Phone calls

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Alice POV

My phone was ringing. I answered it without looking at the caller ID. Big Mistake!

"It’s time to wake up, wake up, wake up… And then for some make up, make up, make up…"

"Skyler!" I screamed into the phone. "Isn’t it enough that I wake up every morning hearing that tune? Why should I listen to it now?"

"Just in case," the boy chuckled.

"In case of what?"

"In case you’ve changed your alarm."

"Oh! Speaking about that… I have a friend who wants to kill you because your lovely recorded voice woke him up."

"You slut!" Two voices exclaimed at once.

"Beth? You there?" I asked, naming another good friend of mine.

"Yes, I’m here. The speaker is on," Bethany explained. "Now don’t change the subject!"

"What subject?"

"You sleeping with a guy," Skyler intervened.

"What makes you think I slept with someone?"

"How else will he hear your alarm?" It was Beth who spoke this time and I was sure there was a self-satisfied smirk gracing her full lips.

I sighed. Same old Skyler, same old Beth! Whenever sexual gossip was involved those twins would get excited like kids in a candy store. I got that about Skyler – he was a man-whore (I say that with the warmest of feelings really) but his sister wasn’t one to hook up. She still loved gossiping about it though!

"Are you two alone?" I asked the siblings.

"Why?" The boy questioned. "Are you telling us something R-rated?"

"No, I’m just asking, you slut!"

He laughed at my reaction.

"Seriously, guys," I assured them. "Nothing happened. We just slept in the same bed; that is all."

"He’s ugly then?" Skyler suggested.

"Ha!" I barked a laughter. "Not even close!"

"Tell me more!" The girl giggled.

"Well," I started. "Remember TOP 10 HOTTEST?"

Yes, the girls at one of my previous schools had made a TOP 10 HOTTEST GUYS list. They even made a website with pictures and videos with the boys from that school and voted on the whole thing. Skyler came second after the school’s jock star. In my opinion Sky looked way better but the other guy was more popular.

"Yeah," they answered simultaneously.

"Round them all up and you might get some idea of how unbelievably good this boy looks!"

"Really?" Beth exclaimed enthusiastically while at the same time her brother snorted:

"No one looks that good!"

I was sure he was shaking his head.

"This boy does," I assured them.

"Then why didn’t you sleep with him?" Sky asked.


"You him or him you?" The boy questioned again.


"What on Earth made you do that?" Beth resented.

"Well," I started. Seriously: what on Earth made me do that? "I’m not sure…"

"Honey, you’re an idiot," Beth reprimanded.

"Alissa!" A stern voice called and a knock on my door followed. "Telephone call for you downstairs."

"Oh-oh!" I rolled my eyes. "Gotta go!"

"Wait!" Beth hurried. "I want pictures of the guy."

"I don’t have any."

"Then get some!" She commanded.

I groaned.

"Alissa, are you there?" My aunt called again.

"Yes, Aunt Azalea! I’m coming!" I turned to the phone once more. "I’ll see what I can do. Love ya, miss ya, wish I could kiss ya!"

And hurriedly I ended the call without giving Beth time to respond.


It was Elanor. She had finally remembered she had a daughter and called to check on me.

"Alissa!" Her stern tone greeted me when I picked up the phone. It was a lot like my Aunt Azalea’s voice, only colder and emotionally distant. "What on Earth took you so long to answer?"

"I was talking to Skyler and Bethany."

"Oh! Those two!" Her tone was less than approving.

Silence fell between us. We never had much to say to each other.

"How are things going on between you and whatever the new guy’s name was?"

"Alissa Clover Green! You know very well what his name is," she reprimanded. "And you better start using it; he’s my new fiancé."

"Since when?"

"Since tonight."

So that was why she was calling!

"Well?" She asked. "Aren’t you going to congratulate me?"

"Aren’t you tired of getting congratulated already? With all your engagements and all…"

"Don’t you dare speak to me like that, young lady! I’m your mother!"

You have a funny way of showing it!

"Congratulations… mother!"

My tone was bitter even to my own ears. I knew she could hear it; I knew she could hear the pain in it… And I knew that she just didn’t care about it.

A heavy sigh left her lips.

"Just give me your Aunt Azalea again!" She spoke irritated.

I did as I was told. I didn’t even bother to say goodbye. Neither did she. I went upstairs to my bedroom and did something without having any idea why: I picked up my phone and dialed Caden.


Caden POV

"Damn it, tonight was tough!" I thought while counting the money I’d just earned.

The guy I fought was pretty good with his fists… and his knife. When the match started we were told that weapons weren’t allowed. I guess he must have missed that part!

Good thing the stab wound on my left wasn’t deep; I was able to patch it up myself.

I was just about to light a smoke when my phone rang.

Who the hell was it now? I was tired and wasn’t in the mood to speak to anyone. But before I turned the damn thing off I looked at the caller ID: Alice.

"Hello?" I immediately answered. She wasn’t in the habit of calling me. Did something happen to her?

"Hi," she greeted after a moment’s hesitation. She said nothing more.

"Are you okay, Alissa?"

"Yes…" She didn’t sound convincing at all.

I sighed.

"You at home?"


"I’m coming over!"

And I ended the call.


Alice POV

I should’ve called him. I should’ve just picked up the phone and told him he didn’t have to come over tonight.

But I didn’t.

I just stood in the semi-darkness, sitting on my bed’s edge and starring at the phone that was on my nightstand, right next to where the only lit lamp in my room was.

Why did I let this get to me? It wasn’t the first time she spoke to me like that. Nor was it the first time she announced something like this.

Then why? Why did I always get so overwhelmed when I spoke to her? Why did I always feel disappointed that she was engaged yet again?

I heard a noise and turned to my right just in time to see a figure clad in old blue jeans and a dark singlet climbing through my window.


"So are you going to tell me what’s wrong or will you have me guessing?" He said instead of a greeting.

"I… There’s nothing wrong."

"Yeah, right! As if I’m buying that bullshit!"

"Really, it’s fine! It’s just that…" I really shouldn’t be bothering him with my problems, I was sure he had enough on his own, but the words kind of tumbled out of my mouth. "Elanor is getting married again."

"To that prick you don’t like?" He sat down on the bed next to me.

"The one and only." I smiled bitterly.

He sighed and gave me the same sideways hug he did last time he was here.

"Doesn’t she care you don’t like him?" He asked quietly.

"I guess not," I shrugged. I tried to sound casual but as his grip around my shoulders tightened slightly, I knew I wasn’t fooling him.

We were quiet for a while.

"Caden, do you have problems with your parents? Or is that too personal?" I added when I saw some strong emotion I could not quite make out flash in his eyes. Then he was on his guard again.

"I don’t get to see them much," was all he said. This being Caden, I was surprised he answered at all.

Silence fell between us once more.

"Do you want me to stay here tonight, Alice?"

"Only if you don’t mind."

"I don’t," he said so quietly I barely heard him answer.

I got off the bed and took an extra sheet and pillow.

"You sleep on the left, right Caden?"

"Actually I sleep in the middle."

"Oh! I just though that way because both times we slept together you were on the left."

"Coincidence. Although I prefer being closer to the window," he admitted taking of his shirt.

I gasped.

"What is it, Alice? I know I look unbelievably good but you don’t usually react that way when you see my body," he teased.

"Caden, you’re bleeding!"

"Oh, shit! I forgot about the stab."

"You forgot about it?" I raised my voice slightly. "How can you forget something like that?"

"I’m used to it," he shrugged nonchalantly.

"You’re used to..." I took a deep breath to calm myself down. "I guess there’s no point in me asking how you got it?"


"Will you at least let me treat it?"

"I already took care of it, kid," he answered slightly irritated.

"Is that why it’s bleeding through the bandage?" I asked jutting my chin forward.

"It’s…" He growled. "Fine! Just don’t scream or faint or throw up!"

"I never had problem with blood, Caden."

"Oh, yeah… Then why did you panic when you saw it?"

"Because you’re hurt! I don’t want to see you hurt!" I was whisper-shouting now.

Something flashed through his eyes but once again I couldn’t decipher the emotion.

"I just keep on making you worried about me, don’t I?"

"Never mind that!" I answered with a sigh. "I’ll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"To the garden. In the mean time take the bandage off and wash the wound in the bathroom!"

Surprisingly, he did not protest. I watched as he headed toward the adjoining room, then I got out of my bedroom and headed for the backyard.

"Alissa, where are you going at this time, dear?" Aunt Flora bumped into me in the hallway. "And dressed like that?"

I was wearing the cotton shorts again and a dark blue singlet.

"The back garden to pick up some herbs."

"Oh! Do you want some company?" She asked calmly as if picking up herbs in the middle of the night was the most natural thing in the world.

"No, I’ll be quick."

"Very well then!"

I turned to leave but her voice stopped me:

"Did you know that some people believe that if you pick up the herbs at night they are more potent?"

Oh, yes! My Aunt Flora was terribly superstitious. I could take advantage of that tonight though.

"Yeah, that is why I’m doing it now, Aunty," I smiled at her and went downstairs, through the back door and into the garden.

"Stab wound," I thought. "What will I need? Ah, yes!"

I picked three different herbs I thought would be useful. I went into the kitchen, warmed up some water and placed two of them in it.

Since I was here anyway, I made some tea as well.

I went upstairs with a tray. It had a bowl of the potion I made, bandages, two cups of tea, small clean towels and the washed-from-the-dirt third type of herb I'd picked from the garden.

"What took you so long?" Caden asked the moment I closed the door behind me.

"A thousand apologies, O Patient One!" I curtsied dramatically.

"Did you just seriously quote Gazeem from Disney’s Aladdin?" He asked shaking his head.

"Did you just seriously recognize the line?" I shot back using the same tone as him.


I smirked at my little victory.

"Come on, sit down, Caden!"

He sat on the edge of the bed with his legs spread. I kneeled between them, placing the tray on the floor by my side.

"What did you use on it?" I asked taking a look at his wound that was to his left, just where the ribcage ended.


"Well, the good news is that it’s not deep. It looks more like a cut than a stab."

"That’s because I managed to move when he took a swing at me during the match," he let out. "Shit! Let’s pretend I didn’t just tell you that!"

I nodded and soaked one of the towels in the bow before pressing it gently at the wound. He didn’t even flinch.

I guess he really was used to it!

I repeated the motion several more times and heard him chuckle.

"What’s so funny?" I asked without looking up.

"I was just thinking how your aunts would react if they came in your room right now," he explained. "What, with you being between the legs of a half-naked guy that’s sitting on your bed. Your head needs to be just a little lower and there will be no excuse to get us out of that situation."

"Trust me, if that happens, you’ll be anything but amused! You’d have three enraged women chasing after you and even if you manage to run away and hide… They’ll find you!"

He laughed.

"I don’t think they are that scary."

"Obviously you haven’t seen my aunts angry," I remarked, shaking my head.

I placed the towel on the tray and took the cleaned herbs. I put them over the wound before dressing it.

"That should do it!" I exclaimed looking at my work and tilting my head up to face Caden.

He had a small amused smirk on his face.

"Alissa Clover Green, Medicine woman!" He chuckled.

"Ha-ha!" I said sarcastically. "Very funny. Now drink this!"

I gave him one of the cups of tea. He looked at it with suspicion but took a sip never the less.

"Pretty good!" He admitted. "Wait! Why are you drinking my medicine as well?" He queried, watching me take a huge gulp out of the second cup.

"Because it’s not your medicine; it’s just tea. Tea that you admitted you like. You know what that means, don’t you, Caden?"

He sighed, closing his eyes and tilting his head backwards.

"It means…" he started, " … that you won the bet. And I owe you a wish."

"Yep." I was more than satisfied. "You owe me a wish!"

 I took another sip of my tea. Delicious!


Caden POV

Sometime during the night I must’ve snuggled Alice because when I woke up I had my arms wrapped around her small frame. We were facing each other so I knew she was still asleep. She looked so peaceful now. Nothing like the night before.

The conversation with her mother had really gotten to her. She was trying to hide it but I could still tell she was upset.

I sighed and hugged her tighter.

I didn’t like seeing her in that state! She was so nice. How can anybody want to hurt her like that? How can her own mother want to hurt her?

My fists clenched. I didn’t know why exactly but I had the sudden need to protect Alice. To keep her safe from anyone who could harm her. Even if that person was her own mother.

She shifted in bed and yawned before opening her eyes.

"Morning!" Alice greeted sleepily.

"Morning!" I smiled slightly when I noticed she didn’t try to break loose from my grip.

"How are you?" She asked and lowered her eyes to my wound.

"The stab is fine. How are you?" I asked in turn.

"Getting used to the idea of having a new step-father." She shrugged. "Since I now live here I won’t have to see him much. And he probably wouldn’t last that long anyway; they never do."

"Alissa, dear?" We heard one of her aunts call just outside her room.

I sprung up from the bed and dived into the bathroom. Huh, this was becoming a habit now!

"Yes, Aunt Rosie?" I heard Alice moving in her room and unlocking the bedroom door before opening it. From where I was hiding I couldn’t see them but I’d left the bathroom door slightly ajar so I could listen to their conversation.

"We are going out, honey," that Rose woman answered. "We’ll be back in the afternoon."

"All of you?" Alice questioned. Why did she sound so surprised? "Even Aunty Flora?"

"Yes, even your Aunty Flora. She does go out you know."

"Where are you going?"

"To meet up with an old friend of ours. She is not from around here and she’s only visiting for a day."

"So that’s why Aunt Flora’s coming with you!" She exclaimed. "Well, enjoy yourselves!"

"Thank you, I’m sure we will, dear! We’ll be back in time for lunch."

I heard the door close and soon after Alice came in the bathroom.


Alice POV

It’s been almost an hour since my aunts left. I had cleaned Caden’s wound and dressed it again. It was healing nicely.

The two of us were now in the kitchen eating chips and sipping on sodas for breakfast. Aunt Azalea would go crazy if she found out what my morning meal was!

"Can I ask you something about your aunts?" Caden questioned.


"Why were you so surprised about Flora going out?" He took a sip of his soda.

"Oh! It’s because she’s terribly shy; she almost never leaves the house. That’s also the main reason why we don’t have many guests coming over."

My phone choose that moment to ring.

"Yeah?" I answered it.

"Did you hear?" A girl’s worried voice questioned.

"Well, good morning to you too, Bethany!" I greeted my friend with a sarcastic tone. "And did I hear what?"

"About your mother…" Skyler hesitated to continue.

"They must have me on speaker again," I thought.

"Yeah, Elanor called last night to tell me about the engagement." I noticed Caden frown at the mention of my mother. What was that about? "How did you guys find out?"

"Oh, the usual way," Beth explained. "She told a friend who told a friend and so on and so on…"

"But more importantly…" Her brother cut her off. "How are you?"

"I’m fine!" I answered a little irritated; I knew they were concerned about me and I appreciated it but I didn’t want them to be worried. "Why do people keep on asking me that?"

"Your aunts asked you as well, huh?" It was Sky who spoke.

"No, actually they didn’t," I started without thinking what I was saying. "It was Caden who asked me this morning…"

"Who the hell is Caden?!" The twins simultaneously shouted so loud that I pulled the phone away from my ear and I’m pretty sure the boy in question heard them as well.

"The guy I was telling you two about last night…" I bit my lip nervously. How would Caden react when he finds out I’d been discussing him with my friends?

I looked at his face. He arched an eyebrow questioningly. I guess I’d have some explaining to do later! Well, at least he didn’t look angry.

"The unbelievably good looking one?" Beth asked in a voice that was too loud for my liking.

I hoped that Cade at least hadn’t heard that. Judging by the smirk on his face he must have.

Oh, boy!

"That’s the one," I reluctantly admitted and the smirk grew wider.

"How come he knew about Elanor before us?" She asked confused.

"Yeah… Are you replacing us or something?" Skyler sounded a bit offended.

"No, Sky! I’m not replacing you or your twin!" I sighed. "It just kind of slipped out when we were talking last night…"

Caden’s eyebrows furrowed. Oh-oh! What was it now?

"So we’re still your besties?" Sky asked again.

"Yes, Skyler you two are still my besties," I reassured him. It was just that if I kept on getting close to Caden they might not be my only besties.

"Skyler?" Caden raised his voice. "The one with the torturous singing?"

"Alice, who was that?" My friends spoke simultaneously. They did that often. Guess it was a twin-thing.

"That was Caden," I gave them my answer. "And, yes, that’s the guy who recorded my alarm." I explained, turning to Cade.

Then the three of them spoke at the same time:

"What is he doing there in the morning?" Beth questioned.

"Does he know I want to kill him?" Caden asked.

"Did he spend the night there?" Skyler wanted to know.

I groaned.

"I’ll put you guys on speaker." I did that and continued. "Caden, meet my best friends Bethany and Skyler. Guys meet Caden. Yes, Sky knows you want to kill him because he woke you up." I hesitated before answering the next question. "And yes… Caden spent the night here. No sex involved!" I said so sternly, waving my index finger at the phone (although the twins couldn’t see it) that Caden laughed at my reaction.

"God, even his laugh sounds sexy!" Beth exclaimed.

"You do remember you’re now on speaker?" I reminded her.

"Oops!" Was her answer but she didn’t sound fazed at all.

"Whatever! There are more pressing matters to discuss," Sky intervened with a serious tone. "Dude, how come you don’t like my singing?"

"How come I don’t like it?" Caden asked, shaking his head. "Is he for real?" He turned to me.

"Yep!" I popped the “p”.

"How come I don’t like it…" The boy next to me repeated while shaking his head again. "… I’m not even going to answer that question."

"What do you mean you’re not going to…" Sky started but got interrupted by someone knocking on their door. "Enter! What is it, Martha?" He asked away from the phone. I recognized their maid’s name and heard her answer but couldn’t make out the words. Whatever it was the twins both groaned in response. "Fine, we will be right there!" His next words sounded louder. "Alice, we have to go," he explained.

"‘K, guys, talk to you later."

"Love ya, miss ya, wish I could kiss ya!" The three of us said at the same time and they hung up.

"“Love ya, miss ya, wish I could kiss ya”?" Caden repeated slightly disgusted. "What the hell was that?"

"That’s our way of saying goodbye." He rolled his eyes. "Hey, we were kids when we thought of it!"

"Whatever!" He shook his head. "So… are you in the habit of discussing me with your friends?"

Oh-oh! I was hoping he wouldn’t mention it.

"Well, I kind of let the alarm incident slip out …" I started but was interrupted by him.

"I guess you’ve been letting a lot of things slip out lately." I didn’t miss the bitter note in his voice.

"What do you mean?" I asked puzzled.

"Well, first you tell them about the “alarm incident”, then the news about your mother “kind of slip out” when you talk to me…" He looked pissed off. "Were you even planning on telling me about it if it didn’t “slip out”?"

"Of course not!" He seemed genuinely offended by my words so I hurried to explain what I meant. "It’s my problem; I shouldn’t bother you with it. It wasn’t because I don’t see you as a friend or because I don’t trust you."

He looked relieved at my words. Then he smirked.

"'The unbelievably good looking one'?" He questioned in a playful tone.

"Hey, Beth’s words, not mine!"

"But you must’ve mentioned it to her if she described me that way," Caden continued to tease me.

"Can’t remember." I looked away suddenly fascinated with my soda; what a beautiful can with so many pretty colors!

I heard Caden’s chair scrape the floor as the boy got up. He moved behind my seat, leaned down and wrapped his arms around me.

"Really?" His voice was still jesting. "And what else can’t you remember telling them about me?"

"We haven’t really talked that much about you," I protested and briefly explained what the twins and I had said about him.

"Well, as long as you’re absolutely sure that’s all…" he breathed in my ear.

If Beth thought his laugh was sexy, she should hear Caden’s voice when he whispers!

The boy unwrapped his hands from around me saying:

"As much as I enjoy your company, little Alice, I got to go!"

"Can I ask you something first?" He nodded. "Why did you come over last night?"

"Because you sounded upset over the phone and it got me worried," he admitted a bit shyly.

"Oh, that’s so sweet!" I couldn’t help but exclaim.

"Mind not using that word to describe me?" The boy frowned once more.

"Not manly enough?" I laughed.

"Definitely not!" He headed for the back door.

"I’ll try!" I promised, following after him. "But seriously… Thanks for last night!"

"You’re welcome!" His tone was gentle. "Bye-bye, little Alice!"

I waved goodbye at his departing form.

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