Chapter One

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Flash looked outside at the grey clouds over the mountains. They had been there since before she had hatched, growing in size and foulness. They stunk up the air, so it always reeked of ash. The air had become unhealthy, too – many StormWings were sick and coughing right now because of it. And, sadly, the higher a dragon flew, the worse the air got. Too bad for the StormWings, they lived pretty high in the mountains. Her father, Shock, had just volunteered to go up there, and find out what was happening. She had told him that she would come, just in case.

Shock approached her from behind. "There's still time to change your mind about going up there, you know" he said gently. "No" Flash replied firmly. "I'm coming with you. What if something happens?" "I know, daughter, but I don't want to put you in danger"

"I'm still coming" Flash said. "Looks like a can't change your mind" her father replied with a worried smile. "Get the supplies, please" Flash hurried to the back of their house. She picked up two thick leather bags with lots of straps for keeping the bag on the dragon. She helped her father with putting his on, and then he helped with hers.

"Let's tie some fabric around our snouts before we fly" her father suggested. "Why?" Flash asked. "The air is probably going to be poisonous up there" he said. "We might want filters for the air we breathe" "Okay" That made sense. She took a scarf from her father and tied it around her snout. "Okay, let's go"

Flash stood on the ledge, looking back one last time at her home. I'm not sure if I should do this. What if this is a bad idea? But she watched her father take off, and, not wanting to let him to this alone, she followed him.

The air was thick and heavy, and it slowed their flying down. Flash struggled to beat her wings. Even though she had the scarf around her snout, her throat stung. "Is it – cough – time to do the – cough – test now?" she asked her father. "Yes" he rasped. "Get the tubes out" Shock cleared his throat. Flash continued the steady rhythm of beating her wings as she reached around in her bag for two long glass tubes in their own tiny case. She handed one to her father. They both knew what to do. The two held their breath, flying upwards towards the huge cloud of smoke. Flash opened her tube, and filled it with the smoke.

As she did, the smoke curled around her wings, her whole body, feeling more like molasses than a cloud. It filled the tube almost like water. As soon as the tube was full, she snapped the lid shut and put it into her bag.

Then a huge gust of wind blew through the mist, scattering it, clumping it, shaping it. She and her father were left in the middle of an almost-clear spot.

And the sun shone through.

The sun, which she had never seen before. It shone down, glowing with glorious light, almost blinding Flash. It was brighter than her own glowing scales, brighter than a flame, brighter than a flash of lightning. The sight of it was breathtaking.

And then, only a few seconds later, the wind blew again, even harder this time, shrouding the sun again. Flash was plunged into darkness, and she lit up her scales for light. Her father did the same, and then the wind blew harder, clearing the air between them. Their eyes met, and the wind ripped off Shock's scarf.

And he gasped. Breathing in the mist. Her father dropped his tube of mist, began to cough and sputter. He started turning blue. "Ack – help – Flash..." "DAD!" Flash cried out. She dove towards her father. She grabbed him, flying down.

Down, down, down, as far as she could. As fast as she could to the healer's cave. The flight seemed painstakingly long. "Flash... I might not – make it..." he gasped. "You will" Flash said, hopefully with confidence, but to her it seemed more like a question.

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