Akeno's And Daniels Baby Shower. Hosted By Sona Sitri.

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The week prior to the baby shower was interesting to say the least. Hilarious at most. Serafall Leviathan arrived on time a few hours before ten in the morning I volunteered to get her and was front row center to the biggest sideshow in history.
I was sitting on a bench when the devil train arrived. "Well it's good to be back." Serafall said.
"Uh, Miss Serafall?" I asked.
"Hi. I'm Daniel Boyce I am here to pick you up at Sona's request."
"Thank you. Wait, Daniel B... your Akeno's boyfriend and the one who convinced Sona to invite me to your baby shower?"
"That's right. Inviting you and being nice to you were conditions that would allow her to throw our baby shower."
"That explains a lot. But thank you for having her invite me."
"Just as long as you don't wear any magic girl cosplay and we'll be good." 
"Sounds difficult but definitely doable." I picked up her suitcase and led her through a teleportation circle. And we were at Sona's home in the guest room. "Well thank you for helping me Daniel. And congratulations to you and Akeno."
"Your welcome and thank you Serafall." I walked back through the transportation circle and was in my room. Akeno was sleeping and I smiled as I sat on the edge of the bed. After a while I quietly stepped out of the room.

I got about halfway through a chapter of a book and Rias came up. "Akeno still asleep?"
"You excited to become a father?"
"Yes I am. Just worried."
"About what Daniel?"
"Whether I'll be a good dad or a horrible one."
"If you ask me." Rias sat next to me. "I think you'll be a very very good and fair father. And Akeno will be an absolutely perfect mother."
Then Xenovia slid next to me, "I agree. You'll be a great father and Akeno an excellent mother."
"How long were you listening?" I asked.
"Not long." Xenovia said. "But I do believe that you'll be a great father. And Akeno a wonderful mother."
Then Asia came into the room. "Hey guys." She smiled.
"Hey Asia." We said.
"What's going on?"
"Oh Daniels worried that he won't be a good dad to his and Akeno's baby." Rias said.
"Oh I think he'd be a great father." Asia replied to Rias' explanation.
"Three for the affirmative. Does anyone know what Koneko's opinion is?"
"I'd think you would be a good father." Koneko said appearing behind me.
"Make that four in the affirmative." I spoke to the girls into the afternoon hours. After the clock said one thirty. I said, "See you later guys." And headed to me and Akeno' room and barely laid down as Akeno started to stir.
"Morning baby."
"Morning my angel." I smiled.
"Sleep well?"
"Actually I did."
"Good to hear baby."
"How about you?"
"Our baby sure does take so much energy out of me. But I did sleep rather well." She smiled and leaned over and kissed me. "Mmmm, well let's get ready for the day honey." She smiled as she got dressed for the day. Once she was dressed In a loose shirt and a nice black colored skirt. I watched her smiling from ear to ear as I thought about how lucky I was to have a woman like Akeno as my girl. Once she was ready she sat on my lap. I looked up into her eyes and she caressed my face. "So did you pick up and escort Serafall this morning?"
"Yes I did."
"Good. Well me, Rias and Sona have some things to plan for the baby shower so have fun with the boys baby." I stood up which caused her to get up on her feet. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close. She nuzzled into my chest. "I love you my warrior."
"And I love you too my priestess." I grinned. We pulled away and she left the room and I followed suit as Kiba met me at the front door.
With Issei in tow Kiba along with Xenovia went to the park to practice sword play. It kept my mind busy along with giving me the opportunity to practice and perfect a couple of strategies I've had brewing in mind.
After about an hour or two of sword practice I was smiling as I was finally able to get the tactics I was mulling over tried and perfected.
"So Daniel." Kiba said. "Xenovia told me that you think or worried about not being a good dad."
"Of course she did."
"If you want my opinion. From what I've seen since you became a devil. I'd say you'd be a wonderful father." He smiled.
"Thanks dude." I smiled.
"Your welcome Daniel."
Then I heard a pair of footsteps. "Hey Saji." Issei greeted.
"Hey Tsubaki." Kiba added.
"Hey guys." Saji said.
"Hey. Congratulations on you and Akeno's recent joy." Tsubaki smiled as she hugged me.
"Thank you Tsubaki." I giggled and grinned.
"Your welcome." I stowed the Claymore around my neck and put my vest on. "By the way, Azazel and Sirzechs are looking forward to the father party. And Baraqiel is also looking forward to it."
"Well this will be the first time me and my 'father' in law will be in the same place without any impending threat. Which I'm very happy about to be honest." I smiled.
"Well I know you two are not here for pleasantries completely."
"My mistress is thankful for you giving her the opportunity to host the baby shower, however she is wondering why you insisted on Serafall attending?"
"Serafall is a devil king some might think that's why I asked her to attend. But it's not. Forgive my plain and blunt speaking but Sona needs to learn that family may be annoying  , often irritating but you either take them as is or tell them to kick rocks. And I think she's what's the term I'm looking for? Tolerating Serafall. I don't think it's fair to Serafall at all. I know Serafall can be a handful from what I've heard from Rias and Akeno. I did not intend my request on Sona as a punishment more as a lesson. I know you two understand." They nodded. "Besides, Akeno has been thinking of making Sona a devil mother of our kid and if that reaches Sona's ears I will clap the ones of the person responsible for telling her."
"Understood." Saji and Tsubaki said in unison.

For the remainder of the week everything slid into place for me and Akeno' baby shower. The day of the shower was fun and interesting to say the least.

I woke up to see Akeno looking at me smiling and giggling. "Morning my knight."
"Morning my queen." I kissed her forehead and lips. "Today's the day. And it's going to be interesting honey. To say the least."
"Agreed. And I made an appointment with Dr Matsumoto Monday morning for the ultrasound and for another test I was going to forego but I can't wait to find out until our baby is born."
"You want to know if we're having a boy or a girl." I smiled as she nodded. "Well. Can't say I blame you. It would certainly give us a leg up on everyone." She hugged me close and I reciprocated it with my own. "Are we really ready for today?"
"No. But Sona is the one hosting the shower baby. So let's get ready. And you have a fathers shower with the boys and my dad. And I have a mothers shower with the girls. What's say we shower together before we head off to our respective parties before the mixer tonight?"
"Sounds good to me darling." We got up out of bed and snagged a couple towels and quick change of clothes. Then headed to the bathroom and after locking the door stripped down to nothing. And she turned on the water in the shower and smiled as I approached her from behind and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck. "We haven't had a moment like this in a long while baby."
"No. And I'm glad we get to before our separate parties and the mixer tonight." I smiled and washed her back and her legs one at a time. She giggled as a couple spots on the back of her legs were ticklish. She was so beautiful as I rinsed her off and I washed my chest and stomach while she washed my back. After we rinsed off. We stood under the shower head and kissed each other until Rias knocked on the door.
"Guys. Time for the men and women baby shower parties."
"Thanks Rias." I smiled and looked at Akeno. "Well at least we had a few moments." I kissed her cheeks and lips. "I love you so much Akeno."
"And I love you Daniel." We dried each other off and got dressed into our nice street clothes.
I headed downstairs to meet up with Kiba and Issei before heading out to meet up with Azazel, Baraqiel, Sirzechs and Saji.

After I left Rias approached Akeno.
"Akeno. Can I speak to you about something personal?"
Rias and Akeno went into our room and she locked the door.
"What's going on, Rias?"
"Look. I know this will sound strange and weird. But I was wondering if you would be okay if, Daniel gave me at least one..."
"Kid?" Akeno asked. Rias nodded nervously. "What brought this on?"
"I'm tired of Issei dragging his feet and he's not advancing too quickly. But I've noticed that Daniel is even though he's been with us for less than a year."
"Well I wouldn't mind as long as you understand that Daniel is a one woman man. But convincing him is going to be no easy task."
Rias smiled, "Well come on. Your guests await."

I arrived at the docks with Kiba and Issei and was greeted by Sirzechs, Saji, Azazel and Baraqiel. "Hey, Daniel. Congrats on your coming fatherhood." Azazel smiled.
"Thank you I think." I said.
"How's my daughter?" Baraqiel asked.
"She's doing okay. She hasn't reached the ultimate hormonal stage yet but I'm expecting that to happen anytime now."
"Ha. Well, I'm sure that you and Akeno will be great parents."
"By the way Daniel." Sirzechs said. "Did you and Akeno decide on a devil father and mother?"
"Well. Akeno is going to choose the devil mother and I'm in charge of choosing the devil father." I smiled.
We all baited our lines and threw them into the water. Of course only me, Kiba, Azazel and Sirzechs were fishing and everyone else were playing cards.
We chatted for at least two hours until Issei began to complain about being bored. "Baraqiel. Can you hand me the ace?" I asked. He did. I blew across it and threw it at the center stack. Impaling the left over cards. Issei shut up after that.
"Speaking of boring." Sirzechs started. "Issei, my sister says your not advancing in your training or anything else for that matter." We all looked at Issei with questioning glares.
"Wait. Sirzechs, are you telling us that the red dragon emperor is having advancing and all around performance issues." I tried to hold back some laughter but was slowly failing. Azazel, Baraqiel, Saji and Kiba were laughing pretty hard. I stood up and pulled on the line and a fish came along with it about a thirty pounder.
"Well your a lucky guy. I hardly catch ten to fifteen pounders." Azazel said.
"Well I have a beautiful woman who loves me as much as I love her, we're about to start a family and I have a lot of friends who are behind me." I smiled.
We chatted a little more before packing it in and heading to Issei's home.

We walked into the door and were met by Gasper and girlish laughter which I guessed was coming from the parlor. "Hey Gasper buddy." I kneeled as he smiled and ran into my arms.
"Don't leave me alone with the girls again."
"I promise buddy."
I stood up and we walked into the parlor. Akeno smiled as she looked at me and Baraqiel. "Daddy, baby." She said giggling as I sat next to her. Asia was handed the fish we caught and she and Xenovia took them in the kitchen to clean and prep them. "It seems the hunters have gotten quite the bounty at the dock." Serafall smiled.
I smiled at Akeno and she leaned into me. "So, what have you girls been talking about while we men were out at the dock and having a grand time?" I joked.
"Not much. Just how happy we are for Akeno for finding a man that has the guts to make her happy and to give her a family." Sona said.
"Speaking of which." I got up and headed to a china cupboard in the far corner, retrieved a small midnight blue box from it. "This is for Akeno when this is party is all done. But I'm not going to give it to her until the last gift is given."
"Let's start." Sona said and for  the next two to three hours everyone gave Akeno and myself their gifts for our little boy or girl. So naturally the colors were gender neutral.
And once the last gift was given, I pulled the box from my pocket and everyone fell silent as I got on my knee and held Akeno's hand and said without a moment's hesitation, "Akeno Himejima. Ever since I first saw you after coming to this beautiful country and to the academy as a transfer. I knew that you were going to be someone special to me. And I had no idea how right I was. Ha ha. Now we are about to start a family and I would be very short on my Celtic heritage if I didn't ask you this important question," I opened the box and inside was a beautifully made diamond ring. "Akeno." Her eyes glistened from the light of the room but also the shine of the diamond. "Will you do me the honor and pleasure, of becoming my wife?"
She was smiling so wide that I thought her smile would curl under itself. Rias and Xenovia were even surprised by the ring. "Yes." Akeno whispered.
"Yes, yes, yes." She said a little louder and launched into my arms after I place the ring on her finger.
"Well, well, well. This is certainly something. What started as a baby shower has turned into an engagement party." Baraqiel smiled.
I looked at Akeno. "I love you."
"I love  you more." She smiled as I kissed her forehead.

That Monday at Dr. Matsumoto's Office...
"Mister Boyce, Miss Himejima. Ready for your baby's first ultrasound?" He asked.
"Ready as a couple can be doc."
"Okay." He started the ultrasound and what he found was quite surprising. "Well, I think a major congratulations are in order."
"What's up?" I asked him.
"Your not having one child."
"Really?" Akeno smiled.
"No, your having triplets."
Akeno was overjoyed as was I.
"Two girls and a boy by the looks of things."
We were completely overtaken by our joy and Akeno was beyond happy to say the least. The rest of the ultrasound went by the book and after we got our babies first picture as it is commonly called now. We went back to Issei's home.

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