I want to sleep with Asher

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Alice POV

"So what are the sleeping arrangements?" I asked when we were at Ash’s place.

"About that…" He started off nervously. "There are only two beds - one single and one double, and the couch. Since there are four of us and we are alone tonight that should be enough… Only I’m not sure who is sleeping where. Of course, you can take the single since you’re a girl…"

"And you are a gentleman," I added. "So which of you are forming the happy couple?"

"We’re drawing straws about that," he answered.

"It’s really not fair!" Keegan protested. "She should be drawing straws with us!"

"You’re hoping the two of us will end up on the double, aren’t you?" I raised my eyebrows suspiciously.

"Only if we’re lucky!" He winked at me, smirking. "I don’t mind having you on the single though… or on the couch, or on the table, or on the counters in the kitchen…"

"That is not going to happen," Caden intervened firmly. "The kid is having the single. Alone!"

"Maybe we should let her decide!" Keegan responded.

"Alone on the single." I didn’t even have to think about it. "Or on the double with Ash."

The second part of my answer must have caught them off guard because three heads snapped in my direction.

"You want to sleep with Asher?" Keegan asked me incredulous.

"I have no reason not to." I shrugged.

"And you have reasons not to with the two of us?" Keegan wasn’t letting it go.

"I’m sure that you," I pointed at him, "will not keep your hands, and probably other parts of your body, to yourself. I don’t have to worry about that with Asher."

"What about me?" Caden asked but unlike Keegan he seemed only curious and not offended.

"Too bossy." I stuck my tongue out at him.

He narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Come to think of it Ash is pretty tired and he’s busy tomorrow so he should sleep alone in his own bed. Keegan can take the couch and you and I will get the double." Caden narrated with a certain glint in his eyes I was getting accustomed to; a glint that meant he was planning something.

"See: too bossy," I said at the same time Asher exclaimed:

"I’m fine, Alice should take the single."

He seemed a bit uneasy. Was it because Caden suggested me sharing a bed with someone or was it because that someone was Caden in particular?

Suddenly I got curious. What was Caden planning on doing?

I was alone in the house with three boys; if they wanted to do something to me, they could’ve already done it so we were leaving that option out.

So what was it?

"Come to think of it, Ash, you do look tired," I turned to the blond boy. "Use your own bed; I’ll sleep with Caden."

I saw Keegan shaking his head and muttering something angrily. Ash was looking at me unsure what to do: insist I take the single or let me have the one I’d just chosen.

"Are you sure?" He questioned.

"Sure I’m sure!" I smiled at him.

"Okay then! The bedroom is that way."


I closed the bathroom door on my way out.

I had just been there to change into the t-shirt Ash had given me to sleep with. He also insisted that I take a pair of his shorts but I'd declined; I was used to sleeping with only oversized t-shirts and panties, much to Elanor’s horror.

I entered the bedroom and saw Caden at the center of the double bed on top of the covers in nothing but boxers. He was leaning on the headboard with his hands behind his neck.


"Mind moving to the side?" I asked when I reached the bed.

"That was easy," he remarked with a smirk, ignoring my question.

"What was?"

"Getting you to sleep with me."

With that he sprung forward and pulled me towards him. He maneuvered me so that I was straddling him and placed his hands on my hips.

"What do you think you’re doing?" I asked peeved. Not that I minded the position we were in. It was that I was sure he was planning something and it wasn’t sex.

"What does it look like I’m doing?" He asked with that silken voice that sent shivers through me. "I can do whatever I want now that I have you here." He continued and started caressing my skin with his fingers raising goosebumps on it.

"I can do whatever I want…" He repeated leaning his head so that he whispered in my ear, "… and have you  any way I want. And there’s nothing you could do to stop me."

So that was it: he was trying to teach me a lesson!

"Did my remark about you being bossy make such an impression that you’ve decided to put on a little show for me?" I tried to keep my voice even and to ignore the effect his touch had on me. And his voice. "So that I’ll learn my place? And not make snappy or inappropriate comments about you?"

"Is that why you think I’m doing this?" He asked leaning back slightly so he could look at my face.  "You’re usually better at guessing people’s thoughts, little Alice!"

"So what is it then?"

"Maybe I just want you."

"No, you don’t."

"And what makes you so sure?"

"Because to you I’m just “kid” and “little Alice”. You said it yourself: you view me as a pet. That is why I know you aren’t sexually attracted to me," I answered evenly.

But the truth was I was a bit hurt. I wanted him to see me more as his equal… or at least on the same level as Asher and Keegan.

"Then why am I doing this?" He slid one hand under the t-shirt but I pushed it away.

"I don’t know, Caden!" I answered irritated. "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I’m trying to make you understand something!" His velvety voice was replaced by a stern tone. "You agreed to go out with three guys you barely know, you followed them to an empty house in a neighborhood that is unfamiliar to you and then you agreed to share a bed with one of them and to top it all you’re wearing nothing but a t-shirt and panties. Are you really that dense, Alissa? Do you know what we could do to you?"

"You guys won’t do anything to me; I know it."

"And what if you’re wrong?"

"Then I’m screwed. Literally. And not in a good way."

"Get serious, Alissa!" He hissed. "I’m not kidding!"

"I know, neither am I."

Caden stared at my eyes as if trying to figure me out. After a while he sighed in defeat.

"Get off me, kid, and go to sleep!" His tone was considerably softer than it was a couple of minutes ago.

So I was back to being “kid”, huh? I guess “Alissa” was reserved for serious conversations only.

"I will," I said getting off, "… but because I want to, not because you told me to!"

"Just shut up and sleep!" He ordered moving to the left to make more room for me.

I covered myself with the sheet.

"Hey, Caden?"


"Was you coming on to me supposed to be scary?"

"Not usually, but since you don’t want me…"

" And what makes you so sure?" I asked trying to imitate his tone from earlier.

"I know when girls want me."

"But I like your body."

"I know that." I could hear the smug smirk in his voice. "And yet you don’t want me… I still don’t quite get it but then again you are pretty weird."

"And my weirdness explains why I like your body but don’t want you?"

"I guess."

I kept silent. I wasn’t sure I didn’t want him… But I wasn’t sure I wanted him either. Perhaps it was his attitude towards women that put me off.

"Hey, Caden?" I repeated.

"What?" He groaned.

"Sweet dreams!"

"Yeah… Sweet dreams, little Alice!"


It’s time to wake up, wake up, wake up…

Oh. My. God! I forgot to turn off the alarm!

I sprung from the bed.

And then for some make up, make up, make up…

"What the hell is that?" Caden covered his ears with his hands, grimacing at the sudden loud noise.

"My alarm, I forgot to turn it off!" I shouted so he could hear me.

I would usually say to make out, make out, make out…

"What are you waiting for! Turn that darn thing off!" He shouted back.

"Can’t find my phone!"

He jumped off the bed as well.

But then you’re gonna slap my mouth, my mouth, my mouth!

Caden found my phone and turned it off. The whole thing, not only the alarm. I guess he was pissed. I expected to see rage when he faced me again but that didn’t happen. He turned to me and he was calm… too calm…

"I don’t know who that was," he began quietly, "… but I’m going to find him and kill him… slowly."

"It wasn’t that bad…" I protested weakly.

"It wasn’t that bad?" His voice was still low. "Alice, that has got to be the worst singing ever. What made you record it? A sudden loss of clear judgement?"

"It was a farewell gift from a friend."

"A friend?" He raised his voice slightly. "I would play this to someone I want to torture." I laughed at that. "Alice, I’m serious!"

"I know but… Although Skyler was not exactly sober when he recorded it, he really meant well. He said “if my lovely voice can not help you get up in the mornings, nothing can”. The truth is it sounds so terrible that I just have to get up and turn it off. So all in all it’s a pretty effective alarm."

"I still want to murder the guy. To be awake so early on a Saturday morning…"

"Oh, come on! It’s not like you need anymore beauty sleep; you look great!"

"Don’t try to compliment your way out of this, Alissa!"

Oh-oh! He used “Alissa”. Yep, he was pissed.

"Can’t you just go back to sleep?" I asked giving him a sheepish smile.

"Now that I’m wide awake?" He snarled.

Sheesh! And I thought I was grumpy in the morning.

"Why don’t you at least try?"

"Your alarm woke me up," he grabbed me by the arm and headed for the bed, "… you make me fall asleep!"

He jumped on the bed dragging me down with him. He was lying on his back and I had landed on my stomach.

"And how am I supposed to do that?" I asked leaning up on my elbows.

"Think of something!" He ordered in that bossy voice of his.

"Well," I started. "If we were at my place I would’ve made you tea…" Caden snorted. "Not a fan, huh?" I raised an eyebrow. "I’ll have you know I’m pretty good with herbs. I bet I can make a tea you’ll like!"

"Okay! What?"

"What what?"

" What do I get if… no, when I win that bet?"

"It was just a figure of speech, Caden!"

"So you don’t think you can do it?" He gave me a challenging smirk.

"Oh, I know I can do it!"

"So what are the conditions then?"

Hmm, what were they indeed? Oh, I know!

"A wish!" I exclaimed.

"A wish?" He repeated puzzled.

"The one who looses the bet fulfils one wish for the winner."

"Whatever the winner wants?"

"As long as it’s not life-threatening or immoral, or illegal."

"Okay," he extended his arm towards me, "I agree!"

"Good!" I shook his hand.

"Now to the present matter!" He let go of my hand. "You were supposed to help me fall asleep again."

Oh, that!

"Lie on you stomach," I said and then remembered to add "… please!"


"Do it and you’ll find out!"

To my surprise he didn’t protest or question me anymore and just after a moment of hesitation, he did as I asked.

"I don’t know if this is going to make you fall asleep," I said straddling him, "… but it will help you relax!"


Caden POV

"Lie on you stomach!" I was just about to remind Alice how much I loved being bossed around when she added "… please!"

"Why?" I asked suspicious.

"Do it and you’ll find out!"

Something told me she wasn’t about to give more explanations and wanting to see what the girl’s next move was, I lied on my stomach.

"I don’t know if this is going to make you fall asleep," she climbed on top of me, "… but it will help you relax!"

What were you going to do now, little Alice?

She placed her hands palms down on the small of my back and slowly slid them up. I had to bite down a moan.

God, that felt good!

She repeated the movement several more times. Then she started massaging my shoulder-blades with circular motions.

"You’re really tense," she muttered. "Just try to relax! You’re supposed to be enjoying this."

Oh, I was enjoying it! That was the problem. Alissa’s touch was way too pleasing. Trying to hide that was why I was tense.

Her hands moved to my shoulders and this time a groan escaped my mouth.

"That’s better!" I heard her chuckle.

She wanted me to moan? Why?

If it was any other girl I’d think she was trying to seduce me but Alice wasn’t interested in me that way.

Why wasn’t she? It’s not that I was attracted to her… Although if I was a cat I’d be purring right now because of her touch…

But no, it wasn’t that I wanted to sleep with her. I was just so used to girls chasing me, it was kind of weird being so close to one without screwing her. Come to think of it she was the first to…

I laughed.

"Oh, little Alice! Do you know this is my first?"

"This is your first massage?" She asked confused and I chuckled.

"No… Well, yes, but I meant something else. You’re the first girl I’ve slept with without having sex," I clarified.

"Flattered to be your first!" She answered amused and moved her hands back to my shoulder blades.


Alice POV

Sneaking out last night to meet up with the boys was easy. Sneaking in might be harder.

Aunt Rose was out of town visiting a friend of hers; Aunt Flora respected my personal space and didn’t come to my room without a reason and Aunt Azalea… Well, Aunt Azalea wasn’t a fan of social calls. That meant that there was a good chance they didn’t know I had been out. So all I had to do now was get into my room without being noticed. I opened the front door to our house as quietly as possible, entered the foyer and was just about to close the door when…

"Alissa, dear! Where have you been?" Aunt Flora’s voice reached my ears. By the calmness in it I could tell she didn’t know exactly when I had gone out.

I turned around. Her face was completely undisturbed; yeah, she didn’t have a clue.

I relaxed at the thought but then immediately tensed again. I had to lie to her. I didn’t want to, but what other option did I have? Tell her the truth?

Oh, I snuck out last night to meet up with these three boys everyone is telling me to stay away from because they are dangerous. Then we went to a pub… Oh, don’t worry! They let us in - we all had our fake ID-s with us. Then we went over to one of those boys’ house and I slept in a bed with his half-naked friend.

Something told me that wasn’t a good answer. Something called common sense. So I took a deep breath and said:

"Out. Wanted to take a walk."

"Oh, that’s lovely!" She didn’t even doubt my words and the fact that she trusted me so much made me feel even worse about lying to her.

Although technically it was true: I had been out and fancied a walk on my way back.

"I’m going up to my room now, Aunty," I informed her.

"Okay, dear! Lunch will be ready in about an hour," she announced and headed for the kitchen.

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