Alex Ambrose - Recovery

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June 8 2019

Three Days have passed since the incident at the Saeki House. Alex was allowed to leave the hospital and go back home as he exited the main hall and went towards the door. He saw the city as a cold breeze hit his face as he continued walking until he heard someone calling his name as he saw who it was.

It was Alex's girlfriend Mickie who traveled to Tokyo after hearing about what happened to Alex. He couldn't say anything as Mickie hugged him as he hugged her back as she looked at him.

Mickie: Are you alright?

Alex: I'm fine. . . .

Mickie didnt want to ask him to many questions since he was too tired to answer them. Alex called for a cab as both of them got inside, Alex told the driver to drive them back to his apartment as the couple didn't say a word and looked at the city.

They eventually made it to the apartment as Alex paid the driver and the couple got inside the apartment as Mickie spoke to him.

Mickie: Is something wrong? You've been acting odd.

Alex: I'm fine. . . .

Mickie was feeling worried about him as she walked towards him and hold his hand as she spoke to him.

Mickie: You know I love you and I'm always here for you.

Alex: And I love you and I'm always here for you.

Mickie: Then Tell me what's the matter? Why did you jump through the attic window?

Alex: Mickie. . . That Women pushed me off the window.

Mickie: What women? Police said that house has been abandoned for two months now.

Alex: There's someone living in that house. There was also a little boy watching me and that women was in the attic.

Mickie: What did the women looked like?

Alex: She had long hair and her clothes were white, She was also making some strange sound.

Mickie: Alex, No one has been living in that house for two months. The Police also investigated that place and found no one living there.

Alex: I don't understand. . . There's someone in that house. . . . Am I going crazy?

Mickie: Alex, Calm down. Whatever happened, Happened. You need to rest up.

Alex: I guess so.

Mickie: Look Honey, Let's just move on from this.

Alex: Mickie. . . . Do you believe me?

Mickie: I do believe you.

Alex: Oh Okay then.

Mickie: Now Try to calm down, I'm gonna go to the convenience store to grab something, I'll be back soon.

Alex: I'll come with you.

Mickie: No, You need rest. Your health is more important.

Alex: Fine. . . .

Mickie smiled at him and kissed his cheek as she left the apartment as Alex was looking at her but unknown to him, Someone was watching him.

Alex didnt believe what the police said as he immediately walked towards his laptop and began searching up the house's information as he noticed a report about that house.

In 2004, A Father Killed his wife and son. No one knows why he did it, Witnesses claimed the family was happy and peaceful but are still shocked over what happened.

Alex's eyes were widen as he looked through the information and found out the owners names.

The Victim was Kayako Saeki, The Wife of Takeo Saeki. They have been married for six years.

The Second Victim was their son Toshio Saeki.

The Murderer is Takeo Saeki, The Husband of Kayako Saeki and Father Of Toshio Saeki.

Alex continued looking through the information but unknown to him, Kayako was behind him as she was looking at him.

Alex had this strange feeling that someone as he turned around and saw no one as he was confused until the printer automatically turned on as he was confused until he saw something being printed.

Alex: What the hell?

The Printer continued printing more pictures as Alex grabbed it and threw it on the ground as he was holding his head and closed his eyes until he heard the door being opened as he saw Mickie holding some bags.

Mickie: What happened?

Alex: Nothing. . . . Nothing happened

Mickie: What happened to the printer?

Alex: Oh it fell down when I was working on something.

Mickie: You should be more careful and your not suppose to work till your feeling better.

Alex: I know but-

Mickie: Your health comes first.

Alex: Yeah your right.

Mickie smiled at him as she went to the kitchen to cook something as Alex continued looking through the laptop for more information until he came across a news.

Twenty People have been missing for the last three years.

Alex continued looking through the names as he was shocked until he saw a interview from Detective Eason.

Reporter: So Your telling the public that The Saeki House is haunted?

Eason: It's not. . .

Reporter: Are you okay?

The Interview abruptly ended as Alex was confused until he saw an interview with Jack Ryan.

Reporter: So What are you trying to say Jack?

Jack: That House is haunted by three spirits who will kill anyone once they enter that house.

Reporter: But Nobody seems to believe in that story.

Jack: They're afraid to say their names because once they come in contact with the curse then they're dead.

Reporter: Over the last couple of years, More People have went missing whenever they moved to that house. Should the police shut it down?

Jack: I've been saying that for the one year but no one believes me.

The Interview was over as Mickie called Alex for lunch as he immediately got up and ate some lunch as he was also talking to Mickie.

A Couple Of Hours has passed and Alex was getting ready to sleep as Mickie gave him some tablets as they both fell asleep.

One Hour has passed as Alex and Mickie were in deep sleep as time continued to pass but unknown to them.

Alex and Mickie continued sleeping peacefully as they noticed anything in their room as time continued to pass until Alex heard a strange sound as his eyes were open and saw....

Alex was staring at Kayako's eyes as Toshio was watching him as he began remembering Jack's words about the curse.

(Once they come in contact with the curse, They're dead)

Suddenly Kayako and Toshio were gone as Alex immediately got up from his bed and drank some water and looked at his phone as the time is Eleven twenty two p.m as he spoke to himself.

Alex: I need to talk to Jack. I need to know what's going on here.

Alex immediately got up and changed into his casual clothes as he left the house and wanted to talk to Jack about this curse.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

Also Writing this at One A.M always creeps me out XD. Nonetheless I hope everyone enjoys :D

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