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"If you could be any ice cream flavor, what would it be?"

Wade stared at Sean. "Did you only ask that because you want ice cream?"


"Mint chocolate chip." Mark said. "And I'll get you some ice cream tomorrow."

"Yay! What about you three?"

"Vanilla with sprinkles." Wade replied. "Rainbow ones."

"The closeted gay." Bob remarked with a smirk.

"Hey, I have a girlfriend!"

"The closeted bisexual."

"Who is she, anyway?" Sean asked. "Is she nice?"

Wade smiled. "She is, yeah. Her name's Molly- she's a junior at school."

"What about you, Bob?"

"Cookies and Cream. Wait, we're not talking about that anymore, are we?"

Mark laughed. "Nope. Sean's curious who your girlfriend is."

"Oh, Her name's Mandy, she's a freshman."

"Ooh, scandalous." Sean teased, before turning to JJ. "What's your ice cream flavor?" JJ shrugged. "That doesn't help me." JJ stuck out his tongue at Sean. "Wow, okay."

"SEAN!" Everyone heard the scream. They looked down the street as Anti and Wilford were sprinting towards them.

Wilford arrived first, scooping JJ into a tight hug. "Hi, baby! I missed you!" JJ smiled as he hugged Wilford back, closing his eyes blissfully.

Anti, on the other hand, stood in front of Sean, leaned down, and smacked him.

Sean held his cheek. "What was that for?"

"It's the middle of the night! Why are you out here instead of sleeping? Mom is going to kill you when she finds out you're out past curfew-"

"You're out past curfew, too." Sean pointed out. "Who do you think she'll be more mad at? Me, who went out fifteen minutes before curfew, or you, someone who went out an hour past it?"

Anti was quiet for a moment, then sat down with a huff. "I fucking hate you."

"Love you, too, brother."

"Shut the hell up."

"Hwy, Wilford." Bob spoke up. "If you were any kind of ice cream-"

"Strawberry." Wilford said immediately. "With bits of strawberry in it. Double strawberry."

"Wow, okay. What about you, Anti?"

"Green apple. Oh, or maybe Neapolitan."

"That's a good one." Wade said. "Three flavors in one. Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you chose vanilla with rainbow sprinkles." Mark teased.

"The closeted gay." Anti muttered.


"The closeted bisexual." Anti and Bob high-fived.

"...I hate you both."

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