What are you doing in my room

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Alice POV 

I turned on the lights when I entered my room and closed the door behind me while adjusting the strap on my singlet. I got tired of Aunt Azalea criticizing me about sleeping with large T-shirts so tonight I was wearing a black singlet and light grey cotton shorts. Not that my new outfit pleased her. Apparently it wasn’t “lady-like” and the shorts were “too short”.

Well, duh! They are called “shorts” for a reason, Aunt Azalea!

I turned around to the inside of my room and only then I realized I wasn’t alone.

"Caden? What are you doing in my room?" I asked puzzled.

"Hi! I was around," he exclaimed excitedly.

"Around? In this neighborhood?" I watched him confused as he started swirling.

"Yeah… Nice place!" Caden stated looking about.

"The neighborhood or my room?" He stopped moving to look at me wide-eyed.

"Huh?" The boy seemed distracted.

"Caden… are you feeling okay?" I asked taking a few steps towards and stopping in front of him.

"Never better!" He answered in a jolly voice and leaned his head down closer to me.

"Caden," I tried to keep my voice even. "Why are your pupils dilated?"

He immediately moved away, going to sit on the window still and turning his back to me.

"Caden?" I followed him to the window.

I stood in front of him trying to look at his eyes but he kept his gaze to the floor. I reached to him and with my right hand gently grabbed his chin tilting his head up.

"I didn’t mean to!" He said quietly, looking me straight in the eyes. "I didn’t want to take it!"

"Caden, what did you take?"

He opened his mouth but nothing came out so he closed it. He repeated that a few more times until he finally mouthed a single word:


"Oh, God!" I couldn’t help the panicked note in my voice. "Why… What are we going to do? What are we supposed to do?" I had no experience with cocaine. What do you do when someone takes it?

"It’s okay, the effects are going to wear off any moment now," he explained.

"But why would you…"

"Don’t ask!" He ordered sternly.

"You sneak into my room high on coke and I’m not even allowed to ask why you are that way?" I hissed at him.

"I shouldn’t have come here!" He ground his teeth and got up.

He opened the window and was just about to climb out when I grabbed his arm on instinct. Probably not the best idea considering this was Caden… An irritated, drugged Caden.

He froze and looked at me with a blank expression.

"You better let me go, little Alice!" He said in that quiet threatening tone of his.

I gulped.

"No!" Surprisingly my voice didn’t crack. "I can feel your arm burning. You probably have a fever. Please come inside so we can get it down!"

Without saying a word he moved to my bed and sat on the edge of it. I went to the adjoining bathroom, took a towel and let the cold water soak in it. I came out and sat next to him.

"I know this will be cold and unpleasant but we need to get the fever down." With that I placed the towel on his forehead. He hissed when it made contact with his skin.

"Maybe you should lie down," I offered.

He leaned down so that he was now lying on his back and sighed heavily. I still held the towel to his forehead but he took it from me.

"Vinegar helps lower fever. I could go downstairs and get some from the kitchen. Do you think you’ll be fine on your own?"

"Yes, Alissa, I’ll be fine!" He answered still irritated. "But I don’t want you to do that; your aunts might see you."

"Then what should I do?"

" Nothing."

"If you didn’t need my help, why did you come here?"

"I wasn’t thinking straight then."

"And now?"

"I’m better. I told you, the effects are wearing off."

" Well, that’s good!" I sighed and lied down on my stomach next to him.

Caden turned his head towards me.

"You’re really worried about me aren’t you?" He asked after examining my face.

"Is it that obvious?" I chuckled.

"It’s pretty obvious," he smiled back gently.

He looked terribly good smiling like that. Not that he didn’t usually look good. His lips were full and seemed so kissable…

"Oh, little Alice!" He said using his velvety tone. "Why are you staring at my lips, Alice?"

"Am I?" I asked but didn’t look away from them.

"Yes… You most definitely are!" He threw the towel on the floor and leaned his face closer to mine. "Do you want to kiss them, Alissa?"

The word “maybe” crossed my mind but I kept quiet. Caden came even closer and now there were just a few inches separating our mouths.

"Alissa…" He breathed out sending a shiver through me. I wasn’t suppose to react like this; the two of us were supposed to be friends.

"Alissa…" He repeated, closing his eyes. "Do you mind leaving me alone for a while?"

I was taken aback by the sudden question but managed to mutter “okay” and headed for the bathroom. He nodded in response, keeping his eyes closed.


Caden POV

I smiled at her and her eyes immediately traveled down my face to my lips. She held her gaze there with a faraway expression. What was she thinking about?

"Oh, little Alice! Why are you staring at my lips, Alice?"

"Am I?" She asked still looking at them.

"Yes… You most definitely are!" I threw the towel down to the floor and leaned closer to her. "Do you want to kiss them, Alissa?"

She didn’t respond. Could she really be thinking about it? Would I let her do it?

I leaned closer leaving just a few inches of space between our mouths.

"Alissa…" I surprised myself with the seductive tone of my voice.

Right now the idea of tasting her lips and going even further with her seemed so terribly tempting… But the slightly sober part of me told me that right now I was drugged and wasn’t thinking clearly.

"Alissa…" I repeated her name closing my eyes. Maybe if I didn’t see her it would be easier to do the right thing?

"Do you mind leaving me alone for a while?" I asked but a part of me was hoping she’ll stay. The same part was hoping that instead of listening to my plea, Alice would move closer and kiss me.

God, I really shouldn’t have come here in this state!

She muttered an okay and got off the bed. Not trusting myself to speak right now (because I would’ve probably asked her to come back) I nodded in response still keeping my eyes closed.


Alice POV

I don’t know how much time I’d spent in the bathroom but when I finally got out Caden appeared to have fallen asleep on my bed. I went to the door of my room and locked it. Taking out a spare pillow and two sheets from the dower-chest, I started getting ready to sleep on the floor when I heard his voice.

"What are you doing, Alice?"

"Getting ready to sleep."

"On the floor? Don’t be ridiculous! Come to bed!"

'It’s a single bed," I remarked.

He got off said bed and took the covers from me.

"Go sleep in your bed, kid! I’m taking the floor."

"No!" I protested. "You’re my guest!"

"Actually, I invited myself over. So I’ll take the floor," he repeated.

"Is that what you want?"

"Doesn’t matter what I want," he muttered, looking away.

Was he nervous?

"Caden… What do you want?"

He glimpsed in my direction but quickly averted his eyes.

Yes, he was nervous! But why?

"Come on!" I urged. "Tell me!"

"Do you think… I could maybe… sleep with you? If you’re not uncomfortable with it that is." He then added quickly.

I was perplexed. Where did this sudden shyness come from?

"I don’t mind," I admitted. "I mean… We’ve slept in the same bed before."

"Yeah, but it was double," he protested.

"Okay… I’m kind of confused here." I admitted. "You don’t want to sleep on the bed unless I’m in it… Is that so?" He nodded. "But you are also worried that it is too small for the two of us?"

"Kind of." He sighed. "I don’t want you to do it just because you want to please me."

"I thought you liked it when people went out of their way to please you?" I arched an eyebrow at him.

"Usually." He smirked. "I guess you’re an exception."

Oh, so I was special!

"Come on, let’s go to sleep!" I gestured for him to follow me as I climbed on my bed.


When I woke up the next morning Caden’s arms were wrapped around me. It felt good! It felt… safe? Yes, that was the word – safe. It was probably weird to say that because he was considered dangerous, unpredictable, short-tempered and whatnot, but that was exactly how he made me feel right now.


I watched as his eyes opened slowly. He blinked a few times, trying to chase the sleep away.

"Hey!" He greeted with a raspy voice.

"Hey!" I answered back. "How are you?"

"Tired." He closed his eyes again. "And my throat and the inside of my nose are sore. But that is to be expected."

"Then why do you do it?"

His eyes snapped open and narrowed into slits.

"I don’t do itregularly!" He growled. "I’m not into drugs. I was forced into it!"

"What? Somebody pulled a gun to your head and forced you to take it?" I asked sardonically.

"Something like that," he muttered more to himself.

I took a deep breath trying to calm myself. I hated drugs. I never took them and did my best to stay away from people who did.

God! I knew Caden had problems… but coke?! It never crossed my mind that he could be into that. Did that mean Asher and Keegan were into it too?

"I better get going!" He untangled his arms from me and got off the bed.

"I thought you were tired? You could just stay here and rest until you…"

He laughed bitterly.

"Alissa, how dumb do you thing I am? Do you think I wouldn’t notice the way you act around me now?"

"How do I act?'

"Careful. As if you’re afraid I’m going to lash out on you any moment now."

"No, I don’t! It’s not that!"

"Oh, really? Then why are you so… so… gentle… and attentive… and… Well, I don’t know what the right word here is but you’re acting different!"

"It’s because I’m worried about you!" I sat up in my bed. "I won’t lie; I hate drugs. I don’t want to have anything to do with them… But I can’t just turn my back on you!"

"You’re way too nice, kid," he shook his head. "That will only get you in trouble."

"I thought you liked that about me," I remarked quietly.

The corners of his lips twitched. He sat on the bed next to me and surprised me by giving me a sideways hug.

"Yeah, I like that about you," he admitted. "You’re just so… innocent. Quite different from the people I’m used to."

"You might want to start hanging around other people then," I suggested.

"I wish it was that easy!" He sighed heavily.

I leaned my head on the arm that was wrapped around my shoulders. A comfortable silence fell into the room. I don’t know how long we stayed like that but suddenly the noise of the door handle turning cut through the quiet of the room.

"Alissa!" Aunt Azalea’s stern voice sounded from the other side of the door. "Alissa Clover Green! Why is this door locked?"

Caden jumped up, looking for a place to hide.

"Bathroom!" I mouthed and he quickly dived into the adjoining room.

I got up and unlocked the door.

"Habits, Aunt Azalea," I explained not moving away from the door. I was hoping she wouldn’t come in. "From when I used to live with my step-siblings."

"Is that so?" She maneuvered around me and entered the room. "God, Alissa! Look at the place! It’s a mess. When was the last time you cleaned up?"

"The day before yesterday."

"Well, you haven’t done a good job at that! And why are there so many sheets on your bed?"

Oh-oh! I hadn’t put away the extra sheets and pillow.

"I wanted to make the bed softer so I put on more sheets…" Was the first excuse that came to mind. "… and I hugged the second pillow for comfort."

"You’re not a child, Alissa." She shook her head disapprovingly at me. "You shouldn’t be hugging pillows the way a little girl would embrace her toy! Now put the sheets in the laundry basket and come down for breakfast," She ordered, leaving the room.

"Yes, Aunt Azalea!"

I took the sheets and went to the bathroom to place them in the basket. Caden was leaning casually on the sink with an amused smirk.

"Who… or what was that?" He questioned shaking his head.

"The eldest of my aunts – Azalea."

"How do you live with her?" He asked honestly amazed.

"I have practice," I admitted. "My mother is much worse."

"There is worse than that?"

"Yep, there is.'

He kept quiet for a while, thinking about something.

"What are you doing this afternoon, kid?"


"Well, you are doing something now. I’m picking you up from the school’s gates at four. Don’t be late!" He pushed himself off the sink.


"‘Cause I just realized I don’t know that much about you. So, I’m taking you out today and we can get to know each other."

"Does that mean we’ll be talking about you as well?" I asked hopefully.

He cleared his throat.

"We’ll see."

I sighed; that probably meant “no”.

"Is your phone’s sound off?" I questioned Caden and he nodded. "Okay then. Turn it on vibration. I’m going downstairs now and when I’m sure my aunts are busy and away from the windows I’ll ring you so you could climb down the window."

"Okay. Actually, your window is in a very comfortable position facing your back garden. And all those trees provide a nice cover. Why do you have so many plants anyway?"

"I’ll tell you when we meet later." I smiled and turned to leave. "Just try not to be seen by the neighbors, please!"

"I will!" I heard him promise as I exited the room.


Caden POV

I heard the door to Alice’s bedroom close shut. Now all I had to do was wait for her signal and get out without being seen.

I sighed. Why had I come here in the first place? I could've gotten her in serious trouble with her aunts. Then again it was probably the drug talking.

I grimaced. I shouldn’t have taken it! But I didn’t have much of a choice.

I remembered being at a house in a nice part of the town. It probably wasn’t the client’s house; who would be dumb enough to make deals like this in their own home!

I looked around. There was a bunch of family photos on the corner table. None of the people currently in the room were present on them.

"The family is probably on vacation for the weekend and they are just taking advantage of the empty house," I thought.

I looked back at the client – Marc. He was in his thirties, with short gelled hair and a fancy suit. He was sitting on the couch opposite my sofa. There was a coffee table with a couple of lines of coke on it between us.

"So?" The guy asked me. "Do we have a deal or not?"

"We do." I shrugged nonchalantly trying not to give away just how much I needed the money I’d get from it.

"Great!" He clapped his hands joyfully. "Let’s celebrate!" The man leaned down and snorted one of the lines. "The other one is for you." He nodded at me while wiping his nose with the back of his hand.

"I’ll pass." I answered evenly, getting up to leave.

"Oh, come on, Caden! I know you used to take it; Logan told me all about it."

"I’m sure he did!" I thought bitterly and clenched my fists at the mention of that name.

"I don’t do it anymore," I replied.

"Just one line, for old time’s sake!" He tried again. "I really prefer doing business with my kind of people…" He added when I still didn’t move. "… the kind that know how to enjoy themselves. Actually I pretty much insist on it."

His smile was wide but it didn’t reach his eyes. I knew what his words meant: take the dose or the deal is off. It’s been a while since I’d done this but I knew how to take it. I sat back down on the couch and leaned over the coffee table.

I hesitated. Were those money worth doing this again?

Then I remembered why I needed them: for her.

I leaned even closer and inhaled the line with my name on it.

"Attaboy!" The guy clapped his hands again. "I bet you liked it, didn’t you? And if you want more I’m sure we’ll be able to arrange something."

So that’s why he insisted so much! He wanted to hook me up. Should’ve guessed it sooner. But lately I did my best to stay away from dealers. It was safer that way.

"Come on!" The guy prompted. "Let’s drink!"

"I have other plans," I lied, getting up again. "See you when I’m done with my part of the deal."

I wanted to run out of the house but deliberately kept a leisurely pace. Once I was sure they couldn’t see me I sped up. I turned a few corners and saw a familiar house: Alice’s.

Everything afterwards happened on impulse. I snuck into the back yard and looked up. The lights in her room were off. Was she sleeping?

Next thing I knew, I was climbing up a tree and entering her bedroom through the window. I got inside and shut the window behind me. I turned around. The room was empty. Before I could decide if I should leave or not, the door opened and in came Alice herself. She was wearing a dark singlet and lighter-colored shorts.

She looked really cute like that.

She turned around and I remembered how her eyes widened as she finally noticed me.

I should’ve left then!

It would’ve saved her from seeing me in the state I was in. And me seeing her reaction when she found out about the coke. I couldn’t explain to her why I took it. She probably thought I was a junkie now.

Her words from this morning flashed through my mind:

“What? Somebody pulled a gun to your head and forced you to take it?”

If only she knew how close to the truth that was! If I’d said “no” I’d be out of the deal. And I knew too much for someone who was out…

I felt the phone vibrate in my back pocket.

Well, I guess it was time to go!

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