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Free: thats what i thought too when they changed it to a 1v1 but then I thought about how much fun it would be to battle with you as a team so i suggested that to the legends and they said its up to us to see who we would rather battle with but i know for sure who i would rather be battling with. Josephine: Since you're a legend and you can make the decision if it's a team battle or not and you clearly want a team battle and you want me to be your partner. So I expect your offer since it's not every day that a legend would ask a non legend to be there partner! Free's face lights up when he hears my response. Free: i would love to battle with you as my partner so yeah im making this the official offer i want you to be my partner in this battle if you agree to it? Free's eyes continue to glow yellow showing how serious he is with this situation. Josephine: I except. Free: does this mean you accept my offer to be my partner for this battle? Joesphine: Yes i accept your offer to be your partner for this battle. Free: thank you so much for accepting my offer i cant wait to battle with you as my partner! oh and one more thing......Josephine: Yeah what? Free: well since we're gonna be partners now it means we should have a cool name for our team so how does the name "Dark Storm" sound for our team? Josephine: "Death Dragon" Since Fafnir is a dragon bey and mine is based off of The Grim Reaper! Free: i like that! "Death Dragon" sounds like a badass team name and its fitting for our beys and our personalities! We should let the legends know about our team name so that they know who they're facing in the battle tomorrow. Joesphine: Yeah let's do that! Free then pulls his phone out and texts the legends saying "Our team name is Death Dragon, its a perfect fit for our beyblades and personalities and we're gonna prove to everyone that we're the strongest team around!" and he also attaches a picture of him and Josephine together in front of his bed as proof that we are partners now. Josephine: Oh can you tell them that we are NOT dating I don't want them to get the wrong impression. Free nods his head and sends another text message to the legends saying "Also me and Josephine are not dating, we are just partners and nothing else so dont get the wrong impression" Josephine: Good just making sure. Free: so now that we have our team name and the legends know that we're thpartners what should we do now? Josephine: we can practice some combine attacks. Free: thats a good idea let's practice some combine attacks! Joesphine: I think we should start with something simple like a basic attack Free nods his head and throws his beyblade and I  throw mine at the same time and we both hit their opponents perfectly. Free: that was good but we should try doing something a little bit more difficult now like maybe a double attack? Josephine: Sure! He throws his beyblade again but this time he aims it so it goes directly above the opponent and then he tells me to launch my beyblade and then he tells me to aim for his beyblade and make it go directly into the opponent which will cause both of their beyblades to collide and hit the opponent at the same time with their respective attacks. Free: nice job! that was a perfect combination attack we should definitely use that in the battle against bel and delta. Josephine: Thanks! Free: no problem, so do you want to keep practicing or should we just relax and take a break for now? joesphine: Let's take a break and relax for now. Free: alright then let me grab us some water and we can sit down on the couch and relax for a bit and just chat if you want. He gets up and goes to the kitchen to get some water and comes back with two glasses of water and hands one to me and then we both sit down on the couch and look at each other. Josephine: Thanks Free. Free: no problem, its the least i can do since you accepted my offer to be my partner for the battle tomorrow. So you mind if i ask you a question? Josephine: Sure! Free: So you know how i said that i was kinda hoping you would become my partner instead of bel and that i have feelings for you? Josephine: Yes i do. He looks at me with a serious face, and his eyes started to glow again. Free: I love you. I played my hand on his cheek Josephine: I love you to.

Author's point of view:
His eyes widen in surprise and he blushes a bright red at the sudden touch of your hand on his cheek and he's speechless for a moment before he finally manages to say something Free: You love me? Josephine: yes. Free's face gets even redder with embarrassment and he smiles widely and his eyes are glistening as he looks at you. Free: really?...... Free is really excited to hear this and he can't believe that you said yes to him wanting her to be more than just his partner and that he has a chance with you after all.

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