shiver slightly.

If I were mixed up with you, I'd be the talk of the town

Disgraced and disowned, another one of the clowns

Logan got in his face as Roman closed the piano. The former the grabbed the one of the shot glasses and rolled his eye when contradicting before downing the glass.

But you would finally live a little, finally laugh a little

Just let me give you the freedom to dream 

Roman was about to down his own glass when he saw Logan leaving, he got up, trying to convince him again. 

And it'll wake you up and cure your aching

Take your walls and start 'em breaking

Logan gain a disbelieving look as his continued to walk, setting down his his empty glass. The worker popped open the bottle and gave a look to Roman. He held up a finger to give him a minute.

Now that's a deal that seems worth taking

But I guess I'll leave that up to you

Roman threw his own scarf across his shoulders as the bartender put the empty glass and threw his rag over his right shoulder.

Even though Logan couldn't see them, they both leaned against the bar, with looks that just, "Do you really want to turn down his deal?" 

Logan had stopped in front of the door and thought through the situation. On one hand, he could continue the life he already has and be wealthy and respected. But, was he truly happy? He mentally shook his head, of course was! Money and the attention of the higher was not easy to come by. But he looked at the hand. Joining the circus, seeing things that would define the impossible, but risk losing every he had build his career on.


He had made his choice. 

Well it's intriguing, but to go would cost me greatly

So what percentage of the show would I be taking?

With a smirk on his face, and he turned back to Roman and set off his coat and hat to the side once more.

Fair enough, you'd want a piece of all the action

I'd give you seven, we could shake and make it happen

The bartender and Roman looked at each other and the latter tap the bar. As the former left to get eight shot glasses, Roman down his scarf. All at once, the worker filled the glasses with whiskey.

I wasn't born this morning, eighteen would be just fine

As one glass was set down, Logan started to walk away from the door while scoffing of the idea getting that low of percentage.

Why not just go ahead and ask for nickels on the dime

Roman laughed at the young man's ambition, following with three more glasses placed.


I'd do eight


Maybe nine


At close proximity, the men stood in front of each other. With the two last glasses in place, the bartender rapped his finger on the counter. Roman realized what he meant and patted his pocket in attempt to find change, but Logan pulled out a bill and it on the counter. The worker took it and went to put it in the cash register.

"Sir, it looks like you have yourself a junior partner." Logan said, holding his hand out, cash register ringing in the background.

Roman in return handed him a shot glass, "What I have is an overcompensated apprentice."

They clinked glasses, gulped them down, and the bartender clapped his hands, then snapped his fingers, smiling at the progress that had happen within the 3 minutes and 8 seconds that had passed

Don't you wanna get away

They pushed the hollow glass away as they whirled around and stretched their arms in a diagonal way

to a whole

Logan and the bartender pointed at Roman as he took another shot.


Roman and the bartender did the same thing to Logan followed in suit.

part you're gonna play

The glasses were empty once more and the two slammed they down and gave them to the worker as he whirled around with Logan and Roman grabbing the last two glasses each.

'Cause I got

The three repeated process once more.

what you need,

Then again.

so come with me and take the ride

The two then slid the empty glasses to the worker then slid the last two full ones to each. Roman and Logan down them, grabbed their hats, and were inside the circus.

To the other side

So if you do like I do

So if you do like me

Forget the cage, 'cause we know how to make the key

As they watched a duo breath fire, Logan gained an understandable look of shock on his face. As Roman pushed him forward, he almost bumped into Joan, but did crashed into Leo. He then stumbled into Teodulo and then did a front forward tumble over a crate.

Oh, damn! Suddenly we're free to fly

We're going to the other side

In sync, they kicked up they legs, moved their finger along the edges of their hats and ran up the stairs leading to the balcony.

So if you do like I do

(To the other side)

So if you do like me

(We're going to the other side)

'Cause if we do we're going to the other side

For fun, they both switched hats and Roman gracefully took Jay's as she fanned herself, moving down the staircase. But she then paused for minute as the two clapped in sync. She turned to see the both of them tipping their hats to her, making her laugh. The two ran up higher and gave each their own respective hats. 

We're going to the other side

The light was blinding as Logan stepped onto the balcony. Though as he did, the world seems to slow down. From the trapeze swing, up flew a man in a light blue, glittering trapeze outfit. Lowering his hat, he looked in awe the small face of the flying artist. The brightness of his light blue hair made his chocolate brown eyes positively radiant. He had a strange feeling in his heart, that was foreign, yet welcoming. Logan saw the corners of the the man's mouth turn upwards slight before the world resumed as normal and he flew back down, making the audience go "oh!" and "aw!"

He looked from where the man was to the swift movement of back down.

"Who is that?"


As the bartender cleaned up the glasses that the two left behind, a co-worker came from the back.

"You owe me." The first man said when he walked in.

"At least you got a part of the number and not just in the background. You also got a good amount of money from it." The second guy pulled out a rag started wiping the tables.

"But at least during the last one, you got to watch history happening."

"It wasn't exactly accurate on how they meet you know?"

"I myself would take rap any day."

Suddenly the bar style turned into a 1960's style and teenagers started to pour in. In the background, "Lot of Living" started to play.

"And I'm out!" The first one said, quickly walking away.

The second one sighed and got mentally prepared for the next number. Though at least he doesn't have to sit behind a counter listening to a teen singing about freezing their brain with a slurpee... again.

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