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"So how was it?"

Jack groaned at Felix, tossing his napkin in a nearby trash can. "Can we not?"

"I'm sorry! You haven't, like, done it since Abigail, and I want to know what you thought of it!"

Mark was blushing, finishing his own ice cream. "Just shut up, Swede."

"HEY. Only Jack can call me that."

"And now I will, so suck it."

Wade swallowed his bite of ice cream. "You already did."

Jack covered his face. "Guys, please."

"Okay, okay, guys just stop bugging them." Bob said to everyone.

Jack laid back on the grass, looking up at the night sky. "I'm guessing it's the light pollution that's not letting us see the stars that well."

Wade nodded. "This is a big city, so we do have that problem. Mark likes to curse the light pollution out, it makes him really upset."

"Hey, space is beautiful, okay?"

Bob and Wade looked at each other, chuckling. "Oh, that's so cool!" They sang simultaneously.

"I hate you both."

Jack laughed at the three. "You guys are idiots."

"We try our best." Bob immediately pushed Wade over.

Jack heard grass crunch behind him, then Anti sat down. "Hey assholes."

"'Sup bitch." Mark said back.

Anti nodded at JJ, who was sitting on the nearby swings. "I thought you would be here." JJ nodded back, and Anti turned to the other guys. "What, no ice cream for me?"

Wade turned to a bag next to him and pulled out a small cup of Ben and Jerry's ice cream, handing it to Anti. "Here. It's neopolitan."

"Thanks babe." Anti joked, taking the ice cream.

Wade groaned. "For the last time, I'm not gay."

"That's what they all say." Bob winked at him.

"I hate you."

"We love you too, man." Mark smirked. "But I have a boyfriend, so don't start flirting with me."

"God dammit, Mark."

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