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"This place is fucking huge!" Wade announced as he, Bob, and Mark stepped foot on the sale floor of the convention.

"It's a convention, Wade." Mark told him. "A popular one, at that. Of course it's going to be huge."

"That's what she said." Bob muttered, earning a smack on the arm from Mark.

Dark and Wilford walked up behind them. "Where are these assholes?" Dark asked.

"They never said." Mark answered.

"Great, we'll have to fend for ourselves." Someone ran into Dark, and he spun to them, fuming. "Watch where you're walking, bitch!"

The guy turned around with wide eyes. He had brown hair hidden under a bowl hat, and wore a dress suit without the jacket. He also had a fake mustache on.

Wilford grinned at him. "JJ!" The guy grinned back and jumped into Wilford's arms, letting himself get picked up and spun around.

"Great, we found the mute one." Dark rolled his eyes.

"Hey." Bob snapped. "Don't disrespect Wilford's man like that."

Dark scowled at him. "Whatever." Something hit the back of Dark's head, and he spun around, seeing a black shock collar hit the ground with a thud. He looked up to see another boy approach him before he smacked Dark's face.

"Take the fucking shock collar back, bitch."

Wade grinned, laughing. "Looks like Anti found us!"

Anti looked over at them and smiled. "Hey, guys! Long time, no see!" He looked over at Wilford and JJ. "Good to see that I'm not the only one who found their significant other."

A baseball hat appeared on Anti's head. "That won't last long!"

Anti spun around and flung the hat at another boy who was running away. "Fuck off Chase!"

"Where's your brothers?" Bob asked.

Anti shrugged. "I think Marvin and Jackie are looking at manga somewhere. Schneep is somewhere doing something."

"And Sean?"

A blonde-haired boy ran between everyone and stopped to use Bob as a human shield. "You'll never catch me alive, Sean!" He began scrolling on a phone that clearly didn't belong to him. "There's so much stuff on here! Oh, where to look first... why not go into you and Markimoo's messages?"

Another, green-haired boy reached around Bob, throwing the blonde to the ground. "Give me my fucking phone, Felix!" He looked up at the others. "Hey, guys. Just give me a minute-"

Felix stood up and began running around the group. "You can't get me!"

Mark stuck out his leg, tripping Felix in the process. He grabbed Sean's phone from his hands. "You're an asshole, Felix."

Felix grinned at him. "I try."

Sean walked up to Mark, kissing his cheek and taking his phone back. "Thanks, babe."

"You're welcome."

"Blech." Anti fake-gagged. "Let's just walk around."

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