Raynare's Return For Peace.

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I was walking with my kids while Akeno and Rias were busy with devil work like setting up pacts or organizing summoning requests. The kids played with each other and I kept a watchful eye on them. Smiling as my kids made sure not to hurt each other. At least not bad enough where I would have to get involved.
Then I felt her, "Come on out Raynare. I know your watching me."
"Still haven't lost your touch. I see." Raynare said.
"No and since me and Rias and Akeno have these kids all it did was bring more joy, happiness and peace and heightened my eyes and ears, my all around senses." I didn't take my eyes off the kids for even a second as I continued, "Now why don't we get to why your really here Raynare and don't try to sell me on the 'social call' excuse."
"I know you and your family and friends may hate me Daniel. But after I saw you take Risers head. It made me rethink things. I want peace between at least me and you and Akeno and Rias. And I hope you believe me. I just want peace."
"Anything else?" I asked as I sensed there was something she wasn't telling me.
"Yeah. Loki's back and he's coming for Rias and her peerage which will include you and you and Akeno's and her kids." I turned my head as she walked in front of me. "Past transgressions aside. I want peace and I want to make sure that you, Rias, Akeno, Asia, Xenovia, Gasper, Koneko, Issei, Kiba and your kids are safe or at least aware of what's going on." I looked at her and she had tears in her eyes. And I could tell for some reason that she was telling the truth.
"I can't speak for my friends or my wives or family. But I'm going to go out on a major ass limb here Raynare. And begin this quest for peace between us and our families." I extended a hand which surprised Raynare. "But, if you even think or attempt to swerve me or my family or friends, then what I did to Riser will look like childs play."
"Agreed." She shook my hand and I smiled.
"Now, I'll talk to Akeno and Rias and see if they will agree to meet with you and listen to what you have to say."
"Thank you."
"Your welcome." I pulled her in for a hug and I could tell she was surprised but after a moment she smiled and hugged me back. Once we pulled away the kids approached us. "Hey guys ready to go home?"
"Yeah but whos this dad?" DB asked.
"Raynare. This is Shuri, DB, Thorin, Red, Sophia, Ria and Sahara." She nervously waved. "Guys this is Raynare an old enemy of your mothers and I who wants to make peace."
Little Ria and Sahara approached Raynare. I just observed along with their brothers and sisters. Soon Ria and Sahara smiled and extended their hands. I was dumbfounded personally but they seemed to trust her and the other kids followed suit. After Raynare left us alone me and the kids headed back home and I got them to keep quiet on them meeting Raynare. I told them that I wanted to talk to their mothers about meeting with Raynare and listening to what she had to say. They smiled at me and agreed.

Once Akeno and Rias got home I intercepted them in the living room. "May I speak to you two for a few minutes before you start doting over the kids." They nodded. They followed me to Rias' office and I told them that Raynare came to me while I was out with the kids and told them verbatum what Raynare said. Once I finished Rias and Akeno thought about it and talked amongst themselves as I stood waiting for their opinion.
"What else did she say aside from that she wants peace?" Akeno asked.
"She told me that Loki's coming and he is looking for revenge."
Rias's face went pale. "We need to send the kids somewhere." Rias panicked.
"Whoa. Whoa. We can send them either to stay with Sona or have them stay at Culzean Castle. And I'll make sure that they have not only protection but someone with them to make sure they are safe."
"And who might that be."
"Me, Akeno." Baraqiel said as he came in.
"Dad." Akeno smiled.
"Daniel. Are you sure Loki is coming back." He asked me.
"Thats what Raynare said. And I'm not entirely sure why but I believe her." I looked at Rias, Akeno and Baraqiel.
"Well, even though he believes her I think he'll understand if I said that we need to meet with her." Akeno said as Rias nodded.
"I'm not sure how I can get ahold of her to arrange it though."
"Somebody call me." Raynare appeared behind Rias.
"What all I had to do was think your name and you appear?" I asked.
"Pretty much yeah." She giggled.
Me, Baraqiel, Raynare, Akeno and Rias talked for barely ten minutes, even strategized contingency plans and backup plans.

After about an hours worth of talking and strategizing. As Baraqiel headed down to the living room to spend some time with his grandkids. I closed the door behind him and suggested something rather outlandish.
"Okay so we got some contingency plans and backups planned out. Might I suggest that someone else watch over our kids along or just in case Baraqiel isn't enough. No offense to your father Akeno Darling."
"Who did you have in mind?" Rias asked.
I gestured to Raynare. "Wha...me?" She asked.
"You want to make peace with us. This would be a huge, giant step in the right direction." I told her.
"He's got a point Raynare." Akeno said as Rias smiled and nodded in agreement.
"Well, okay. I guess if there's no other choice." Raynare smiled.
"There isn't any other." Me, Rias and Akeno said in unison.

Me, Rias, Akeno and Raynare walked out of the room and into the living room. Some of the kids ran up to us. At least Sahara, Red and Shuri. "Hey Aunt Raynare." Sahara smiled.
"Hey, Sahara."
Me and Akeno and Rias watched as Raynare played with the children. "Rias. I want you and Akeno to remember that no matter what happens during our fight with Loki. Whether we all survive or not. It's been a pleasure meeting you and spending my life with you and our beautiful children." Akeno smiled as did Rias.
"Same here baby." Rias and Akeno said in unison as they hugged me from both sides.
After we spent the day talking with Baraqiel and Raynare along with playing with our children. I thought it best to tell the children the truth. So once evening arrived. I had everyone gathered in the living room and told them altogether.
"I'm glad you all are here especially Baraqiel and our new friend Raynare. I am going to tell you what may be terrible news to some. Catastrophic news to others." I looked to Rias and Akeno who smiled at me. I was informed by Raynare that Loki is coming for us all as part of a revenge plot against this house. I am not sure if we will all come back alive since he is a god it's hard telling whether or not any survival is possible. But I will say this. I don't plan on giving up any ground. I don't plan on giving him an inch to proceed with his plan. One thing is for sure. Either we go down fighting or we succeed where others have failed. I will be making arrangements for the children to go to Culzean Castle tomorrow morning. And Raynare and Baraqiel will be going with them to protect them." I looked at Raynare and she nodded gently as she held Sahara. "So I'm asking you all as friends and fellow members of this house to be ready for a tough battle. Those who feel inadequate to fight with me and with this house. Shall not feel any regret or guilt. But I would like to know whether or not anyone will stand with me." Asia, Xenovia, Kiba, Koneko, Rias, Akeno and Gasper approached me. Issei was the only one who didn't. We all looked at him. "Issei. What's the matter boy?" I asked him.
"I'm sorry. I can't. I've faced him before and I don't want to do it again."
I sighed and shook my head. "Well I guess I should ask Vali for help and that won't be cheap or easy."
"What?! Your going to ask for Vali's help?!"
"You won't fight with us so..."
"Ohh, alright. I'll fight with you guys." Issei grumbled.
"Got ya." I grinned.
"You mean you played me."
"That's right." Rias, Akeno and Raynare giggled.
"Damn it."
"Well let's all get some rest. We have a lot on our plate tomorrow." Rias said as the kids ran upstairs to their room. Xenovia and the others went into the kitchen for something to eat and before I headed upstairs Baraqiel approached me.
"Daniel. What do you plan on doing about Loki?"
"Kill him." I said very plainly.
"Well you're going to need a very special weapon to defeat Loki. Any ideas."
"One. But I'll need the approval of Odin first."
"Well. Let's hope he gives his approval." Baraqiel said. I nodded and headed upstairs. Akeno and Rias noticed I had this overwhelmed look on my face. Even Raynare noticed the look on my face. Before they could head upstairs to find out what they could do Baraqiel stopped them at the bottom of the stairs. "Girls. It's best to leave him be for a while. Raynare you too."
"Okay." They whined.
"Come on. Let's join the others. " They begrudgingly did but what they didn't understand is that I needed privacy to talk to King Brian and the others of the Celtic afterlife.

I sat in the center of the social area of the deluxe apartment and concentrated. After a few minutes I was in the Celtic Afterlife and King Brian, William Wallace and Chulainn were talking over something that I couldn't hear but King Brian noticed me. 'Daniel, my boy. What are you doing here?'
"Loki's coming for my friends and I need some help."
'Name it Daniel.' William said.
"I need some arrangements made for my kids and my father in law and a fallen angel acquaintance to stay at Culzean Castle."
'Granted.' King Brian instantly said.
"And I need to speak with Odin."
'What about?' Said a gravelly voice. I looked in the distance and saw a long bearded and gray haired old man.
"Your Odin?" I asked.
'That's right sorry if I look different than the pictures from the Norse Mythology stories.'
"It's okay. Now, I'm sure you know by now that Loki's coming for my friends and family looking for revenge."
'Yes, I am aware.'
"I'm here to get your approval to have a god killer weapon forged for me."
'What did you have in mind?'
I laid out the design of the weapon I planned on using against Loki and he paced a few moments after I finished explaining the design. "So, do I have your approval?"
He approached me and said, 'Look as much as I hate saying this, Loki is my son and I understand your worried about your family. But I will not allow you to kill my son. However, knowing your taste for breaking rules and going behind peoples backs when it's called for. You leave me in a no win scenario. I give my approval.'
I wasn't smiling and a dwarf appeared and Odin gave him the specifications and the dwarf vanished.
'The weapon should be ready before Loki arrives tomorrow.'
"It better be. Because I'm not one you lie to." Odin thought I was kidding until he saw King Brian, William Wallace and Chulainn shake their heads in a 'he's not kidding' way.
'I'll add to the idea Daniel. You and your friends win the coming battle with Loki. You will get to keep the weapon. By the way what is the name of it?'
"Reigns End." I said with very little hesitation. Everyone around me shivered. "And if you help Loki tomorrow, Odin. I'll be coming for you and destroy everything you hold dear." Odin nodded in agreement. "King Brian, Chulainn, William. Thank you for helping me with arranging a stay at Culzean."
'No problem my friend and good luck tomorrow.'
"Thanks." I returned to the living area and woke with a start. 'Cough' "I need to get better at interlife traveling." 'cough'.
I rested a bit then headed downstairs to get something to eat. Everyone looked at me and I grinned and nodded. "Well now that the man of the hour is here we can begin." Rias smiled as she and Akeno gestured to a seat between them. I sat down and we all started eating. After dinner Rias, Akeno and Raynare even Baraqiel asked if everything was arranged. I nodded and Baraqiel and Raynare took a couch as the rest of us headed to bed.

"What do you think tomorrow holds baby?" Akeno asked stripping down to her panties and putting on another one of my spare shirts for sleepwear.
"I have no idea babe."
"Well, whatever comes our way. We'll face it together." Rias smiled as she was already in bed naked.
"Over achiever." I smiled. Akeno got in after I did. Once again I was between my beautiful wives and there is no better place to be.

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