Jack Ryan - Revelations

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June 9 2019

The Time was Six twenty one a.m, Jack was awake as he was working on his laptop as Jessica was asleep. Jack was drinking some coffee as he was fixing his jacket until he heard a knock on the door as he was confused.

Jack: I wonder who that could be?

He closed the laptop and got up as he was stretching out before he continued making his way towards the main door as he opened the door and saw Alex looking at him.

Jack: Alex Ambrose.

Alex: Ummm, How do you know my name?

Jack: Your brother lived in the Saeki House two months ago and passed away.

Alex: Yeah. . . .

Jack: Come in, We can talk more about this house.

Alex nodded as he entered the apartment and sat down on the couch as Jack gave him coffee as he took the cup and began drinking it as Jack was also drinking some coffee.

Jack: How are you feeling?

Alex: To be honest, I'm not feeling well. I've been having hallucinations and I couldn't sleep well.

Jack: Kayako is trying to break your sanity.

Alex: I know that. What's the reason behind all of this? Why did Kayako's Husband killed her and her son?

Jack: Jealousy. . . . *Sighs* And Because of this, Kayako is a vengeful spirit who will kill anyone who entered this house.

Alex: Is there any way to stop all this?

Jack: Eason said there is no way to stop the curse. . . . However there is a way to stop all of this

Alex: What is it?

Jack: There is a exorcist name Nakagawa Kawamata who is known to communicating with spirits and performing rituals. She is also Kayako's Mother.

Alex: Are you sure she can put an end to this curse?

Jack: I hope so. Too many people have died and if this continues on, The Curse gets even stronger.

Alex: Great.

Jack: We should go right now.

Alex: Your right, There's no time left.

Jack nodded as he grabbed his jacket and texted Jessica before both of them exited the apartment and got inside the car as Jack started the engine and began driving towards Nakagawa's house.

Three hours later

Jessica woke up as she was feeling refreshed and energetic to start the day. She immediately got out of bed and noticed Jack wasn't around as she was calling his name but no response was heard.

Jessica: Jack! Where are you?

She continued looking around and noticed he wasn't at the house as she grabbed her phone and saw a text from Jack saying that He went outside for sometime and will come back later.

Jessica: Oh I hope he's doing alright.

She decided to take a shower and change into her casual attire as she was sitting at the couch looking through some pictures of her and Jack as she smiled at them.

She continued looking at the pictures until she heard a loud sound in one room which immediately made her jump as she was worried.

Jessica immediately got up from the couch and walked towards the room as she opened it and saw a room where Jack was developing some pictures as she looked around the room and found nothing.

Jessica: I really need to calm down. There's nothing here.

Suddenly she saw a picture in the water as she picked it up and saw the Saeki house as she placed the picture back in the water until she heard a loud sound which immediately made her jump.

Jessica was feeling scared as she continued hearing strange sounds until she looked back at the picture as her eyes were widen by what she just saw.

Jessica was scared as she saw the water was dark. Her heart was beating really fast as her blood was cold until she saw something which made her heart beat even faster.

Jessica eyes were widen as Kayako was looking at her. Both of them didn't break eye contact as Jessica saw the door was closed and she looked back at Kayako who is still staring at her.

Jessica continued staring at her until Kayako tried to grab her as she immediately push her way as Jessica was at the corner looking at Kayako crawling towards her.

Kayako continued crawling towards her as she let out a death rattle as Jessica was scared and screamed for help but the death rattle was getting louder and then....

Meanwhile Jack and Alex managed to make it to Nakagawa's House as they got out of the car and walked towards the door. Alex knocked on the door as he spoke to Jack.

Alex: Are you sure she can find a way to stop this?

Jack: I'm sure.

Alex: I just want to know, What was Kayako's Husband so jealous about?

Jack was gonna say something until they saw the door being opened as They both entered the house but saw no one as they were confused.

Both of them continued looking around until they heard a voice as they turned around and saw Nakagawa staring at them.

Nakagawa: Who are you?

Jack: I'm Jack Ryan, I'm an investigator.

Alex: Alex Ambrose, I'm a photographer.

Nakagawa: What do you want?

Jack: We need your help.

Alex: It's about your Daughter Kayako.

Nakagawa looked down on the ground as Jack and Alex were looking at her until she gave them a death glare.

Nakagawa: She's dead.

Jack: We heard about you, You know how to get rid of evil spirit. Please we need you to stop this curse.

Nakagawa: I can't do anything about it.

Jack: What are you talking about?

Nakagawa: You two need to leave.

Jack: What's going on here?

Nakagawa was gonna walk away until Alex stopped her as she pushed him away but Alex grabbed her arm as he began having memories.

The Memories showed a family asking Nakagawa to remove a evil spirit from their relative as she began the exorcism until she called Kayako.

Nakagawa managed to free the evil spirit from the relative as she fed it to Kayako as she was sad and angry.

Nakagawa: Whenever They need me to remove any evil spirits, I always fed Kayako these spirits as a vessel.

Alex moved back as Jack was helping him as he glared at Nakagawa.

Nakagawa: You saw nothing!

Alex: You monster, You fed Kayako these evil spirits. No wonder her heart is filled with hate.

Jack: My God. . . . That explains everything. You started the curse!

Nakagawa: I did not. Kayako was foolish and she deserved everything that happened.

Jack: Your sick.

Nakagawa: But I'll be honest with you two. I can't stop this, No one can stop this. This Curse has gotten stronger and I'm afraid there is no hope in stopping it.

Jack and Alex were shocked as Nakagawa noticed the lights flickering until her eyes were widen.

Nakagawa: You. . . . Brought her here.

She fell down as her vision began to get blurry as she looked at Jack and Alex and then....

Nakagawa was holding her chest as Kayako was staring at her as she began to let out a death rattle while her mother was staring at her in shock until she died of a heart attack as Alex and Jack were shocked.

Alex and Jack saw Nakagawa was dead as Jack immediately ran to his car and drove off leaving Alex behind as he immediately sent him a text.

Jack: Alex, Go meet Detective Eason. I need to go check on Jessica.

Alex had Detective Eason's number since Jack gave it to him during the ride to Nakagawa's house as he began dialling it until he heard the phone being answered.

Alex: Detective Eason.

Officer: Who is this?

Alex: I need to speak to Detective Eason. I really need to talk to him.

Officer: Detective Eason is dead.

Alex's eyes were widen as the call immediately got disconnected as he realized Jack was in danger.

Meanwhile Jack managed to make it to his apartment as he immediately opened the door and called for Jessica's name but he didn't hear any response.

Jack saw a room with a door opened as he immediately went to check it out as he looked around and saw Jessica's phone on the ground as he was shocked.

Jack: No. . . .

He heard a knock on the main door as he went to check it out until he heard the death rattle coming from the door as his eyes were widen until he saw something coming out through the door as he saw what it was.

Jack fell down on the ground in shock as Kayako let out the death rattle as Jack was in a state of shock as he continued looking at her.

Meanwhile Alex managed to make it to Jack's apartment as he immediately ran upstairs and tried to open the door but it was locked as Alex was hitting the door until he saw Jack talking to him.

Jack: Alex. . . . I'm sorry. . .

Alex: Jack!

Jack: Eason was right. . . . There is no way in stopping the curse.

Alex saw Jack being dragged as he tried to open the door until he saw who was behind Jack.

Alex managed to break the door as he entered the apartment and looked around but Jack was gone along with Jessica.

Alex was holding his head in frustration as he began hearing the death rattle as he immediately left the apartment.

He didn't know what to do now.

A/N: Thanks For Reading And Stay Cool :)

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